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Nick B.


I think that describing the problem in detail, then outlining your objectives or goals for solving it,
followed by the project plan, qualification, cause, or budget, and finally benefits would help you gain a
deeper understanding of the subject and increase your knowledge.

"Let's write for our future," since that is what you are doing when you write a project proposal:
striving to grow and try to do something for the future. That is the main objective of a project proposal.
A project proposal should always begin with a challenge. You cannot start writing your thesis or
dissertation without a difficulty, just as you cannot start writing your thesis.

The issues that you may see and notice in your immediate environment are opportunities that
could benefit not only our school but also our community. But the real query is: Will you help in?
Because Filipinos have a lot to say, the question is if we are willing to contribute to the solutions of
those challenges. If so, we are prepared to present the actual project proposal.

It is crucial that we consider the betterment of the community while developing project
proposals rather than our own interests. It is done for others and for everyone, not just to get a passing

The problems you could observe and discover in your immediate environment represent
chances that could be advantageous for both our community and school. The actual question, though,
is: Will you assist? Filipinos have a lot to say, thus the question is if we are willing to participate in
finding answers. If so, we are ready to offer the project proposal in its entirety.

When creating project ideas, it is imperative that we put the good of the community before our
own interests. Not simply to achieve a passing grade, but for everyone and others as well.

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