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Banking system occupies an important place in a nation’s economy. A banking institution

is indispensable in a modern society. It plays a pivotal role in economic development of a
country and forms the core of the money market in an advanced country.

Banking industry in India has traversed a long way to assume its present stature. It has
undergone a major structural transformation after the nationalization of 14 major
commercial banks in 1969 and 5 more on 15
April 1980.

Banks are the engines that drive the operations in the financial sector, which is vital for
the economy. With the nationalization of banks in 1969, they also have emerged as
engines for social change. After Independence, the banks have passed through three
stages. They have moved from the character based lending to ideology based lending to
today competitiveness based lending in the context of India's economic liberalization
policies and the process of linking with the global economy.

A sound banking system should possess three basic characteristics to protect depositor’s
interest and public faith. Theses are

(i) a fraud free culture,

(ii) a time tested Best Practice Code, and

(iii) an in house immediate grievance remedial system. All these conditions are
their missing or extremely weak in India.

Section 5(b) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 defines banking as “Banking is the
accepting for the purpose of lending or investment, deposits of money from the purpose
of lending or investment, deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or
otherwise and withdraw able by cheque, draft, order or otherwise.”

In the present day, Global Scenario Banking System has acquired new dimensions.
Banking did spread in India. Today, the banking system has entered into competitive
markets in areas covering resource mobilization, human resource development, customer

services and credit management as well.

With the rising banking business, frauds in banks are also increasing and the fraudsters
are becoming more and more sophisticated and ingenious. In a bid to keep pace with the
changing times, the banking sector has diversified its business manifold. Replacement of
the philosophy of class banking with mass banking in the post-nationalization period has
thrown a lot of challenges to the management on reconciling the social responsibility
with economic viability.

The banking system in our country has been taking care of all segments of our socio-
economic set up. A bank fraud is a deliberate act of omission or commission by any
person carried out in the course of banking transactions or in the books of accounts,
resulting in wrongful gain to any person for a temporary period or otherwise, with or
without any monetary loss to the bank.

Definition of Fraud:

Fraud is defined as “any behavior by which one person intends to gain a dishonest
advantage over another”. In other words , fraud is an act or omission which is intended to
cause wrongful gain to one person and wrongful loss to the other, either by way of
concealment of facts or otherwise.

Fraud is defined u/s 421 of the Indian Penal Code and u/s 17 of the Indian Contract Act.
Thus essential elements of frauds are:

1. There must be a representation and assertion;

2. It must relate to a fact;
3. It must be with the knowledge that it is false or without belief in its truth; and
4. It must induce another to act upon the assertion in question or to do or not to
do certain act.

A false representation of a matter of fact — whether by words or by conduct, by false or

misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed — that
deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or
his legal injury.

In law, the deliberate misrepresentation of fact for the purpose of depriving someone of a
valuable possession or legal right. Any omission or concealment that is injurious to
another or that allows a person to take unconscionable advantage of another may
constitute criminal fraud. The most common type of fraud is the obtaining of property
by giving a check for which there is insufficient funds in the signer's account. Another is
the assumption of someone else's or a fictitious identity with the intent to deceive. Also
important are mail and wire fraud (fraud committed by use of the postal service or
electronic devices, such as telephones or computers). A tort action based on fraud is
sometimes referred to as an action of deceit.
Bank Frauds:
Losses sustained by banks as a result of frauds exceed the losses due to robbery, dacoit,
burglary and theft-all put together. Unauthorized credit facilities are extended for illegal
gratification such as case credit allowed against pledge of goods, hypothecation of goods
against bills or against book debts. Common modus operandi are, pledging of spurious
goods, inletting the value of goods, hypothecating goods to more than one bank,
fraudulent removal of goods with the knowledge and connivance of in negligence of bank
staff, pledging of goods belonging to a third party.

While the operations of the bank have become increasingly significant, there is also an
occupation hazard. There is a Tamil proverb, which says that a man who collects honey
will always be tempted to lick his fingers. Banks are all the time dealing with money and
the temptation should therefore is very high. Oscar Wilde said that the thief was an artist
and the policeman was only a critic. There are many people who are unscrupulous and are
able to perpetrate a fraud. We must be able to see that we devise our systems and
procedures in such a way that the scope for such clever and unscrupulous people is

Frauds in deposit accounts take place by opening of bogus accounts, forging signatures of
introducers and collecting through such accounts stolen or forged cheques or bank drafts.
Frauds are also committed in the area of granting overdraft facility in the current accounts
of customers. A large number of frauds have been committed through bank draft, mail
transfers and telegraphic transfers.

An analysis made of cases brings out broadly the under mentioned four major elements
responsible for the commission of frauds in banks.

1. Active involvement of the staff-both supervisor and clerical either independent of

external elements or in connivance with outsiders.
2. Failure on the part of the bank staff to follow meticulously laid down instructions
and guidelines.
3. External elements perpetuating frauds on banks by forgeries or manipulations of
cheques, drafts and other instruments.
4. There has been a growing collusion between business, top banks executives, civil
servants and politicians in power to defraud the banks, by getting the rules bent,
regulations flouted and banking norms thrown to the winds.

Chapter:-2 Mechanics of bank frauds:

By Insiders:

1. Wire fraud

Wire transfer networks such as the international interbank fund transfer system are
tempting as targets as a transfer, once made, is difficult or impossible to reverse. As
these networks are used by banks to settle accounts with each other, rapid or
overnight wire transfer of large amounts of money are commonplace; while banks
have put checks and balances in place, there is the risk that insiders may attempt to
use fraudulent or forged documents which claim to request a bank depositor's money
be wired to another bank, often an offshore account in some distant foreign country.

