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Eye (2019) 33:1044–1059



Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients

on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review
A. K. Makuloluwa1 S. Tiew

1 ●
M. Briggs1

Received: 19 August 2018 / Revised: 25 December 2018 / Accepted: 20 January 2019 / Published online: 8 March 2019
© The Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2019

There is variability in the management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents (antiplatelets and anticoagulants)
during the peri-operative period. A survey carried out in a UK teaching hospital on a cohort of ophthalmologists showed
majority were comfortable with antiplatelet management but there was variability in managing patients on warfarin and
direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs); 40% were unaware of existing guidelines. We aim to review the recommendations in
the literature with regards to managing anti-thrombotic agents during the peri-operative period of ophthalmic surgery. We
reviewed incidences of complications, specifically, the haemorrhagic complications associated. Pubmed search was carried

out on relevant keywords from January 2007 to August 2017. All relevant UK guidelines including the Royal College of
Ophthalmologists and British Society of Haematology were reviewed. Literature recommendations for routine cataract
surgery under topical or sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia would be to continue all anti-thrombotic agents. For sharp needle
anaesthesia, avoidance of dual antiplatelet therapy was recommended and warfarin could be continued if INR within
therapeutic range. Recommendations for surgeries in glaucoma, vitreo-retinal, oculoplastic and lacrimal; and strabismus are
presented. No evidence was found for corneal surgery. Haemorrhagic complications are reported in all groups. Limitations
of this review include the retrospective nature, lack of randomized control trials and the limited evidence regarding DOACs.
It is important for ophthalmologists to be aware of and balance the risk of thromboembolic events and risks of haemorrhagic
complications for ophthalmic surgery. A multi-disciplinary approach is recommended for complex cases.

Introduction (an anticoagulant) was reported in 0.9%, 3.9% and 3.6% of

patients in 1993, 2004 and 2008, respectively [1].
Anti-thrombotic agents, used in the prevention and treat- Continuing anti-thrombotic agents peri-operatively may
ment of cardiovascular and ischaemic cerebral diseases, are increase the risk of potentially sight-threatening haemorrhagic
classified into antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents. With an complications, whereas discontinuing these medications may
ageing population, there is an increasing prevalence of increase the risk of life-threatening thromboembolic events.
ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents. Oh et al. Therefore, it is important to understand the indications of anti-
reported 14.6, 28.5 and 32.3 of patients undergoing thrombotic agents and when it may be safe to discontinue
vitreoretinal surgery were on antiplatelet agents in 1993, them peri-operatively. Similarly, it is essential to stratify
2004 and 2008, respectively [1]. In this study, warfarin use ophthalmic surgeries depending on the risk of peri-operative
haemorrhagic complications. The British Society of Haema-
tology (BSH) recommends that the surgeon assesses the risk
of haemorrhagic complications for individual patients, discuss
these risks with the patient and record the peri-operative and
This work has previously been presented at the Royal College of
discharge plan in patient’s notes [2]. It is vital that a multi-
Ophthalmology Congress May 2018 (Liverpool) as a poster
presentation. disciplinary approach is taken when complex situations arise
to ensure that the safest option is chosen for each patient
* A. K. Makuloluwa depending on their individual thromboembolic and haemor-
rhagic risk factors.
St. Paul’s Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, The first aim of this review is to discuss the different
Liverpool L7 8XP, UK types of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents, their
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review 1045

indications and when patients should be considered for in patients with stable cardiovascular disease undergoing
bridging anticoagulation. Our second aim is to discuss the high-risk elective surgery compared to those that continued
reported incidences of haemorrhagic complications asso- aspirin peri-operatively [2]. The increased risk of MACE in
ciated with the different types of ophthalmic surgeries and patients who discontinued antiplatelet agents has been
to review the recommendations made in the literature. suggested to be due to a rebound platelet re-activity as well
as due to the pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic effects
of surgery itself [8]. There is limited evidence on clopido-
Methods grel and it has been suggested to follow the same guidelines
as aspirin in patients on clopidogrel [2].
We reviewed the guidelines produced by the BSH, Royal In contrast to aspirin monotherapy, DAPT has been
College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) and our local Trust associated with an increased risk of haemorrhagic compli-
on peri-operative management of patients on anti- cations during surgery (14.7% vs. 4.1%) [2]. Patients
thrombotic agents. We also undertook a literature review undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery were found
using relevant keywords on articles published in English to have similar incidences of haemorrhagic events with
from January 2007 to August 2017. aspirin and ticagrelor dual therapy, but increased risk with
aspirin and prasugrel dual therapy, when compared to
Antiplatelet Agents patients on aspirin and clopidogrel dual therapy [2]. DAPT
is indicated for patients following acute coronary syn-
Various antiplatelet agents are prescribed for various indica- dromes and coronary artery stenting for at least 4 weeks
tions, predominantly for the treatment and primary and sec- following bare metal stent insertion and for 12 months
ondary prevention of cardiovascular and ischaemic cerebral following drug-eluting stent insertion [2]. The risk of
diseases (Fig. 1). Aspirin is a cyclooxygenase-1 (COX1) MACE is greatest within the first month after stent insertion
inhibitor, which in turn inhibit thromboxane A2 formation and gradually reduces over the first one year [2]. Early
and therefore platelet aggregation [3, 4]. Clopidogrel, prasu- discontinuation of DAPT following stent insertion has been
grel and ticagrelor inhibit P2Y12 receptors (ADP receptors) associated with ischaemic complications: discontinuing
found in platelets that are involved in platelet aggregation [5]. clopidogrel within 30 days has been shown to increase the
Clopidogrel and prasugrel irreversibly inhibit this receptor, risk of death by ten-folds in the following 11 months
whereas ticagrelor reversibly inhibits the same receptor on compared to those who continued the medication [9].
platelets [4, 6]. Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), a combi- Therefore, BSH guidelines recommend that DAPT is con-
nation of aspirin and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, is indicated tinued in patients undergoing “very low bleeding risk”
following acute coronary syndromes and coronary artery procedures, whereas the P2Y12 receptor inhibitor may be
stenting [2]. Dipyridamole is another antiplatelet agent that discontinued temporarily with continuation of aspirin in
inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting phosphodiesterase patients undergoing “low bleeding risk” procedures who
thereby increasing cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) have a low thromboembolic risk [2]. If patients are at risk of
levels in platelets [7]. high thromboembolic risk, elective surgery should be
The BSH guidelines recommend continuing aspirin postponed until the patient is deemed to have a low risk of
indicated for secondary prevention of cardiovascular dis- thromboembolism, that is a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks
eases if patients are undergoing low haemorrhagic risk (preferably 3 months) after bare metal stent insertion and
procedures and discontinuing if undergoing high haemor- 6 months (preferably 12 months) after drug-eluting stent
rhagic risk procedures [2]. A randomized, double-blind, insertion [2]. After this high-risk period, aspirin should be
placebo-controlled study has shown that discontinuing continued in these patients, whereas the P2Y12 receptor
aspirin for 7 days pre-operatively and re-starting 3 days inhibitors may be discontinued temporarily [2]. If patient
post-operatively resulted in a significant increase to Major requires urgent surgery, aspirin is to be continued with
Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) (9.0% vs. 1.8%, p = 0.02) temporary discontinuation of the P2Y12 receptor inhibitor
and no significant difference to the peri-operative blood loss (clopidogrel/ticagrelor for 5 days and prasugrel for 7 days
pre-operatively) [2]. This is recommended for patients
undergoing urgent intracranial, spinal canal and posterior
eye chamber surgery who are within the high thromboem-
bolic risk period [2]. In patients with high thromboembolic
risks requiring high bleeding risk surgery that is urgent,
bridging with a parenteral short-acting glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
inhibitor (tirofiban or eptifibatide) should be considered
Fig. 1 Mechanisms of action of antiplatelet agents while P2Y12 receptor inhibitors are discontinued [2].
1046 A. K. Makuloluwa et al.

