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Nomor : 12912/IT3.D5/DI.04.

01/2023 02 Mei 2023

Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Hal : Informasi International Joint Summer Seminar 2023 di University of Niigata Prefecture,

1. Wakil Dekan Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan
2. Para Ketua Departemen
Institut Pertanian Bogor

Dengan hormat kami teruskan informasi mengenai program “International Joint Summer
Seminar 2023 di University of Niigata Prefecture (UNP), Jepang. Program tersebut akan
dilaksanakan pada tanggal 06-10 Agustus 2023 secara offline di UNP, Jepang. Tenggat waktu
pendaftaran adalah sampai tanggal 24 Mei 2023.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mohon kiranya informasi ini dapat disebarluaskan
kepada seluruh mahasiswa yang berminat di lingkungan Bapak /Ibu. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat
dilihat pada berkas terlampir atau melalui tautan:

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Bapak/ Ibu diucapkan terima kasih.

Direktur Pendidikan Internasional,

Puji Mudiana, S.P., M.A.

NIP 197607102006042008

Yth. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan dan Kemahasiswaan
Yth. Wakil Dekan bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan
International Joint Summer Seminar, Japan 2023
“Regional and Local Development in the Post-Pandemic Era”
University of Niigata Prefecture (UNP), Japan

Program Overview
The University of Niigata Prefecture (UNP) is invited students to join “International Joint Summer Seminar
2023”. The title of the summer seminar is “Regional and Local Development in the Post-Pandemic Era” that will be
held on 6-10 August 2023. The seminar aims to provide participating students with extraordinary opportunities
to discover first-hand the culture, traditions, and industries of Niigata Prefecture and have intercultural exchange
with UNP students and local communities. Through various seminar activities such as special lectures, field trips,
and group work, students will share their ideas and nurture local competence on how to solve complex problems
and invigorate regional dan local communities. Detail information can be access through this link:

IPB undergraduate and graduate students
Required Documents:
1. Application form
2. Personal CV (no set form, please be sure that you write your WhatsApp number)
3. Recommendation letter (no set form)
4. Official academic transcripts (English version, all semesters in one pdf file)
5. Scanned color copy of passport (Identity page)
6. Budget plan (Excel, example is provided)
7. Certificate of Enrollment (english version, can be obtain in SSC)
8. English or Japanese language proficiency certificate (not older than 2 years when submitted) (not mandatory)

Application Documents Naming System:

• Each file of application document should be named according the following naming format:
• Example:
o 1_ParkJimin_ Application form_ SSUNP2023
o 2_ParkJimin_Personal CV _SSUNP2023
o 3_ParkJimin_Recommendation letter _ SSUNP2023
o …… and so on
Application Procedures
• Please email softcopies of all required documents to by May 24th, 2023 (WED) 15:00
WIB at the latest with Subject: SSUNP2023_APPLY_Name.
• Applicants CANNOT apply individually to UNP.
• Online (Zoom/GMeet) or Offline interview will be conducted at 25-26 May 2023 or based on further
notification (will be informed to all applicants by email or WA).
• If you have any inquiry please kindly DM our Instagram (@ico_ipb) or email us by format:
SSUNP2023_INQUIRY_Name to .

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