2. Rogue traders

A rogue trader is a highly placed insider nominally authorised to invest sizeable funds
on behalf of the bank; this trader secretly makes progressively more aggressive and
risky investments using the bank's money, when one investment goes bad, the rogue
trader engages in further market speculation in the hope of a quick profit which
would hide or cover the loss.

Unfortunately, when one investment loss is piled onto another, the costs to the bank
can reach into the hundreds of millions of dollars; there have even been cases in
which a bank goes out of business due to market investment losses.

3. Fraudulent loans

One way to remove money from a bank is to take out a loan, a practice bankers would
be more than willing to encourage if they know that the money will be repaid in full
with interest. A fraudulent loan, however, is one in which the borrower is a business
entity controlled by a dishonest bank officer or an accomplice; the "borrower" then
declares bankruptcy or vanishes and the money is gone. The borrower may even be a
non- existent entity and the loan merely an artifice to conceal a theft of a large sum of
money from the bank.

4. Forged or fraudulent documents:

Forged documents are often used to conceal other thefts; banks tend to count their
money meticulously so every penny must be accounted for. A document claiming that
a sum of money has been borrowed as a loan, withdrawn by an individual depositor or
transferred or invested can therefore be valuable to a thief who wishes to conceal the
minor detail that the bank's money has in fact been stolen and is now gone.

5. Uninsured deposits

There are a number of cases each year where the bank itself turns out to be uninsured
or not licensed to operate at all. The objective is usually to solicit for deposits to this
uninsured "bank", although some may also sell stock representing ownership of the
"bank". Sometimes the names appear very official or very similar to those of
legitimate banks. For instance, the "Chase Trust Bank" of Washington D.C. appeared
in 2002 with no licence and no affiliation to its seemingly apparent namesake; the
real Chase Manhattan Bank is based in New York.
There is a very high risk of fraud when dealing with unknown or uninsured

The risk is greatest when dealing with offshore or Internet banks (as this allows
selection of countries with lax banking regulations), but not by any means limited to
these institutions.

6. Demand draft fraud

Demand draft fraud is usually done by one or more dishonest bank employees. They
remove few DD leaves or DD books from stock and write them like a regular DD.
Since they are insiders, they know the coding, punching of a demand draft. These
Demand drafts will be issued payable at distant town/city without debiting an account.
Then it will be cashed at the payable branch. For the paying branch it is just another
DD. This kind of fraud will be discovered only when the head office does the branch-
wise reconciliation, which normally will take 6 months. By that time the money is

By others

7. Forgery and altered cheques

Thieves have altered cheques to change the name (in order to deposit cheques
intended for payment to someone else) or the amount on the face of a cheque (a few
strokes of a pen can change Rs.10000 into Rs.100,000, although such a large figure
may raise some eyebrows).

Instead of tampering with a real cheque, some fraudsters will attempt to forge a
depositor's signature on a blank cheque or even print their own cheques drawn on
accounts owned by others, non-existent accounts or even alleged accounts owned
by non-existent depositors. The cheque will then be deposited to another bank and the
money withdrawn before the cheque can be returned as invalid or for non-sufficient

8. Stolen cheques

Some fraudsters obtain access to facilities handling large amounts of cheques, such as
a mailroom or post office or the offices of a tax authority (receiving many cheques)
or a corporate payroll or a social or veterans' benefit office (issuing many cheques). A
few cheques go missing; accounts are then opened under assumed names and the
cheques (often tampered or altered in some way) deposited so that the money can then
be withdrawn by thieves. Stolen blank chequebooks are also of value to forgers who
then sign as if they were the depositor

9. Accounting fraud

In order to hide serious financial problems, some businesses have been known to use
fraudulent bookkeeping to overstate sales and income, inflate the worth of the
company's assets or state a profit when the company is operating at a loss. These
tampered records are then used to seek investment in the company's bond or security
issues or to make fraudulent loan applications in a final attempt to obtain more money
to delay the inevitable collapse of an unprofitable or mismanaged firm.

Accounting fraud has also been used to conceal other theft taking place within a

profitable customer. To give the illusion of being a desired customer, the company
regularly and repeatedly uses the bank to get payment from one or more of its
customers. These payments are always made,

1. Bill discounting fraud

Essentially a confidence trick, a fraudster uses a company at their disposal to gain

confidence with a bank, by appearing as a genuine,
as the customers in question are part of the fraud, actively paying any and all bills raised
by the bank. After time, after the bank is happy with the company, the company requests
that the bank settles its balance with the company before billing the customer. Again,
business continues as normal for the fraudulent company, its fraudulent customers, and
the unwitting bank. Only when the outstanding balance between the bank and the
company is sufficiently large, the company takes the payment from the bank, and the
company and its customers disappear, leaving no-one to pay the bills issued by the bank.

2. Cheque kiting

Cheque kiting exploits a system in which, when a cheque is deposited to a bank

account, the money is made available immediately even though it is not removed
from the account on which the cheque is drawn until the cheque actually clears.

Deposit Rs.1000 in one bank, write a cheque on that amount and deposit it to your
account in another bank; you now have Rs2000 until the cheque clears.

In-transit or non-existent cash is briefly recorded in multiple accounts.

A cheque is cashed and, before the bank receives any money by clearing the cheque,
the money is deposited into some other account or withdrawn by writing more
cheques. In many cases, the original deposited cheque turns out to be a forged cheque.

