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Dheniell G.

Dela Cruz
Understanding the Self

Course Outcome Assessment- 2


1. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals and transgenders? Why?

Yes, why wouldn’t I be? If adult people want to be married, why should I oppose that? Why
should I have any opinion about it at all? It’s not my business who marries who and I honestly
don’t care, as long as everyone is a human adult and doing it of their own free will. It’s not like
my life changes in any meaningful way when someone on the other side of the planet marries
someone of the same gender. My life wouldn’t even change it. They deserve the same rights to
marriage as strait people, denying it is just plain dumb and bigoted. treating everyone as equals
under the law. Since marriage is a social contract with many specific legal benefits, protections,
and responsibilities, it is unfair to withhold this legal construct from someone just because of an
inborn trait such as their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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