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3D and 2D experimental views on the flow field of gas-evolving electrode cold

model for electrolysis magnesium

Article  in  Flow Measurement and Instrumentation · July 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2015.07.011


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5 authors, including:

Cheng-Lin Liu Ze Sun

East China University of Science and Technology East China University of Science and Technology


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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420

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Short communication

3D and 2D experimental views on the flow field of gas-evolving

electrode cold model for electrolysis magnesium
Chenglin Liu, Ze Sun n, Guimin Lu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu
National Engineering Research Center for Integrated Utilization of Salt Lake Resource, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237,
People's Republic of China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the magnesium electrolysis process, chlorine gas bubbles release at the surfaces of anode and affect
Received 29 October 2013 electrolyte flow patterns. This paper presents an experimental apparatus to simulate the flow field in-
Received in revised form duced by chlorine gas evolution at the gas-evolving electrodes of magnesium electrolysis cell. The three-
25 June 2015
dimensional flow structures were determined by using volumetric three-component velocimetry (V3V)
Accepted 21 July 2015
technique, which has the ability to capture the out-of-plane velocity component. The three-dimensional
Available online 26 July 2015
flow structures in the region with a depth about 120 mm can be obtained. To achieve this, approximately
Keywords: 15,000 three-dimensional velocity vectors were detected in the flow measurements and constituted the
Gas-evolving electrodes three-dimensional flow field, which eliminated the perspective error caused by the out-of-plane motion
Particle image velocimetry
in Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. In experiments, comparisons are made between the V3V and
Three-dimensional measurement
PIV results. The in-of-plane velocities data obtained by V3V technique have the same trend with the PIV
Two-phase flow
Volumetric three-component velocimetry results, and V3V provides more details in the third direction for the flow field accurately.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction investigate the flow structures and the hydrodynamic behaviors in

the gas-evolving vertical electrodes system. Vogt and Alexiadis
Magnesium electrolysis process is a commercial process for [12–14] found that the flow structure of gas-evolving vertical
producing magnesium. The electrolysis process is carried out in a electrodes in the inter-electrode space is instable and complex.
magnesium electrolysis cell that contains several vertical electro- However, almost all researches are based on the two-dimensional
des immersed in the electrolyte [1]. High direct current is fed flow experimental and simulation results.
between anodes and cathodes to cause electrochemical reaction of Instantaneous measurement of three-dimensional velocity field
the magnesium chloride reactant to magnesium. The system that is essential for the analysis of fluid mechanics, since most flow
chlorine gas generated by reaction at the anode and induces the fields are intrinsically three-dimensional and therefore has three
electrolyte recirculation flow is a typical gas-evolving electrode velocity components. Conventional experimental observation
electrochemical cell. The motion of gas bubbles could significantly techniques, such as Pitot tubes, hot-wire anemometers, and laser
affect the electrolyte flow field pattern and the performance of the Doppler anemometry [15,16], have been widely used by previous
magnesium electrolytic process. researchers. However, all these techniques have a common lim-
Gas-evolving electrodes exist in many electrochemical pro- itation of only one-point measurement in the field at a time.
Classic particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique [17–19] typi-
cesses, such as water electrolysis [2], fluorine production [3], and
cally uses a single camera to obtain two-components of fluid ve-
many other chemical processes. A general description about the
locity on a single plane. The out-of-plane velocity component in-
gas-evolving vertical electrodes and the state of the art on mod-
fluences the accuracy of measurement, because the information
eling these systems was given by Vogt [4]. The flow field induced
describing the out-of-plane motions is embedded in the in-plane
by the gas produced at electrodes is inherently unsteady in these
motion [20]. Therefore, the desired measurement technique
systems due to the strong coupling between the gas phase and
should be able to capture 3D structures in order to have a com-
liquid phase. This leads to unsteady-state flow structures in the
prehensive description on the 3D flow. Stereoscopic PIV [21,22]
liquid phase. Over the past decade, many experimental and nu- uses two cameras to obtain three-components of fluid velocity on
merical simulation researches [5–11] have been performed to a single plane, which is about 2 cm thick. Stereoscopic PIV requires
a level of optical access that can be difficult to obtain in some
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 86 21 64250981. experimental configurations. Holographic PIV [23] illuminates a
E-mail addresses: (Z. Sun), (J. Yu). flow field seeded with particles and uses photographic films or
0955-5986/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
416 C. Liu et al. / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420

