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3. can’t
4. can’t
5. can’t
6. can

should had left the key

cound’t get in
coudn’t climb
coudn’t ask
… saw

3. can’t cook
4. coudn’t sleep
5. coudn’t understand
6. can’t come
7. coudn’t catch
8. can’t play
9. can’t see
could play the guitar, but he couldn’t sing
fred could swim really well, but he couldn’t ride a bike
but he can’t play the guitar
now he can play the piano, but can’t drive a car

when i was younger i could swim so fast, but i couldn’t run as fast
now i can run fast, but can’t swim fast

could i borrow one hair dryer, please?

could you give me a wake up call at 6.30 in the morning, please?
could i have breakfast in my room tomorrow morning?
could i leave my passpoert and traveller’s cheques in the hotel safe
could you get a taxi for me, please?

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