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Unit 1

I. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 do / living / a / they / do / what / for / ?

2 Leo / you / address / have / an / do / for / ?

3 who / friend / to / Vanda’s / talking / is / ?

4 something / Tom / for / is / looking / ?


5 with / share / did / an / who / you / apartment / ?

6 to / am / do / going / I / what / ?

7 city / in / live / part / the / of / do / they / what / ?

8 me / for / you / here / will / wait / ?

9 what / favorite / his / team / is / soccer / ?

10 that / hair / woman / blonde / is / with / who / ?

II. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 It’s good to speak / get to someone face-to-face. It’s more friendly that way!
2 Did you get / reply the text message from Francesca?
3 At work, it’s important to check / comment on your e-mails regularly.
4 It can be difficult to access / share the Internet in the country.
5 A lot of people like to go / share photos on social media. They think everyone is
6 We should try and keep / speak in touch with people we don’t see very often.
7 Why don’t you go / give Miguel a call? He would love to hear from you.
8 It’s good when friends comment / share on your blog posts, but sometimes people
write rude things!
9 I always reply / go to text messages from my mom. She worries if she doesn’t hear
from me.
10 You can find the train times if you access / go online and look at the website.

III. Complete the conversations with the correct forms of say, tell, speak, or talk.

A: Davide’s very angry. What did you 1 ________________________ to him?

B: I 2 ________________________ him that he couldn’t go out this evening.
A: Mrs. Brown 3 ________________________ us to be quiet in class, but Jade didn’t
B: I’m not surprised. She always 4 ________________________ in class.
A: I 5 ________________________ to the soccer coach about how good you are.
B: Thanks. So, did he 6 ________________________ I can play next Saturday?
A: I need to 7 ________________________ to my boss today.
B: Are you going to 8 ________________________ him you’re quitting your job?
A: My dad always 9 ________________________ the most terrible jokes.
B: So does mine – but he always 10 ________________________ sorry afterward.

Unit 2
I. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the simple past,
past continuous, or past perfect.
decide escape ride jump open play realize take not travel wait

My great-grandmother, Catherine, once told me a story about when she was a little girl in
the country. There were no cars back then, so every Wednesday, Catherine and her father
1 ________________________ the family’s horse and cart to the market in town. One
Wednesday morning, Catherine 2 ________________________ with her cat, Molly,
when she 3 ________________________ to take Molly to the market with her. But the
cat 4 ________________________ in a cart before, and while they
5 ________________________ into town, the cat 6 ________________________ out. It
was only when they arrived in town that Catherine 7 ________________________ that
Molly 8 ________________________ . She was very upset. Eventually, Catherine and
her father returned home. When they 9 ________________________ the door, Molly 10
________________________ for them in the kitchen!

II. Underline ten mistakes with adjectives in the text and correct them. Write the
corrections above the mistakes.
Our class was all very exciting last week because we were going on a trip to London.
Unfortunately, the day we flew, the weather was terrible and the flight was terrified. But
we arrived safely and went to our hotel. The rooms were clean, but we were a little
disappointing with the food. On the first day we went to the Tower of London. I thought
it was fascinated, but of course, I love history and find it very interesting.
I wanted to ride the London Eye, but I didn’t have enough money. I was shocking at the
price of the tickets; they’re really expensive. Some of my friends rode it and said the
views of London were amazed. I was a bit depressing after that, so my friends took me to
the London Dungeons. This a horror museum that shows all sorts of horrible things that
happened to people in the past. I was terrified when a “head” spoke to me. I screamed
loudly, and all my friends laughed; I was so embarrassing. Later that evening I told my
parents the story and they thought it was very amused and laughed as well. I was really
III. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 I love sunbathing and relaxing on the beach so I ________________ my vacation
every year.
a look forward to b set off c go out
2 If you don’t ________________ , we’ll be late.
a go up b run out c hurry up
3 You should ________________ for art classes this September. It will help you
improve your painting.
a end up b set off c sign up
4 I can’t believe it! Giulia is ________________ with a professional soccer player!
a running out b going out c falling over
5 My sister didn’t work for years because she had to ________________ her two
a bring up b break up c catch up
6 George likes to ________________ clothes before he buys them. That’s why he
doesn’t shop online.
a end up b try on c look forward to
7 The twins are late. They ________________ at 6 o’clock and they should be here
by now.
a went back b hurried up c set off
8 Did Tom ________________ the money he borrowed?
a pay back b sign up c end up
9 This weekend I’m going to ________________ with some old school friends. We
haven’t seen each other for years.
a try on b catch up c break up
10 It’s terrible how much food ________________ in the trash can. We shouldn’t
waste so much.
a signs up b goes out c ends up

