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Using the equation based on initial rate of NO formation, estimate whether

during typical SI engine combustion the kinetically formed NO could reach the
level of equilibrium concentrations. [10] [CO:1]


For the charge that burns early in the cycle,

The minimum peak burned gas temperatures that could be obtained = 2700 K
At full load, maximum cylinder pressure 9 (approximately) = 30 – 40 atm

Under real engine conditions, the rate of NO formation changes with time as
the temperature and pressure change with time during the cycle and also the
NO concentration

𝑑 2𝑅1{1 − ([𝑁𝑂]/[𝑁𝑂]𝑒)^2}
[𝑁𝑂] =
𝑑𝑡 (1 + 𝑊[𝑁𝑂]/[𝑁𝑂]𝑒)

However, for an approximate analysis let us assume that the average

temperature of the charge elements burnt early = 2700 K and average pressure
= 35 atm

At T= 2700 K and P = 35 at m for an early burn charge element,

3.38 × 10^−16 (2700) exp(58365/2700)

(tNO)earlyburn = = 0.38 × 10^-3 s

For an engine operating at 4500 rpm, it would take 10.3o CA to reach equal to
equilibrium NO concentrations. This time period is well within the typical
combustion duration being in the range 30-40oCA.

For the charge elements burning later in the cycle,

the temperatures reached around = 2300 K and pressure = 20 atm

At these conditions, for a late burn element

3.38 × 10^−16 (2300) exp(58365/2300)

(tNO)earlyburn = = 4.07 × 10^-3 s

For a late burn element on the other hand, it needs about 4.07 ms i.e., 110o CA
which is too long a period in the engine cycle. Due to expansion, the burned
gas temperatures would have fallen by then to further low levels of around
1300-1400 K. Thus, in the late burn elements the kinetically formed NO would
never reach equilibrium concentrations.
2. An SI engine has bore × stroke = 76 × 76 mm and compression ratio
equal to 9.0:1. Top piston land height is 7 mm and clearance between
piston and cylinder liner is 0.35 mm. At the end of intake stroke the
stoichiometric mixture of gasoline (C8H18) is at 0.09 MPa and 330 K. Peak
cylinder pressure during combustion reaches 3.0 MPa. The temperature of
gas in the piston crevice region due to heat transfer to the cylinder walls is
400 K. Calculate the amount of charge stored in the top land crevice at the
instant of maximum cylinder pressure. What fraction of the charge
inducted is stored in this crevice? [10] [CO:3]


Cylinder bore, B = 76 mm

Stroke, S =76 mm

Clearance between cylinder and piston, dc = 0.035 mm

Piston top land height, h = 7 mm

Swept volume of the engine cylinder,

𝜋 𝐵^S 3.14(76)^2 × 76 ×10^(−9)

Vd = = = 345 × 10-6 m3
4 4

Volume of the cylinder at the end of intake stroke,

𝐶𝑅 9
V0 = Vd (𝐶𝑅−1) = 345 × 10-6 × 8 = 388 × 10-6 m3

Volume of the top land crevice can be approximated,

Vcr = 𝜋 Bdch = 3.14 × 76 × 0.35 × 7 = 585 mm3

Mass of charge stored in the crevice:

Molecular weight of the stoichiometric charge of C8H18 and air (O2 + 3.76 N2)

(8 × 12 + 18) + 12.5(32 + 3.76 × 28)

Mm = = 30.25
1+ 12.5 × 4.76

Mass of charge stored in the crevice at peak pressure,

𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑉𝑐𝑟 3 × 10^6 × 585 × 10^ (−9)

mcr = = = 0.016 × 10-3 kg
𝑅.𝑇𝑐𝑟 (8314.3/30.25) × 400

Fraction of inducted charge stored in the crevice,

585 ×10^ (−9) × 3 ×10^6 × 330

Es = 388 × 10^ (−6) × 0.09 ×10^6 × 400 = 41.5 × 10-3 or 4.15 %
3. A diesel engine is operating at overall f =0.6. Taking diesel fuel as (CH2)n
and the combustion gas temperature and pressure as 2200 K and 60 atm
calculate the initial oxidation rate of soot particle and the reaction
constants as given for the NS-C mechanism. Estimate the period during
which a soot particle of 50 nm diameter would get completely oxidized.
[10] [CO:2]


Combustion gas conditions are given as, P = 60 atm, T = 2200 K

Soot oxidation rate can be given by:

𝑤 𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝑜2
= (1+ 𝑘𝑐 𝑝𝑜2) χ + kB po2 (1- χ) g carbon/(cm2.s)

