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Address: No.

10151 100 St NW,

Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0P6, Canada.
T : : +1 506 906 0028

Fax: +1 506 906 0028

E :


Ref: RAFFINA/31586

. Date: 27 January 2023


Online Interview Form (FILL IN BOLD LETTERS) P3257561B
Surname First Middle Phone Social Insurance Number
Belleza Christian Cabajar +971564588551 :
26B St Muraqqabat Deira, Dubai, United arab Emirates
Your Current Job Position: Date you can start:
Admin/ Salesclerk As soon as possible
Yes*** No
Secondary School Secondary 4 Years 2004 Title
Yes No
Community College Title
Yes No
University Title
Given a chance, YES
Do you intend to return to school? _____________________

Available for: Full Time Part Time Temporary : Full Time

EMPLOYMENT RECORD (Most recent employer first):
Company Name: Date from: Present/Last Salary Present/Last Job Title
Al Ghurair Construction Readymix LLC June 2021 Admin/ Salesclerk
Address: Phone: To: $ 1,200 Duties/Responsibilities
Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE +97143502100 Present Administration work
Reason for Leaving: Type of Business Construction
Better opportunity Ahmed Sakr
Company Name: Date from: Present/Last Salary Present/Last Job Title
Al Liwan Contracting Company LLC June 2013
Address: Phone: To: $ 1,000 Duties/Responsibilities
Al Khawaneej, Dubai, UAE +97142862424 March 2020
Reason for Leaving: Type of Business: Construction Administration work
Company laid off employee due to COVID-19 Mahmoud Samara
Address: No. 10151 100 St NW,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0P6, Canada.
T : : +1 506 906 0028

Fax: +1 506 906 0028

E :


Ref: RAFFINA/31586
Company Name: Date from: Present/Last Salary Present/Last Job Title

Address: Phone: To: $ Duties/Responsibilities

Reason for Leaving: Type of Business


Company Name: Date from: Present/Last Salary Present/Last Job Title

Address: Phone: To: $ Duties/Responsibilities

Reason for Leaving: Type of Business:


You can write in extra sheet-of-paper if necessary.


Educational Background

I completed my secondary, & 2 years in College

What is the highest level of education you have received___________________________________________?

List all degrees you have earned. Give the name of the institution from which each degree was earned and the
field of study of each degree_________________________________________________________________
I did not completed my degree, I just completed 2 years.

I completed my secondary education

List any other education or training relevant to the (position) you apply_______________________________

Employment Background

Al Ghurair Construction Readymix LLC

Who is your present or recent employer________________________________________________________?

Administration & clerical work

What are/were your major responsibilities at (present/most recent job) _______________________________?

Give an example of a time when you had to explain some new procedures to your co-workers for quality service
at first always greet them, then give intro about it in a well mannered way
delivery. How did you go about it_____________________________________________________________?

definitely, meeting deadlines alwasy modivates me

Can you work under pressure to meet up with deadline target_______________________________________?

absolutely yes, it must be treated as own

Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your Own_____________________________?

yes, UAE is the first.

Have you ever travelled out of your country before for Employment purpose___________________________?
Address: No. 10151 100 St NW,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0P6, Canada.
T : : +1 506 906 0028

Fax: +1 506 906 0028

E :


Ref: RAFFINA/31586


always know the purpose why you work.

Have you found any ways to make your job easier or more rewarding_________________________________?

I always own it as my own doing my best for it

What do you do differently from other people in the same position___________________________________?

yes, always.
Have you ever recognized a problem before your boss or others in the organization______________________
How did you handle it______________________________________________________________________?
analize the issue & think of the best solution that will not affect or cause the lost in the company.

dealing with customer & doing the decorations if

What do you do in your job that is not covered in your job description________________________________?
we have an events.


What pressures do you feel in your job________________________________________________________?

pressured with the difficult colleagues.
How do you deal with them_________________________________________________________________?
always putting myself in their shoes that maybe they have their personal issues in life

there are unsettled bills before I joined the

Describe the highest-pressure situations you have been under recently______________________________
company which I need to manage How did you cope with them________________________________?
coordinate with the supplier and discuss the
situation & think of a better solution


How do you organize your day at work________________________________________________________?

