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What is coffee?
Coffee is a beverage that’s brewed with very hot or boiling water, and
coffee beans which have already been roasted and ground.

Coffee beans are sourced from coffee plants , members of the botanical
genus Coffea. The beans are found inside the plant’s fruit, which are known
as cherries; it takes about a year for a cherry to mature and ripen so its
bean can be harvested. Coffee is slightly acidic and somewhat bitter, it’s
known to have health benefits, it acts as a mild stimulant because of its
caffeine content, and it’s the second most-popular beverage in the
world (right behind tea, and not counting water).


Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant also found in smaller amounts in
tea, chocolate and soft drinks. It is currently the most commonly consumed
psychoactive substance, and the one to blame for coffee's potentially addictive
properties Caffeine is a Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulant that has the
ability to enhance concentration, increase metabolism, and boost
mood. People can develop a dependence on coffee and other Caffeinated
beverages quite quickly. This is due to the chemical changes that sustained
consumption produces in the brain. If someone drinks Caffeine on a daily basis,
they will develop a tolerance just as they would to other drugs or alcohol. After
a while, the user requires more and more Caffeine to produce the same effects
of alertness. Regular Caffeine drinkers become acclimated to the wake-up
effect that the substance produces and gradually require higher amounts to
achieve the same “Caffeine fix.” Similar to other drugs, people who abruptly
stop drinking Caffeine after prolonged use will start to suffer from withdrawal
symptoms and experience cravings. This causes many individuals to relapse
when attempting to quit and resume drinking Caffeine, regardless of the health
problems associated with chronic Caffeine use.

Effects of caffeine on brain

With its stimulating effects why coffee is the second most used
commodity in world. It keeps us awake more awake throught the
day. Whenever you are awake a chemical called adenosine slowly
accumulates in the brain and it binds to receptors that slow down
brain activities ultimately more the adenosine more tired the brain
feels which. Conversely when we sleep the concentration of
adenosine decreases gradually promotes wake fullness.longer you
are awake more the fatigue. But it turns out that the caffine in the
coffee is very similar to adenosine in structure. The caffine works its
way to the blood stream and into brain where it starts to compete
and bind with the adenosine receptors but because it is not
adenosine the sleeping effects are not felt. Adenosine can no longer
bind which means its calming effects are diminished which is great
for feeling tired but long term use of caffine the brain responds by
creating more adenosine receptors which mean more caffine is
required. When you try quit derinking coffee you may experience
some withdaraw simptoms it stimulates production of adrenaline
gets blood pumping and opens up air ways and it stimulate the
production of dopamine and decreases its reabsorbtion into brain
making is feel more happy. This dopamine stimulation is also
another factor that makes coffee addictive.

Caffeine and anxiety

 Caffeine may lead to magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is an important mineral and is involved in
many of the reactions happening in our body. Axiety and
depression can be caused by magnesium deficiency.
When we drink coffee body losses magnesium due to the
diuretic effect of coffee. Coffee is an acidic food and
intake of too much acidic food can lead to imbalance in
the PH levels of the blood and as a result the body uses
up magnesium to restore the old ph
Coffee can affect sleep. The ones who suffer from anxiety
if does not get enough amount of sleep can definitely
worsen up the condition
Caffeine increases the levels of adrenaline,
noreadrenaline and adrenaline which are stress
hormones. In other words it recreates the stress
conditions in our body because anxiety can be caused by
increased levels of flight or fight hormones in the body

Types of coffee and caffeine

arabica coffee has a more favorable balance of
healthy compounds than robusta.One of the main
differences between these two beans is the caffeine
content. The caffeine content of the Arabica bean is
roughly half that of the Robusta bean. The Robusta
bean will have up to 2.5% caffeine whereas the
Arabica will generally not have more than 1.7.

TASTE: One reason that the taste isn't as good

for Robusta is that it has more caffeine
compared to Arabica. Which may sound like a
positive thing but caffeine carries a bitter
taste which makes it an unpleasant drink. In
fact the Robusta bean has 2.7% caffeine
content, almost double the 1.5% of Arabica.
As mentioned here, Arabica contains
almost 60% more lipids and almost twice
the concentration of sugar than Robusta.
This factor also probably has a big impact
on why we prefer the taste of Arabica.
Chlorogenic acid (CGA) content: This
picture unfortunately, isn’t true – however
something that is actually a part of coffee is CGA.
It’s a significant antioxidant and an insect deterrent.
Robusta is 7-10% CGA and Arabica has 5.5-8% CGA.

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