Animal Testing

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Lưu Đình Quang Minh

Nguyễn Ngọc Tùng

Nguyễn Thị Nhật Mai
Tạ Uyên Chi
Hoàng Kiều Anh
Phạm Vũ Khánh Duy

Animal testing
*What is animal testing
Known as an experiment in which animals are being used as
samples in order for humans to discover many different kinds
of new treatments as well as producing drugs.
1. great cure for life-threatening diseases
Must do test on animals => helps us to find more cures in the
Eg: AIDS, cancer, etc.

2. useful to treat future pandemics

Pandemics pose a serious risk to humanity since if countries
spread across borders, millions of people can die from it.
This is especially true for people who live in the poor part of our
planet since they often do not have access to proper medical
treatment or simply cannot afford it.
3. vaccines are produced
Those trials are often carried out with the help of animal testing
in the early stages in order to avoid potential dangers for
human health.
Therefore, animal research can also take away the need to test
vaccines on humans in early research stages and can protect us
humans from serious potential complications.

4. safety improvements for customers

Before products are approved for the mass market, plenty of
research and testing has to be done in order to ensure the
safety of products.
Hence, in order to protect our general public from unknown
harmful effects from those products, animal testing may give
some indication regarding potential dangers of those products.

5. a tremendous help in terms of lack of suitable alternative

testing methods
When it comes to the testing of certain drugs or vaccines, there
is simply a lack of suitable alternatives.
Some present treatments may pose significant dangers to the
test persons since the effects of many new drugs are not
exactly known in early testing stages.
=> animal testing might be the only other valid way to go in
order to get proper medical research findings.
1. ethical concerns
animals are often treated quite poorly and suffer from quite
poor living conditions.
This is not only true for the testing itself, but also for their
overall conditions since they are often kept in quite narrow
Additionally, opponents of animal experiments also often claim
that we as humans do not have the right to intentionally harm
animals from an ethical perspective since they are also living
organisms who will suffer from serious pain.

2. can be expensive
requires plenty of manpower and expensive equipment, animal
experimentation can be quite costly.
=> Therefore, also from a cost aspect, it may be questionable
whether animal testing provides enough benefits to justify
those enormous financial efforts.
3. may lead to the development of new diseases
While carrying out animal testing, some viruses may be able to
escape laboratories, which may lead to serious epidemics or
even pandemics.
4. Benefits
In many cases, animal testing may not even deliver any useful
results at all.
In fact, in the majority of cases, the findings from animal testing
will be rather useless for the application of drugs for humans.
5. Strict regulations in some countries
animal testing may also not be a viable option in some
countries all over the world, especially in countries where
animal testing may contradict with religious aspects, those
kinds of tests may even be prohibited by law.

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