Some perpetrators have swapped checks between various banks on a daily basis,
using each to cover the shortfall for a previous cheque.
What they were actually doing was check kiting; like a kite in the wind, it flies briefly
but eventually has to come back down to the ground.

3. Payment card fraud:

Credit card fraud is widespread as a means of stealing from banks, merchants and
clients. A credit card is made of three plastic sheet of polyvinyl chloride. The central
sheet of the card is known as the core stock. These cards are of a particular size and
many data are embossed over it. But credit cards fraud manifest in a number of ways.

i) ,Genuine cards are manipulated
ii) Genuine cards are altered
iii) Counterfeit cards are created
iv) Fraudulent telemarketing is done with credit cards.
v) Genuine cards are obtained on fraudulent applications in the
names/addresses of other persons and used.

It is feared that with the expansion of E-Commerce, M-Commerce and Internet

facilities being available on massive scale the fraudulent fund freaking via credit cards
will increase tremendously.

i) Booster cheques:

A booster cheque is a fraudulent or bad cheque used to make a payment to a credit

card account in order to "bust out" or raise the amount of available credit on
otherwise-legitimate credit cards. The amount of the cheque is credited to the card
account by the bank as soon as the payment is made, even though the cheque has not
yet cleared. Before the bad cheque is discovered, the perpetrator goes on a spending
spree or obtains cash advances until the newly-"raised" available limit on the card is
reached. The original cheque then bounces, but by then it is already too late.

ii) Stolen payment cards:

Often, the first indication that a victim's wallet has been stolen is a phone call from a
credit card issuer asking if the person has gone on a spending spree; the simplest form
of this theft involves stealing the card itself and charging a number of high-ticket
items to it in the first few minutes or hours before it is reported as stolen.

A variant of this is to copy just the credit card numbers (instead of drawing attention
by stealing the card itself) in order to use the numbers in online frauds. The use of a
four digit Personal Identity Number (PIN) instead of a signature helps to prevent this
type of fraud.

iii) Duplication or skimming of card information:

This takes a number of forms, ranging from a dishonest merchant copying clients'
credit card numbers for later misuse (or a thief using carbon copies from old
mechanical card imprint machines to steal the info) to the use of tampered credit or
debit card readers to copy the magnetic stripe from a payment card while a hidden
camera captures the numbers on the face of the card.

Some thieves have surreptitiously added equipment to publicly accessible automatic

teller machines; a fraudulent card stripe reader would capture the contents of the
magnetic stripe while a hidden camera would sneak a peek at the user's PIN. The
fraudulent equipment would then be removed and the data used to produce duplicate
cards that could then be used to make ATM withdrawals from the victims' accounts.

4. Empty ATM envelope deposits:

A criminal overdraft can result due to the account holder making a worthless or
misrepresented deposit at an automated teller machine in order to obtain more cash
than present in the account or to prevent a check from being returned due to non-
sufficient funds. The crime could also be perpetrated against another person's account
in an "account takeover" or with a counterfeit ATM card, or an account opened in
another person's name as part of an identity theft scam. This scenario may become a
thing of the past next decade due to the emergence of ATM deposit technology that
scans currency and checks without using an envelope.

14. Impersonation:
Impersonation has become an increasing problem; the scam operates by obtaining
information about an individual, then using the information to apply for identity cards,
accounts and credit in that person's name. Often little more than name, parents' name,
date and place of birth are sufficient to obtain a birth certificate; each document
obtained then is used as identification in order to obtain more identity documents.
Government- issued standard identification numbers such as "social security
numbers" “PAN numbers” are also valuable to the fraudster.

Information may be obtained from insiders (such as dishonest bank or government

employees), by fraudulent offers for employment or investments (in which the victim
is asked for a long list of personal information) or by sending forged bank or taxation

In some cases, a name is needed to impersonate a citizen while working as an

illegal immigrant but often the identity thieves are using the bogus identity documents
in the commission of other crimes or even to hide from prosecution for past crimes.
The use of a stolen identity for other frauds such as gaining access to bank accounts,
credit cards, loans and fraudulent social benefit or tax refund claims is not

Unsurprisingly, the perpertators of such fraud have been known to take out loans and
disappear with the cash, quite content to see the wrong persons blamed when the
debts go bad or the police come calling.

15. Fraudulent loan applications

These take a number of forms varying from individuals using false information to
hide a credit history filled with financial problems and unpaid loans to corporations
using accounting fraud to overstate profits in order to make a risky loan appear to be a
sound investment for the bank.

Some corporations have engaged in over-expansion, using borrowed money to

finance costly mergers and acquisitions and overstating assets, sales or income to
appear solvent even after becoming seriously financially overextended.

16. Prime bank fraud:

The "prime bank" operation which claims to offer an urgent, exclusive opportunity to
cash in on the best-kept secret in the banking industry, guaranteed deposits in "prime
banks", "constitutional banks", "bank notes and bank-issued debentures from top 500
world banks", "bank guarantees and standby letters of credit" which generate
spectacular returns at no risk and are "endorsed by the World Bank" or various
national governments and central bankers. However, these official-sounding phrases
and more are the hallmark of the so-called "prime bank" fraud; they may sound great
on paper, but the guaranteed offshore investment with the vague claims of an easy
100% monthly return are all fictitious financial instruments intended to defraud

17. Phishing and Internet fraud:

Phishing operates by sending forged e-mail, impersonating an online bank, auction or

payment site; the e-mail directs the user to a forged web site which is designed to look
like the login to the legitimate site but which claims that the user must update
personal info. The information thus stolen is then used in other frauds, such as theft of
identity or online auction fraud.

