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Course description: Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education

Instructor: Rogel N. Bonaobra, LPT

INSTRUCTION: Discuss and explain the following question in an organize and comprehensive manner.
This is how your answer will be rated:
10- Very substantial discussion
8- Substantial discussion
6- Comprehensive discussion
4- Shallow discussion
2-Failed to discuss what is asked

1. Draw the Lodens Diversity Wheel.

2. List down the facts about Loden’s Diversity Wheel.
It entails realizing our distinct differences and accepting the fact that we are all unique. These can be
based on traits like color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, age, physical
prowess, and other ideals.

3. Write your insights on Loden’s Diversity Wheel. Will it be successful towards inclusive education?
4. Identify the strengths of Loden’s Diversity Wheel.
5. Give application of Loden’s Diversity Wheel in the classroom.
6. As a teacher candidate, what are the ways in which you acknowledge and appreciate diversity in the
Even though students may come from the same cultural background , they may have different
viewpoints on a range of subjects and different opinions . Additionally , even when their cultures
appear to conflict , students from various cultural backgrounds can still share their perspectives and
opinions . The teacher ‘s main objectives when it comes to diversity are to foster respect and
understanding . Teachers should acknowledge how their own cultural norms shape their behavior and
define their ideas in order to demonstrate appreciation for diversity . To become more inclusive , they
should reflect on their own prejudices and stereotypes , participate in cross – cultural dialogue , listen
with curiosity , and make a commitment to self – education . Developing cultural competency always
requires deep listening . Whether teaching elementary school , middle school , or high school students ,
it is more crucial than ever for teachers to include culturally responsive instruction in the classroom in
our increasingly diverse and multicultural society . Additionally , the diversity among students is
growing , and it is n’t just based on race and ethnicity ; it can also be attributed to differences in
socioeconomic status , sexual orientation , gender identity , and linguistic background . All students
benefit from promoting inclusion , raising awareness of multicultural education , and approaching
instruction with cultural sensitivity . Increasing multicultural awareness and inclusion not only
promotes acceptance and helps students thrive in a world with increasing diversity , but it also helps
students with different backgrounds and needs succeed . Teachers have a fantastic opportunity to learn
how to foster positive learning environments in the classroom through our social , emotional , and
behavioral wellness Certificate Program . This program can also lay the groundwork for understanding
how to support diversity in the classroom . Diversity in and outside of the classroom will increase , so it
‘s critical that we prepare students to cope with change and accept those who are different from
themselves .

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