Anticoagulant Agents The incidences of stroke and systemic embolism were 0.5%
in each group during the first 30 days of discontinuation [2,
Warfarin 11]. Another multicentre prospective study that included
324 standard risk and 217 high haemorrhagic risk proce-
Warfarin inhibits vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylation dures reported an incidence rate of 1.8% for major bleeding
of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X (Fig. 2) [10]. It also (0.7–3.0%) and 0.2% (0–0.5%) for thromboembolic events
inhibits the formation of proteins C and S of the coagulation in the first 30 days of discontinuation of dabigatran pre-
pathway [10]. Warfarin has an approximate half-life of thirty- operatively [2].
six hours and therefore needs to be discontinued 5 days pre- The Rocket-AF study reported no significant difference
operatively to ensure normal haemostasis and international in the incidences of haemorrhagic or thromboembolic
normalized ratio (INR) needs to be checked on the day of events in patients who underwent 2980 procedures (8%
surgery [2]. Due to slow onset of action, warfarin may be re- ophthalmic procedures) when rivaroxaban was discontinued
started on the evening of surgery or the next day if adequate for three or more days compared to when warfarin was
haemostasis has been achieved [2]. discontinued [2]. The Aristotle study investigated 9260
procedures (8% ophthalmic procedures) of which 60% were
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) undertaken in patients who discontinued apixaban [2]. Most
of the procedures were deemed low risk of haemorrhage.
DOACs (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban) are There were no significant differences to the incidence of
indicated for stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibril- haemorrhagic complications in patients taking apixaban
lation (AF) and treatment and prevention of deep venous compared to warfarin irrespective of whether or not antic-
thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) [2]. They oagulation was discontinued [2].
are given as a fixed once or twice daily dose regimens and Sun et al. reported findings of a systematic review and
do not require regular laboratory monitoring [6]. Unlike meta-analysis of twelve phase 3 randomised controlled
warfarin, they have fewer food and drug interactions [6]. trials (RCTs) published until August 2016 on events of
However, renal function needs to be monitored as most are intraocular haemorrhage in patients on DOACs [12]. This
excreted via the kidneys, especially dabigatran (80% study included 102 627 patients on DOACs (4 studies on
excreted via kidneys) [6, 9]. Major limitations of DOACs rivaroxaban, 4 on dabigatran, 2 on apixaban and 2 on
are that they lack a reversing agent in the event of a hae- edoxaban) compared to warfarin that were indicated for AF
morrhagic complication and currently there are no standard or venous thromboembolism (VTE). Their findings showed
tests to measure the anticoagulant effect [6]. Idarucizumab that there is a 22% relative reduction in intraocular hae-
is an approved reversal agent for dabigatran and andexanet, morrhagic events in patients on DOACs compared to those
when available, can be used to reverse apixaban, rivarox- on warfarin (risk ratio 0.78, 95% CI 0.61–0.99). This was
aban or edoxaban [2]. irrespective of the indication for DOAC and type of DOAC
The RE-LY study included 4951 patients whose dabi- used by the patient [12]. The BSH guidelines for peri-
gatran was temporarily discontinued for 1 to 5 days prior to operative management of DOACs are shown in Table 1.
various surgical and invasive procedures, depending on the
renal function [2, 11]. Of the study population, 9.3% Bridging Anticoagulants
underwent cataract surgery and all patients were monitored
for up to 30 days post operatively. The authors reported that There is evidence that temporary discontinuation of antic-
there was no statistically significant difference in the inci- oagulant agents lead to a transient hypercoaguable state with
dence of major haemorrhages between the dabigatran group a rapid increase in clotting factors, thus increasing the risk of
and warfarin group (discontinued 5 days pre-operatively). thromboembolic events [13]. Bridging anticoagulation is the
introduction of a therapeutic dose short-acting anticoagulant
agent during temporary interruption of oral anticoagulants
described above [9]. These short-acting anticoagulants are
sub-cutaneous low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and
intravenous unfractionated heparin (UFH) [9]. They inhibit
thrombin (factor IIa) and Xa, however, LWMH pre-
dominantly inhibit factor Xa than IIa [14]. Due to the shorter
half-lives of DOACs, it has been suggested that bridging
anticoagulation is not required peri-operatively when
DOACs are temporarily discontinued [6, 9]. If bridging
Fig. 2 Mechanisms of action of anticoagulant agents anticoagulation is given peri-operatively, it is important to
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review 1047

Table 1 BSH guidelines on peri-operative management of direct oral anticoagulant agents

Risk of haemorrhage associated with surgery
DOAC Renal function CrCL (mL/min) Low High

Dabigatran ≥80 Stop 24 h pre-operatively Stop 48 h pre-operatively

≥50 and <80 24–48 h pre-operatively 48–72 h pre-operatively
≥30 to <50 48–72 h pre-operatively 72–96 h pre-operatively
Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban ≥30 24 h pre-operatively 48 h pre-operatively
<30 48 h pre-operatively 72 h pre-operatively
Re-start DOACs 6–12 h and 48 h after low and high-risk procedures, respectively, if adequate haemostasis if achieved
If patient is at high risk of thromboembolic events, prophylactic anticoagulation may be considered prior to re-starting full therapeutic dose of
CrCL Creatinine clearance (mL/min)

