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Global warming


According to (Ramlan, 2002c)

In some parts of the world, there has been an increase in the temperature between 1.4° C – 5.8°
C and a temperature increase of 4° C has occurred in Alaska, Siberia, and some parts of Canada,
as well as in cities of Ven. New York has reached 14°C, in
Manhattan in July 2000 was still 10° C and in January 2001 the temperature had reached 18°
C.So that global warming has hit areas where the temperature is very cold. This anthropogenic
climate change has the potential to increase the intensity of tropical cyclones less through
warming sea surface temperatures. According to (Houghton 1, 2005) These factors strongly
suggest that experiencing “unprecedented” tropical cyclone activity in recent years, the intensity
of hurricanes was equal to or even greater during the last active period in the middle of the 20th
century. Related to global warming is climate change. The basic science 'of the greenhouse
effect' that causes warming is well understood. Many of the possible characteristics of
consequent climate change (such as more frequent heat waves, increased rainfall, and increased
frequency and intensity of many extreme climate events) can be identified.

What is Global Warming:

According to new research (Shaftel, n.d.) Global warming is the long-term warming of the
earth's surface that has been noticed since the pre-industrial era (between the years of 1850 and
1900). because of human activity, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, which raises the
amounts of greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere of the globe.

Causes of climate change:

According to United Nations (n.d.) Because trees release stored carbon when they are cut down
for farming, pastures, or other purposes, clearing forests have an adverse effect on the
environment. About 12 million hectares of forest are lost to irresponsible individuals every year.
Forests absorb carbon dioxide, therefore cutting them down reduces the natural world's capacity
to absorb emissions from the atmosphere. The majority of global emissions are produced by
burning fossil fuels to produce power and heat. Burning coal, oil, or gas releases carbon dioxide
and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases that cover the Earth and trap the heat of the sun.
Most of the electricity that is still produced today is done so. In contrast to fossil fuels, more than
a quarter of the world's electricity comes from renewable sources including wind, sun, and
others. According to (Top 10 Causes of Global Warming, 2021)Here are 10 causes of global
warming that are contributing to the climate crisis. Waste, Power Plants, Oil Drilling, transport
and Vehicles, consumerism, farming, industrialization, overfishing, deforestation, oil and Gas.

effects of climate change:

According to United Nations (n.d.), climate change is the single greatest health threat facing
humanity. Climate impacts are already damaging to health, through air pollution, disease,
extreme weather events, forced displacement, stress on mental health, and increasing hunger and
malnutrition in places where people cannot grow or get enough food. Climate change and
increased events in extreme weather are one of the reasons behind increasing hunger and
malnutrition globally. Fisheries, crops, and livestock can be destroyed or become less productive.
As the oceans become more acidic, the marine resources that feed billions of people are


The conclusion of global warming is how we as humans prevent warming from getting worse.
This global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the
atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that has been reflected on the earth's surface.
north and south as well as ice areas other, causing the water table to rise. Make private vehicles
fueled by electric, solar, hybrid, and fuel cell.

Shaftel, H. (n.d.). Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change. Climate

Change: Vital Signs of the Planet.

United Nations. (n.d.). Causes and Effects of Climate Change.

Ramlan, M. (2002d, January 1). PEMANASAN GLOBAL (GLOBAL WARMING).
Kurniawan, A. (2022, April 23). Kesimpulan Pemanasan Global dan Penjelasan dari

Meningkatnya Suhu di Bumi.


Houghton 1, J. (2005, May 4). John Houghton.

Top 10 Causes Of Global Warming. (2021, October 8). Sustainability Magazine.

1. What is Global Warming?
2. Causes of climate change
3. effects of climate change
4. Conclusion

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