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A Correlational Study Between Math Anxiety and Academic Performance in Mathematics of

2nd Year Psychology Students in NU-MOA

Esaga, Princess Denere

Canlas, Kylle Kayser L.

Casaños, Angelo Colin

Dagatan, Rosemarie Joy

Dolor, Arianne

Leaño, Jhoana Teresa Banday

Querubin, Rosemarie

Rañola, Ruth Morales

Psychology Department, National University – MOA

GEMMW01X: Mathematics in the Modern World

Ms. Danielle Vine A. Dondoyano

March 17, 2023



Mathematics Anxiety is defined by the University of Cambridge in their Centre for

Neuroscience as a negative emotional reaction to mathematics (2020). It can also be defined as a

feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with the manipulation of numbers or solving

problems in daily life and academic situations. A sensation of stress and dread that hinders one's

ability to do math operations, manipulate numbers, and solve mathematical problems in a range

of real world and academic contexts is known as math anxiety. Math anxiety has a negative

effect on people; many students who experience it lack confidence in their mathematical abilities

and only enroll in the bare minimum of mathematics courses, which severely restricts their career

options. (Khasawneh et al. 2021). The ability to utilize this knowledge is essential to the pursuit

of many established and recently emerging occupational disciplines, as it is required for many

elements of daily life. A level of mathematics is also a requirement for all undergraduate

students. Students who experience math anxiety are less likely to sign up for and do well in math

classes (Stubblefield, 2006). The range of this anxiety can be from a mild tension to experiencing

a very strong fear of math. Medical News Today (2022) interprets math anxiety as the worry or

fear about solving math problems, although not a medical condition, but an anxiety in a specific

situation. Math Anxiety appears different to other people: some experience it whenever there is

an occurrence of any math problem, when they cannot use a calculator, or during the calculation

of a restaurant bill. There are various symptoms of this specific anxiety– worry, panic, increased

heart rate, sweaty palms, lightheadedness, etc. It can also cause low confidence, avoidance, and

low grades (Medical News

Today, 2022).

Mathematical anxiety is a unique condition that develops when personality traits (low self-

esteem and fear of asking questions) are combined with environmental (bad math learning

experiences and bad parental and teacher attitudes) and intellectual situations (fear of learning

math, lack of understanding of how to use math knowledge, and a lack of coordination between

teachers' teaching methods and the learning strategy) (Jaggermauth & Jameson- Charles, 2010).

Parents, educators, and society will need to support efforts to change attitudes toward

mathematics. Students' academic performance, college choices, and career options will be

constrained if negative views are not altered (Shields, 2006). For many pupils, math anxiety is a

real problem. Teachers should be aware of its origins and create welcoming learning

environments to help pupils overcome it (Barnes, 2006).

Statement of the Problem

There had been numerous studies regarding mathematics and its effects on a certain

variety. Mathematics anxiety has long been connected to different factors contributing to its rise

and affecting academic settings. Students that undergo such a feeling of fear and avoidance of

mathematics might pose a great threat to their skills and performances in the institution. Aware

of this possible phenomenon, a strong desire to identify its correlation is sought. This study

focused on identifying the relationship between mathematics anxiety and academic performance

in psychology students to address any proposed difficulties.


Research Objectives

This study aims to determine the correlation between mathematics anxiety and academic

performance in mathematics by formulating survey questions and disseminating the

questionnaire to the 2nd year psychology students in NU-MOA. The researchers aim to assess if

the mathematics anxiety of the students increases or decreases their academic performances in

mathematics through Mathematics Self Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ). Lastly,

this study would also determine the certain factors that contribute to the mathematics anxiety of

the students.

Research Questions

This study aims to determine the relationship between mathematics anxiety and academic

performance in mathematics of psychology students in National University-Mall of Asia.

Specifically, the researcher in this study aims to answer the following question:

1. Is there a significant relationship between mathematics anxiety and academic performance in

mathematics of psychology students in NU-MOA?

2. What are the different effects of mathematics anxiety to the mathematics performance of

psychology students in NU-MOA?

