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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 English (Day 2)

Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Date Submitted: April 26, 2023


The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types
serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and
indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length play.


The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying effective verbal and
non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and
Dramatic Conventions.

At the end of the 35 minutes lesson the students shall be able to

a. Determine the reliability of information or evidence from the material presented by

knowing its relevance and truthfulness
b. Judge the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas viewed and;
c. Value the importance of relevance and truthfulness of the information and make decision
based on the text read.


A) TOPIC: Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas
a. English MELC
b. Learners Material

a. Community pantries exemplify Filipinos’ ‘bayanihan’ spirit | Philippine News
Agency (
a. White board marker
b. Pictures
c. Handouts




Good morning, Class! : (All students) Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you today? Did you sleep well last night? : (All students) We’re fine Ma’am.

It’s good to hear that you had enough sleep. If that’s

the case, can I expect your active participation today? : (All students) Yes, Ma’am.

Thank you.


Let me remind you of our classroom rules.

1. Be on time
2. Observe cleanliness
3. Sit properly
4. Raise your hand if you have questions
5. Listen attentively

Are we clear on that class? : (All students) Yes, Ma’am.


Before we begin, let us ask guidance of almighty God

and let us enlighten our mind to completely understand
the lesson. Student A would you lead the prayer? : (Student A will recite a prayer)

Thank you, student A, for leading the prayer.


It seems that some of your classmates is not attending

our class. Please tell them to attend the class regularly.
Oh well, miss secretary, kindly check the attendance.
Thank You! : Ms secretary: Yes Ma’am.


Alright, the starter lesson for today, what comes to your

mind when you see this image? Ma'am in my opinion, I think that we
will critic um videos or selection.

Ma'am, I think we're going to judge.

Correct, and how do we judge something class? Ma’am, we share our opinion through
careful weighing of evidence.

Right! and today you are going to be the judge and here
is the first thing you're all going to judge. Class, what
do you see in the image that I am presenting? Anyone
from the class who wants to share his or her opinion
regarding this image?

(Learners will analyze the pictures)

Ma’am, the picture is all about the

community pantry.

Ma’am, community pantry is relevant

because during the pandemic there are
lot of people who lost their job, that is
why they are having trouble in
providing enough money to sustain their
family needs.

Ma’am, I watched it on the news and

there are a lot of people who did it.

Ma’am, I look for evidence.

Ma’am, because news is trusted.

Ma’am, because there is also a food
pantry in our barangay.

Ma’am, we are going to judge the

relevance and worth of ideas.

Nice observation plus, and ask review of what you had

discussed from the last top two topics with ma’am Mel
what makes this picture relevant?

At the end of the 35 minutes lesson the

students shall be able to
that's right, and what about its truthfulness? How can
we say this community pantry is? a) Determine the reliability of
information or evidence from
the material presented by
knowing its relevance and
Okay, so from your answer, you watch it on the news, truthfulness
what are the things that you consider in making your b) judge the relevance and
claim that is information or picture is irrelevant and has truthfulness of the ideas viewed
truthfulness? and;
c) value the importance of
relevance and truthfulness of the
information and make decision
based on the text read.

That is correct, now class, what do you think is our

topic for today's lesson?

Good guess! As I mentioned earlier, this topic is

connected to the previous lessons we had but with
more in-depth discussion period but first let's read the
learning objectives we have for the day!
Ma’am, the idea behind this community
pantry is to provide food directly to
C. PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON AND local suffering from food scarcity,
OBJECTIVES especially those who rely primarily on
local donations. The slogan is people
Now, let us go through judging the relevance and worth could take as much as they need, and
of ideas. they need whatever they can”
Before we proceed to our discussion, let us first read Ma’am, the reason, and purpose
our objectives. Kindly read student A. community countries for us to share
goods to those who are in need.