Phishing means sending an e-mail that falsely claims to be a particular enterprise and
asking for sensitive financial information. Phishing, thus, is an attempt to scam the
user into surrendering private information that will then be used by the scammer for
his own benefit.Phishing uses 'spoofed' e-mails and fraudulent Web sites that look
very similar to the real ones thus fooling the recipients into giving out their personal
data. Most phishing attacks ask for credit card numbers, account usernames and
passwords. According to statistics phishers are able to convince up to five per cent of
the recipients who respond to them.

18. Money laundering

Money laundering has been used to describe any scheme by which the true origin of
funds is hidden or concealed.

The operations work in various forms. One variant involved buying securities (stocks
and bonds) for cash; the securities were then placed for safe deposit in one bank and a
claim on those assets used as collateral for a loan at another bank. The borrower
would then default on the loan. The securities, however, would still be worth their full
amount. The transaction served only to disguise the original source of the funds.

19. Forged currency notes:

Paper currency is the usual mode of exchange of money at the personal level, though
in business, cheques and drafts are also used considerably. Bank note has been
defined in Section 489A.If forgery of currency notes could be done successfully then
it could on one hand made the forger millionaire and the other hand destroy the
economy of the nation. A currency note is made out of a special paper with a coating
of plastic laminated on both sides of each note to protect the ink and the anti forgery
device from damage. More over these notes have security threads, water marks. But
these things are not known to the majority of the population. Forged currency notes
are in full circulation and it’s very difficult to catch hold of such forgers as once
such notes are circulated it’s very difficult to track its origin.

20. Computer Frauds:

Computerization has brought advantages of efficiency, speed and economy in all

spheres of life. It is a very powerful tool and provides opportunities of efficiency
and speed to everybody using it. Further, the vast increase in the memory (whether
RAM or storage) and processing speeds as well as availability of wide range of
software, particularly Internet and web-based applications i.e. connectivity, have
made them pervade all aspects of our lives. This has also brought large economy of
scale particularly in our economic environment and we are becoming more and more
dependent on computers and their networks for the services such systems deliver.

Frauds committed using computers vary from complex financial frauds where large
amounts are illegally transferred between accounts by sophisticated hackers, to the
simpler frauds where computer is only a tool that a criminal uses to commit a crime.

It also provides ample opportunities for their misuse particularly for economic or
financial gains. This is as computers networks can also be used to commit crimes
from geographically far places. Such computer frauds are known by various names
such as cyber crimes or e-crimes and we can describe them as an act involving
computer equipment, software or data that results in an unauthorized financial
advantage. Worldwide frauds in computerized environment cause losses running into
very large sums. Although in India, frauds committed so far have not revealed any
extensive manipulation of computer systems, it is no doubt a potentially high-risk
area, which should be addressed carefully and in timely manner. According to a recent
survey, companies in India have not addressed security issues appropriately.

1) Manipulation:

In an ideal situation, where information systems have all the necessary controls,
which are properly integrated with other manual controls and maintained, there will
generally be no cause of worry. It is however, not so. Not only, most system controls
are not perfect, people also try to manipulate systems for variety of motives from
games playing, ego peer pressure, and hatred for the organization, emotional
maladjustment, blackmail and economic gains. Such people could be insiders,
outsiders as well as vendors, competitors in fact any one.

Computer frauds gain their criticality as they are easy to commit, difficult to detect
and even harder to prove. The most important type of such frauds is committing the
fraud by manipulation of input, output or throughput of a computer system.

a) Input Manipulation:

In input manipulation, input data such as deposit amounts in ledgers, limits in

accounts or face value of cheques are changed.
b) Output manipulation:

Output manipulation is achieved by affecting the output of the system, such as use of
stolen or falsified cards in ATM machines.

c) Throughput manipulation:

Throughput manipulation could be by rounding off sums credited to different

accounts and siphoning of the rounded digits to another account.
No system is foolproof and fraudulent transfers can occur in even highly automated
and secure funds transfer systems.

2) Unauthorized use:

Other types of such frauds or crimes could be unauthorized access to computers by

hacking into systems or stealing passwords, deliberate damage caused to computer
data or programs, computer forgery (changing of data or images stored in computers)
and un-authorized reproduction / modification of computer programs.
3) Awareness:

Other important causes of such frauds are lack of employee awareness, poor
implementation of security policies and segregation of duties, vendor products with
weak security controls, outsourced service providers and hackers (many as young as
school students). Computer frauds in such cases are generally for economic benefit to
the fraudster and corresponding loss to the organization

Other sources of computer crimes are terrorists, organized criminals and groups
hating the organization.

Chapter:-3 Frauds- Prevention and Detection:

A close study of any fraud in bank reveals many common basic features. There may have
been negligence or dishonesty at some stage, on part of one or more of the bank
employees. One of them may have colluded with the borrower. The bank official may
have been putting up with the borrower’s sharp practices for a personal gain. The proper
care which was expected of the staff, as custodians of banks interest may not have been
taken. The bank’s rules and procedures laid down in the Manual instructions and the
circulars may not have been observed or may have been deliberately ignored.

Components of Fraud:

There are two important components in any fraud committed by an employee of a bank,
himself or in collusion with a burrower. They are, firstly, the intention which is
subjective; and secondly, the opportunity which is objective. Conditions must be created
in the bank that the person who intends perpetrating a fraud does not get the opportunity
to commit it.

