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Subacromial pressures in vivo and effects of selective

experimental suprascapular nerve block

Clément M. L. Werner, MD,a Stephan Blumenthal, MD,b Armin Curt, MD,c and Christian Gerber, MD,a Zürich,

Subacromial impingement has been related to in- supraspinatus tendon caused by mechanical com-
creased subacromial pressures. High subacromial pression.4,13,17 The tendon of the supraspinatus mus-
pressures may, therefore, have a negative effect on cle is also poorly vascularized at and near its bony
tendon healing after rotator cuff repair, but avoidance insertion.11,15,21,23 Vascularization of the tendon is
of high pressures during healing is only possible if sustained from surrounding structures, such as bone,
pressures in different positions of the arm are known. synovia, rotator cuff muscles, and the subacromial
bursa.25–27 As the superior cuff tendons are subject to
The purpose of this study was to determine the sub-
compressive loading between the humeral head and
acromial pressures for different positions of active coracoacromial arch,1,9,12,17,19,20 the microvascular
shoulder movement and to determine the effects of su- perfusion of the tendon may be compromised. This
praspinatus and infraspinatus failure on subacromial could lead to further damage to the cuff. It is believed
pressures, as it is currently held that rotator cuff weak- that, once a rupture of the rotator cuff has occurred,
ness might increase subacromial pressures. Subacro- the weakened cuff no longer prevents the humeral
mial pressures were statistically significantly altered by head from rising, which leads to an increase in sub-
arm position (P ⫽ .001). There was an increase in acromial pressure and damage to the rotator
pressure from 17.5 mm Hg at rest up to more than 60 cuff.13,16,32
mm Hg during abduction and flexion. Subacromial The pressure in the subacromial bursa corresponds
pressure decreased in external rotation and increased to the pressure within the rotator cuff.25 Different
investigators have, therefore, measured the subacro-
in internal rotation. Generally, patients with strong ex-
mial pressure and have projected their results to the
ternal rotation (arm at the side) had lower subacromial probable alterations of pressure in the superior cuff
pressures. Conversely, paralysis of the supraspinatus tendons. Measurements, however, have been per-
or infraspinatus muscles had no statistically significant formed either during open operations with the patient
effect on subacromial pressures at rest or during active under general anesthesia and passive motion of the
movements of the shoulder. High subacromial pres- arm9,10,12 or on cadaveric models.22,32 These data
sures can be prevented by avoiding active abduction, can, therefore, merely represent approximations to
flexion, and internal rotation of the arm. External rota- the situation found during active glenohumeral motion
tion does not need to be limited to reduce subacromial in vivo. The only investigation on subacromial pres-
pressure. (J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2006;15:319-323.) sure during active motion of the shoulder (with the
patient awake and not relaxed) studied the resting
position of the arm and one additional position (com-
D ifferent theories about the etiology of subacromial
bination of 45° upper arm flexion, 30° flexion in the
impingement and the possible subsequent tearing of
scapular plane, and 90° elbow flexion) and provides
the rotator cuff tendons have been set forth.14,17,18
incomplete data on subacromial pressure changes
Subacromial impingement has been suspected to be
throughout different movements.25
the result of inflammation and degeneration of the Avoidance of peak pressures in the subacromial
From the aDepartment of Orthorpaedics, bDivision of Anesthesiol- space may be of importance in two clinical situations:
ogy, Uniklinik Balgrist, and cSpinal Cord Injury Center, Univer- (1) postoperative physical therapy after rotator cuff
sity of Zürich, Balgrist, Zürich, Switzerland. reconstruction, where tendon perfusion is crucial for
Reprint requests: Christian Gerber, MD, Professor and Chairman, tendon-to-bone healing, and (2) prevention of addi-
Department of Orthopaedics, University of Zürich, Balgrist, tional potential damage to an already torn cuff,
Forchstrasse 340, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland (E-mail:
christian.gerber@balgrist.ch). where operative treatment is not warranted or has
Copyright © 2006 by Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery been declined by the patient.
Board of Trustees. The purpose of this study was to identify the posi-
1058-2746/2006/$32.00 tions of the arm creating maximal subacromial pres-
doi:10.1016/j.jse.2005.08.017 sures, which should be avoided after rotator cuff

