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Staying Motivated

In Your Job Search!

• List 8 ways to stay
motivated in your job
• Create a written job search
• Develop an action plan with
specific goals and steps
What makes it hard to stay
Staying motivated?

Motivated Brainstorm individually and make a list of what

gets in your way.
Staying Motivated
• Create a system that works for you and
stick to it!
• First step: organize your materials from this
Step 1 •
Develop a wat to track job listings,
applications, and cover letters.
• Keep track of your target employer list and
Get organized and stay
research about companies.
Check out these 5 job search trackers:
• Job search is hard and there are so many
distractions--so discipline is key!​

Step 2 •

How many hours can you work on your job
search each week? Be realistic​

• What time of day is best for you?​

Work a schedule and be •
productive. • Have a written plan for your day/week with
specific job search activities.​

How many hours will you commit to your

job search? Write it down!
Monday 10-2:30
Sample Job • Work on Accomplishment
• Google 3 sample resumes I like/target job.​
Search •

Research to identify a target employer.​
Look at 3 sample LinkedIn pages​.

Schedule Tuesday 1:00- 7:30

• Refine accomplishment statements.​
• Hike (if not raining) Other self-care​.
Goal: 20 Hours • Meet-up Group​.
• Organize job search materials​.
• Connecting to others can be motivating and
prevents isolation​.
• Find an accountability or “sandbox” buddy,
check in once or twice a week​.
Step 3 • Team up with other people to go to job fairs,
meetups, and networking events​.

Develop a support system.

Come to Chart your Course (CYC) every
Tuesday to connect with other JSA grads.
Look for the Cup of Coffee newsletter for
the registration link.
• Brainstorm a list of contacts from work,
volunteering, friends, and others​.
• Use LinkedIn to identify companies and
Step 4 •
potential contacts​.
Go to job fairs, networking events,
conferences, and other events.​
Network! • Come to Chart your Course (CYC).​
• Learning something new can renew our
• Think about what you need to update your
skills in your field​.
Step 5 • Take courses (Lynda, Coursera, and other
• Look for conferences/meetups that offer
Build your skills. training on specific topics.​

Remember, courses can be added to your

LinkedIn profile. List recent training on your
• Remember, Self-Care is part of your job
search plan--count those hours!
• Identify at least one-self-care activity each
Step 6 •
day. Write it down.​
Stuck? Discouraged? Taking a 15-minute
break can help you refocus​.
Schedule self-care. • Reach out to a friend, buddy or someone to
• Get outside: sit, walk, run, garden, read,
meditate, etc.
• Celebrate all the things you did and tried in

Step 7 •
your job search last week​.
Give yourself credit for new or difficult
things you did​.
• Share them with a supportive friend or other
Celebrate your JSAer​.
accomplishments. • Hard week – acknowledge self-care,
something else you did​.
List your accomplishments by the day or week​.

Step 8 Evaluate:​
• What worked well?​
• What was a challenge?​
Maintain momentum. • What did I learn about myself?​
• Was my plan effective?​
• What do I want to do differently?​
Setting Goals
and taking
What’s a SMART Goal?

Setting SMART Specific: Job applications​

Measurable: 5
Achievable: Yes​
Goals Realistic: Yes​
Time-Defined: Weekly​

How can it be useful in your job search?

An Action Plan can help you
focus on what you want to
Job Search Goals

Action Plan Steps

Who can Help?​

Target Date​
Goal # 1: Rewrite accomplishment statements
on my Resume​.

Action Plan with Steps:

1. .

SMART Goal 2. .
3. .

Who can Help Target Date

Take 10 minutes to develop your action plan

Let’s Plan and for post-JSA starting first Monday.

Remember to set SMART goals

Commit •

Are your steps and goal realistic?
How will you know you’ve been successful?​
What’s your timeframe?​
Advantage of Come to Chart your Course: Tuesday

Post JSA Take advantage of Career Advising

• Resume review​
• LinkedIn & Networking​
Support •

Job Search Plan​
Check Cup of Coffee for scheduling links​

Resources Mock Interviews and Employers Events

1 year

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