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Digital 101 MCQ

Attempt 1
All questions are mandatory:
1. AI is helping in the healthcare industry as follows: Helps pathologists in analysing
sample tissues AND Helps in for quicker and better tools for medical research

2. Define the problem-->Generate alternatives-->Evaluate & select is the correct

sequence of steps that you should follow to solve a problem.

3.Security is a concern for IoT but not for IIoT. False

4.Why should you work upon your communication skills: It will reduce conflicts AND It
will make you good team player AND It will improve productivity

5. The commonly used Cybersecurity Frameworks: CIS Controls AND NIST

Cybersecurity Framework

6.An invention that is neither practically implementable nor creates meaningful impact in a
market or society cannot be called innovation. True

7. Cognitive Learning is NOT a Machine Learning technique.

8. Statement 1: AI can help manufacturing lower, or even reverse the adverse impact on
Environment. Statement 2: AI helps manufacturing with quality checks and predicting
maintenance costs.
Both the statements are correct

9.Select the statement that correctly defines Design Thinking: Design thinking is a human
cantered approach that aims at creating products & services that meets the need of
the consumers.

10.A Birthday attack is: Attacks that are made against hash algorithms that are used to
verify the integrity of a message, software or digital signature

11.Verbal, non-verbal, interpersonal, and written skills are all part of developing effective
communication. However, listening skills are not required for this purpose. False

12. How does Watson BEAT help music composers? It is AI enabled and helps composers
with different musical elements

13.Being a good team player will help you build your support network. True

14. According to industry experts, virtue is NOT one of the 'Five V's of Big Data'.

15.What should you do to demonstrate that you are listening: Pause for few seconds after
the other person has stopped speaking AND Paraphrase to confirm your understanding
AND Ask questions

16.Identify the issues that can lead to ineffective communication: Lack of knowledge and
awareness AND Having negative emotions AND Being judgmental.

17. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is a cloud-computing offering called in which users

are provided with access to resources such as servers, storage and networks.

18.A cyber threat that spreads from computer to computer without any human action is called

19.Cloud Computing is used for business management applications, backup and recovery,
anti-virus applications but cannot be used for creative work like video making and editing.

20. Empathy & contextual observation are the skills that you must develop for creative
thinking and design thinking.

21. Increasing flexibility and agility AND improving operational effectiveness are the
benefits of IIoT.

22.Identify the professionals who can make use of IoT to improve their output. Select all that
apply. Manufacturers, Agriculturists, Healthcare Professionals

23.Select the right process of design thinking. Empathize-->Define-->Ideate-->Prototype--


24. Packet Sniffers is NOT a Big Data Analytics tool.

25. Start with Visibility-->Understand your Vulnerabilities-->Ensure Data Veracity are

the correct steps to be taken to simplify the complexity of Cybersecurity.

26.Big data in Healthcare can be used to improve care personalization and efficiency with a
comprehensive patient profile. True

27.A system that provides anti-spam and anti-malware protection is called Secure E-Mail

28. The order of the Big Data Analytics process: Data, Analysis, Information, Insights.

29.Tools that are used for finding patterns which are far too complex or numerous for a
human programmer to extract and teach the machine to recognize are called Artificial
Neural Networks.

30.Cloud Computing in e-commerce enables e-commerce to increase Speed and Scale

Attempt 2
All questions are mandatory:
1. The four stages of IoT Architecture in right order are: Sensors and Actuators, Internet
Getaways and Data Acquisition Systems, Edge IT, Data Center and Cloud

2. Handle Zero-Day Attacks is NOT a shortcoming of the two traditional security

methods, Risk Assessment and Identifying Vulnerabilities, and Correlation Rules.

3. "Prioritizing listening over speaking is an important aspect while communicating." True

4. Semi-supervised Learning uses the classification process to identify data assets and
clustering to group data into distinct parts.

5. “One where the attack involves use of IP spoofing and the ICMP to saturate a
target network with traffic” attacks is a ‘Smurf attack’.

6.The primary purpose of Supervised Learning is to scale the scope of data and to make
predictions of unavailable, future or unseen data based on labelled sample data.

7. Palo Alto is the Smart city that is utilizing the IoT technology to help its residents.

8. Convolutional Neural Networks are made up of neurons and have learnable weights and

9. Cloud Computing emerging technology provides scalable architecture for business needs.

10.Divergent Thinking focuses more on: Generation of multiple ideas and the connections
between them

11.Which of the following are the benefits of Big Data in Healthcare?

Create a holistic, 360-degree view of consumers, patients, and physicians
Boost marketing efforts with information about consumer, patient, and physician
needs and preferences

12. Routine is a major cause of passive thinking.

13. Visual Perception and Speech Recognition is the examples of strong AI.

14. "Scepticism is one of the major barriers to the process of Critical Thinking." False

15.Which of the following steps should be taken to make Cybersecurity effective in any
establishment? Find vulnerabilities across open-source code, third-party APIs and cloud-
based solutions AND Ensure data veracity

16. "The process of Design Thinking does not stop even after the deliverable is complete."

17. AWS is NOT a Big Data Analytics service or tool.

18. "Mandating Collaboration in a team is a good idea to enhance teamwork." False

19.What is a Cybersecurity framework?

A comprehensive set of guidelines that help organizations define cybersecurity policies
to assess their security posture and increase resilience in the face of cyberattacks.

20.Which of the following methods will enable you to become an engaged listener?
Favouring your right ear while listening and Focusing fully on the speaker

21. "Iteration is a fundamental part of Design Thinking." True

22. Auto Driving Internet of Things (IoT) enabled feature has not been incorporated by Kia
Motors in its new car.

23.Artificial Intelligence (AI) that exhibits and performs some aspect(s) of human
intelligence extremely well, however, lacks in other areas is called Narrow AI.

24. “Cloud services are disaster tolerant but expensive.” False

25. Artificial Intelligence can create a digital twin, which is a virtual representation of a
factory, product, or service.

26. Backpropagation allows networks to adjust their hidden layers of neurons in situations
where the expected outcome is not achieved.

27.State True or False: "Forming assumptions is a good step in the process of Creative
Problem Solving." False

28.Clustering and Dimensionality reduction techniques are used in Unsupervised Machine


29.State True or False: "It is more important to frame your message rather than setting the
context while communicating." False

30. Platform as a service (PaaS) Cloud Computing offering enables users to develop,
manage and deliver applications.

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