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5. .
Sub: MPUSIP- Proposal for floating pontoon at Intake for
Amarpatan and New Ramnagar, for
of Water Supply services in Amarpatan and New Ramnagar Nagar Parishads in Satna DistrictImprovement
in Madhya
Pradesh. Contract Package- MPUSIP-7D.

PMC has earlier recommended that, difference in cost or time of installation should not be the criteria for
providing pontoon in place of conventional Intake well. Pontoon should be considered as an alternati ve only
if construction of Intake well is not
The proposal is reviewed again and further data is collected from project site.
A possible location near to existing Intake structure is proposed and area for well is marked on the enclosed
printout The estimated depth of Intake shall be well within 25 mts to draw water in all seasons from 320.0 M
level (MDDL of Dam is 323.10 m). Fluctuating drawdown can also be taken care during final design with the
option of suitable location or/and provision of intake well with sloping pipe and an approach bridge for a
length within 100 mts.
In this regards discussionwith CGM, MP Jal Nigam (Mr. Ashish Shrivastava) has been dorne on 07.11.22 and
he suggested that the RCC Intake will be most suitable option looking to the future O&M & Stability.
Moreover, he suggested that the Lowest port of the intake well should be kept at least 3 m below the MDDL
of the dam for withdrawal of water during drought. It is also bring in our notice that MP, Jal Nigam is
constructing an Intake near Markandey Ashram which is @13.6 Km upstream of this proposed Intake well

For construction ofIntake well orthe floating pontoon, permission shall be required from WRD as well as
from Forest Department.
Looking to above facts, Proposal for intake well is being submitted for review and 'in principal acceptance',
so as to proceed for further necessary action of detailed investigation, survey for finalization of Intake wel
location, Length of approach bridge, Length of Pipe/Channel for withdrawal of water from 3m below MDDL
of Dam and detailed design.

(Ref: TCE.10424A-TCE>>MPUDC-AJ-I1022, Dated 07.11.2022)

Chek( ) Am) TeamLeader(PMC)

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