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Drafted by – Advocate Piyush Mittal

I, _____________, aged about ___ years, S/o late
______________, resident of House No. ______, Sector ____
District________ State ________ do hereby make and
declare my this WILL in a sound and disposing state of
mind, with my own free will and consent, without any
undue pressure or influence of anybody and with my full
senses as under:-

That at present I am residing with my wife Smt.

______________, both my sons namely Sh.
______________and Sh. ______________along with their
families at the above said address. My wife has always
been caring and supportive towards me throughout my
life. Considering her future, financial security and
safeguard, it is bounden duty of mine to make some
arrangement for her respectful living even after my
departure to heavenly abode.
Whereas the ways of God are strange and one does
not know as to when life may come to an end and this
mortal frame may collapse and as such I am executing
this WILL with the motive that the disputes and
differences may not crop up among my legal heirs after
my death in respect of my properties.

I am the sole owner in possession of House No.

______, Sector ____ District________ State ________.
Besides this I am also having two saving banks accounts
in State Bank of _______, Sector ____ District________
State ________and State Bank of _____, Sector
______District________ State________, and a locker with
State Bank of _____, Sector ______District________

That by virtue of this WILL, I bequeath my above

said House No. ______, Sector ____ District________ State
________ and money and articles lying deposited in above
said two saving bank accounts and one locker in favour
of my wife Smt. ________ who is residing with me at
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Drafted by – Advocate Piyush Mittal

House No. ______, Sector ____ District________ State

________ .
That in case my wife Smt. ________ predeceased
me, in that eventuality, my above said property i.e. House
No. ______, Sector ____ District________ State ________
shall devolve in equal share to both my sons namely Sh.
____ and Sh. ____ who are also residing with me. Thus
both my sons shall become the absolute owners of House
No. ______, Sector ____ District________ State ________ to
the extent of ½ share each and will also become entitled
for the money and articles lying deposited in the above
said bank accounts and locker in equal share after my

By virtue of this will, I want to make it clear that I

will remain the absolute owner of all my aforesaid
properties till I am alive. After my death, my aforesaid
properties shall be inherited by my wife Smt. ________ .
In case my wife Smt. ________ predeceased me both my
sons namely Sh. ________ and Sh. ________ shall inherit
the above said properties in equal shares on the basis of
this Will and they will be having all rights, title and
interest in my aforesaid properties as I am having at

In case my wife pre-deceased me and after her death

any one of my son pre-deceased me in that eventuality
the legal heir of that deceased son will inherit half share
of my properties in the same way as my son was entitled
to inherit in equal share along with the other son i.e. the
legal heirs of my son will be entitled to half share of my
above said properties and my other son will be entitled to
the other half share of the said properties.

In case I acquire any movable or immovable

properties in future, the same shall also be inherited by
my wife and in case my wife pre-deceases me then both
my sons Sh. ________ and Sh. ________ will inherit that
property in equal share.

That I am executing this WILL with my free wish and

consent and without any influence, pressure or coercion
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Drafted by – Advocate Piyush Mittal

from anybody. This is my first and the last WILL in

respect of my aforesaid properties and if anybody sets
any claim on the basis of any other document other than
the present WILL, then the same shall be considered as
illegal, null and void and the same shall not be

In witness whereof, after reading and understanding

its contents and after finding the same to be correct, I
have set my hands on this deed at ________ on this ___
day of ________ 20___ in the presence of witnesses.



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