Reliability of information is the

probability of information that is
accurate or able to be trusted. Your
reliable source is one that provides a
thorough, well reason theory, argument,
discussion, etc. based on strong

Thank you for reading. To keep track of our goals for

today, I will post this on the board. Yes, Ma’am.


Thank you for that, so let's go back again from the

picture I presented a while ago, and as you can see, I
added the source of picture where I got this picture
what do you think class is the idea behind this
community pantry.

very well said, and what could be the reason and their
purpose for organizing this community country? Yes, Ma’am.

Ma’am, we should look for authority,

purpose, accuracy, verifiability,
currency, and relevance.

Right on point, but what about the reliability of this

information we are viewing? for that, let's read the
definition of reliability class, anyone who wants


Thank you for that, please take note on the words like
probability accurate or accuracy, trusted, and based on
strong evidence, alright class?
And of course, we also have two types of sources the
primary source and secondary source. For the first one,
the primary source is where you are getting the
information from a firsthand account of an event or
topic from someone who had a direct connection to it.
While the latter, a secondary source often real directly
quote or paraphrase the primary source, but usually
include a layer of interpretation or analysis.

Did you get my point class? Yes, Ma’am.

Good. but as for the experiences class, what factors or

steps are you considering in checking the information
you are viewing is reliable or not?

Very good class! In order to check the relevance and

truthfulness of the information we are viewing; We
should determine if the contacts or content of the
material is reliable or not. In this picture, we are going
to analyze the key points we must look for in
identifying the reliability of the information we are
Yes, Ma’am.

(Students will read independently)

For the first one, be sure to look for the authority or

the author's name, another thing to look for the
purpose of the information, is it aimed to present
information or interpretations, does it aim to persuade
or to entertain people, but for this information we are
viewing of course, the this is a type of information and
as her classmate mentioned this is made of or to
persuade other people to do the same rich is setting up
a community pantry. Did you get it class?

Okay, and another step to search for is accuracy and

verifiability, for this one, take a look at the link or
URL I use, so if you see the URL has an extra “S” on
HTTPS, it means the link you're visiting is safe and
secure. Also, for us to check if it's verified, we should
look for the small check but for this one look at the
views, it has 4000 plus (but we careful in validating the
information you're reviewing, just because it has a lot
of views doesn't mean the context is also reliable close
and ) it is should also have to be well researched and
factual very good also, the information should have the
currency and relevance it should be timely or updated
not updated. Are we clear on this one for us? Or do I
need to repeat myself?

Okay then, for this time round, we are going to read the
following context of the picture information we saw a
while ago I will be reading the title and sub headline in
later I will ask someone from the class to continue
reading and be sure to read and understand the text I
am presenting because later I will ask the class some
questions, did I make myself clear class?

Community Pantry Exemplify the

Filipino Bayanihan Spirit

By Ruth Abbey Gita-Carlos

MANILA – Malacañang on Saturday commended

Filipinos for keeping the "bayanihan" (teamwork)
spirit alive amid the coronavirus disease 2019
(Covid-19) pandemic by setting up community

Community pantries have sprouted in the National

Capital Region (NCR), the epicenter of the Covid-19
pandemic, to help struggling Filipinos cope.

“The emergence of community pantries is laudable.

It exemplifies the Filipino bayanihan spirit during
this challenging time of Covid-19,” Presidential
Spokesperson Harry Roque said in a press statement.

Inspired by the movement, more community pantries

are being set up. Food and other items, also from
donors, are available for free with the reminder to
get just enough for one’s needs.
“As we have said on numerous occasions, we cannot
defeat the Covid-19 pandemic alone. We need the
support and cooperation of everyone,” Roque said.
While Filipinos look for other ways to extend help to
those who are in need, he reminded the continued
adherence to minimum public health standards.

Roque reiterated that the government’s “Ingat Buhay

para sa Hanapbuhay (Protect Life for Livelihood)”
campaign aims to inspire Filipinos to recover from
the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Together, we can heal and recover soon,” he said.