In India, the design, management and regulation of electronically-based payments system

are becoming the focus of policy deliberations. The imperatives of developing an
effective, efficient and speedy payment and settlement systems are getting sharper with
introduction of new instruments such as credit cards, telebanking, ATMs, retail Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Clearing Services (ECS). We are moving towards
smart cards, credit and financial Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for straight through

We are basically concerned about computer frauds committed by an unauthorized user

(whether insider or outsider) to the computer networks,
which aims at causing economic or financial gains to the user by this act or an economic
or financial loss to the information system (i.e. hardware, software and data) owner.

Prevention of frauds:

i) Internal Prevention:

It is said that failures are the stepping stone for success. What this means is that if we are

able to analyse why a particular failure by way of a fraud took place, we can then detect
the loopholes in our system which led to the fraud and take corrective measures or change
the system. For instance the great Harshad Mehta scam took place because among other
things, the public debt office of the Reserve Bank of India was not computerised and was
operating on a manual system. This gave a float of fifteen days, which gave opportunity
for people like Ketan Parekh to perpetrate the fraud. Even after this scam while in the
case of the RBI the defect was rectified the overall banking system is still manual. Only
5000 out of the 65000 branches of banks are computerised. In today's competitive
market, it is necessary that the banks are able to service their clients effectively.
Therefore strongly urge is that we should have a massive effort at computerisation of the

Execution of Documents:

1. A bank officer must adopt a strict professional approach in the execution of

documents. The ink and the pen used for the execution must be maintained
2. Bank documents should not be typed on a typewriter for execution. These should
be invariably handwritten for execution.
3. The execution should always be done in the presence of the officer responsible
for obtain them,
4. The borrowers should be asked to sign in full signatures in same style throughout
the documents.
5. Unless there is a specific requirement in the document, it should not be got
attested or witnessed as such attestation may change the character of the
instruments and the documents may subject to stamp duty.
6. The paper on which the bank documents are made should be pilfer proof. It
should be unique and available to the banks only.
7. The printing of the bank documents should have highly artistic intricate and
complex graphics.
8. The documents executed between Banker and Borrowers must be kept in safe

One issue when a fraud is perpetrated is who should be held responsible. For instance in
the case of the borrower-based accounts, there is the person who posts the accounts, there

is the person who passes the instrument and, there is a third person who makes the
payment. It has been suggested that there must be a method of isolating the person who
makes the payment from the people who make the posting or pass the order. The relative
responsibility of the three will have to be fixed. This is an issue that has been raised
before me by one of the Chairman of the banks. Perhaps in a programme like this we
will be able to go into such issues and evolve guidelines about what should be done
so that while the innocent is not punished, the guilty are not spared.

Another issue, which is of importance to the Indian economy. This is the reported fear of
many officers, especially in the middle levels in the banks, to take decisions regarding
dispersal of funds. As a result, there is always a tendency to push the case upwards and
the whole banking system is operating in a sub-optimal manner. We must be able to find
a solution to this. In fact, the whole vigilance function can become an effective function
for economic growth if we are able to create an environment in which the honest are
encouraged to take the decision and the dishonest are punished quickly.

Bank frauds are the failure of the banker. It does not mean that the external frauds do not
defraud banks. But if the banker is upright and knows his job, the task of defrauder will
become extremely difficult, if not possible.

ii) External Prevention:

In the banking and financial sectors, the introduction of electronic technology for
transactions, settlement of accounts, book–keeping and all other related functions is now
an imperative. Increasingly, whether we like it or not, all banking transactions are going
to be electronic. The thrust is on commercially important centers, which account for 65
percent of banking business in terms of value. There are now a large number of fully
computerized branches across the country.

a) Appropriate controls:

The first steps in prevention of frauds in computerized systems involve setting up of

proper access controls both physical and logical. The physical protection of Information
System assets means physical control of access to computer and network systems and the
devices to which they are connected. Access to these systems could be controlled by
security guards, installation of code locks, smart card driven door opening devices or
modern biometric devices (which control the access on the basis of certain individual
characteristics such as finger-prints, eyes retina image etc., which cannot be changed or

However, in a computerized environment, logical access controls (i.e. controls to

operating systems, data-base systems as well as application systems) play more important
role. Adequate controls over system software and data is done by keeping a strict control
over functional division of labor between all classes of employees, keeping in mind the
principle of least privilege and that maker and checker. A clear segmentation of access to
system engineers, programmers and administrators is also done depending on their work
responsibility. Information System Auditors / Security Management must exercise a great
deal of creativity in identifying ways in which unauthorized users could gain access.

Hence, the first step in prevention of computer frauds is setting up of the appropriate

b) Proper Implementation;

Second step in prevention of frauds would be to ensure that the users properly implement
the control systems. Control measures could be either software driven like passwords or
system driven like exception reports and transaction authorization processes. In this
connection, it may be noted that access controls are a system in themselves and existence
of such controls means existence and maintenance of such control systems.

In the case of passwords, as access control measures. It may be noted that merely having
passwords is not sufficient. It should also be ensured that password have been prescribed
to have certain minimum characters, are stored in encrypted files, there is a forced change
of passwords at the time of first login as well as after a specified period. These features
however depend on the security policy of the organization.

Systems are also designed to keep a chronological record of the events occurring in the
system (i.e. commands executed by the users, actions on files, messages displayed by the
system, resources consumption by the users, transaction entry and security violations) in
the form of audit trails. These can be built in operating systems, database management
systems as well as application software. A regular analysis of audit trails as control
measure helps in containing any future loss through fraud.

