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PE 3


1st day NOVEMBER 7,2022

First day of Hugyaw, everyone is excited and happy. A lot of students join
and witness the most memorable and remarkable opening. It was started by
the different dance competition joined by 8 different department the CTE-LHS,
CCJE,CAS, CBA,CMS,COT, CCS and CEA as showcase their different styles
and way of dancing.
2nd day NOVEMBER 8,2022

Second day of HUGYAW, during this day we came to the field and try to
observed different events and sports. Students and players are enjoying.
Excitement and perseverance can also be seen in their eyes.
3rdday NOVEMBER 9,2022

3rd day of Hugyaw, I am not a fan of this sport “volleyball’’. But I

stopped and take a shot , two teams are competing. Volleyball is a sport that
exerts much energy and effort. I buy a little more of my time and observed the
game. The way players return, tossed etc. makes me think that whatever sport
you do or like. We must always remember that in the end of the game we must
wholeheartedly accept the result whether you win or lose.
4thday NOVEMBER 10,2022

Yehey!! It’s thursday the 4th day of Hugyaw. We go the gym and watch the
volleyball game between CTE-LHS VS. CAS DEPARTMENT. We watched it
because one of the player is our cousin and we came to support him. Every
player contribute and share their abilities as they applied teamwork. And at
the end of the game CTE-LHS won against the CAS DEPARTMENT and every
player accept the result.

5th day NOVEMBER 11,2022

Last day of Hugyaw, I was not able to return to school in morning
activities. And I just take a peak during the afternoon events and I did not
take any photos. I roamed around the school and think “kakapoy kg may klasi
naman nextweek.” But all of those things that I have seen and witness from
the beginning of HUGYAW makes me realize that I am a lucky one. Why? It is
because after months of works, study and exam I can still be able to enjoy my
college life. And one thing that I learn from it is that no matter what or
whoever or whatever you do,as long as you do your best, everything will fall
from it’s perfect place with god’s guidance and assurance. I am so thankful to
UA for giving me this chance to witness and celebrate one of the tremendous
sports events in which I will cherish and remember from this day of life and
for next years.

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