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Prepare a 5-minute talk on the topic “The differences in communication”.

Read the
materials below and select at least three points and opinions which you will use to support
your argument. You can use other ideas as well, but you must discuss the ideas you selected
from the material. In your talk:
• introduce the topic and outline the structure of your talk;
• present your arguments, supporting them with the information from the material provided;
• draw conclusions on the topic.
You have 20 minutes to prepare your talk. You can make notes on the paper


New communication methods such These are websites and

There are definitely shifts in the way
as texting, email and video computer programs that allow
people work when everything is
conferencing are rapidly replacing people to communicate and
online, and the jury’s out on
face-to-face business share information on the
whether these are positive or
communication. Only 29 percent of internet using a computer or
negative. A survey by Randstad US
college students prefer face-to-face mobile phone.  Now social media
and Future Workplace found that
communication, according to a is consider as one of the hottest
80% of workers said communicating
2010 "University of Media" study areas of interpersonal
virtually has made them more
conducted by Mindshare Business communication research; such
reactive than strategic in their daily
Planning group, Alloy Media and as  how technology is influencing
work. Their findings echo what a lot
Brainjuicer. Instead, students send our interpersonal communication
of people are saying at the moment:
more than 50 text messages per and how our interpersonal
that their day involves more calls
day. As these young adults move communication is influencing the
and catch-ups than they would have
into the workplace, they'll be more development of technologies.
in the office. As a result, people are
comfortable with new technology
less focused on long-term projects
than previous generations. Yet,
and are instead working call-to-call
face-to-face communication plays a
on new projects.
dominant role in business.

“Excellent communication doesn’t just Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills to
happen naturally. It is a product of process, learn. Communication itself is defined as transferring information to produce
skill, climate, relationship and hard work.” greater understanding. It can be done vocally (through verbal exchanges),
– Pat McMillan, author, CEO through written media (books, websites, and magazines), visually (using graphs,
charts, and maps), or non-verbally (body language, gestures, pitch of voice, and
tone). All of these means of communication skills are essential Soft Skills that
are vital for a successful Career.
We cannot deny the fact that communication is an essential core system of our
lives. We understand and percept the world through communication. Life would
feel incomplete without interacting with others. The older methods of
communication were cave paintings, smoke signals, symbols, carrier pigeons, and
telegraph. The latest and modern ways are more convenient and efficient. For
example, Television, Cell Phones, Internet, E-mails, Social media, and Text
messaging. Evolution of communication technology has made progress over
thousands of years. This evolution will continue to grow so with the changing

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