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avaluació educació

secundària obligatòria
4t d’ESO
curs 2022-2023

g u a a n g l e s a
l l e n

. Per respondre a les preguntes de la prova trobaràs un FULL DE RESPOSTES amb dues parts:

. La PART 1 és per respondre a les preguntes corresponents a:

. Comprensió oral. Has d’escoltar dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes. Abans d’escoltar cada text tindràs
temps de llegir les preguntes. Sentiràs el text dues vegades i a mesura que l’escoltis has d’anar responent. Tindràs
un minut per revisar les respostes abans de començar el segon text.
. Comprensió lectora. Has de llegir atentament dos textos i respondre a unes preguntes sobre el que has llegit.

Per respondre a les preguntes marca amb una X la casella corresponent. Només hi ha una resposta correcta per a cada
pregunta. Si t’equivoques, omple tot el quadrat i marca de nou amb una X la resposta correcta. Per tornar a marcar
com a correcta una resposta prèviament emplenada, encercla-la.
En acabar la prova, no t’oblidis de respondre a la pregunta de valoració que hi ha a la PART 1.
. La PART 2 és per escriure la redacció final. Intenta no repetir les mateixes paraules de l’enunciat i utilitza estructures
variades a l’hora de construir les frases. Si no fas la redacció o és massa curta es veurà afectada la teva puntuació final.
Recorda que només pots escriure la teva resposta dins l’espai que marca el requadre.

. Per fer la prova utilitza un bolígraf blau o negre no esborrable.

. No facis servir cap corrector (líquid, cinta…).
llengua angle


You will hear listening 1 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer.
Now look at the questions for this part. You have 2 minutes.


1 They are going shopping for birthday party.

a. Bob’s
b. John’s
c. Tammy’s

2 Tom prefers to meet in the afternoon because he has to…

a. go to the doctor.
b. study for his tests.
c. go shopping with his family.

3 Beth wants to go to the supermarket.

a. farthest
b. nearest
c. cheapest

4 Tom prefers to go to the supermarket…

a. by the park.
b. at the corner.
c. in the square.

5 Tom convinces Beth because there is…

a. a bus to go there.
b. delivery service.
c. great food.

6 To make the cake they DON’T need…

a. strawberry jam.
b. chocolate.
c. eggs.

7 Tom thinks they should…

a. invite Tammy.
b. take care of John.
c. call John’s girlfriend.

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You will hear listening 2 twice. Listen carefully and tick the correct answer.
Now look at the questions for this part. You have 2 minutes.


8 International Sport and Peace Day is held on…

a. 6th April.
b. 16th April.
c. 23rd April.

9 Meg’s school started to celebrate this day it was proclaimed by the United Nations.
a. the same year as
b. the year after
c. four years after

10 You breakfast that day.

a. won’t have to pay for your
b. must bring your own
c. must pay to get

11 The activities will start…

a. after the first period.
b. before breakfast.
c. after breakfast.

12 The lists will be collected…

a. on 1st April.
b. during the break.
c. at the end of the week.

13 If you want to take part in the exhibition, you should talk to…
a. the art teacher.
b. the head teacher.
c. a council member.

14 To be a volunteer, you should…

a. write your name on a list.
b. talk to a member of the school council.
c. call your name at the end of the announcement.

15 In this announcement they Sport and Peace Day.

a. give information about
b. ask for suggestions for
c. show the lists of the activities on

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Read this text carefully and answer the questions according to the text.


Do you or your friends play basketball? Basketball is one
of the world’s most popular sports nowadays but it is a
relatively young sport. It was invented in 1891 as a
recreational game and less than fifty years later it became
an Olympic sport at the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936.
At age 30, Dr James Naismith, a Canadian sports coach,
invented basketball. Do you know how it happened?
Naismith was working as a PE instructor at Springfield
College, in Massachusetts, in the USA. He needed a vigorous indoor game to keep his students fit
and active in the gym during the long winters. He wanted to develop a game that required skill and
coordination and he created basketball with a soccer ball and two peach baskets nailed up high on
the wall. These baskets gave the game its name: ‘Basket Ball’. The players could only hit the ball back
and forth with one or both hands, or throw it at the basket. Twelve of the thirteen rules Naismith
created are still basic to the game. Naismith’s original thirteen rules emphasized non-violent play.
In the beginning, Naismith used real peach baskets that had a bottom and his players had to climb
a ladder in order to get the ball out of the fruit basket each time a ‘basket’ or point was scored. This
way of playing was very inefficient and players soon started using bottomless baskets and, later on,
metal hoops* and open-ended nets. Basketball was originally played with a soccer ball but it was
soon replaced by the Spalding ball, made specifically for basketball. These first balls were brown
but, in the 1950s, Tony Hinkle, a basketball coach at Butler College, wanted a ball that could be more
visible to both players and spectators and introduced the orange ball that is now in common use.
Naismith’s teams had nine players but, in 1897, teams started to have five players.
The game rapidly spread all over the US, Canada and to other parts of the world. By 1948, two
basketball groups existed in the US: the National Basketball League and the Basketball Association
of America. They combined in 1949 into the NBA (National Basketball Association).
In 1959 a ‘Basketball Hall of Fame’ was founded in Springfield, Massachusetts. There you can see
the names of great players, coaches, referees and people who have contributed significantly to the
development of basketball.

Text adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_basketball

* hoop: a horizontal circular metal ring supporting a net. En català vol dir ‘anella’, ‘cèrcol’.

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16 Basketball became an Olympic sport in…

a. 1891.
b. 1936.
c. 1949.