However, although having good controls and maintaining them is a major step in
prevention of frauds it is still not sufficient to prevent them. Even with the best of
systems and their maintenance, all the possibilities of their misuse can neither be
predicted nor tested. Even when the best of the access controls tools are used and
monitored, when data flows from within the network through data communication lines
or from one network to another or through Internet, protection of the data becomes an
important tool for prevention of frauds. For this, one can either depend on simple
processes like check sum or hash totals built in the software or may require using
encryption technology or cryptography. The complexity and cost of implementation of
these methods varies a lot and is, hence, decided by the risk element.


1) When data relating to inter-branch reconciliation flows through network simple

processes like check sum or hash totals may suffice. However, in the case of INFINET
used for Real Time Gross Settlement, which uses dial-up connections, leased lines as well
as VSAT technology for access, use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with a larger key-
size is necessitated.

2) Firewalls for computer networks are another important tool in prevention of frauds
when access is allowed across networks or Internet. They are used to enforce an access
control policy across the networks. They allow only authorized traffic to pass and prevent
unauthorized access. They also protect sensitive data and provide audit or logging
information. As such they provide a focal point for monitoring and log access to the
network and thus limit exposure of network services.

3) Present technology also makes us available what is called as Intruder Detection

Systems (IDS). IDS are systems build up to detect intruders entering the network. It is the
process of identifying and responding to malicious activity targeted at computing and
networking resources and is an important component of defensive measures protecting
computer system and networks from abuses. There are different kinds of IDS:

i) Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) monitor packets on the network and
attempt to discover if a hacker is trying to break into a system.
ii) System Integrity Verifiers (SIV) monitors system files to detect when an intruder
changes them and send alert.
iii) Log File Monitor (LFM) monitors log files generated by network and look for
patterns in the log files that suggest an intruder is attacking. Once the hacker gets into the
network it triggers an alarm at the same time.

As firewall acts like a fence around the network, it cannot on its own detect somebody
trying to break in. It restricts access at the designated points. IDS, on the other hand, are
intended to recognize attacks against the network that firewall are unable to see. 80% of
all the financial losses are due to hacking that come from inside the network. Firewall
cannot see anything happening inside the network. Firewall checks for traffic which
passes between internal network and the Internet. Adding IDS will double-check miss-
configured firewalls; catch attempts that fail; catch insider hacking; record electronic

Detection of Frauds:

i) Internal detection:

Despite all care and vigilance there may still be some frauds, though their number,
periodicity and intensity may be considerably reduced. The following procedure would
be very helpful if taken into consideration:

1. All relevant data-papers, documents etc. Should be promptly collected. Original

vouchers or other papers forming the basis of the investigation should be kept
under lock and key.
2. All persons in the bank who may be knowing something about the time, place a
modus operandi of the fraud should be examined and their statements should be
3. The probable order of events should thereafter be reconstructed by the officer, in
his own mind.
4. It is advisable to keep the central office informed about the fraud and further
developments in regard thereto.

One method of detection will be only by regular checks and this is where apparently there
is slackness today. Ultimately we must be able to create in our banks an atmosphere of
trust on the one side and transparency on the other so that frauds if they occur are
immediately detected, checked and penalized.

Apart from the systems and procedures, ultimately the whole issue boils down to the
values we have. Today we are highly tolerant of corruption. We also have in our Hindu
philosophy the two basic principles, which seem to indirectly encourage corruption.
These are extreme tolerance and the prayaschitta principle. As a result many people who
commit frauds can literally get away freely. Our systems are really to be blamed. As it is
seen, if we make a quick analysis of 100 people in any given organisation, 10% may be
honest and 10% dishonest whatever we do. 80% depend on the systems we have.

And our systems encourage corruption due to the following factors:

 Scarcity of goods and services

 Lack of transparency
 Delay and red tape
 Cushions of safety that have been built for the corrupt on the healthy principle that
everybody is innocent till proved guilty. We have got voluminous vigilance
manuals and the corrupt can find always some method of escaping punishment by
exploiting some loophole or other. This must be checked.

Do not know to what extent the bank frauds can be attributed to the people in our own
banking system that, because of loyalty of the profession or organisation, tends to protect
the corrupt. Such people may be doing a disservice to the nation. We should therefore be
able to evolve ultimately systems which tackle the corruption promoting factors
mentioned above so that the punishment of the corrupt becomes a perceived reality and
acts as a check for people who have a tendency to commit frauds. After all that is the way
for prevention and detection of frauds.

ii) External detection:

Despite all such measures, as technology is taking rapid strides (for fraudsters as well as
organizations), system security administrators are discovering that they have to constantly
improve upon the technological tools. However, security can only reduce the possibility
of fraud and not totally rule it out. In a computerized environment, the perpetrators of
fraud also expect their crime to be near impossible to detect among the thousands or
millions of transactions processed by the organization. Hence to reduce the losses, timely
detection of the frauds plays an important role.

Bank computer crimes have a typical feature, the evidence relating to crime is
intangible. The evidences can be easily erased, tampered or secreted. More over it is not
easily detectable. More over the evidence connecting the criminal with the crime is often
not available. Computer crimes are different from the usual crimes mainly because of the
mode of investigation. There are no eyewitness, no usual evidentiary clues and no
documentary evidences.

It is difficult to investigate for the following reasons:

• Hi-tech crime

The information technology is changing very fast. The normal investigator does not have
the proper background and knowledge .special investigators have to be created to carry
out the investigations. the FBI of USA have a cell, even in latest scenario there has been
cells operating in the Maharashtra police department to counter cyber crimes.C.B.I also
have been asked to create special team for fighting cyber crimes.

