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YANGGAT, Nicholeigh Rose R.

NURS 1-14


1.Describe the main characters

 Rama: The Ayodhyan prince who is renowned for his valor, sagacity, and commitment
to duty. He is known as "Maryada Purushottam" (the ideal man) and is the seventh
manifestation of the Hindu god Vishnu.
 Sita: Rama's beautiful, moral, and devoted wife. Ravana kidnaps her and imprisons her
on the island of Lanka.
 Ravana: The powerful, wise, and haughty demon king of Lanka. He kidnaps Sita out of
desire, starting the conflict between Rama and Ravana.
2.  Narrate the story
 An old Indian epic called the Ramayana narrates the tale of the prince Rama and his
mission to save his wife Sita from the demonic ruler Ravana. The narrative opens in
the kingdom of Ayodhya, where Rama, King Dasharatha's eldest son, is about to be
installed as the new king. But Rama's stepmother Kaikeyi, who wants the throne for
her own son Bharata, tricks Dasharatha into banishing Rama for 14 years to the

Rama, together with his wife Sita and younger brother Lakshmana, accepts his exile
and travels to the wilderness. Living simply and assisting the local sages and peasants,
they spend their time in the forest. Their tranquil existence, though, is disturbed when
the demon king Ravana, who desires Sita, kidnaps her and takes her to his kingdom of

In order to save Sita, Rama and Lakshmana enlisted the aid of the monkey god
Hanuman and his army of monkeys. They travel across the sea to Lanka, where they
fight Ravana and his army valiantly. After killing Ravana and rescuing Sita, Rama
returns to Ayodhya with her when his exile is over.

Rama is crowned the new king of Ayodhya after they return, and he reigns the realm
for a protracted period of time while upholding justice and wisdom. Rama, however,
unwillingly exiles Sita to the wilderness, where she gives birth to twin sons, after
hearing reports about her loyalty and purity when she was being held captive. Rama
and Sita eventually reconcile, and they accept their children. Rama thereafter rules the
kingdom with Sita by his side till end of his days.

3. Identify the author

Since the epic is thought to have been written over an extended period of time by various
authors and poets, the identity of the Ramayana's author cannot be determined with certainty.
Thought to have been written in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, the Ramayana has
been translated into a wide variety of languages over the years. There are numerous different
versions of the Ramayana, but one of the most well-known was written by the poet Valmiki.

4. State and explain insights gained from the literature

The significance of dharma: The Ramayana places a strong emphasis on dharma, often known
as righteousness. Rama is portrayed as a just and upright leader who always chooses to walk
the road of dharma, regardless of how challenging or uncomfortable it may be. According to
the Ramayana, pursuing a dharmic life is necessary for having a happy and meaningful
The Ramayana places a strong emphasis on the value of relationships in general and family in
particular, especially the marriage relationship. The pair Rama and Sita are portrayed as being
loving and dedicated, and the story shows how their relationship is both put to the test and

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