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Poetry Analysis Framework

Use this framework to help you break down the layers of the poem.

Title: Introduction to Poetry

Author: Billy Collins

-hold the book to the light like a color slide
-light switch
-investigating a poem

-“Them” is a group of students, people that dont understand the poem
-He’s asking us to be the poem
-Look deeper into the poem
-Be patient
-That poetry takes time an effort
-Building relationships with poetry

1. What is your favorite line in the poem?

My favorite line in the poem is when they say “But all they want to do is tie the poem
to a chair with rope and torture a confession out of it.” The reason why is because it
means to me that people don’t really take time to analyze poems and think they are

2. Which symbols in the poem are impactful?

Symbols in the poem that are impactful are the mouse because it tells us that taking
time to read and analyze the poem will make it better for you like a mouse in a

3. What literary devices or figurative language make this poem impactful?

The literary devices that make this poem impactful are Similes, Metaphors, and
Personification. The reason why is because it can compare things to make it have
more meaning to it and so it can really express themselves.

4. If imagery is language that appeals to the senses, which image was particularly
vivid to you? What was its effect on you, as the reader?
An image that was vivid to me was how he would compare a lot of stuff to readers
that do not analyze poems. The effect on me as the reader is that it would make
more sense to me. For example comparing the mouse to a reader saying that if you
take your time on reading the poem you are eventually going to get it. Or that it is
like a waterski that it can be fun if you analyze it.

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