•International crime:

A computer crime may be committed in one country and the result can be in another
country. There has been lot of jurisdictional problem a though the Interpol does help but
it too has certain limitations. The different treaties and conventions have created
obstructions in relation to tracking of cyber criminals hiding or operation in other nations

•No-scene crime:

The computer satellite computer link can be placed or located any where. The usual
crime scene is the cyber space. The terminal may be anywhere and the criminal need not
indicate the place. The only evidence a criminal leaves behind is the loss to the crime.

•Faceless crime:

The major advantage criminal has in instituting a computer crime is that there is no
personal exposure, no written documents, no signatures, no fingerprints or voice
recognition. The criminal is truly and in strict sense faceless.

There are certain spy software’s which is utilized to find out passwords and other vital
entry information to a computer system. The entry is gained through a spam or bulk mail.

The existing enacted laws of India are not at all adequate to counter cyber crimes. The
Indian Penal code, evidence act, and criminal procedure code has no clue about
computers when they were codified. It is highly required to frame and enact laws which
would deal with those subjects which are new to the country specially cyber law;

Intellectual property right etc.
The Reserve Bank of India has come up with different proposals to make the way easier,
they have enacted electronic fund transfer act and regulations, have amended, The
Reserve Bank of India Act, Bankers Book Evidence Act etc., experience of India in
relation to information and technology is limited and is in a very immature state. It is very
much imperative that the state should seek the help of the experienced and developed

As the success of the fraudster depends on how fast their crime is detected among very
large number of transactions processed by the organization, auditors and fraud
investigators find that computers are their best tools for detection of fraud. Powerful,
interactive software that quickly sifts through mountains of electronic data enables
auditors to effectively detect and prevent fraud throughout an organization. The benefit
is speed.

One such tool is the General Audit Software (like ACL - Audit Command Language and
IDEA - Interactive Data Extraction & Analysis). Such tools can quickly compare and
analyze data to identify patterns and trends that often reveal fraudulent activity.

For effectively detecting and preventing fraud, one must be able to recognize fraud and
its symptoms. Auditors have been trained to look for anomalies and a data analysis tool
can highlight anomalies quickly. However, while gathering evidence for fraud, one will
have to be little creative and examine closely any indication of fraud, however, small. In
other words, to uncover a fraud, one must think like a thief and not as an auditor.

In fact, as such crimes can be committed by comparatively with much less investment
and gains to fraudsters may be beyond geographic boundaries. Another way to use such
software for prevention of fraud could be identifying organizations risks and exposures
and assembling fraud profiles for targeted audits.

One should not forget that, in a computerized environment, frauds increase, as fraudsters
believe their action near impossible to detect, if detected near impossible to prove, if
proved nearly impossible to convict and if convicted, amounts nearly impossible to
recover. The problem is compounded in networked banks operating in different nations
with different laws. Despite this, it has been observed that frauds perpetrated from across
the globe have been detected and amounts recovered by proper combination of

technology and sleuthing skills. Hence, while security administrators continually watch
incidences and plug the holes, fraud investigators improve their skills and actively liaise
with authorities to improve the legal framework.

Chapter:-4 Relevant Measures to tackle Bank Frauds in India:

All the major operational areas in banking represent a good opportunity for fraudsters
with growing incidence being reported under deposit, loan and inter-branch accounting
transactions, including remittances.

Broad analyses of various frauds that have taken place throw up the following high-risk
areas in committing frauds:

 Misappropriation of cash by fudging accounts.

 Unauthorized withdrawal or transfers of funds, mostly from long dormant
 Opening of fictitious accounts to misappropriate funds from illegal activities
i.e. Laundering through the fictitious accounts
 Use of interbank clearing for accommodation, kite-flying and
 Cheating in foreign exchange transactions by flouting exchange control
 Withdrawal from deposit accounts through forged documents.

The most effective defence banks could have against fraud is to strengthen their
operational practices, procedures, controls and review systems so that all fraud-prone
areas are fully sanitized against internal or external breaches. However, the huge
expansion in banking transactions consequent to the transition of banks to mass banking
and the large scale computerization have played a major role in the perpetration of the
frauds. Hence mere reliance on the internal controls is of no use. The ten fold “INDIA
FORENSIC” approach to tackle the bank fraud will definitely play a crucial role in
coming days.

Following is the procedure to tackle frauds in banks:

1) Expect fraud:

Nowhere in the world the fraud can be avoided hence the banks can be no exceptions.
It is a human tendency of taking the risk to commit the frauds if he finds suitable
opportunities. So it is wise to expect the occurrence of the fraud. If the fraud is
expected, efforts can be concentrated on the areas, which are fraud prone. Fraud is the
game of two. The rule makers and rule breakers. Whoever is strong in the anticipation
of the situations wins the game of frauds. Fraud is a phenomenon, which cannot be
eliminated, but it needs to be managed.

2) Develop a fraud policy:

The policy should be written and distributed to all employees, Borrowers and
depositors. This gives a moral tension to the potential Fraudster. Maintain a zero
tolerance for violations. The Indian bank needs to roar against the action that is taken
against the Fraudsters. The media publicity against the fraudsters at all the levels is
necessary. The announcement by US president George W. Bush that the “Corporate
crooks will not be spared” gave the deep impact to the Corporate America. In India
also we need to consider it as a sever problem and need to fight against it.