17 James Naismith was born in…

a. Springfield, but moved to Berlin.
b. the USA, but moved to Canada.
c. Canada, but lived in the USA.

18 Naismith created basketball because he wanted…

a. to change the rules of soccer.
b. his students to be competitive.
c. an indoor sport for his students.

19 Basketball began as an sport.

a. indoor winter
b. outdoor winter
c. outdoor summer

20 In Naismith’s times basketball was…

a. a safe sport.
b. an aggressive sport.
c. a game without rules.

21 In the sentence ‘a soccer ball and two peach baskets nailed up high on the wall’, what is the
meaning of the underlined verb?
a. Fixed.
b. Covered.
c. Resisted.

22 In Naismith’s basketball rules, it was important to…

a. score points easily.
b. play without violence.
c. throw the ball with one hand.

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23 Basketball was originally played with…

a. open-ended nets.
b. metal hoops.
c. fruit baskets.

24 The first balls used to play basketball were balls.

a. soccer
b. orange
c. Spalding

25 How many players did basketball teams have before 1897?

a. Five.
b. Nine.
c. Twelve.

26 The NBA was created the Berlin Olympic Games.

a. before
b. during
c. after

27 You can find information about how basketball was played in Naismith’s time in the
a. first and second
b. second and third
c. third and fourth

28 The objective of this text is to…

a. present Naismith’s biography.
b. explain the 13 rules of basketball.
c. tell you about how basketball was born.

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Read this text carefully and answer the questions according to the text.


Jules Verne could not have imagined that over a hundred years after
writing his famous novel From the Earth to the Moon it would all
come true with the landing of Apollo 11 on the Moon. Commander
Neil Armstrong together with module pilots Edwin F. Aldrin and
Michael Collins were on that successful first spaceflight to land
humans on the Moon.
Although Aldrin was supposed to be the one to climb down the
Eagle module first and set foot on the Moon, it was Neil Armstrong
who, due to some small technical problems, had to descend first. That remarkable moment
happened on the 20th of April 1969. The event was broadcast on live TV to a worldwide expectant
audience who could hear Armstrong say, “It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
While his two companions were collecting lunar material to bring back to Earth, Collins flew
the command module Columbia in lunar orbit. Twenty-one and a half hours after their landing,
Armstrong and Aldrin returned to the Columbia and proceeded with Collins to return to our planet
eight days after the beginning of the mission.
However, not everybody believes that Apollo 11 accomplished its mission. Since the 70s, some people
have thought it was all a hoax organised by NASA to win the space race against the Soviet Union
during the cold war. These conspiracy theories say that NASA and other organisations tricked
the public and made them believe that the landings happened by manufacturing, modifying or
destroying evidence. This would include photos with no stars in the sky, the image of the American
flag moving in the wind on the lunar surface, the astronaut’s footprints that still remain on the
Moon surface, the Moon rocks collected by the astronauts as well as the radio and TV transmissions.
NASA has worked really hard to demonstrate the falseness of such conspiracy theories by giving
new information provided by advanced technology. Since the late 2000s, the Lunar Reconnaissance
Orbiter has taken high-definition photos of the modules and the tracks left by the astronauts of
Apollo 11. In 2012, images showing five of the six Apollo missions’ American flags still standing
on the Moon were released. The exception is the flag of Apollo 11, which lies on the lunar surface
because it was accidentally knocked down during take off.

Text adapted from https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48774080,

and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/moon_landing_conspiracy_theories

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29 According to the text, From the Earth to the Moon is a…

a. film.
b. novel.
c. TV series.

30 There were astronauts on Apollo 11.

a. three
b. four
c. five

31 Apollo 11 was so important because it the Moon.

a. went to
b. orbited around
c. took humans to

32 The astronauts descended what had been planned.

a. differently from
b. according to
c. faster than

33 The descent was watched live…

a. only by Americans.
b. only by Europeans.
c. by all the world.

34 While Armstrong and Aldrin were on the Moon, Collins…

a. piloted Columbia.
b. commanded Eagle.
c. collected lunar material.

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35 In the sentence, “some people think it was all a hoax organised by NASA”, what does ‘hoax’
a. Game.
b. Trick.
c. Play.

36 Who has tried to demonstrate that the mission was real?

a. NASA scientists.
b. The US population.
c. Conspiracy theorists.

37 To prove that conspiracy theories are false they…

a. analyse existing documents.
b. study secret archives.
c. use new technology.

38 Put the content of the paragraphs in the correct order as they appear in the text.

A. B. C. D.
The mission of There is evidence The official story of Precedents in
Apollo 11 could be that the mission of the landing of humans literature of the
a trick. Apollo 11 was real. on the Moon. Moon landing.

a. B D C A
b. C D B A
c. D C A B

39 The text you have read is from a and Wikipedia.

a. news article
b. NASA report
c. conspiracy novel

40 The aim of the text is to…

a. demonstrate the false landing on the Moon.
b. teach about the different elements of Apollo 11.
c. inform readers of the 1969 mission to the Moon.

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Last week you celebrated your birthday. Write an e-mail to your friend Yasmin from Canada to
tell her about the party:
− The people who were there.
− The food and drink you had.
− The activities you did.
− The gifts you got.
− How you felt about it.

Write 80-95 words.

Plan your writing:
1. Write a list of ideas or points or draw a picture, such as a mind map. It will help you to
organize your writing.
2. Write a first draft. Use this page and the next to write your draft.
3. Revise your text: check for grammar mistakes, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.
Write the final version on ‘PART 2’.

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Moltes gràcies per la teva col·laboració.

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