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Name : Siska Rahma oktaviani

Nim : A12121222

Title : The Importance of Sleep for Healthiness

Good sleep at night can increase the quality of an individual’s life. However, many people do not
realize it and tend to develop a bad habit by stay awake at night. In this era of advanced
technology, there were many disturbances for having a quality night sleep such as using mobile
phones for binge-watching movies and scrolling through social media. Thus, it is quite important
to understand and acknowledge how important getting enough sleep for our healthiness and
avoiding these kinds of a bad habits. ( Introduction )

Adults need at least 8 hours of sleep every night and some research has proofed that having
enough sleep provides health benefits and not merely for physical health, but also mental health.
For physical health, having enough sleep able to boost the immune system, improve the ability to
think, prevent obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and so forth. Furthermore, having enough sleep
has been proven to prevent a human being from a mental health problem such as depression and
anxiety. (Main Body)

Hence, sleep is a vital way to control our physical and mental health and as an adult, it is better
to fulfill our daily need of sleeping. Set your schedule to sleep on time and abstain from phone or
other distractions that may decrease the quality of sleep. Once we develop a good habit of
sleeping, thus we can carry out life well and be more relax to enjoy the days ahead . ( Conclusion

Red : Thesis statement

Name : Siska Rahma oktaviani

Id number : A12121222


1. (3) Nowadays, many men and women work in law, accounting, real estate, and business.
(4) These people are serious about becoming successful, so they work long hours during the
week and even on weekends. (5) People who work long hours are called "workaholics." (2)
Because they work so many hours, workaholics may not spend enough time in leisure activities.
(1 ) Therefore, workaholics' lifestyles can affect their families, social lives, and health. Thesis
statement : (4)

2. (4) Driving a car is a necessity in today's busy society, and it is also a special privilege.
(1 ) Therefore, anyone who wants to drive must carry a driver's license. (3) Getting a driver's
license is a complicated process. (2) It is divided into four steps: studying the traffic laws, taking
the written test, learning to drive, and taking the driving test . Thesis statement : (4)

3. (1) During this period, children separate themselves from their parents and become
independent. (3) The teenage years between childhood and adulthood are a period of growth and
separation. (2) Teenagers express their separateness most vividly in their choice of clothes,
hairstyles, music, and vocabulary. Thesis statement : (1)

1. don't live at home have several advantages.

A. If outside the home, young people can develop what they like.

B. Such as campus organization activities and other positive activities.

C. because at this time young people also need to know a lot about outside the home so they can
have positive experiences.

2. My city has several interesting places to to visit.

A. In the city of Palu there are many places to visit as well as people's enjoyment "you can also
take pictures".

B. Such as Huntap Duyu, Citraland, Talise Beach, and many others that can be visited.

C. Apart from the view, the food is also delicious, guaranteed that visitors will be full.

3. Three modern technological devices have changed the way we


A. such as computers, handphone and the internet.

B. These three devices play an important role in everyday life.

C. Because it can contact distant families, can find out information outside, and can also be used
for studying.

4. There are several types of movies that I especially enjoy watch ing.

A. I like to watch all kinds of films because I am a movie lover.

B. Especially if the film tells about an investigation I really like it.

C. It's just that I like watching horror movies when I have lots of friends".

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