note that DOACs and bridging anticoagulation must not be until INR is within therapeutic range after re-starting
given simultaneously [8]. This is in contrast to warfarin, warfarin post-operatively [9].
when bridging anticoagulation is given post-operatively
until INR is within therapeutic level after re-starting war- Haemorrhagic Complications Associated With
farin. Although the evidence from RCTs are limited, there Ophthalmic Surgeries – Risk Stratification
are evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses that
show that bridging anticoagulation is associated with an Ophthalmic Anaesthesia
increased risk of haemorrhage and with uncertain absolute
reduction of thromboembolic events [2, 9]. Cataract surgery is the most (Table 2) commonly per-
Guidelines on the use of bridging anticoagulation as formed ophthalmic surgery in the UK [15]. The number of
recommended by BSH and our local Trust guidelines are surgeries has quadrupled from approximately 100 000 per
shown in Fig. 3. The requirement for bridging antic- year in 1990 to over 400 000 per year in England between
oagulation in the presence of mechanical heart valves 2016 and 2017 [15–17]. Almost 97% of these operations
(MHV) depend on the location of the valve, type of valve are performed under local anaesthesia [18]. A recent
and co-existence of stroke risk factors [2]. For patients with British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU)
AF the CHADS2 score (congestive cardiac failure, hyper- study showed that the current usage of local anaesthesia
tension, age ≥ 75, diabetes mellitus and previous stroke or are 39% for topical (with or without intracameral), 51%
transient ischaemic attack (TIA)) can be used to predict the for sub-Tenon’s, 9% for peribulbar, and 1% for retro-
risk of stroke and select patients who may require bridging bulbar anaesthesia [18]. The latest NICE guidelines
anticoagulation [2]. For patients with acute VTE the risk of recommend offering patients sub-Tenon’s, or topical
recurrence without anticoagulation is more than 10% per (with or without intracameral) anaesthesia for patient
year in the first 3 months and surgery will increase this risk undergoing cataract surgery [17]. If these are contra-
further [9]. Beyond this high-risk period, the antic- indicated, offer peri-bulbar anaesthesia. However, they do
oagulation is for secondary prevention when prophylactic not recommend retro-bulbar anaesthesia for patients
dose of LMWH can be given instead of treatment dose until undergoing cataract surgery.
the INR is within therapeutic range [9]. Bridging therapy The literature to date reports no sight-threatening com-
should also be considered for patients who have had pre- plications associated with local anaesthetic blocks in
vious VTE while on therapeutic anticoagulation who now patients who are on single antiplatelet agents or on antic-
have a target INR of 3.5, active metastatic cancers and oagulant agents. Most complications reported are sub-
patients with thrombophilia [2, 9]. conjunctival haemorrhages that resolve spontaneously
The last dose of therapeutic LMWH should be given at without affecting vision. Benzimra et al. reported an
least 24 hours pre-operatively and some recommend giv- increased risk of self-limiting sub-conjunctival haemor-
ing half the therapeutic dose. Post-operatively, bridging rhages with clopidogrel (4.4%) and warfarin (3.7%) com-
anticoagulation should not be started at least after pared to non-anti-thrombotic users (1.7%) who had sub-
48 hours of high-risk surgery and only when adequate Tenon’s or sharp needle anaesthesia [19]. However, the
haemostasis has been achieved [2, 9]. However, prophy- authors did not clarify if these anti-thrombotic agents were
lactic doses may be given within the first 48 hours if continued or discontinued peri-operatively. Kobayashi et al.
indicated [2]. Bridging anticoagulation is to be continued reported the incidence sub-conjunctival haemorrhages to be
1048 A. K. Makuloluwa et al.

Fig. 3 Indications for bridging (1) MECHANICAL HEART VALVES

*NOTE: if type of valve cannot be verified start bridging ancoagulaon
anticoagulation (BSH and local
High risk • Recent stroke/TIA (within 6 months) Bridging strongly
Trust guidelines, Kong 2015) • All mitral valves recommended
• Caged-ball or single-leaflet lng disc aorc valve
Moderate • Bileaflet lng disc aorc valve and one or more stroke risk Bridging should be
risk factors considered
Low risk • Bileaflet lng disc aorc valve without AF and no other risk Bridging oponal
factors for stroke
Bjork-Shiley, Medtronic-Hall or Omnicarbon valve
St Jude or Carbomedics valve
Stroke risk factors: AF, previous stroke/TIA, congesve heart failure/reduced le ventricular ejecon fracon,
age >75 years, hypertension, diabetes mellitus


High risk • Recent stroke/TIA (within 3 months) Bridging strongly
• Rheumac heart disease recommended
• CHADS 5 or 6
Moderate • CHADS 3 or 4 Bridging should be
risk considered
Low risk • CHADS score 0-2 (and no prior stroke/TIA) Bridging rarely
CHADS score: Congesve heart failure/LV dysfuncon (1), Hypertension (1), Age > 75 years (1), Diabetes
Mellitus (1), previous Stroke/TIA (2)


High risk • Recent (within 3 months) of VTE Bridging strongly
• Severe thrombophilia recommended
Moderate • VTE within past 3 to 12 months Bridging should be
risk • Non-severe thrombophilic condions considered
• Recurrent VTE
• Acve cancer (Rx within 6 months or palliave)
Low risk • Single VTE more than 12 months and no other risk factors Bridging rarely
Deficiency of protein C or S or an-thrombin, anphospholipid anbodies, mulple abnormalies
Heterogenous factor V Leiden mutaon, prothrombin gene mutaon
For some individual paents the use of vena cava filter may need to be discussed.
High risk: > 10% per year risk of arterial thromboembolism or > 10% per month risk of venous
Moderate risk : 4-10% per year risk of arterial thromboembolism or 4-10% per month risk of venous
Low risk: <4% per year risk of arterial thromboembolism or <4% per month risk of venous thromboembolism.

17.2% in patients on continued aspirin, warfarin or both block, it is recommended that the P2Y12 receptor inhibitors
prior to sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia, which was statistically are discontinued peri-operatively after the high-risk throm-
significant compared to patients whose anti-thrombotic boembolic period [21]. This is due to haemorrhagic risks
agents were discontinued for 1 week pre-operatively [20]. associated with the anaesthetic block rather than the cataract
This is in contrast to patients on DAPT, who may have an surgery itself.
increased risk of sight-threatening haemorrhagic complica- Jamula et al. undertook a systematic review of the lit-
tions. It is recommended either that elective ophthalmic erature to study the incidence of haemorrhagic complica-
procedures are postponed until it is safe for the patient to tions in patients continuing warfarin peri-operatively during
discontinue one of the antiplatelet agents during the peri- cataract surgery [22]. They analysed 11 studies (4 cohort, 1
operative period or perform the surgery under less invasive RCT and 6 case series) and reported increased risk of
anaesthetic routes, for example, under topical anaesthesia. bleeding in patients taking warfarin (10%) with an odds
ratio of 3.26 compared to non-anticoagulated patients
Cataract Surgery undergoing surgery. However, most were self-limiting and
non-significant events that included dot hyphaema and sub-
Antiplatelet agents (Table 3), when used either as mono- conjunctival haemorrhages. They concluded that there was
therapy or dual therapy, have not been associated with an no evidence that continuation of warfarin was associated
increased risk of haemorrhagic complications. However, if with sight-threatening haemorrhagic complications during
surgery is carried out under peri- or retro-bulbar anaesthetic cataract surgery [22]. The RCOphth recommends
Table 2 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with local anaesthesia related to ophthalmic procedures
Local anaesthesia related to ophthalmic procedures