Unit 3
I. Are these sentences correct? Write “correct” if the sentence is correct. Rewrite the
incorrect sentences. Make sure you pay attention to punctuation.
1 This is the friend that I was telling you about.
2 He lost his wallet, who had $200 in it.
3 I felt so sorry for her parents, which house was destroyed in the flood.
4 I don’t get along with people who only interest is money.
5 Two streets over is the house which my father was born.
6 That’s Charlie’s sister Jo who is Rob’s partner.
7 We’re taking you to a restaurant has won awards for its food.
8 She ran all the way home, where she immediately started crying.
9 Is that the person which won the lottery?
10 They told the story to Jon who then told everyone else.

II. Put the adjectives under the correct headings to make them negative.
friendly helpful honest kind organized patient polite reliable sensitive

in/im- dis- un-

III. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

best friend colleagues couple falling out get to know get together with
have a lot in common introduce make up relatives

1 I ________________________ my friends most weekends. We often go out for

pizza or a Chinese meal.
2 Pedro doesn’t see his family any more. They had a ________________________
over money.
3 I think Helena and Vincent make a great ________________________ , don’t
4 Paula and Sam ________________________ . They both love art, music, and
5 I’d like to ________________________ you to my cousin Jessica. I think you’d
like her.
6 My mom met her ________________________ in elementary school when they
were five. They’re 48 now and still do everything together.
7 It can be quite lonely living in a big city because it is hard to
________________________ your neighbors.
8 Most of my ________________________ live in the same town as me. Only my
uncle lives in another town.
9 Every year my ________________________ organize a fun sports day at work.
It’s a good way to relax outside of the office.
10 If friends have an argument, they should try and ________________________ as
soon as possible so they stay friends.

Unit 4
I. Choose the correct options to complete the text. There may be more than one possible

Houses have changed in (1) many / a lot of / much ways over the past 50 years. People
used to socialize in the living room, eat in the dining room, and cook in the kitchen. Now,
people have
(2) few / little / a little interest in a separate room for eating. They want (3) plenty of /
many / too much space to socialize, so they often combine the kitchen and living room.
There also needs to be (4) too many / too / enough bathrooms for everyone – rather than
just one, as in the past. One house builder said, “You can’t have (5) too many / enough /
any bathrooms. We’re all far (6) too much / too many / too busy to wait for other people
to take a shower!” But what about outside? Has there been (7) much / many / a lot of
change here? Again, some people say they have (8) none / not many / no time to take care
of a backyard, so they prefer to have a terrace with perhaps (9) a few / few / a little plants
in containers. Or they use their front yards to park their cars. In some cities, there (10)
aren’t any / are no / are none front yards left any more.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
1 The movie is just __________________________________________ (good) as
the book.
2 My new apartment is much __________________________________________
(stylish) than my old one.
3 Ethan is __________________________________________ (young) boy in the
4 The traffic jams in the city are far
__________________________________________ (bad) they are here.
5 The location of Yulia’s house is not as
__________________________________________ (convenient) Sacha’s.
6 The nightlife here is not the __________________________________________
(exciting) in the world!
7 I think today’s going to be slightly
__________________________________________ (hot) yesterday.
8 She’s one of __________________________________________ (nice) people
I’ve ever met!
9 Their roof terrace is much __________________________________________
(spacious) than this one.
10 I think the people here are __________________________________________
(friendly) as you’ll find anywhere.

III. Complete the text. Use one word from each box for every blank.
art parking bike department night pedestrian public shopping sports

area center clubs gallery jams mall lot path store transportation

My City by Pilar Lò pez

There’s a new 1 __________________________________________ in our city. It has a lot of
different stores, including a huge 2 __________________________________________ where
you can buy almost anything. I love going there and my mom likes it, too, because
there’s a big 3 __________________________________________ where she can leave her car.
Downtown is a 4 __________________________________________ with no cars allowed, but
there is a 5 __________________________________________, and in the summer my friends
and I ride our bikes downtown to go shopping. If you don’t want to ride a bike, you can
go by bus, and most people use 6 __________________________________________ to get to
work nowadays. My dad says that now there are more buses and streetcars, the
traffic’s improved and there are very few 7 __________________________________________
anymore – he says that in the past it sometimes took two hours to get to work as there
were so many cars. The last bus is at 3a.m., so you can go to one of the city’s
__________________________________________ and then catch a bus home.
Outside of downtown, there’s a huge 9 __________________________________________ . It
has a swimming pool, tennis courts, soccer fields, and even an indoor ski slope. I go
there every Saturday to play volleyball. Nearby is a new
__________________________________________ with paintings by local artists – it’s very
interesting. I love living here – there’s so much to do.

