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he Chapter 1: Business Environments Naa BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTS te utes operates Wo it kare * PESTLE ans ermor acute enyionment the market environment (both external) ee BICC ane oT AS Both the macro and market environments form pa af the extenal environmen The buanese ree at onlfol over events taking place in the enon environment, butt needs to Consider these caer and must design strategies (plans of action) toaant to stuations in the extemal environment Nevertheless itis also important to keep in mind that the events occuring within the business internal environment micro environment) may in turn impact ‘onevenis in the macro environment. as llstrated by the folowing exampies + Inthe event of strike, en individual business ‘or group of businesses (industry) may have an effect on the economy, + Abusiness employing or retrenching workers contibutes tothe employmenvunemployment fate ofthe country + The way the business operates may drecty 141__An Environmental Scan influence the physical envionment im which tg imgortantto do an environmental scan to identity operates, ete factors that may impact on the business and then Various tools may be used to analyse the events in adjust existing plans or develop new plans to deal the macro environment in order to: ‘With theee factors! events, + determine how the business should react to ——_Anenvironmental canis notliited only tothe macro aliminate any threats environment, but can be used as a tool wnen looking + capitalise on opportunities to achieve a atthe market environment and the microenvironment Competitive advantage 25 well. However, when an environmental scan is used in the macro environment, the following process is applied *+ The business will scan (look at) the macro environments in order to identity issues which need tobe addressed ‘Competitive advantage: + Although a SWOT analysis may be used | recesses how the, been fas eee to evaluate factors in bth he external 5 market or over competi he and internal environments, in the macro. | Ftematona) if fe business has a competitive a ‘advantage, it enables the business 10 explo Eee EO | fix ectatoge fo sok mor, ty tvect Wore | eeasgrers orto reduce expenses, thus generating opportunities and threats in the macro. Maid a environment. Some ofthe ol that may be used to anal the tag orWenven cud Ce + aswor ana, ond + PE'STLE is a useful tool to identily specific GRADE 12| Business Studies @ an ann em vs, a 2 AS swor-analss (Orly Each of he leters in peg Posie sc business Environments Croke eae i ec FF Aierestates tne rote at earn aoe, fer tows 2 Pegi naive he above (or red by the business 5 should be able to ag [During the 2020, Covd-9-pang ws bund oat of charge aa fessor such a5 mang 0 12.m Wee her acione hot (Se ci a | tec competion, te Comat out Anca may not vi “= may ths inal hae a super mateing seategy poses 2 tones tunness becuse cusoars maybe eto New legislation; Dschem ofthe proposed New Convenience af eeata and detnouton Same + Tredng Pours ‘Thebes reeds develop tetas more ‘Cater anu tts, Examples of such satis + Customes tay programs may be rogues formaraihe bvsness more ava han those of competion + business reduces tha pce of cea Recycling requires wtisng sus Simpion to esse waste Paste 212 Threat ofnew entrants Not ony caren compebiors ‘seal cst ova chalonge fom a new buses atteue an opsotuny make merey by emg aetna ‘Chapter 1 Business Environments rst comet rods rein and conte nse 20nd ” Pek Po logs Corpleriay pros Sioa Attensa speed | per Boe ta go to Baa ebony a “abet outline of the EIGHT A et busines functions flows ‘marutscureg tec educe and serves Hore drug Pow matenale ae exacted ime ta ductor servic 16 $14 the nal consumer ico 09,PeKMPaY 6 ator enn ie Gaies co 1 that formation iment sharesin he sues that buy Pom an aoa ve yoo 1 conse your own Po et fagour or vata business = baiess mani cet ound compe -—~ _ “GRADE 121 Business Studies @ not be ignored, becasue then the busines wll at be able to satisfy needs | sted contro too ch toc may become cbsolete not Expensive changes in tecrnogy that cannet be ‘ovcied Qual contro sues ‘ls nes ‘re there ony other foctrs you want to ad? a) ‘Chapter’: Business Environments navy » ——Nitowt__ 100 Perens rer Owner Eauty "1 When we oka te Sterno Far Postn Bee Comet capa ao for Une 2 Lenen seated cron assets Invern + Tao and Reena + Cas) i19+ +000 ‘gr eA tt at ai 58 sted whe Crt capa ine Sen Ao fodlamie wn af ‘he pear o Svea Se nce ae sats ress Eowoments {UME & LEMON Lea chape 1: —jeonwesv acre oF th year ending $1 gy Wwaust TM & LEON Cet —temert a fnanca postion on 3 AWBUST ser current Assets oes] 10a = rss aprting com arian sare Hi 11520 2985 = Sprang pee and Equine 2 11565 788 Tope Assets ae 2000] bees rr foo 3 100] 3250 ry ard Roles 722 50 rd asm EUS 7 300 000 ASSETS: ze7| 2126) FiVAND ABIES renal eu7 pees] 21219 yaar eta 5 e000] 15999 oo @ 9655 3220] on Gorret nbs 3 a ican XYZ BANK 2 2 aren Ea 7 ate ona Pre 2 a 6 pen 21263 1 12) Bains FroraL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES, © Cred stimu he economy. wh ‘roan recent an ware ofthe sk of ‘Bad cools canoe saunter QD (Chapter 1: Business Environments Discuss how the folowing could be ented as som Financial function pee of tho possible Econom i dod ae some of pss Departmen ot inn oe net fecering to budgets || Batts rots changes in c == Unreatistic demands from cenern tater een! | “eget oadna'> ‘cers am Confit inthe werelace rcion merece soa befovenew gNeN RO ha or pbc nue “ “he odona 3 Ps ora Marketing mic 4) * Intorest Pa race (stribution) + Management an bu Meateting communication mi (&P3) Inte o poor mate recor be denied a8 some eign othe product does roy eed of orsumes Inoccurate cores wilead | | — Not hee te ping records uP inacurote management | | —todte willed topoor econ, ‘management decion: cores tribution hand Money sert.on promotion “doesnot eta RO! 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