MAJOR PETA-4th Grading-Computer 8

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B. Morcilla St. Poblacion, Pateros, Metro Manila

COMPUTER EDUCATION 8 Fourth Grading Period
Major Performance Task

Business Website (Major Peta 60 points)

Directions: Create a website of your desired business and have a registration form and/or
order form.

1. Use the following input types for your form:

• Button • Reset
• Radio button • Submit
• Text • Text Area
• Check Box
• Select

2. Create a business webpage for your homepage. Your homepage must have the logo and
brief description of your business, and three (3) pictures of your best
services/products offered by your business. Show the price of your products/services
offered and Save it as “home.html”.

3. Create a FORM webpage of your business and Save it as ”Form.html”.

4. Create a frame/inline frame for your business website. Link the three (3) webpages
(Homepage, Form page, and final page) that you created. Save it as Final

5. Submit your task in the given google link by your computer teacher.

6. Your task will be graded using the rubrics below.


Page 1. Home page

satisfy your cravings.

Real fruits are used.

Avocado Jelly Chuckie Jelly Avocado Jelly

Page 2. Registration Form
Final Output: Business Website




Business Website

Goal: You will create a website that will focus on promoting your online business Role:
You are a new Online Seller, and you want to promote your new business online.

Audience: The audience are your customer all over the Metro Manila.

Situation: Your task is to promote your new business through online.

Product and performance: You will create a business website promoting your new business
through online.
Standard of success: Your product must meet the following standards: home page of your
business containing a short description of your business, and products, sign
up/registration form, and order form.
20 18 15 12 8

The student used all The student used the The student
Mastery of The student used The student used the
the tags excellently used the html
using HTML html tags with 1-3 the html tags html tags with 15
correctly without any errors. tags with 4-8
tags with 9-13 errors. and/or more errors.
error. errors.

9-13 of the None of the

All the needed 1-3 of the needed 4-8 of the needed needed needed
information given information given on information given information information given on
Content of
on the instructions the instructions were on the instructions given on the the
page instructions were
were shown on the missing on the were missing on instructions were
website. website. the website. missing on the shown on the
website. website.

Final output was Final output was Final output was

Final output was very Final output was
excellent. Content good. Content was
good. Content was fair. Content was poor. Content was
was organized and not organized, and
organized and designs not organized, and not organized, and
Quality of designs designs were good,
(background and text designs were quite designs were poor.
Output (background and some texts were
were somehow okay. (background (background and text
text were not readable, and
readable) were very and most text were were not
complimenting) background was
good. not readable. complimenting at all).
were excellent. good.

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