Reference Type of study Number on anti- Type of Type of surgery Sub-conjunctival Eyelid bruising/ Retro/peri-bulbar Comment
thrombotics anaesthesia haemorrhage ecchymosis haemorrhage
[47] Case report On aspirin + prasugrel for a Retro-bulbar Pan-retinal - - Retrobulbar haemorrhage Delay the procedure if DAPT
drug-eluting coronary stent photocoagulation for PDR →NLP on discharge required or hold prasugrel in the
inserted 4 months peri-operative period or use an
previously. alternate anaesthetic block.
[48] Retrospective study 153 611 patients Retro/peri- Any - - 3/153 611 (all had poor Patient 1: aspirin + clopidogrel
bulbar visual outcomes) (also had a suprachoroidal
Patient 2: aspirin + clopidogrel +
warfarin (INR 4.1)
Patient 3: warfarin; delayed
haemorrhage after a bout of
coughing (two days post op
admitted with acute bronchitis →
switched to enoxaparin)
[3] Prospective case-control Clopidogrel: 1000 Peri-bulbar Any – approx. 50% Grade I (spot ecchymosis of eyelid ± sub- Grade 4 (retrobulbar Clopidogrel not associated with
study Non-users: 1000 cataract surgery. conjunctival haemorrhage) = 30/1000 (3.0%) in haemorrhage + increased sight-threatening complications
clopidogrel group and 20/1000 (2.0%) in non- IOP) = 0/1000 in both due to peri-bulbar anaesthesia
users groups
Grade 2 (eyelid ecchymosis involving half the lid)
0/1000 in both groups
Grade 3 (eyelid ecchymosis all around the eye
with no increase in IOP) = 0/1000 in both groups.
[49] Prospective case-control Aspirin: 500 (75–300 mg) Peri-bulbar Any – approx. 50% Grade 1 (spot ecchymosis): 30/500 (6.0%) in 0/500 Peribulbar anaesthetic block can
study Non-users: 500 cataract surgery aspirin group and 20/500 (4.0%) in non-users be safely performed in patients
Grade 2: 0/500 in aspirin group and 1/500 (0.2%) treated with aspirin.
in non-users.
Grade 3: 0/500 in both groups.
[20] Non-randomised case Continued warfarin/aspirin/ Sub-Tenon’s Cataract surgery Continued: 47/273 -
series both: 273 (17.2%)*
558 procedures (355 Discontinued warfarin/ Discontinued: 31/285
patients) aspirin/both: 285 (10.9%)
(One week pre-op and re-
started 2 days post-op)
[19] 48 862 operations on the Aspirin: 9101 Sub-Tenon’s or Cataract surgery Aspirin: 182/9101 Aspirin: 28/9101 Aspirin: 4/9101 (0.04%) Haemorrhagic complications
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review

Cataract National Clopidogrel: 524 sharp needle (2.0%) (0.3%) Clopidogrel: 0/524 significantly associated with
Dataset from 8 NHS Dipyridamole: 78 Clopidogrel: 23/524 Clopidogrel: 1/524 Dipyridamole: 0/78 clopidogrel (8.0%) and warfarin
Trusts Aspirin + clopidogrel: 134 (4.4%)* (0.2%) Aspirin + clopidogrel: 0/ (6.2%) compared to non-users
32 686/48 862 Aspirin + dipyridamole: Dipyridamole: 2/78 Dipyridamole: 0/78 134 (4.3%) but none sight-threatening.
217 (2.6%) Aspirin + clopidogrel: Aspirin + dipyridamole: Unknown if anti-thrombotic
Warfarin: 1525 Aspirin + clopidogrel: 1/134 (0.7%) 1/217 0.5%) agents were continued or
Aspirin + warfarin: 76 4/134 (3.0%) Aspirin + Warfarin: 0/1525 discontinued peri-operatively.
Non-users 21 001 Aspirin + dipyridamole: dipyridamole: 0/217 Aspirin + warfarin: 0/76
2/217 (0.9%) Warfarin: 4/1525 Non-users: 7/ 21 001
Warfarin: 56/1525 (0.3%) (0.03%)
(3.7%)* Aspirin + warfarin:
Aspirin + warfarin: 1/76 (1.3%)
5/76 (6.6%)* Non-users: 44/21 001
Non-user: 353/21 001 (0.2%)
[50] Case report Aspirin and clopidogrel Sub-Tenon’s PPV for non-resolving Retrobulbar haemorrhage Post-op vision?
VH (type 1 DM)

* Statistically significant results

Table 3 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with cataract surgery

Cataract surgery

Refer- Type of study Number on anti- Hyphaema Vitreo-retinal Suprachoroidal Comments

ence thrombotics haemorrhages haemorrhage
[51] Prospective non-randomised Warfarin: 30 0/30 both groups 0/30 both groups 0/30 both groups Small sample size.
comparative study 60 eyes (60 Mean INR 2.04 Did not specify which haemorrhagic
patients) Non-user: 30 complications were being assessed as
[52] Prospective interventional case Warfarin + aspirin: 47 0/51 0/51 0/51 No haemorrhagic complications.
series Warfarin + clopidogrel: 4 No thromboembolic complications.
51 eyes (40 patients) INR ≤ 3.0
[20] Non-randomised case series Continued warfarin/ Continued: 8/273 Dot retinal Continued: 0/273
558 procedures (355 patients) aspirin/both: 273 (2.9%) haemorrhage Discontinued: 0/285
Discontinued warfarin/ Discontinued: 5/285 Continued: 3/273
aspirin/both: 285 (1.8%) (1.1%)
(One week pre-op and re- All microscopic Discontinued: 2/285
started 2 days post-op) hyphaema (0.7%)
No VH in either group.
[19] 48 862 operations on the Aspirin: 13 110 Aspirin: 8/13 110 - Aspirin: 7/13 110 Clopidogrel (7.3%) associated with
Cataract National Dataset from Clopidogrel: 712 (0.06%) (0.5%) increased risk of haemorrhagic
8 NHS Trusts Dipyridamole: 128 Clopidogrel: 1/712 Clopidogrel: 2/712 complications compared to non-users
Aspirin + clopidogrel: 190 (0.1%) (0.3%) (4.4%).
Aspirin + dipyridamole: Dipyridamole: 0/128 Dipyridamole: 0/128 Unknown if anti-thrombotic agents were
317 Aspirin + clopidogrel: Aspirin + clopidogrel: continued or discontinued peri-operatively.
Warfarin: 2372 0/190 0/190
Aspirin + warfarin: 94 Aspirin + Aspirin +
Non-users: 31 901 dipyridamole: 0/317 dipyridamole: 0/317
Warfarin: 2/2372 Warfarin: 1/2372
(0.08%) (0.04%)
Aspirin + warfarin: 0/ Aspirin + warfarin: 0/
94 94
Non-users: 14/31 901 Non-users: 22/31 901
(0.04%) (0.7%)
[53] Prospective, non-randomised, Warfarin: all 1/75 microscopic 1/75 dot retinal 2/75 iris haemorrhage (2.7%)
interventional, consecutive case Plus antiplatelet: 9 patients hyphaema (1.3%) haemorrhage (1.3%) All resolved spontaneously within one
series Mean INR 2.03 week.
75 eyes (63 patients) Mean INR of patients who had minor
bleeding 2.1.
No bleeding events recorded in patients
treated with combined methods.
A. K. Makuloluwa et al.
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review 1051

