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PUNE -411052 ,
Introduction to Digital Marketing
Academic year 2021-2022

BLOG and Analytics

Blog Name: Meme Marketing

Name Roll no Branch C no

Aditi Bornare 3611 IT C22019441613

Srushti Chiddarwar 3613 IT C22019441615

Aboli Khursale 3637 IT C22019441640

Neha Lahane 3639 IT C22019441642

Memes are light hearted jibes at things around you. It’s primarily a top-of-mind marketing
asset that helps you build trust and relationships with customers. Meme Marketing is the art of
packaging any kind of brand narrative in the form of Memes and getting those memes seeded on
Social Media through the Meme Community. Meme marketing helps drive page engagement, build
a community of fun-loving audience, and improve branding.
Purpose of our blog is to make people aware about meme marketing which is a rapidly
growing marketing strategy that is a perfect combination of humour and advertisement. To show
the increasing use of meme marketing by popular brands we included 4 case studies: Dream11,
Zomato, Netflix, Big Bazaar.
People can share, like, comment on the blog. Our blog is made using blogger. It has
integrated Google analytics. A search feature is also available, where we can search for keywords
and specific blog is displayed. To conclude, our blog depicts how meme marketing serves as a link
between the meme community and various brands.

Sources: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google
Roll no Name Roles and responsibilities

3611 Aditi Bornare Worked on Netflix case study. Added widgets

3613 Srushti Chiddarwar Worked on Dream11 case study. Designed About us page

3637 Aboli Khursale Worked on Zomato case study. Designed Layout of page

3639 Neha Lahane Worked on Big Bazaar case study. Chose case studies to work on.

Google Ads

Ad/Campaign name: Hospital Visits and Promotions

Product/Business: Healthcare Services

Mention and Justify I decided to work on this campaign so I could make more people aware
about the services offered in my parents’ hospital and thus increase the
number of patients visiting our hospital.

Keyword type Used Broad Match Modifier Helps in reaching targeted audience, e.g.:
people who live in a given range of the
hospital will be targeted

Bidding Strategy Maximise Conversion This bidding strategy uses advanced

Value machine learning to automatically optimise
and set bids. It automatically finds an optimal
CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to

Sitelinks Call Extension People can know more about services and
treatments offered in the hospital.
Location Extension
People can easily navigate to the hospital if
Message Extension
they know the location.
People can book prior appointments via text
Step 1: Choose the goal of the campaign. My goal is to promote more visits to the hospital.

Step 2: Select the campaign type, which is Local for the hospital.
Step 3: Give an appropriate name to the campaign.

Step 4: Select languages

Here it shows that I’ve selected 3 languages, English, Hindi and Marathi as these are the
languages that are locally used in my area.

Step 5: Set your budget. For example, I’ve taken Rs. 10/- and the bidding strategy is Maximise
Conversion value.
Step 6: Select whichever options that you feel would optimize your campaign. Both call clicks and
driving directions would be beneficial for my campaign.

Step 7: Select start and end date, you can select end date as None if you want your ad to continue
till you end it manually.
Step 8: Write Headlines. Writing appropriate headlines is important as this is want people first see
when they see your ad.

Step 9: Write Description. A little bit of description helps in telling people what your business is
Step 10: Add required call to action, photos and videos, on the right side it shows how your
campaign would look like on google maps.

This shows how the display ads would look like.

Shows another type of display ad
One more variant of display ads.

This shows how your campaign would look on google search.

Another variant of google search.

This shows how the campaign would look on YouTube

Step 11: This is the last confirmation step which shows a summarized view of your campaign.


Name: Aditi Bornare

Branch: IT
Roll No: 3611
C No.: C22019441613

Submission Date: 05/10/2021

Faculty Name: Varsha Pimprale


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