3. Up to what extent does mathematics anxiety affect the academic performance of psychology


Research Hypothesis

𝐇𝟎: There is no significant relationship between Math Anxiety and the Academic Performance in

Mathematics of Psychology students in NU-MOA.

𝐇𝟏: There is a significant relationship between Math Anxiety and the Academic Performance in

Mathematics of Psychology students in NU-MOA.

Significance of the Study

Mathematics is an extremely important subject in any course because it is used in

everyday life. Excelling in this subject would assist an individual enhance their logical thinking,

confidence in problem solving, improve their careers, and even contribute to the fields of health,

medicine, computer science, economics, and advancement of science and technology. The study's

conclusions will be useful for society, educational institutions, students, and businesses and

professions that use mathematics. This study raises awareness of mathematics anxiety, which

encourages schools to implement programs or plans to help students overcome mathematics

anxiety and improve their academic performance. Additionally, it's possible that schools might

provide teachers extra training on how to deal with students who are anxious about math.

Students who are aware of and can effectively control their math anxiety will be able to get over

their fear of solving problems and even responding to simple math questions. More students will

be mathematically inclined and will be able to advance science and technology if the new

learning and teaching methods are successful. The researchers will gain from this study as they

explore and learn new information that may potentially assist them enhance their academic math


MMW Concepts Integrated into the Study

As the researchers collected and analyzed data in a quantitative study, the topic about data

management and statistics was applied. The simple random sampling technique was used in the

study to gather population and collect data which according to the data management, this

technique for the quantitative data collection method produces results that are easy to manipulate

for interpretation. Also, the topic about Math in our world elaborates the importance of

mathematics and its contributions in health, medicine, computer science, statistics, and many

more were stated.

The significance of mathematics in everyday life was also mentioned in this study.


Mathematics Anxiety, Conception, and Performance of the University Freshmen Students

Mathematics is still viewed by many students as one of the most challenging subjects

ever taken. The result of the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

shows that the Philippines ranked the lowest in the areas of mathematics, science and reading.

The result of the PISA calls for an urgent action to further improve the quality of education in the

country especially in mathematics (Navida, 2022).


The Casual Ordering of Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Achievement: A Longitudinal

Panel Analysis

It is a highly prevalent problem among students from elementary to universities.

Mathematics anxiety has been found to be related to a range of concerns and problems in the

learning of mathematics. For example, students with mathematics anxiety tend to drop out of

mathematics courses and avoid majors and careers in need of quantitative skills, and dislike

teaching mathematics if becoming teachers. Among all negative impacts of mathematics anxiety,

the most discussed is the negative relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics

achievement. This negative relationship describes the consistent research finding that students

with a higher level of mathematics anxiety perform at a lower level of mathematics achievement

(Ma & Xu, 2004).

Math Anxiety: Past Research, Promising Interventions, and a new Interpretation Framework

In numerous studies, the causes of mathematical anxiety are broad to different branches

Ramirez et al. (2018) suggested three potential explanations for mathematical anxiety. The first is

deficit theory in which poor mathematical skills explains mathematical anxiety (Zhang, 2019). A

longitudinal study found that lower math achievement predicted higher anxiety (Ma and Xu,

2004). And last, is a genetic predisposition where environment and scientific bases (inheritance

from biological parents) are the main significant factors in the increase of mathematical anxiety.

An Investigation of Mathematics Anxiety and Academic Coping Strategies Among High School

Students in Vietnam

Following a cross sectional study from high school students from Vietnam, to prepare the

students for the various careers that they want to pursue, the academic curriculum focused on

their proficiency in critical thinking, cognitive flexibility, and creativity. Having known this, the

researchers decided to measure the effect of mathematical anxiety on students in various grades

(grades 10, 11, and 12). The researchers surveyed 1,548 high school students (570 males and 978

females) in various high schools in Vietnam. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) test,

Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were used to analyze data. Upon concluding

the surveys, the research discovered that the impact of educational excellence, grade level, and

participants' job preferences on the students’ mathematical anxiety vary substantially. Math

anxiety is more prevalent among grade 12 pupils than in other grades. Math anxiety is more

prevalent among students with high average mathematical scores (9.0–10.0) than it is among

those with lower math scores. Additionally, students leaning towards economics and finance

careers after studying feel a greater level of mathematical anxiety (Luu-Thi et al., 2021).