“The medium and long-term solution remains safe-
guarding the physical safety of our people while en-
suring the economic health of the nation. Ingat
buhay para sa hanapbuhay (Protect life for liveli-

Roque added that the government’s social ameliora-

tion programs and services serve as “subsidy for the
provision of basic necessities and tool for the recov-
ery and rehabilitation of the most affected families
and individuals.”

‘Home-liner’ critics hit

Meanwhile, Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Sal-

vador Panelo chided critics who keep on hitting the
government’s pandemic response. Ma'am, the truth is that a lot of Filipinos
are suffering because of the virus and
During his commentary program “Counterpoint” on some of us lost their jobs that is why
Saturday, Panelo said critics are persistent in attack- they can’t provide their family needs.
ing the government despite lack of knowledge in ef-
forts to address the pandemic.

Panelo mentioned Senate Minority Leader Franklin Ma’am, the community pantries have
Drilon and Senators Francis Pangilinan and Imee been sprouting all over the have all of
Marcos, among the pandemic response critics. these are initiated by groups of people
who simply want to help.
He said they are merely full of guts in criticizing
while monitoring in their homes.
“Alam niyo kayong tatlo, mawalang galang na,
nothing personal, hindi ko naman kayo maintindi-
han. Eh kayo kegagaling niyo. Nasa loob lang kayo
ng bahay. Hindi naman kayo lumalabas (It’s nothing
personal but I don’t understand the three of you. Yes ma'am
You criticize while you are just at home. You are not
even going out),” Panelo said.

Marcos earlier said the government seems to not

have learned after “a year of suffering” while Drilon
lamented that the government is reimposing the
same rules.

Pangilinan, on the other hand, called for more finan-

cial assistance.
Panelo said the three senators are unaware of reali-
ties on the ground and reminded that government ef-
forts are based on the recommendations of ex-
perts. (PNA)

Now class, from the information we just read, what do

you think is the truthfulness of this news question like
what is happening right now?

Very well said, and from this information, what are the
given evidence or facts that you support their claim that
this community pantries through?

Well done glass! So, the summary is what you all

answered earlier, this community pantry is relevant
since many Filipinos are suffering because of COVID-
19 pandemic and a lot of people lost their jobs that is
why they cannot restrain their family needs in addition
the information reviewed is said to be truth because it
has backed up evidence and it is broadcasted by trusted
news outlet. Are we good here on this class? (Students will answer)

Activity 2: True or False
A. Determine whether the statement is true or false.
(Students answer may vary)
Write the letter T if the statement is true and F it is
false. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

_____1. People should not wear masks when

exercising, as masks may reduce the ability to
breathe comfortably. The important preventive
measure during exercise is to maintain physical
distance of at least one meter from others.
_____2. Spraying disinfectant into your body will
protect you against COVID-19.
_____3. The COVID-19 does not transmit through
water while swimming. However, the virus spreads
between people when someone has close contact
with an infected person.
_____4. Adding pepper to your soup or other meals
prevents or cures COVID-19.
_____5. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is
caused by a virus, not by bacteria.


Now that you're able to determine the reliability as well

as to judge the relevance and truthfulness of the
information we viewed call mom it is the perfect time
to stress the importance of relevance and truthfulness in
our daily lives.

I have here an image and I will ask you to interpret it

using the knowledge you have gained today. Anyone
from the class who wants to share his or her thoughts
about this image?

Okay, thank you for your wonderful insights class

period I hope you know all now the value of
importance of judging the relevance and truthfulness of


Activity #2:

Instructions: Express your thoughts and ideas and answer the questions below comprehensively.
Your answer will be graded using the rubric that follows. Write your answer in your activity

1. From your experience, why do you think you should wear mask outside your home?
2. Do you agree that anyone may be afflicted with illness? Cite some ways on how to stay healthy.
Prepared by: Checked by:


Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Secondary School Principal IV

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