digital cameras as the recording medium to obtain three dimen- 2.2. V3V experiments
sional displacements over a volume. The number of identified
vectors required to process films is severely limited. Tomographic V3V camera probe (TSI Inc., USA) uses three digital CCD cam-
PIV [24,25] uses three or four cameras oriented at different angles eras to view a flow field from three perspectives (top, left and
to collect the scattered light from the seed particles. Three-di- right), and each camera containing high-resolution 4 million pixels
mensional particle displacement field is obtained by reconstruct of (2048  2048). The probe is placed in front of the tank, and the
these particle distributions from the individual camera images. distance between camera and tank is approximately 700 mm.
Volumetric three-component velocimetry (V3V) [29,30], a no- Flow field is illuminated from the top with a double pulsed Nd:
vel non-intrusive visualization experimental technique are used to YAG laser emitting light with wavelength of 532 nm and pulse
measure 3D flow in a volume up to 100 min depth with cross energy of 200 mJ (Continuum Inc., USA). The laser beam is spread
sectional size of 120 mm by 120 mm instantaneously. The present in x and z directions after passing through an optical arrangement
paper employs V3V method to examine the 3D flow structure in consisting of two negative 25 mm cylindrical lenses. Two beam
an experimental apparatus, which could be used to represent the blocks are placed at the edge of the tank to limit the thickness of
gas-evolving vertical electrodes system in the magnesium elec- light beam (100 mm) to illuminate the measurement volume only.
trolysis cell. The objective of this work is to carry out a detailed Water in the tank is seeded with polycrystalline tracer particles
experimental investigation of the three-dimensional flow field with a mean diameter of approximately 50 mm. Laser sequencing
measurement by the V3V technique and then analyze the flow and V3V camera frames are triggered twice at a time interval of
structure and characteristics. The accuracy is assessed under the 2000 μs (Δt) by a Laser pulse 610035 synchronizer (TSI Inc., USA).
same experimental conditions by the comparison of the in-of- The displacement of particles in the time between the laser pulses
plane velocities with PIV. is recorded by capturing the image of particles in each pulse. The
3D particle tracking algorithm consists of three primary steps. The
first is recognizing the particle positions in the two-dimensional
2. Experimental details of V3V space from each image captured by the three camera, followed
by determining the 3D locations of particles in space according
2.1. Experimental apparatus to the three perspectives from images, then tracking the particles
in the observation volume. In the observation volume (120 
The experimental apparatus is a reduced scale representation 120  100 mm3), the average number of independent particle-
of the actual 120 kA magnesium electrolysis cell based on the tracked vectors was approximately 11,000.
geometric similarity criteria. Experiments are conducted in a rec- A single V3V capture includes three image pairs with a sample
tangular glass tank of 185  200  100 mm3, which is filled with from the top digital CCD camera shown in Fig. 2. The locations of
water to a depth of 140 mm. Two organic glass plates are placed tracer particles in each image are determined by setting a base
vertically in two sides of the tank and a plastic plate is placed in intensity threshold of 30. The particle density in Fig. 2 appears
the center to represent the anode and cathode respectively. Upper very similar to that in a PIV image. But the volumetric particle
and lower edges of the cathode do not reach the surface of liquid density for V3V is lower than that of PIV, because V3V image
and the tank bottom. Two 110  100 mm2 porous glass plates with covers a depth about 100 mm, while the PIV image typically cover
the pore size of approximately 50 μm are embedded in the vertical a thickness about 1 mm. In each experiment, at least 300 image
working area of the two anodes. Bubbles are generated on porous pairs are acquired and the velocity distribution is determined by
glass plate surfaces with size in the range of 50 μm to 2 mm by ensemble averaging the corresponding velocity maps. Image pro-
forcing the compressed air through the porous glass plates to cessing process is performed by TSI Insight V3V 4G software. Since
imitate the chlorine gas. The chlorine gas bubbles in real electro- bubbles are much bigger and brighter than the tracer particle, they
lytic conditions are larger than 1 mm [31,32]. There are nothing are often taken as the particles. However, the rising velocity of
released on the experimental cathode, because the effects of the bubbles with size of 1 mm is around 0.3 m s  1, [33] which is much
magnesium generated on the cathode can be neglected compared higher than the velocity of liquid. Therefore, a range filter is ap-
with effects of chlorine gas in the actual electrolysis. The experi- plied to the raw data to eliminate the bubbles vectors and obvious
ments are carried out at room temperature (20 °C) with negligible
spurious vectors. The range is set as 70.2 m s  1 for three-com-
heat and mass transfer effects. The schematic diagram of experi-
ponent velocities.
mental apparatus of PIV and V3V is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental apparatus: (a) PIV, (b) V3V.

