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Group 1

Talk about different social media platforms. Decide on the most suitable for university students.

- Tiktok

- Facebook

- Instagram

- Twitter

- Linkedin

- Whatsapp

- Lotus

NN: shall we start?

TN: yes, of course

NN: I go first. Nowadays, there are a lot of different social media platforms, so what app do you think is
suitable for university students?

TN: Facebook is becoming more and more popular and close to everyone, especially for young people
and university students. It brings a lot of benefits as well as positive effects if used properly. University
students today use social networks for many different purposes to help improve learning efficiency. They
learn more by themselves on social networking sites, join groups to discuss learning methods... This not
only helps me improve my English but also helps me relax and make more friends. New friends exchange
learning, hobbies.

NN: Yah, I agree with you.

TN: What about u? what app do you think is suitable for university students?

NN: I think Ins is one of the apps useful for university students. It’s especially popular with young users
and it is a great platform for promoting products and services with visuals. Especially, if you want to
connect with foreign people to improve your EL skill ins is a good choice for u. I have communicated
with an Indian and it is a fun experience. What do you think about Linkedin?

TN: Find good job opportunities when they graduate, Help you expand your social relationships, Share
experiences, improve professional knowledge, Build an effective personal brand

NN: what do u think we should choose? I think Linkedin. Do u agree?


Group 2

Talk about different solutions to help improve our city. Decide on the most suitable solution.
- create more public green space

- have friendlier means of transportation for the disabled

- spend more money on healthcare facilities

- install more effective drainage systems

- build more luxurious buildings to attract tourists

- install more cameras to ensure safety and security

- build more effective waste treatment systems

Group 3

Talk about different learning modes. Decide on the most suitable modes for you.

- listen to lectures

- discuss in pair/group

- do presentation

- study from home

- do online exercises (i.e. MyELT)

- self-study at home

- carry out projects

Talk about different trends that will become popular in the future. Decide on the most promising

- cashless payment

- food delivery

- work from home

- smart homes

- distance learning

- robots as problem solvers

- driverless vehicles

Talk about different voluntary activities you could do this summer. Decide on the most suitable
Suggested activities:

- donate blood

- donate books or clothes

- teach English for orphans

- deliver food to homeless people

- do household chores for elderly people

- collect rubbish in forests

- plant trees in your neighborhood

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