continuing warfarin during cataract surgery [23]. Their Glaucoma Surgery

guidelines states surgery can be carried out if INR is within
therapeutic range and consideration for sub-Tenon’s or Alwitry et al. (Table 4) collected data from a questionnaire
topical anaesthesia should be given in patients on warfarin that was sent to glaucoma specialists in England [13]. They
to minimise the risk of haemorrhagic complications. Batra reported that approximately 31% of the surgeons dis-
et al. recommended that the patients should be informed continued aspirin and 33% discontinued warfarin, of which
about the risks and benefits of continuing warfarin therapy 14% routinely started heparin and 38% started heparin
during cataract surgery [24]. It has been shown that the risk depending on the indication for anticoagulation. Most sur-
of stroke increases to 1 in 100 with discontinuing warfarin geons (81.25%) proceeded with surgery if the INR was
and the risk of orbital haemorrhage increases by 0.2% to three or less, whereas 18.75% operated at higher INR.
1.0% if warfarin is continued and sharp needle local Interestingly, a similar study done in Brazil, reported that
anaesthesia is performed [24]. 82.7% of glaucoma surgeons stopped aspirin and warfarin
To date no study has been designed to evaluate the risk [26].
of haemorrhagic complications during cataract surgery Studies have shown an increased risk of haemorrhagic
related to DOACs. Since DOACs provide more predictable complications with anti-thrombotic use in glaucoma sur-
anticoagulation with fixed dosing that is less prone to gery. One study showed that aspirin use is associated with
interaction with other medication compared to warfarin, an increased incidence of hyphaema (50.9%) compared to
they theoretically have a risk profile that is equal to or better anti-thrombotic non-users (28.0%), however, this did not
than warfarin [25]. Therefore, Blum et al. recommended affect the surgical outcome at 2 years [27]. In this study, the
continuing DOACs during the peri-operative period in five patients who were on warfarin, all had significant
routine cataract surgery, although they did acknowledge the hyphaema that lead to trabeculectomy failure in four of the
need for studies in the future to provide an evidence base for five patients. The authors recommended continuing aspirin
recommending guidelines [25]. In our proposed pathway, but discontinuing warfarin peri-operatively during glau-
we suggest that DOACs are omitted 2 days pre-operatively coma surgery. Multivariate analysis has shown that antic-
(depending on renal function) and re-started 1 to 2 days post oagulant use and high pre- and post-operative intraocular
operatively if adequate haemostasis is achieved (Fig. 4 and pressures (IOP) to be risk factors for haemorrhagic com-
Table 1). plications [28]. Kojima et al. reported the incidence of

Fig. 4 Proposed pathway for the LOW RISK SURGERY HIGH RISK SURGERY
• Sub-Tenon/topical cataract surgery • Peri/retro-bulbar anaesthesia
peri-operative management of
• Corneal surgery • Glaucoma surgery
ophthalmic patients on anti-
• Oculoplasc: chalazion, eyelid cyst/lesion • Vitreo-renal surgery (PPV)
thrombotic agents removal • Vitreo-renal surgery (oncology: endoresecon,
• Strabismus biopsy of intraocular tumours, plaques/markers
• Oculoplascs: blepharoplasty, post-septal eyelid
• Temporal artery biopsy
Warfarin DOACs Warfarin DOACs
Connue. Check INR on Omit dose 2 Aspirin/clopidogrel: Inform the local Omit dose 2
day of surgery days pre- stop 7 days pre- an-coagulant days pre-
and connue if operavely operavely, connue service at me operavely
within (depends on in high risk. of lisng. (depends on
therapeuc renal funcon) renal funcon)
range. and re-start 1-2 Prasugrel: stop 7 days If low risk (e.g. and re-start 1-2
days post pre-operavely* non-valvular days post
operavely if atrial operavely if
adequate Ticagrelor: stop 5 fibrillaon): adequate
haemostasis days pre-operavely* stop 2 days pre- haemostasis
achieved. operavely, achieved.
check INR on
day of surgery,
and connue if
<2. Re-start on
evening of

If high risk:
discuss with
*only stop if aer high thrombosis risk period or liaise with cardiologist if uncertain
>12 months aer inseron of drug-elung coronary stent
>1 month aer inseron of bare metal coronary stent
Table 4 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with glaucoma surgery

Glaucoma surgery

Refer- Type of study Number on anti- Type of surgery Hyphaema Vitreo-retinal Suprachoroidal Comment
ence thrombotics haemorrhages haemorrhage
[28] Retrospective Antiplatelet: 247 continued Trabeculectomy ± Antiplatelet Antiplatelet Antiplatelet Antiplatelet
case-control study and 52 discontinued 2 weeks cataract surgery Continued: 5/247 Continued: 4/247 Continued: 8/247 Continued vs. discontinued 17/247
694 eyes pre-op. Tube shunt procedure (2.0%) (1.6%) (3.2%) (6.9%) vs. 7/52 (13.5%), p = 0.062
Anticoagulant: 21 continued Discontinued: 3/ Discontinued: 2/ Discontinued: 2/52 Anticoagulant/both
vs. 19 discontinued (2– 52 (5.8%) 52 (3.8%) (3.8%) Continued vs. discontinued 7/22
3 days pre-op). Anticoagulant Anticoagulant Anticoagulant (31.8%) vs. 4/26 (15.4%), p = 0.113
Both: 1 continued and 7 Continued: 3/21 Continued: 2/21 Continued: 2/21 Overall: antiplatelet use (24/299,
discontinued (antiplatelet (14.3%) (9.5%) (9.5%) 8.0%) and anticoagulant use ( ±
2 weeks and anticoagulant 2– Discontinued: 1/ Discontinued: 1/ Discontinued: 1/19 antiplatelet) (11/48, 22.9%) associated
3 days pre-op). 19 (5.3%) 19 (5.3%) (5.3%) with a significantly higher incidence of
Non-users: 347 Both Both Both haemorrhagic complications than non-
Continued: 0/1 Continued: 0/1 Continued: 0/1 users (13/347, 3.7%). Patients on anti-
Discontinued: 1/7 Discontinued: 0/1 Discontinued: 0/1 thrombotic agents who had a
(14.3%) haemorrhagic complication had a
significantly higher rate of severe
vision loss compared to the non-users
who had haemorrhagic complications
(17.1% vs. 5.9%)
NOTE: two of the patients in the
anticoagulant use were on bridging
subcutaneous heparin.
Multivariate analysis: anticoagulant use
and high pre-/post-op IOP were risk
factors for haemorrhagic complications.
Three thromboembolic events:
1 – antiplatelet discontinued pre-op
→cerebrovascular accident
2 – antiplatelet continued → sixth nerve
3 – non-user → pulmonary embolism
[27] Retrospective Aspirin: 55 Trabeculectomy (6, 1.6% Aspirin: 28/55 - Aspirin: 1 (1.8%) Aspirin associated with significantly
367 procedures Warfarin: 5 intra-operative anti- (50.9%)* Non-user: 1 (0.3%) higher incidence of hyphaema but did
Non-users: 307 metabolites) Warfarin 5/5 Both resolved not affect the surgical outcome at 2
(100%)* spontaneously. years.
Non-users: 86/307 Warfarin group: 4/5 had
(28.0%) trabeculectomy failure.
Continue aspirin but discontinue
warfarin due to risk of trabeculectomy
* Statistically significant results
A. K. Makuloluwa et al.
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review 1053

