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Nilma A12118119. Comparative Analysis of The Effectiveness of Face-To-Face

Learning and Online Learning in English Lesson During COVID-19. Skripsi,
English Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department,
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako University. Under the
Supervision of Kamaruddin and Mashuri.

The purpose of this studi was to analyze the comparison between face-to-
face learning and online English learning during the COVID-19 period and to
establish the effectiveness of face-to-face learning and online learning.Qualitative
descriptive research was used inovolving 60 2 English class students at Tadulako
University in 2018 who experienced two learning methods between face-to-face
and online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Questionnaires and
interviews methods are used to collect data. Questionnaire, in this study there
were 12 questions containing questions about comparison between the two
learning methods. Interviews were conducted to get more information from
students as supporters of the questionnaire results. Based on the analysis of these
data, it can be concluded that face-to-face learning methods are more effective
than online learning methods because the lack of distractions so students can be
more productive, active and also can concentrate better so they were able
understand the material easily. In addition, the results showed that students tend
to choose face-to-face learning (79,7%) while online learning (40,4%).

Keywords: Effectiveness, Face-to-Face Learning, Online Learning.


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