The Philippines Is An Archipelag1

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The Philippines is an archipelago, meaning that it’s

surrounded by the ocean and sea and it inhabits many

waterforms such as lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls, etc.
then why is it that only few of us drink clean water
everyday?, after all, water is so essential to us that we
can only survive 3 days without water, so why?, well its
because that too much of our territorial waters are
undrinkable, due to various reasons like our oceans
having too much salt for our body to digest polluting the
lakes, rivers, not being conservative and so on and so
forth, so what can we do to preserve this finite resource
that we all need in our daily lives?, well as civillians we
can always just reduce the waste we throw in the rivers
and lakes, but we can go a step further and install
rainwater harvesting systems to filter and use to drink or
to water our plants, we can also just protect our forests
and other natural resources to help sustain our supply of
clean water, overall as civillians, we need to do our jobs
and help protect our waters

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