hyphaema to be 24.8% in a Japanese population of patients the INR is between 1.0 and 3.0, 43% if INR between 3.0
undergoing trabeculectomy with mitomycin C [29]. They and 3.5 and only 7% would continue with surgery if INR is
showed that neovascular glaucoma and antiplatelet and more than 3.5. In this survey, only 9% of the surgeons
anticoagulant use are associated with an increased risk of reported to stopping all anticoagulant agents during diabetic
hyphaema (OR: 2.4, p = 0.0017 and OR: 2.1, p = 0.0274, vitrectomy and retinectomy [7].
respectively). Of the patients with neovascular glaucoma, The incidence of post-operative vitreous haemorrhage
the risk is further increased with antiplatelet and antic- following vitrectomy for complications of proliferative
oagulant use (OR 3.3, p = 0.0450). Pre-operative use of diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is reported to be between 20 and
intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 30% [7]. Patel et al. carried out cumulative data analysis of
injections was associated with a reduced risk in these studies, who reported incidence rates of haemorrhagic
patients (OR 0.36, p = 0.0275) [29]. complications to be 17.5% (36 of 206 eyes) with aspirin,
Golan et al. undertook a prospective controlled study in 7.4% (15 of 204 eyes) with clopidogrel, 16.7% (7 of 42
patients suspected of bilateral primary angle-closure glau- eyes) with dual therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel, 13%
coma who were on antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents (3 of 23 eyes) with prasugrel, 8.3% (22 of 266 eyes) with
undergoing laser peripheral iridotomy [30]. They included warfarin and 7.7% (1 of 13 eyes) with DOACs [7].
104 patients (204 eyes) of which, 49% were on aspirin, Chandra et al. undertook a prospective study on 5459
32.7% were on warfarin and 18.3% were on clopidogrel. patients that underwent pars plana vitrectomy over a ten
One eye had the procedure while on anti-thrombotic agents, year period and looked at the incidence of suprachoroidal
whereas these agents were discontinued for 2 weeks prior to haemorrhages [31]. Suprachoroidal haemorrhages were
having the procedure in the second eye. The incidences of observed in 56 patients (1.03%) during the study period.
hyphaema in both eyes were 34.6% (36/104), which was Multivariable logistic regression showed use of aspirin and
not statistically significant irrespective of the anti- warfarin (OR 2.29, p = 0.007) to be risk factors for devel-
thrombotic agent used. The incidence of hyphaema when oping suprachoroidal haemorrhages [31]. Another study by
anti-thrombotic agents were continued were 31.4% for Brillat et al. reported that aspirin continued or discontinued
patients on aspirin, 41.2% for warfarin and 31.6% for clo- for 5 days or less peri-operatively was not associated with
pidogrel. All the hyphaemas were either grade 1 (minor an increased risk of haemorrhagic complications during
bleeding stopped by light pressure with Abraham contact retinal detachment surgery [32]. In contrast, a retrospective
lens) or 2 (bleeding not controlled with contact lens and no study by Ryan et al. did not show anti-thrombotic agents to
macroscopic hyphaema) [30]. be a risk factor for intra and post-operative haemorrhagic
Therefore, the recommendations in the literature are to complications [33]. Similarly, another study by Brown et al.
discontinue aspirin and clopidogrel when used as mono- concluded that there was no increased risk of post-operative
therapy for primary prevention, however, continue if used dense vitreous haemorrhages in patients undergoing dia-
for secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The betic vitrectomy between patients on aspirin, clopidogrel or
P2Y12 receptor inhibitors should be discontinued if used as warfarin compared to those who discontinued these medi-
DAPT. However, risks and benefits of continuing anti- cation peri-operatively or non-users [34]. However, studies
platelet agents should be considered in the presence of have shown PDR (OR 4.1, p = 0.003) and diabetes (OR
neovascular glaucoma and high IOPs. It is also important to 18.5, p < 0.001) to be risk factors for intra and post-
consider and recognise that, intraoperative and post- operative haemorrhagic complications, respectively [33].
operative haemorrhagic complications in glaucoma, espe- Use of anti-VEGF injections to reduce post-operative
cially if sustained or prolonged, can cause severe visual loss recurrent vitreous haemorrhages is becoming popular in
due to high pressure in already compromised optic nerves. patients with PDR [33, 35]. Fabinyi et al. reported that
Anticoagulants should be discontinued with consideration diabetic patients undergoing PPV while on anti-thrombotic
for bridging therapy depending on patient’s risk factors. agents (aspirin/clopidogrel/warfarin) peri-operatively are
more likely to have persistent vitreous haemorrhage (OR
Vitreo-Retinal Surgery 4.8, p = 0.004) and subsequent surgery (OR 6.6, p = 0.024)
[35]. Oh et al. reported glaucoma also be a risk factor
A recent survey that included 167 (Table 5) members of the associated with haemorrhagic complications following
British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons vitreoretinal surgery [1].
showed that 93% and 82% of the respondents continued Due to controversial results from studies, the recom-
aspirin and clopidogrel peri-operatively, respectively [7]. mendations for peri-operative management is similar to that
Moreover, 79% of the respondents reported to continuing for glaucoma surgery. Anti-thrombotic agents are to be
warfarin and 58% continued DOACs peri-operatively. More discontinued where possible and to be cautious of these
than 90% of the surgeons would continue with surgery if agents in the presence of neovascular retinal diseases.
Table 5 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with vitreoretinal surgery