C. Liu et al. / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420 417

Fig. 2. V3V image from the top camera.

Fig. 3. Isosurface of z component vorticity of 0.015 m s  1 with three-dimensional vectors of mean velocity field in the experimental cell. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
418 C. Liu et al. / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420

3. Results and discussion lines, Y¼0.035 m and Y¼0.105 m in the center plane of the tank,
are plotted in Figs. 4 and 5. Velocities in Fig.4 are little lower than
In the experimental cell, the velocity field is measured by V3V that in Fig. 5 due to the different rate of gas flow. At Y¼0.105 m,
with the gas flow rate of 1.0 L min  1 and 1.5 L min  1 to ensure the the profile of x-component of velocity at the left half is like a
escape velocity of the gas evolution on anode surface has the same positive hump and a negative hump formed at the right half. The
magnitudes as the real one. Instantaneous liquid velocity in three trend along Y ¼0.035 m is reversed and forms an s-sharp. The
orthogonal directions in the whole-field is detected simulta- profiles of y-component of velocities along the horizontal lines
neously in this work. Meanwhile, the time-averaged flow field is have a good symmetrical shape with respect to the geometrical
obtained based on 300 pairs of instant velocities, which are ob- plane of the tank. However, the velocity along Y¼0.035 mm is
served to fluctuate from time to time. A typical single capture of little slower than that at Y ¼0.105 m. Experimental data near the
flow measurement yielded between 10,000 and 15,000 in- anode, however, normally has some errors in the precision due to
dependent randomly three-dimensional spaced velocity vectors.
the effect of bubbles and the range filter.
The isosurface of z component of vorticity and three-dimensional
According to Figs. 4 and 5, V3V results exhibits the same trend
velocity vectors of mean velocity are presented in Fig. 3. In this
with similar magnitudes and flow behavior as PIV results. How-
plot, y-axis corresponds to the vertical axis and z-coordinate is the
ever, some differences can also be found between these results,
distance from V3V camera to the experimental apparatus. The
especially for the velocity in the center. The effect of z-motion on
velocity vectors are predominantly in the upward direction near
the flow pattern is highly associated with the magnitude of z-
the anode due to drag forces, and then in the downward direction
component of velocity. Due to the instability of gas–liquid flow, the
near the cathode. In the vorticity isosurface plots, z vorticity is
represented with red (5.0 s  1) and blue (  5.0 s  1) colors. Two big z-component of liquid velocity is inevitable. All three velocity
vortices (blue in Fig. 3) in the tank can be observed in the two components, including the out-of-plane velocity component, can
channels between the anode and cathode. be accurately detected by V3V. Z-component of velocity in three
To evaluate the accuracy of V3V system and make a quantita- plane of Z ¼0.02 m, 0.04 m, and 0.06 m (the position are extracted
tive comparison with 2D results, the velocity field of the experi- from V3V data) in the data volume are depicted in Fig. 6 to bring
mental apparatus is also measured by PIV. For PIV measurement, out the key characteristics of the velocity distributions more
V3V cameras are replaced by PIV camera and the light source is clearly. Z-component of velocity appears higher in the vicinity of
changed into a light sheet of approximately 1 mm thickness while the anode and cathode (the green region and red region) than
the pulse energy is reduced to about 80 mJ. All the others char- other region. The position with high z-component velocity nor-
acteristics of the experimental device remains the same. The mally has larger experimental differences between V3V and PIV
profiles of time-averaged velocity components at two horizontal results.

Fig. 4. Time-averaged velocity along different lines for a gas rate of 1.0 L min  1.
C. Liu et al. / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420 419

Fig. 5. Time-averaged velocity along different lines for a gas rate of 1.5 L min  1.

Fig. 6. Z-component of velocity vectors and contour of the liquid in the tank. (a) Z¼ 20 mm; (b) Z¼ 40 mm; (c) Z¼ 60 mm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

4. Conclusions the gas released at the gas-evolving electrodes was investigated

using V3V technique. Approximately 15,000 3D velocity vectors
The experimental apparatus scaled down from the actual were detected in the measurement results, which greatly increase
120 kA magnesium electrolysis cell was used to represent the gas- the understanding of the flow structure. Comparative analysis of
evolving vertical electrodes system. The 3D flow field generated by the x-component and y-component of velocities in V3V data with
420 C. Liu et al. / Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 45 (2015) 415–420

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