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A. Mary is very keen on reading.

She a lot of books from the

library last week.
B. It was Brian’s birthday yesterday and he a lot of present.
C. After a hard day at work, Karen a lot in the bubble bath.
D. Peter a bank last week, he took a million dollars.
E. Last night my mother a lof of bread for dinner.
F. Maggie so loudly that she the cat.

F. Samantha for joy when her boyfriend her.

G. Maggie so loudly that she the cat.
H. Tomas the bowling ball and it on his foot.
I. David his mother when he home.
J. The princess the frog and it into a handsome prince.
K. Anna to several European countries last summer.
L. Martin his father in the garden on Sunday. He the plants.
M. Yesterday afternoon Jonathan for his exams and he video games.

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