Complete Lesson 2 Maintain A Safe Navigational Watch-Assessment Task

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A whistle fitted in a vessel shall provide, in the direction of maximum intensity of the whistle and at a
distance of 1 meter from it, the sound pressure level in at least:

Answer: B. ½ Octave Band

2. A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall so far as practicable:

Answer: Keep clear of the traffic separation line or separation zone

3. The additional lights signals for fishing vessels, as prescribed in Annex II of the COLREGS, if fitted with
purse seine gear and is hampered by it shall flash alternately:

Answer: B. every second and with equal light and occultation duration.

4. As defined in the navigation rules, the arcs of visibility for a towing light is:

Answer: B.135

5. What additional lights does a vessel constrained by its draught have to show?

Answer: D. Three red light in a vertical line

6. Under COLREGS Annex III, what is the length of the vessel if the audibility range of a whistle is two

Answer: C. 200 meters or more

7.Which of the following is NOT Under Command as defined under Rule 3 of the Regulations?

Answer: B. a sailing vessel

8. The sound pressure level at any direction in the horizontal plane shall NOT be more than how many
Db below the prescribed sound pressure level on the axis?

Answer: B. 10 Db

9. At night, a vessel which is less than 7 meters in length and anchored in an area where other vessels do
not normally navigate is.

Answer: A. not required to show any anchor lights

10. Which statement is TRUE concerning lights and shapes displayed by towing vessels?

Answer: A. If the towing vessel is over 50 meters in length, she must carry forward and after
masthead light.

11. Under COLREGS, Annex III, Sec. 1, Whistles, what is the required audibility range in nautical miles for
vessels 75m but less than 200 meters in length?

Answer: C. 1.5,

12. For a power driven of 100 meters in length and 20 meters beam, what is the ……

13. When two power-driven vessels, in sight of each other, are crossing so as to involve risk of collision,
avoiding action must be taken by:

Answer: D. the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side

14. A vessel or object being towed shall display a:

Answer: A. Stern light

15. If another ship does not appear to be taking sufficient action to avoid a collision, what should you do
according to the Collision Regulation?


16. Under COLREGS, Annex III, Sec. 1, Whistles, what is the required audibility range in nautical miles for
vessels less than 20 meters in length?

Answer: C. 0.5nm

17. Under COLREGS Annex IV, what does the orange flag, showing a black circle and a square shape

Answer: C. distress signal

18. Two all-around red light displayed in a vertical line are shown by a:

Answer: A vessel not under command

19. Under the COLREGSS, the term “Height above the hull” means:
Answer: B. height above the uppermost continuous deck

20. Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when underway and not making way?

Answer: A. a vessel towing astern

21. As prescribed in Annex III of the international Collision Regulations, the fundamental frequency of a
whistle for a vessel less than 75 meters in length, shall be between:

Answer: C. 250 to 700 Hz

22. A vessel aground shall display a day shape consisting of:

Answer: A three black balls in a vertical line.

23. Under COLREGS Annex II, an additional light signal for vessel of 20 meters or more in length when
engaged in trawling, whether using demersal or pelagic gear when they are hauling nets may exhibit:

Answer: C. one white light over one red light in a vertical line.

24. As provide for in Annex III of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, When a
directional whistle is to be used as the only whistle on a vessel, it shall be installed with its maximum
intensity directed:

Answer: B. straight ahead

25 When should a sailing vessel keep out of the way of a power driver vessel?

Answer: D. When the sailing vessel is overtaking

26. For vessels 20 meters or more in the length, the diameter of the mouth of the bell it carries shall be
not less than:

Answer: 300 mm

27. When takin actions to avoid collision under Rule 8, you should avoid:

Answer: D. a succession of small alterations of speed or course

28. A ball shape shall be black and shall have a diameter of NOT less than:

Answer: B. 0.6 meter

29. As additional light signal for vessels of 20m or more in length when engaged in trawling, whether
using demersal or pelagic gear when shooting their nets may exhibit:

Answer: B. two white lights in a vertical line

30. If your ship is in collision and the ships are locked together, which of the following should not always
be done?

Answer: A. Sound tanks and assess damage

31. The whistles of a combined system are arranged to be sounded simultaneously and shall be located
at a distance apart of not more than:

Answer: C. 100 meters

32. In determining safe speed, all of the following must be taken into account EXCEPT:

Answer: A. maximum horsepower of your vessel

33. A vessel engaged in fishing, and at anchor, should exhibit:

Answer: D. None of these

34. For a which types of a vessel should a fishing vessel not impeded the passage in arrow channel of

Answer: D. Any other vessels navigating within the narrow channel or fairway

35. The dayshape(s) that should be exhibited by a vessel being towed when length of the tow exceeds
200-meters is/are:

Answer: one diamond shape

36. Under COLREGS Annex III, if whistles are fitted at a distance apart of more than 100 meters, it shall
be so arranged that they are:

Answer: C. not sounded

37. An appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with
the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessel, in making special rules, shall:

Answer: C. conform as closely as possible to the Collision Regulations.

38. Which vessel would exhibit sidelights when under and making way?

Answer: A. vessel not under command

39. How many meters vertically above the sidelights (if carried), shall the masthead light of a power-
driven vessel of less 12 meters in length?

Answer: B. 1m

40. A 20-meter vessel towing another vessel astern where the length of the tow is 75 meters. How many
white towing masthead lights shall the towing vessel show at night?

Answer: C. 2

41. A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the rules as long as the additional lights:


42. According to the collision regulations, all of the following are considered engaged in fishing EXCEPT a
vessel _______.

Answer: A. trolling

43. Under Annex I of the Collision Regulations, the sidelights of a vessel in the forward direction shall
show the minimum required intensities and must decrease to reach a practical cut-off between:

Answer: B. 1? And 3? Outside the prescribed sector

44. Your vessel is not making way, but is not in any way disabled. Another vessel is approaching you on
your starboard beam. Which statement is TRUE?

Answer: A. your vessel is the given way vessel in a crossing situation.

45. A cylinder shall have a diameter of at least:

Answer: B. 0.6 meter

46. Which of the following vessel when anchored at night, would not be required to show anchor lights?

Answer: A. a vessel dredging

47. As defined in the navigational rules, the minimum range of visibility for stern light of vessel of 12m or
more in length but less than 50 meters is:

Answer: B. 2 mi.

48. A vessel with a tow over 200-meters in length will, during the day, show.

Answer: A. a diamond shape

49. As provided for in Annex III of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, the
approximate range of audibility at which a whistle signal may be heard on its forward axis, if a vessel is
200 meters or more in length is:


50. A vessel joining the general direction of traffic flow in a traffic separation scheme from either side
shall do so:

Answer: D. at as small an angel as practicable.

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