The Relationship Between Math Anxiety and Math Performance: A Meta Analytic

Alternatively, a systematic review article entitled The Relationship Between Math

Anxiety and Math Performance: A Meta-Analytic Investigation published by the School of

Psychology and Cognitive Science of East China Normal University suggests that Math Anxiety

decreases the math performance of students; but it remains unclear what factors correlate this

relationship. Using a statistically integrated meta-analysis method, the results indicate that there

is a negative math anxiety-performance link. In terms of moderator variables, this negative link

was stronger for Asian students, but weaker for European students. This study uses The Deficit

Theory– which was proven with their negative r result (based on their statistical data) – claims

that poor performance in a math test would lead to higher anxiety (Zhang, 2019).

Relationship Between Mathematical Anxiety and Academic Performance in Mathematics in

High School Students

The education system of the Philippines aims to impart adequate mathematical knowledge to

meet the demand of various careers in and outside of the country. Mathematics is still considered

as one of the most challenging subjects in academics. Students' fear of mathematics and

perceptions of it may have a negative impact on their performance (Navida, 2022). This feeling

contributes to the increase of a self-perception of incompetence to complete this kind of task

(Acevado et al., 2020).

Regarding the mathematical anxiety - academic performance relation, it is demonstrated that

there is a negative correlation between these two factors, that is, the greater mathematical anxiety

there is, the lower the academic performance.

The Effects of Mathematics Anxiety on Matriculation Students as Related to Motivation and


A study from Effandi and Norazah (2008), suggests that low achievers in mathematics frequently

accompany the incidence of mathematics anxiety. The results of this research indicated that

matriculation students with high mathematics anxiety scored significantly lower in achievement.

Even numerous authors have suggested that higher achieving students are more apt to be less

anxious. The students with low math anxiety scored significantly higher than students with

moderate or high math anxiety. On the other hand, students with moderate anxiety scored

significantly higher than students with high math anxiety. This indicates that as math anxiety

scores increase, achievement scores decrease.


Research Design

A quantitative correlational research method was used in the study. Quantitative research

methods concentrate on quantifiable metrics with statistical analysis or numerical data collection.

Data is gathered using various techniques, such as poll results and questionnaires (Cresswell,

2009). The Spearman Rho correlation as statistical method is used in this case. The researchers

are focused on the participants' statistical responses on math anxiety level (MSEAQ) and the

general weighted average (GWA) in mathematics in the modern world.


The study was conducted among the 2nd year psychology students at National University

- Mall of Asia who have taken Mathematics in the Modern World. The researchers gathered a

total of 39 participants to measure their level of anxiety and overall performance in mathematics.

All participants are psychology students who voluntarily participated in this study through a

survey questionnaire in Google Forms.



The researchers used a quantitative survey questionnaire to obtain clear, in-depth data on

the predictor and outcome variables in this study: mathematics anxiety and academic

performance. The Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ) was utilized

to measure math anxiety among the participants. MSEAQ is a reliable, relatively valid

instrument that is intended to measure various dimensions of students' mathematics self-efficacy

and mathematics anxiety (May, 2009). The MSEAQ consists of two sections that measure math

self-efficacy and anxiety. Section II contains a 29-item questionnaire, each item is rated using a

5point Likert scale ranging from 1-5. A score of 1 representing ‘never’ and 5 representing

‘usually’. If the participant considered not responding to a question. A participant may choose

"No response." The General Weighted Average was used to measure the overall academic


According to studies, GPA or GWA are the most suggested data to measure academic

performance (Bluemle, 2002; Felton and Koper, 2005). To further analyze academic

performance, participants were asked to select the range in which their GWA falls. Participants

may select from the 4 categories: 0.0-1.9, 2.0-2.9. 3.0-3.9, and 4.0.

