3 - L2 - HW - Describing A Picture

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Student’s name: Brenda Bogarìn

Lesson #: 2 Sustainability
Homework Assignment #: 1
Due date: April 27th
Activity: Describing Sustainable and Unsustainable Contexts

Lesson 2 deals with the description of sustainable and unsustainable contexts. For this assignment,
you have to choose a picture from the Internet and paste it on the Assignment Sheet. You have to
describe the picture:

● Using the text in Lesson 2, page 34 as a guide. See that there is another similar text on page
● Organizing ideas clearly in PARAGRAPHS with TOPIC SENTENCES;
● Using picture description vocabulary (See the Picture Description Tips and Picture
Description Vocabulary on page 36);
● Making use of the structures that we have discussed in class.

Assessment criteria

Your teachers will use this table to give you feedback on your production.


Excellent Good Fair Poor

The student has addressed the task

appropriately. It is clear they followed all
the instructions before writing the text.
The student has used the vocabulary,
structures and all the information
available required in the activity. It is
evident the student is working with their
class notes and toolboxes.
The text is cohesive and coherent. The
message is clear and flows effectively
because the student has carefully
organized the information. The student
has been careful about the use of
personal pronouns and possessive
The student shows responsibility and
commitment. They have not used a
translator, they have not copied and
pasted texts from the Internet and they
have spent quite some time on this

As you can see, this is a part of a city that doesn’t show a nice perspective. I assume it’s from a

developing country.

On the right of the photo, there are a lot of little houses stacked together. I believe that people live

there and barely have space to do their tasks. Also, these houses don’t seem to be made of resistant

materials and they don’t look in good conditions. You can see that people put their clothes outside

so they can dry and they take lots of space. There are many things like buckets, bags, furniture parts

and tools that are laying on the ground. There is a small path as well, you can see adults and children

walking across it. They don’t look bothered by the disorganization so i guess they are used to it.

On the left of the photo, you can see some sort of lake. It is obviously not clean because there is

too much garbage that people throw next to it. In consequence, this water looks brown and

contaminated. It’s not so far to assume that people use this water to clean themself or even drink

from it.
At the background, there are a lot of nice and modern buildings. This part of the picture shows a

contrast in society that happens all around the world. We have a big difference between the two types

of living and you can see which one is the worst.

In conclusion, the place that catches our attention the most is not a sustainable context. I don’t

think it’s going to become one for a very long time. In the first place, there are no signs of urban

development. There is so much waste and people don’t seem worried about it. I think this can be

because of the lack of education they have. I feel that people don’t have many job opportunities as

well. There a lot of details to improve for this place to become a better one. Moreover, people that live

there have to learn how take care of it and gain awareness about their situation.

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