VItreo-retinal Surgery

Refer- Type of study Number on anti- Type of Vitreous haemorrhage Sub-retinal Suprachoroidal Comment
ence thrombotics surgery haemorrhage haemorrhage
[54] Retrospective consecutive Prasugrel: 23 PPV ± scleral Prasugrel: 3/23 (13.0%) Anti-thrombotic: 0/ Anti-thrombotic: 0/ No incidence of retrobulbar
series review of patients on Dabigatran: 6 buckling Rivaroxaban: 1/5 (20%) 36 36 haemorrhages in either group.
rivaroxaban, apixaban, Rivaroxaban: 5 Control: 6/72 (8.3%); 4 Control group: 0/72 Control group: 0/72 No significant difference between
dabigatran, and prasugrel Apixaban: 2 required further surgical the control group and patients on
108 eyes Non-users: 72 interventions anti-thrombotic agents (4/36,
Of the 4 patients who had VH while
on anti-thrombotic agents, 3
underwent PPV for VH secondary
to PDR (2 required further surgery)
and 1 underwent PPV for RD.
[33] Prospective study Aspirin: 77 95 PPV Hyphaema 6/107 (5.6%) Not reported the type of anti-
107 surgeries Clopidogrel: 8 12 scleral Mild-moderate VH: 32/107 (29.9%) thrombotic agent associated with
Aspirin + clopidogrel: 11 buckling Dense VH 6/107 (5.6%) type of haemorrhagic complication.
Warfarin: 11 Sub-retinal haemorrhage 2/107 (1.9%) No control group.
(Mean INR 2.4) Suprachoroidal haemorrhage 3/107 (2.8%) (None sight-threatening)
Haemorrhagic events:
Aspirin: 38/77 (49.4%)
Clopidogrel: 1/8 (12.5%)
Aspirin + clopidogrel: 7/11 (63.6%)
Warfarin: 3/11 (27.3%)
[4] Retrospective case series Aspirin/clopidogrel/both: PPV ± cataract Antiplatelet: 6/44 Retinal Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage and
200 eyes 44 surgery (13.6%)* haemorrhage/ hyphaema:
Anticoagulants: 12 Anticoagulant: 0/12 haematoma Antiplatelet: 1/44 (2.3%)
(target INR < 4.5) Control: 3/144 (2.1%) Antiplatelet: 3/44 Anticoagulant: 2/12 (16.7%)
Control: 144 (6.8%)* Control: 7/144 (4.9%)
Anticoagulant: 0/12 3 sight-threatening complications:
Control: 4/144 all reported in patients using
(2.8%) clopidogrel (two wet AMD and one
Antiplatelet agents had a
significantly higher incidence of
severe haemorrhagic complications
(VH and retinal haemorrhage/
haematoma) than patients in
anticoagulants and control group.
[34] Retrospective comparative Continued (27): Diabetic PPV Dense VH: - - Continue antiplatelet agents peri-
cohort study 16 aspirin, (single Anti-platelet: 3/27 operatively in diabetic vitrectomy.
97 eyes 1 clopidogrel surgeon) (11.1%); 1 required No report of incidence of
10 aspirin + clopidogrel further surgery. haemorrhagic complications
A. K. Makuloluwa et al.
Table 5 (continued)
VItreo-retinal Surgery

Control group: Control: 12/70 (17.1%); associated with each anti-thrombotic

discontinued anti- 4 required further agent.
thrombotics and non- surgery. No report of incidence of
users (70) haemorrhagic complications in
patients who discontinued
medication compared to non-users.
[35] Retrospective chart review Anti-thrombotic agents Diabetic PPV 5/18 aspirin (27.8%); 3 - - Patients who continued anti-
155 eyes (68): required further surgery. thrombotic agents peri-operatively
29 continued 1/4 clopidogrel (25%) had significantly higher incidence of
39 discontinued peri-op required further surgery. VH (8/29, 27.6%) compared to the
Non-users: 87 2/2 warfarin (100%); no non-users (6/87, 6.9%).
further surgery. Diabetic patients undergoing PPV
Discontinued: 4/39 while on anti-thrombotic agents
(10.3%); 3 required peri-operatively are more likely to
further surgery. have persistent vitreous
Non-users: 6/87 (6.9%); haemorrhage (OR 4.8, p = 0.004)
none required further and subsequent surgery (OR 6.6,
surgery. p = 0.024).
[55] Retrospective case-control Warfarin: 60 PPV - - Warfarin: 0/60
study (INR 0.94–4.6, median Control: 1/60
120 patients 2.3) (1.7%)
Non-users: 60
[56] Retrospective cohort study (Procedures) 25 gauge PPV Warfarin: 1/64 (1.6%) - 0 in all groups. Recommend continuing all anti-
310 procedures Warfarin: 64 Clopidogrel: 5/136 thrombotic agents peri-operatively.
Clopidogrel: 136 (3.7%) NOTE: 35.9% of patients on
Control: 110 Control: 4/110 (3.6%) warfarin and 72.1% of patients on
clopidogrel were also on aspirin –
Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review

no effect on incidence of
[1] Observational retrospective Aspirin: 168 PPV 740 Hyphaema 17/822 (2.1%) Anticoagulants use increased the
case-control study Clopidogrel 25 Scleral VH: 66/822 (8.0%) risk of haemorrhagic complications.
822 patients Both 21 buckling 82 Sub-retinal haemorrhage 4/822 (0.5%) Not reported the type of anti-
(145 discontinued 3 days One surgeon Suprachoroidal haemorrhage 6/822 (0.7%) thrombotic agent associated with
pre-op) Continued antiplatelet: 12/69 (17.4%) type of haemorrhagic complication.
Warfarin 25 Discontinued antiplatelet: 14/145 (9.7%)
(18 discontinued for less Anticoagulant: 7/25 (28%)*
than 5 days) Non-users: 61/588 (10.4%)
* Statistically significant results
1056 A. K. Makuloluwa et al.