Data Collection and Procedure


In finding the significant relationship between mathematics anxiety and academic

performance, the participants will be given an informed consent form containing the purpose of

the research, participant selection, procedures, and confidentiality between the researchers and

participant. If the participants do not have any more queries, they will now proceed to answer the

questionnaire. The researchers then administered a survey questionnaire via Google Forms

containing level of anxiety (MSEAQ) and overall academic performance (GWA) in Mathematics

of Psychology students at NU-MOA. The researchers will explain the significance of the

respondent’s participation in the study and clarify some terms to allow the participants to answer

the questionnaire with full knowledge of their responsibility as the subject of the study. The

researchers will emphasize some items to the respondents so that they can answer the

questionnaire with a clear understanding and request them to answer sincerely. After the

respondents answer the questionnaire, the researchers will now collect the data by means of a

survey that comprises their respondents’ anxiety level and academic performance in



The researchers were able to gather data from a total of n=¿ 39 respondents. All the

respondents were 2nd Year Psychology Students of NU-MOA. Table 1 below shows the answers

from the mathematics self-efficacy and anxiety questionnaire. The students evaluated their self-

efficacy and anxiety on mathematics by rating it 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the

highest. This survey is retrieved from a study by May, D. (2009), titled Mathematics Self-

Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire.

Table 1. Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire answers; Means.


I have been able to enjoy mathematics. 7 6 18 4 4 3.21

I have done well in mathematics courses. 6 15 13 2 3 3.49

I have enjoyed mathematics. 6 8 15 7 3 3.18

I am the type of person who is able to learn mathematics well. 5 9 13 7 5 3.05

I have been happy with my mathematics courses. 5 5 16 8 5 2.92

Mathematics instructors have been willing to help me learn the material. 5 12 19 3 0 3.49

I have been asked questions in my mathematics classes. 8 12 10 8 1 3.46

I have sought help from mathematics instructors outside of class. 5 6 10 13 5 2.82

I have set goals in my mathematics classes. 3 11 15 7 3 3.10

I have worked with other students in my mathematics classes. 11 20 8 0 0 4.08

I have worked hard in my mathematics classes. 7 20 11 1 0 3.85

I regularly do assigned homework in my mathematics classes. 14 16 8 1 0 4.10

Working on mathematics homework is stressful for me. 12 10 8 8 1 3.62

I worry I will not be able to understand mathematics. 10 9 13 4 3 3.49

I get nervous when asking questions in class. 10 6 16 4 3 3.41

I get tense when I prepare for a mathematics test. 11 7 14 5 2 3.51

I believe I can do mathematics in a mathematics course. 6 6 18 7 2 3.18

I believe I am the kind of person who is good at mathematics. 4 5 11 12 7 2.67

I worry that I will not be able to do well on a mathematics test. 10 11 13 2 3 3.59


I worry that I do not know enough mathematics to do well in future mathematics 5 12 13 6 3 3.26


I believe I can get an "A" when I am in a mathematics course. 5 12 11 6 5 3.15

I worry that I will not be able to get a good grade in mathematics courses. 7 11 11 8 2 3.33

I believe I can learn well in mathematics course. 8 10 18 1 2 3.54

I believe I can think like a mathematician. 3 1 8 8 19 2

I believe I can complete all of the assignments in a mathematics course. 11 6 16 5 1 3.54

I get nervous when I have to use mathematics outside of school. 5 4 15 7 8 2.77

I believe I can understand the content of a mathematics course. 5 11 17 4 2 3.33

I believe I can do well on a mathematics test. 5 6 23 4 1 3.26

I get anxious when mathematics instructors are lecturing. 3 13 6 10 7 2.87

I worry that I will have to use mathematics in my future career. 5 7 8 11 8 2.74

The table above shows the simplified scores of each question with its corresponding

mean. The researchers were able to compute the over-all mean of Mathematics Self-Efficacy and

Anxiety of x=¿ 3.27. To understand more about the distribution of the data, the research made a

graph to further illustrate the results.

