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The Homosexual Frenzy: All of us can do something

What began as LG grew to LGBT and has now expanded to LGBTQIAP:

L—Lesbian—A female-identified person who is attracted to another female-identified

G—Gay—A male-identified person who is attracted to another male identified person.

B—Bisexual—A person who is attracted to both men and women.

T—Transgender—Persons who are members of a gender other than what their sexual
anatomy would suggest; or Transsexual—People who have undergone surgery or hormone
therapy to change their bodies from one sex to another; or Transvestites—those who dress
and act like people of the opposite sex.

Q—Queer—A broad term used to identify people of various sexual preferences and habits;
or Questioning—People who are questioning their sexual identities.

I—Intersex—Someone whose physical anatomy cannot be categorized as only male or


A—Asexual—A person who is not sexually attracted to anyone; or Ally—A person who does
not self-identify as LGBTQIAP but who supports people who do.

P—Pansexual—So-called “gender blind,” those who are attracted to people of all sexual
and gender identities. “Male and female he created them” has become passé. Now, gender
is boundless.

People with a proclivity to be trans anything, however, are not our enemies. They need to be
loved. We must reach out to them, show compassion, and practice empathy for their
struggle. We need to simultaneously love the individual and reject the ideology and the
policies derived from that ideology as untrue, unloving, and damaging to society.

The first step is to lovingly decline to defer to false terminology. We must resist postmodern
language or lose the battle. We must stop sacrificing truth on the altar of being nice, of
seeking to be liked. Of course, every encounter by the Christ-follower should be marked with
grace and love. And it is not loving to foster a lie, to agree to anyone’s concept of gender
fluidity, or to cater to the demands of illegitimate language and fabricated personal

Therefore, we must:
• Avoid using the word “marriage” (one man and one woman for life) to describe the
relationship of a same-sex couple. Use “civil union” or “legal union.”
• Politely and respectfully refuse to call a biological male a female, and vice versa.
We should speak the truth in love—and in the process, pursue clarity, not compromise.
If we desire that our neighbors, friends, children, and grandchildren truly flourish, then we
must challenge postmodern culture and repent of our previous apathy. And all of us can do
• Some will help speak and write to reform the language and culture.
• Some will write songs and ballads to restore the dignity of marriage, the family, the
maternal, the beauty of human sexuality, and the tying of our sexual intimacy to family
• Some will preach and teach on the glory of our purpose and design and the biblical
narrative on family and human sexuality.
• Some will lead protests in the public square to draw public attention to the madness we
are facing.
• Some will draw lines in the sand and say, “No further. I am willing to pay the
consequences for violating laws that legalize this non-sense and undermine our God-given
freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.”
• Many will take seriously the cultural mandate to “be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth”—
to marry, form families, enjoy the God-given gift of our human sexuality, and rejoice in the
children who are the fruit of that intimacy.

A TOXIC NEW RELIGION: Understanding the Postmodern, Neo-Marxist Faith that Seeks to
Destroy the Judeo-Christian Culture of the West

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