Oculoplastic And Lacrimal Surgery

thrombotic agents not found to increase the risk

response) and history of dacrocystitis were risk
Significant difference in incidence of intra-op
bleeding between the discontinued group and

Older age (likely due to poor wound healing

None sustained permanent visual deficit or

factors for delayed epistaxis. Use of anti-

In general, eyelid procedures anterior to the orbital septum
(Table 6) (chalazion and eyelid lesion removal) are

deformity related to haemorrhage.

associated with low risk of sight-threatening haemor-
rhagic complications, whereas eyelid procedures posterior
to the septum (ptosis surgery and lower lid blephar-

of delayed epistaxis.
oplasty) and deep orbital surgery are associated with
potentially sight-threatening haemorrhagic complications
[5, 6]. Lacrimal surgery, such as dacrocystorhinostomy, is


also associated with a moderate risk of epistaxis are also
classed as a high-risk procedure [5, 6]. There are sparse
studies done to investigate the risk of haemorrhagic

AV malformation – stopped aspirin more than 7 days

re-started day 1 post-op) – not stated type of surgery

stopped aspirin 5 days pre-op; excision of an orbital

haemorrhage (lower blepharoplasty – stopped aspirin

437 (3.4%) – not reported how many of these were

(aspirin but stopped clopidogrel 5 days pre-op and

Delayed epistaxis (2–8 days post-operatively) 15/

complications in patients on anti-thrombotic agents

warfarin 3 days pre-op, INR 1.3) and 1 post-op

Continued group (145): 1 post-op haemorrhage

Discontinued group (207): 3 intra-op (DCR –

Non-users (682): 1 post-op orbital haematoma

undergoing oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery. Expert

pre-op; cicatricial ectropion repair – stopped

groups on oculoplastic surgery recommend stopping anti-
thrombotic agents during blepharoplasty, lacrimal surgery

(lymphangioma debulking) (0.14%)

and deep orbital surgery as these are considered high risk

Haemorrhagic complications
for sight-threatening haemorrhagic complications [5].

on anti-thrombotic agents.
There were only two retrospective chart review studies

3 weeks pre-op) (1.9%)

found during our literature review on patients undergoing
oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery. One study showed a
significantly higher incidence of intra-operative haemor-
rhage during high-risk oculoplastic procedures in
patients who discontinued anti-thrombotic agents pre-
Table 6 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery

operatively compared to non-users, however, there was no

excluded but not stated what was

significant difference in the incidence of haemorrhagic

Minor oculoplastic procedures

79 on aspirin, 37 NSAIDs and 7 on External DCR (one surgeon)

complications in patients who continued their anti-
thrombotic medication peri-operatively and non-users
[36]. The second study included patients who had
included precisely.
Type of surgery

patients that discontinued their anti-thrombotic medica-

tion pre-dacrocystorhinostomy and reported no increased
risk of delayed epistaxis in these patients compared to
non-users [37].
To date there are no studies investigating the safety of
1 week and warfarin 5 days (target
Aspirin stopped 2 weeks, NSAIDs

continuing DOACs peri-operatively in patients under-

Number on anti-thrombotics

going oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery. However, due to

Mean INR 1.47 (1.06–2.84)
448/1130 (39.6%) on anti-

INR < 1.5) pre-operatively

the better safety profile of DOACs compared to warfarin,

it may be advisable to follow the same recommendations
thrombotic agents.

made for warfarin with DOACs [6]. Liu et al. presented

two case reports of patients on rivaroxaban who had

haemorrhagic complications after uncomplicated eyelid

surgery [38]. Patient 1 had bilateral upper blepharoplasty
who stopped rivaroxaban 24 h pre-operatively, however,
1130 surgeries in 1015

despite medical advice re-started medication the evening

437 surgeries in 374
Retrospective chart

Retrospective chart

of the surgery. He presented with left eye orbital com-

Oculoplastic/lacrimal surgery

Type of study

partment syndrome. Following decompression, the post

op vision was 20/20. The second patient had bilateral



ectropion repair who was on rivaroxaban that was stopped

24 h pre-operatively and re-started medication 8 h post-
operatively. Within 2 h of re-starting rivaroxaban patient

presented with left lower eyelid bleeding that stopped



with electrocautery and Surgicel with no sequalae [38].

Peri-operative management of ophthalmic patients on anti-thrombotic agents: a literature review 1057

Due to the rapid onset of action of DOACs, it is recom-

No report on use of antiplatelet agents and

incidence of haemorrhagic complications.
mended not to re-start these medications too soon after
high-risk procedures [6].
In patients undergoing high-risk procedures who are also
at high risk of thromboembolic events and are unable to
discontinue their regular medication, it is recommended to
discuss with patients regarding alternate or less invasive
treatments or to alter the surgical technique if possible to
reduce haemorrhage [6]. If it is essential to discontinue anti-
thrombotic agents, it is advised that a discussion with the

cardiology team is made [5].

Strabismus Surgery

There was only one study that reported the incidence of

haemorrhagic (Table 7) complications associated with anti-

Patient 1: warfarin stopped 1 day pre-op and re-started

Patient 2: warfarin continued; INR between 2 and 3

thrombotic agents in patients undergoing strabismus sur-
gery. Kemp et al. retrospectively identified three patients
who continued warfarin out of 155 patients that underwent
strabismus surgery [39]. They reported that all three patients

Patient 3: warfarin continued; INR 2.0

had INR within the therapeutic range of 2.0 to 3.0 and none
had haemorrhagic complications. However, they did not

Haemorrhagic complications
report on patients who were on antiplatelet agents and their

soon after surgery (INR 2.3)

associated risk of haemorrhagic complications. Recom-
mendations in the literature for the peri-operative manage-
ment of anti-thrombotic agents are similar to glaucoma and
vitreoretinal surgery.

Corneal Surgery
Table 7 Incidences of haemorrhagic complications associated with strabismus surgery


Haemorrhage-related complications are rare but well

recognised in corneal surgery due to the devastating con-
sequence of vision loss. The incidence of suprachoroidal
haemorrhages in penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) have been
reported to be 0.73% [40]. In ‘open sky’ scenarios, eyes are
Number on anti-

3 on warfarin

at an increased risk of an expulsive choroidal haemorrhage


due to sudden globe decompression. Park et al. reported the

incidence of vitreous haemorrhage in PKPs as 0.75% [41].
Delayed suprachoroidal haemorrhages have been reported
after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty
(DSAEK) [42, 43].
Retrospective chart review

Whilst there has been an association of spontaneous

suprachoroidal haemorrhage with the use of systemic
anticoagulants or thrombolytic agents in the absence of
Type of study

surgery or trauma [44, 45], we did not identify any studies

155 patients

published that evaluated the use of anti-thrombotic agents in

corneal surgery. Crews et al. found that the pre-operative
use of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications did not
Strabismus surgery

increase the risk of hyphaema from the intraoperative per-

ipheral iridotomy in Descemet membrane endothelial ker-

atoplasty (DMEK) [46].

Expert opinion recommends antiplatelet monotherapy

to be continued and second agent to be discontinued if

1058 A. K. Makuloluwa et al.

dual therapy is used during keratoplasty and surgery for 5. Esparaz ES, Sobel RK. Perioperative management of antic-
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Most studies in the literature are retrospective and are not of thromboembolic events with dabigatran compared with warfarin:
the highest quality of evidence, such as RCTs. Moreover, results from the Randomized Evaluation of Long-Term Antic-
the incidences of haemorrhagic complications are rare oagulation Therapy (RE-LY) randomized trial. Circulation.
limiting the statistical power of studies.
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