Study Note Week 2

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Seton Hall University

Japanese Program
Weekly Japanese Study Note
Week __2__ # 1 Covering Dates: _________ Name: _________________________________

A. I memorized the following words (expecting total 10x 5 days=50 words/week) in Japanese:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
機械 つめる 方法 医学 様子
母国 濁音 開く 亡くなる 鳴る
妻 占い 個性的 つまる 動詞
持ち主 経済 魅力 作品 静音
友人 影響 出版 本名う 機会
友情 元 少年 虫 文句
落とす 翻訳 少女 丸い 不平
状況 読者 週刊誌 鼻 夜中
性格 原作 小畝 放送 階段
負けず嫌い 増やす 欧米 哲学 負けず嫌い

B. I learned the following expressions/grammars (expecting total 5x T/R days=10

sentences/week) in Japanese:
Learned expression & sentences in Japanese Reference section/pages
~ば~ほど 192
さて 192
逆 193
はず 193
点 194
ますます 194
Verb masu なおす 194
おかげ;せい 195
どんどん 195
どうどう 196

C. I learned new Japan related Japanese society and cultural items from News, Internet, and/or
People, etc.

This week I watched a video about the Mayors for Peace program in Hiroshima and how The hibakusha
(Survivors of the A-bomb) are mentioned to have pursued the goal of peace and have worked tirelessly
in order to maintain it by promoting discourse and dialogue between communities in order to assure
that the tragedy never repeats itself.

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