3) Assess Risk:

Look at the ways fraud can happen in the organization. It is very important to study
the trend and the style of frauds in the bank. Some of the big nationalized banks
maintain the databases of the fraud cases reported in their banks. But the databases
are dumb. They yield nothing unless they are analyzed effectively. Establish regular
fraud-detection procedures. It could be in the form of internal audit or it could also be
in the form of inspections. These procedures alone discourage employees from
committing fraud. In addition to this the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
has issued an “Accounting and Assurance standard on internal controls which is a real
guideline to test internal controls. Controls break down because people affect them,
and because circumstances change.

4) Segregate duties in critical areas:

It is the absolutely basic principle of auditing a single person should not have the
control of the books of accounts and the physical asset. Because this is the scenario
which tempts the employee to commit the fraud. Hence it becomes essential to see
that no one employee should be able to initiate and complete a critical transaction
without involving someone else.

Most of the banks in India have the well-defined authorization procedures. The
allocation of the sanctioning limits is also observed in most of the cases. But still the
bankers violate the authorities very easily. They just need to collude with the outside
parties. However the detection of the collusions is possible in most of the cases if the
higher authorities are willing to dig the frauds.

5) Maintain the tone of Ethics at the top:

The subordinates have the tendency to follow their superiors. When the signals are
passed on to the middle management about the unethical behavior of the top
management the fear of punishment gets reduced and the tendency of following the
superior dominates. Fear vanishes when the tendency of “If I have to die I’ll take
along the superior and die” tendency rises.

6) Review and enforce password security:

The incidences of hacking and the Phishing have troubled the Indian Private Sector
banks to a great extent. In addition to this most of the Indian banks are running behind
the ATM and credit cards to compete with each other but have conveniently forgone
the fact that ATM cards and the credit cards are the best tools available in the hands
of the fraudsters. Inappropriate system access makes it possible to steal large amounts
of money very quickly and, in many cases, without detection. Hence the review and
the enforcement of the security policy are going to be a crucial.

7) Conduct pre-employment screening:

Since the raw material of the Banks is cash the banker needs to be more alert than any
other employer before they recruit. Only testing the aptitude of a person is not of any
use. Know whom you are hiring. More than 20 percent of resumes contain false
statements. Most employers will only confirm dates of employment. Some times post
employment condition might create the greed in the minds of employee, hence at least
the bankers should test check the characters of their subordinates by creating
real life scenarios such as offering the bribes by calling on some dummy borrower.

8) Screen and monitor Borrowers:

Bad borrowers cause the biggest losses to the banks. What are they? Who they
represent themselves to be? Look at their ownership, clients, references, and litigation
history. In many cases the potential fraudsters have history of defaulting in some
other bank or Financial Institution.

Though this is not the foolproof solution to the disease of the frauds to some extent it
helps to combat the frauds.


Security implies sense of safety and of freedom from danger or anxiety. When a banker
takes a collateral security, say in the form of gold or a title deed, against the money lent
by him, he has a sense of safety and of freedom from anxiety about the possible non-
payment of the loan by the borrower. These should be communicated to all strata of the
organization through appropriate means. Before staff managers should analyze current
practices. Security procedure should be stated explicitly and agreed upon by each user in
the specific environment. Such practices ensure information security and enhance
availability. Bank security is essentially a defense against unforced attacks by thieves,
dacoits and burglars.


A large part of banks security depends on social security measures. Physical security
measures can be defined as those specific and special protective or defensive measures
adopted to deter, detect, delay, defend and defeat or to perform any one or more of these
functions against culpable acts, both covert and acclamations natural events. The
protective or defensive, measures adopted involve construction, installation and
deployment of structures, equipment and persons respectively.
The following are few guidelines to check malpractices:

1. To rotate the cash work within the staff.

2. One person should not continue on the same seat for more than two months.
3. Daybook should not be written by the Cashier where another person is available
to the job.
4. No cash withdrawal should be allowed within passbook in case of withdrawal by
pay order.
5. The branch manager should ensure that all staff members have recorder their
presence in the attendance registrar, before starting work.


1. Section 91 of IPC shall be amended to include electronic documents also.

2. Section 92 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 shall be amended to include commuter
based communications.
3. Section 93 of Bankers Book Evidence Act, 1891 has been amended to give legal
sanctity for books of account maintained in the electronic form by the banks.
4. Section 94 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1939 shall be amended to facilitate
electronic fund transfers between the financial institutions and the banks. A new
clause has been inserted in Section 58(2).


The Indian Banking Industry has undergone tremendous growth since nationalization of 14
banks in the year 1969. There has an almost eight times increase in the bank branches
from about 8000 during 1969 to mote than 60,000 belonging to 289 commercial banks, of
which 66 banks are in private sector.

However, with the spread of banking and banks, frauds have been on a constant increase. It
could be a natural corollary to increase in the number of customers who are using banks
these days. In the year 2000 alone we have lost Rs 673 crores in as many as 3,072 number
of fraud cases. These are only reported figures. There were nearly 65,800 bank branches
of a total of 295 commercial banks in India as on June 30, 2001 reporting a total of nearly
3,072 bank fraud cases.

The most important feature of Bank frauds is that ordinarily they do not involve an individual
direct victim. They are punishable because they harm the whole society. It is clear that
money involved in Bank belongs to public.

There must be certain preventive and curative measures to control frauds. The higher
authority of bank must follow strict rules against such fraudsters. The various new
technologies must be adapted by the bank to overcome such frauds.

Thus, a fraud is the game of two, the rule makers and the rule breakers. Fraud is a
phenomenon that cannot be eliminated but can be managed.


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