Graph 1. A graph showing the responses to the MSEAQ questionnaire and their means.

As shown in the graph above, it is evident that the majority of respondents rated most of the

mathematics self-efficacy and anxiety questionnaire within 3-4, which is considered as high


Table 2. Spearman correlation between Mathematics anxiety and academic performance.

As shown in the table above, using Spearman Rho correlation (r s = 0.103), the researchers were

able to examine the relationship between mathematics anxiety and academic performance (n =

39). Furthermore, the results of the statistical analysis revealed a p-value of 0.534 and a

significance level of a = 0.05, this assumption is considered to fail to reject the null hypothesis of

no significant positive weak correlation between the between mathematics anxiety and academic

performance of 2nd year psychology students studying at NU-MOA. 

Table 3. MSEAQ scores and student’s GWA.

MSEAQ Scores Student’s GWA

1 99 3

2 112 3.5

3 94 2.5

4 88 3.5

5 100 4

6 81 3

7 109 3

8 95 4

9 101 2.5

10 99 3.5

11 103 3

12 109 3.5

13 94 3.5

14 92 3.5

15 98 4

16 87 3.5

17 85 4

18 92 3.5

19 105 4

20 107 3

21 97 3.5

22 97 3.5

23 113 3

24 100 3.5

25 104 3

26 92 3.5

27 105 3.5

28 115 4

29 101 3

30 103 3

31 86 3

32 117 4

33 95 3.5

34 93 4

35 104 4

36 85 3

37 94 3.5

38 91 3.5

39 80 2

Self-Efficacy Student’s GWA

(Rank) (Rank)

1 18.5 31

2 4 17.5

3 26 37.5

4 33 17.5

5 16.5 5

6 38 31

7 5.5 31

8 23.5 5

9 14.5 37.5

10 18.5 17.5

11 12.5 31

12 5.5 17.5

13 26 17.5

14 30 17.5

15 20 5

16 34 17.5

17 36.5 5

18 30 17.5

19 8.5 5

20 7 31

21 21.5 17.5

22 21.5 17.5

23 3 31

24 16.5 17.5

25 10.5 31

26 30 17.5

27 8.5 17.5

28 2 5

29 14.5 31

30 12.5 31

31 35 31

32 1 5

33 23.5 17.5

34 28 5

35 10.5 5

36 36.5 31

37 26 17.5

38 32 17.5

39 39 39

This is evident in the previous table (see Table 2 and 3) of MSEAQ. (1) Higher score results

indicated lower anxiety levels in mathematics. (2) Lower scores indicated higher anxiety levels

in mathematics.

Graph 2. Scatter plot of rank student GWA and rank self-efficacy.


The scatter plot showed neither linear nor monotonic relationship between the variables.

Furthermore, the researchers had found no significant correlation between measuring self-

efficacy and anxiety scores and student’s GWA.


The first table above shows the simplified scores of each question with its

corresponding mean. Using the Spearman Correlation Test, the researchers were able to compute

the overall mean of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Levels of x=¿ 3.27. As shown in

the graph of MSEAQ, it is evident that majority of respondents rated most of the mathematics

self-efficacy and anxiety questionnaire within 3-4, which is considered as high scores leading to

ineffectively rejecting the null hypothesis due to the indication of results of the over-all mean

being greater than the p-value presented. The questionnaire used is the Mathematics Self-

Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire which is a 5-point Likert Scale wherein it has a certain

criterion level that the higher the scores the lower the level of anxiety in mathematics and the

lower scores signify higher level of anxiety in mathematics. On the contrary, self-efficacy

determines the level of anxiety, meaning that if anxiety increases GWA decreases, and vice

versa, if anxiety decreases, GWA increases. Furthermore, the researchers did not find any

additional effects of mathematical anxiety affecting the academic performance of 2nd year

psychology students.

Since the results indicated between the two variables: Math Anxiety and Academic

Performance in Mathematics is r=0.103, therefore, math anxiety has no significant positive weak

correlation towards the 2nd year psychology students’ academic performance in mathematics.


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