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ADVERBS bs are words that modify or tell us more about Verbs. They may also adn adjectives, other Adverbs or even the tone of the whole sentence. moat — ly Taos dat i od Hr only caver. [ecoptionly ils x chou the cpt deve i aa iat tik pot yo wil win heltery. The word perhops changes the whale nature fhe sentence) eae arena Go havbial pro 998 MANNER how + Adverbial Clauses pa 9 | gril, hungry imaginatively, fost, well [usvlly end in -ly) PLACE (where?) here, there, nowhere, up, down, home, fr, near ‘eT (when?) * today, tomorrow, yesterday, now, then, scon, immedi 44. DEGREE (to what extent?) very, quite cer, 50, cmos fairy, radically, hardly, extremely, wel, eal, jus, oo, nearly fe. FREQUENCY how often?) ‘lnoys, never, oe, seldom, once, vivally, occasionally, requenlly The insertion ofthese words changes the nolure ofthe sentence and usual ceo cently, deftly, fortunctely, honesty luckily, naturlly, ‘They are usvllyploced ot the beginning ofthe sentence: Nturlly, nobody owned up tothe deed. Promos swith edjeatives, adverbs have degrees of comparison. ror eens Ex [eaten ice oy ee 7 “the f ly expresses the speaker's opini obviously, perhops, surely, unfortunately | Regular foster || the fastest) Tver mre flats || corey more early most carcally regular (body — worse od ‘cme ; (oxepionl @ litle less the least much | more | the most oars bx edant | ll ealta|PF | eran quickly. Regular Form| shee eS than his brother. (Comparative Form - comparing ve "yeu work harder, you will ve Far gl sm mre. Campers Fm mpage aaa (Superlative Form -comporing more thon two ectons) corfu of incorect usages ——— eres ] Merssche led. twas very fun, x wes fn, Hemoved quick, x ¥__Hemovedquictly, v | ADVERBS > An adverts is a word which fells us more about the verb in the sentence, — ~_Tt'odds to the verb by teling us how, when, where or why the action tokes place. ~ AS you can see in the folowing examples, adverbs offen end in ly’ For example: The train moved siowly. how Present | piled the stove with wood, when {Nside, the derkness wos damp ond heavy. where She jumps very high. how Exercise | Complete each sentence by choosing the most suitable adverb from the group of three on the right, ©) She laughed (furiously, heavily, happily). b) He listened (attentively, concisely, brutally) ©) They shouted (sadly, loudly, stubbomiy), ® I yawned (wearily, valiantly, cheaply). ©) You waited (carefully, weakly, patientiy). Exercise 2 Replace the underlined verbs with adverbs. The first letteris given as a clue. @) He watched the ghost with anxiety (a) ) He fell asleep without delay () ©) He broke into the house without difficulty (e) @) Not Jong ago (t) he had been in prison, ) Now and then (0) tramps come to the house. Exercise 3 Change the following adjectives ito adverbs. Make sure you spell correctly. ©) silent ) simple ©) onary @) serious ©) patient h) gentle 9) me ) weary ©) stupid Exercise 4 Change the words in brackets in the following sentences into adverbs ©) The man worshipped (devout) ') Joe described! the fim very (vvie) ©) They walked (slow) home. ) Graham behaved (shame). ©) He acted (enthusiasm). Exercise § Identity the adverb in each of he folowing sentences and say whether i is on aver of ime, manner or place. ) Who ate my bittong yesterday? 1b) The three owls hooted loudly ¢) Will Maria be there tonight? ) Don't speck so loudly. ©) Drive carefully, ‘) I saw Suzie there. Exercise 6 Each of the following ser how, where, or when after the sentence to tell whict gives. The first one has been dane for you. sntences contains one adverb. Underline the advert. Write fh kind of information the adver @) Sharon ortfully avoided answering the rude question, how ) Wiliam usuatv laughs at his brother's antics, ) Does Kevin ike to wear his coat inside? 4) Loften wish you'd share your opinions with us ) Jenna recovered quickly and won the game. 1) The official did not answer truthfully g) We saw nothing because we looked awoy. h) Iteally appreciate your help. 1) Pease visi us if you ever get o chance. }) Marie recently visted on interesting lighthouse. K) Did Syivia recall the events accurately? Never use a porcupine for a hat. m) Chis dic better on his last spelling test 1) Isometimes wonder why I care! ©) Angela cautiously opened the oven. TOIT Grew ti ‘ ‘ « t ‘ ¢ € € € € € e € @ e e AAARAmAAAnrananama

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