I always prioritize my work, which to be done first & making notes according to
the job urgency to cover everything.
How often is your time schedule upset by unforeseen circumstances_________________________________?
not bother about it as its automatic in my system to
work it out if ever it happens.
What do you do when that happens___________________________________________________________?


What training have you received _____________________________________________________________?

studied 2 years in engineering, so got hired in a construction company

everything can be learned with eagerness & willingness & commitment

Describe how the process can best be performed_________________________________________________
Have you discovered any shortcuts__________?
No How do they work_________________________________?
everything goes on step by step process

Describe your experience with the following tools and equipment. (job related tool) ____________________
everything will be helpful
Address: No. 10151 100 St NW,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0P6, Canada.
T : : +1 506 906 0028

Fax: +1 506 906 0028

E :


Ref: RAFFINA/31586


What are your standards of success in your job__________________________________________________?

all must treated as your own and will always must do the best
What have you done to meet these standards____________________________________________________?
be motivated and know your reason & purpose why you do everything

Bosses sometimes are not satisfied with the way we do certain things or complete certain projects. Can you give
some examples of when this happened to you___________________________________________________?
it happens when i sudden change the procedure in the way I know as long
as the result will be excellent, but sometimes they dont want change.

What factors, other than pay, do you consider most important in evaluating yourself or your success________
new environment, what growth I can achieve, & motivations.

Everyone has to bend or break the rules sometime. Can you give some examples of when you had to do this
If I will not break the rule, some colleagues of mine will get terminated & will lose their job, so the rules must be break
but make sure they learn their lessons & not to repeat the same.


We’ve all had to work with someone who is very difficult to get along with. Give an example of when this
happened to you. How did you handle that person_______________________________________________?
just keep doing my work as long as i dont step on someone

I observe silently
When dealing with individuals or groups, how do you determine when you are pushing too hard__________
learning the capabilities and strength & weaknesses of others to know how far they can go.
How do you determine when you should back off? Give an example________________________________
as I observe & learn from them.

From time to time, all of us are confronted by someone who wastes our time at work. Tell about some situations
like that. What did you do__________________________________________________________________?
in a nicely manner I still talk to them, but letting them understand in a nice way that we have
work to complete & to finish, after that we can discuss everything but to do work first.
How do you go about developing rapport (relationships) with individuals at work______________________?
know their interest & start with that

Give some examples of when one of your ideas was opposed in a discussion. How did you react__________?
Then try to explain again my side, then if it didnt work then support them the best way I can.


We’ve all had occasions when we misinterpreted something that someone told us (like a due date, complicated
instructions, etc.) Give a specific example of when this happened to you. What was the situation__________
to submitt
report to a specific person
_________________________________? Why was there a misinterpretation_________________________?
overheard the name my boss mention
report was submitted in the wrong person & the result got delayed.
What was the outcome_____________________________________________________________________?
Address: No. 10151 100 St NW,
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0P6, Canada.
T : : +1 506 906 0028

Fax: +1 506 906 0028

E :


Ref: RAFFINA/31586

job description issue

Tell about a time you had to take a firm stand with a co-worker. What was the situation__________________
____________________________? What was difficult about the co-worker___________________________?
their jealous that i finish my job earlier
than them
What was the firm stand you had to take________________________________________________________?
follow the job description & do it accordingly
Describe how you instruct someone to do something new__________________________________________
in a nice & proper way for them to feel the support
What were you training them to do____________________________________________________________?
time management specially

Describe any supervisory or leadership training, schooling, or work experience you have had and its relevance to
this position you are applying_________________________________________________________________
dealing with other people & colleagues with humility & equality.


What do you like best (least) about your job as a ________________________________________________?

that I can help & assist specially our blue collar employee

everyone seeks for better opportunity & new role & environment.
What were/are your reasons for leaving _______________________________________________________?

Give some examples of experience in your job that were satisfying__________________________________?

helping & assisting other employee
other colleagues gets jealous Why____________________________________?
I finish my work on time & I hav time to do other stuff &
to help other colleagues.

I certify that all statements made on this Online Interview are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and
I hereby authorize any verification of the above or related work experience education, or reputation information
for purposes of consideration of my Application for employment.

Signature: ______________________________
Date: __________________________________
27 January 2023

27 January 2023
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________________


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