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Question on questionnaire form

Variable Original Items / Scales Revised Items / Scales

Compensation 1. An attractive compensation package.
(Employer attractiveness: generation z 2. Reasonable salary fitting with their
employment expectations in India), responsibilities as long as it enables them to
( cover cost of living.
6-things-gen-z-wants-from-their-job/) 3. Transparent with compensation information.
4. The company had a commitment to equal
Opportunities 1. How important is the opportunity for career
(Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare growth at the company to you when you are
to Recruit and Manage Generation Z), looking for a job?
(Employer attractiveness: generation z 2. In future, provide better job opportunities.
employment expectations in India), 3. Expect to be promoted between 6 months to
( 1.5 years.
Environment 1. Organizations known for a good workplace
(Influencing factors for Thai generation Z vibe and fair boss.
entering workforce), 2. Feeling good about yourself for working in
(Employer attractiveness: generation z the organization .
employment expectations in India), 3. Family and friends will show you more
( respect.
6-things-gen-z-wants-from-their-job/) 4. Commitment to DEIB is extremely important
when evaluating an employer. 
Work life balance 1. How important is work life balance to you
(Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare when you are looking for a job?
to Recruit and Manage Generation Z) 2. How important is the opportunity to work
from home or have a flexible work schedule
to you when you are looking for a job?
3. How important is freedom and self-directed
work to you when you are looking for a job?
Co-Worker 1. How important is getting along with your
(Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare boss to you when you are looking for a job?
to Recruit and Manage Generation Z), 2. How important is getting along with your
( coworkers to you when you are looking for a
6-things-gen-z-wants-from-their-job/) job?
3. Feeling like a part of the organization.

Company mission 1. How important is it that your company has a

(Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare mission that you believe into you when you
to Recruit and Manage Generation Z), are looking for a job?
(THE INFLUENCE OF ESG ON GENERATION Z: 2. Does corporate action toward ESG influence
A REVIEW OF PREFERENCE FOR you in your career choice?
Knowledge/Technology 1. How important is being able to use
(Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare technology at work to you when you are
to Recruit and Manage Generation Z), looking for a job?
(Employer attractiveness: generation z 2. Your creativity is valued and utilized by the
employment expectations in India) organization.

Influencing factors for Thai generation Z entering workforce
Analysis of How Companies Should Prepare to Recruit and Manage Generation Z
Employer attractiveness: generation z employment expectations in India
Managing Generation Z Motivation Engagement and Loyalty

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