Module Feb. 6-10, 2023

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An Ugly Duckling Is a Swan

It is a no-no in school to tease others especially about their physical appearances. But my schoolmates
and classmates did not seem to be aware of this. From the moment I entered school, I became the
object of jokes because of my skin. I admit I am dark- skinned and that I am small and thin. At first, I
didn't really mind, but it had come to a point that the jokes became nasty and offensive. Sometimes I
wondered whether they ever realized that I am capable of being hurt, embarrassed, and intimidated.
One would say, "Here comes the eclipse!" Then another would pretend to be a weather reporter and
say, "The weather report: today is sunny, but the skies suddenly became overcast! This is a
phenomenon!" I got names like "the squid" or "black chicken wings." I felt sad and depressed. I did not
want to go to school anymore. Going to school became a nightmare! My parents had to go to school to
talk with my teachers. I was away from school for a week, then I came back but not after much
convincing from my teachers and my parents. I was apprehensive and the fear inside me was growing.
But as I approached our classroom, I felt strange. Not one among my classmates said a word; nobody
called me names, and they all seemed very cordial and polite to me. The more I was surprised when
they chorused, "Rachelle, we are truly sorry. We will never do it again. Please forgive us." That started it.
Those words seemed like magic! I walked about with more confidence. I smiled at everyone I met. I
performed better in class and I became a hit with my classmates! They all wanted me in their group and
they always came to ask me for some lessons they did not quite understand. I felt like I had a make-
over! They said I was very gracious and pleasant, and charming. Maybe they are right. I like what I see in
my mirror. I did not remarkably change physically, but deep inside me, I can confidently say. I am a
better me-no longer an ugly duckling, but a lovely swan!






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