In the beginning of oxidation, we may assume x =1. Hence, the soot oxidation rate

𝑤 𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝑜2
= (1+ 𝑘𝑐 𝑝𝑜2) g carbon/(cm2.s)

For po2, combustion stoichiometry for this engine may be written as

CH2 + (O2 + 3.76 N2 ) = CO2 + H2O + O2 + 9.4N2

Total number of moles of products =1+1+1+9.4 = 12.4

Partial pressure of oxygen, po2 = 12.4 × 60 = 4.84 atm

Reaction rate constants:

kA = 20 exp(-15,100/T) = 20 exp(-15100/2200) = 0.021 g/(cm2.s.atm)

kC= 21.3 exp(2060/T) = 21.3 exp (2060/2200) = 54.3 atm

0.021× 4.84
The soot oxidation rate, w = 12 (1+ 54.3 × 4.84) = 4.62 × 10-3 g carbon/(cm2.s)

𝑑𝑟 𝑤
Rate of particle burning in terms of rate of change of its radius, 𝑑𝑡 = - 𝜌

𝑑𝑟 4.62 × 10^(−3)
Taking soot density ρ = 1.8 g/cm3, 𝑑𝑡 = - = - 2.56 × 10-3 cm/s

For a particle of dp = 50 nm diameter, time duration required to burn completely,

∆t = dp /2 (dr/dt) = 50 × 10-9 × 100/ [2 × (2.56 × 10-3)]

= 0.98 × 10-3 s or 0.98 ms

At 2200 K and po2 = 4.84 bar,

At 2000 rpm engine speed it would take about 12º CA to burn a 50 nm soot

4. Propane (C3H8) is burned with 75 percent excess air during a combustion

process. Assuming complete combustion, determine the air–fuel ratio. [10]

Solution: C3 H 8 + X (O2 + 3.76N 2) aCO2 + bH 2O + lO2 + kN2

By making balance for each component:

C balance: 3=a
H balance: 8 = 2b so that b = 4
O balance: 2X = 2a + b + 2l so that 2X = 10 + 2l
N2 balance: 3.76X = k

Xactual =Xtheoretical *  = ( n + ( m/4)) * 

Xactual = 8.75

So that,

l = 3.75

k = 3.79

A/F = X (32 + 3.76 28) 8.75(32 + 3.76 28)

= = 27.3 kg air/ kg fuel.
(12 n)+ (1 m) (12 3)+ (1 8)

5. The heat of combustion of napthalene, C10H8, at constant volume at 25oC was

found to be −5133 kJ mol−1. Calculate the value of enthalpy change at constant
pressure at the same temperature. [10] [CO:2]



The balanced equation for the combustion of naphthalene is as follows:

C10H8 + 12O2 → 10CO2 + 4H2O

Here Δng = (10−12) = −2

on substituting the above value in the equation of enthalpy , we get
ΔH = ΔU − 2RT
Which means ΔH = −5133−2×RT
ΔH= −5133−4.96 KJ/mol
ΔH= −5137.96 KJ/mol
Assignment: Combustion Generated Pollution (ME-408)

Last date of Submission: 30-04-2023

Q1. Using the equation based on initial rate of NO formation, estimate

whether during typical SI engine combustion the kinetically formed NO
could reach the level of equilibrium concentrations.

Q2. An SI engine has bore x stroke = 76 x 76 mm and compression

ratio equal to 9.0:1. Top piston land height is 7 mm and clearance between
piston and cylinder liner is 0.35 mm. At the end of intake stroke the
stoichiometric mixture of gasoline (C8H18) is at 0.09 MPa and 330 K. Peak
cylinder pressure during combustion reaches 3.0 MPa. The temperature of
gas in the piston crevice region due to heat transfer to the cylinder walls is
400 K. Calculate the amount of charge stored in the top land crevice at the
instant of maximum cylinder pressure. What fraction of the charge
inducted is stored in this crevice?

Q3. A diesel engine is operating at overall f =0.6. Taking diesel fuel as

(CH2)n and the combustion gas temperature and pressure as 2200 K and 60
atm calculate the initial oxidation rate of soot particle and the reaction
constants as given for the NS-C mechanism. Estimate the period during
which a soot particle of 50 nm diameter would get completely oxidized.
Q4. Propane (C3H8) is burned with 75 percent excess air during a
combustion process. Assuming complete combustion, determine the air–
fuel ratio.

Q5. The heat of combustion of napthalene, C10H8, at constant volume at 25oC was
found to be −5133 kJ mol−1. Calculate the value of enthalpy change at constant
pressure at the same temperature.

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