IV. Put the phrases next to the correct headings.

a bus a class a cold a fact a friend for coffee a good time a party a
secret a snack a train an exam touch in touch someone someone by
chance someone for a long time weight your coat off your keys your


V. Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.

1 Their house is very s ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ . There are six
bedrooms and seven bathrooms!
2 Alexa is an artist so she needs an apartment with big windows so it is always b
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ .
3 I love sitting in front of an open fire when it’s cold outside – it feels so c ____
____ ____ .
4 Ricardo’s new house is downtown, so it’s very c ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ ____ for the stores.
5 My sister has a basement apartment so it’s always d ____ ____ ____ . You need
the lights on most of the day.
6 My first home was very b ____ ____ ____ ____ . There was a bathtub, but no
shower and no central heating.
7 We could only buy a really t ____ ____ ____ flat. There are two rooms – a
bathroom and a living room with a bed and stove in it!
8 My grandparents’ house is full of o ____ ____ - ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
____ ____ ____ furniture. They bought it when they got married.
9 My aunt is very fashionable and thinks that s ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
furniture is more important than comfortable furniture!
10 Emily’s bathroom is h ____ ____ ____ . It’s the same size as her living room!
Unit 5
I. Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1 I come to the movies with you if there’s a good movie on.
2 Let me know if Rob call in the next ten minutes.________________________
3 If the store doesn’t make enough money, it closes.
4 Could you call me as soon as you’ll be ready to leave?
5 Unless he’ll see it with his own eyes, he won’t believe it.
6 If you won’t want to go to the park, we can go somewhere else.
7 We don’t start this meeting until everyone is here.
8 If people won’t like the food in a restaurant, they don’t usually return.
9 You don’t sleep very well if you don’t stop working now.
10 We usually go out for a walk on Sunday afternoons unless it isn’t wet.
II. Complete the text with the words in the box.
going to go is going to happen ’ll probably lose may already be may offer
might not visit will definitely affect will get will happen will have

Towns and cities are changing because of the way we shop – and not just because we are
ordering online more and more. This weekend, a lot of people (1)
__________________________________________ in their cars and drive to large
shopping centers situated somewhere in the suburbs. Yes, those huge stores (2)
__________________________________________ lower prices and more choice, but I
think this (3) __________________________________________ serious consequences
for the small stores downtown. Why does that matter? Because we need variety. If you
want to wear something different, are you (4)
____________________________________ to a store that is part of a chain, or to a
small boutique downtown? Also, what (5) ___________________________________ to
the people who own and work in these small businesses if this continues? They (6)
__________________________________________ their jobs, and this (7)
__________________________________________ the local economy. Also, if people
don’t shop downtown, they (8) __________________________________________
cafés, museums, galleries, or other businesses there. Many city councils can see what (9)
__________________________________________ and are introducing incentives to
shop downtown, such as discount programs. I hope this works, but it (10)
__________________________________________ too late.

III. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Rebecca has spent all her money. She’s completely broke / wealthy.
2 If you want to buy a house, you’ll need to go to the bank to get a savings account /
3 My brother is so generous - he always lends money to / for his friends.
4 My friend works as a gardener and is paid cash. He never pays his money into / to
a bank account.
5 I hate carrying lots of bills / coins in my pocket. They’re so heavy.
6 Tom loves playing video games and last month he spent over $300 for / on new
7 ATMs / Savings accounts are very useful when you need money quickly.
8 I love your new shirt! How much did you pay for / to it?
9 It’s so much easier to pay for everything on / with a card nowadays.
10 Nobody likes paying taxes / cash, but everybody has to do it!

IV. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

browsing checkout in stock in-store online return salesclerk sold out

special offer reasonable
1 Jessica usually shops __________________________________________ because
she likes to try the clothes on before she buys them.
2 Joseph couldn’t buy the DVD he wanted as it had
__________________________________________ .
3 I couldn’t find the dress in the store, so I ordered it
__________________________________________ .
4 I’ll see if we have your size __________________________________________ .
I won’t be long.
5 I’d buy that bike now if you want it because it’s on
__________________________________________ and is only $139.
6 My sister loves __________________________________________ for old books
at the Saturday market downtown.
7 If you want fresh produce , you should go to the supermarket on Friar Street.
Everything there is good quality and very
__________________________________________ .
8 On Saturday mornings the lines to the supermarket _________________ can be
very long.
9 When you can’t find what you’re looking for you can ask a
__________________________________________ .
10 If you buy something you don’t like, you can always
__________________________________________ it to the store.

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