320 Werner et al J Shoulder Elbow Surg
May/June 2006

surgery or in partial or small rotator cuff tears and to to paralyze the supraspinatus muscle. All blocks were per-
determine the effects of supraspinatus and infraspina- formed with a stimulator to identify the nerve (Stimuplex
tus failure on subacromial pressures. The subacromial HNS 11; B. Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany)
pressures were measured at different degrees of ab- with a short beveled needle (Stimuplex A 21-gauge stimu-
lation needle, B. Braun Melsungen AG) connected to the
duction, flexion, and internal and external rotation.
negative pole. Needle placement was considered success-
ful when contractions of the infraspinatus muscle and gle-
MATERIALS AND METHODS nohumeral external rotation were obtained with a current
The dominant shoulders of 11 healthy volunteers with no intensity of 0.5 mV or less and an impulse duration of 0.1
history of prior trauma or shoulder problems and no allergy milliseconds. The block was performed with 10 mL ropiva-
to ropivacaine were included. The study was approved by caine, 0.5% (50 mg) (AstraZeneca AG, Zug, Switzerland).
the responsible ethical committee for our university. All The first (distal) block was made at the base of the scapular
volunteers gave written informed consent for the study. spine, where the branch for the infraspinatus muscle enters
Before any subacromial infiltration or nerve block, a the infraspinatus fossa3,30; the needle was inserted perpen-
20-gauge intravenous cannula was inserted into the cubital dicular to the skin, 5 cm medial and 1.5 cm distal to the
vein in the forearm of every volunteer on the nondominant lateral border of the spine, and advanced until bony contact
side and pulse oxymetry was monitored, allowing rapid was found.
intervention in case of emergency (ie, allergic reaction or The second (proximal) block of the suprascapular nerve
hypotension). for additional paralysis of the supraspinatus was performed
After local anesthesia of the skin with 1% lidocaine, an at the level of the suprascapular notch, with the needle’s
arterial catheter of 1.0 mm diameter (Seldicath; Prodimed, entry point chosen on a bisector of the scapular spine and
Plastimed Divison, Saint-leu-la-Forêt Cedex, France) was a vertical line through the middle of the scapula, 2.5 cm in
placed into the subacromial bursa via the Seldinger tech- the superolateral direction,6 again by use of 10 mL ropiva-
nique.24 The catheter was inserted through a posterior caine, 0.5%.
approach. It was fixed with adhesive tape and connected to Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were performed
a transducer placed at the estimated height of the tip of the during and 20 minutes after the anesthetic blocks to docu-
catheter within the bursa. The system was flushed with ment successful and complete paralysis of the infraspinatus
isotonic saline solution and calibrated (with the barometric and supraspinatus natus muscles (Dantec Keypoint; Den-
pressure outside corresponding to the pressure within the mark, software 2.0). This procedure allowed confirmation
bursa). After leveling off (distribution within the subacromial of the selective paralysis of the branches supplying the
space), the pressure in the subacromial bursa could be infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles. Paralysis was
monitored continuously (Siemens SC 7000, Siemens-Elema rated as successful if full extinction of the EMG response of
AB, Electromedical Systems Division, Solna, Sweden). Cor- the paralyzed muscle could be identified by both electrical
rect placement of the catheter and patency of the free end stimulation and voluntary contraction. If these criteria were
of the catheter were verified by (1) flushing of the system, not fully met, testing was discontinued.
which led to an instant increase in the pressure for a few EMG recordings were also made of the deltoid muscle to
seconds, (2) verification of prompt changes in pressure identify an inadvertent paralysis of the axillary nerve in-
during motion of the arm, and (3) exclusion of blood clotting duced by the anesthetic block. The deltoid muscle was
within the tip of the catheter after its removal. If there was assumed to be unaffected if a full interference EMG activa-
uncertainty about positioning of the catheter, a second one tion pattern could be produced by voluntary contraction.
was introduced in a slightly different position until the To ensure full recovery of the volunteers after the tests, a
criteria for adequate pressure monitoring were fulfilled. neurologic examination of the extremity was performed,
The pressure was recorded with the arm in different along with strength measurements (Isobex Dynamometer,
positions: hanging freely at the side, at different degrees of Cursor SA, Bern, Switzerland) for different movements (ab-
active abduction in the scapular plane (30°, 60°, and 90° duction strength and external rotation strength at different
and maximal possible abduction with the arm in neutral levels of abduction). This was performed before the exper-
rotation), in the 90° flexed position in the sagittal plane iments and at least once on the day after them.
(thumb pointing upward), and during maximal external and Statistical analyses were performed by a statistical con-
internal rotation with the arm at the side. Positions were sultant using SPSS 10.0 for Macintosh OS (SPSS Inc, Chi-
controlled by means of a goniometer. Once the arm was cago, IL) by use of the Greenhouse-Geisser test analysis of
held in a certain position, leveling off of the pressure had to variance, paired-sample t tests, and Pearson correlation.
be awaited for about 20 seconds because of the time lag of Decimal logarithmic transformation of the values was per-
the system (the arm being actively kept in the corresponding formed before analysis to obtain normal distribution and
position). Each measurement was repeated at least 3 times constant variance. Because of multiple comparisons being
for each position; between the positions, the volunteers performed, Bonferroni-Dunn correction was applied. The
were allowed to keep their arms in the resting position to significance level was, therefore, set at P ⬍ .00625 (instead
avoid muscular fatigue. of .05) in order to reduce the ␣ error.
Two experimental blocks of the suprascapular nerve
were then sequentially performed, and the effect on sub- RESULTS
acromial pressure was recorded after each nerve block
separately. The first block was performed to paralyze the Experimental paralysis of the infraspinatus muscle
infraspinatus muscle selectively, and the second was done could be achieved in all 11 patients. Paralysis of the
J Shoulder Elbow Surg Werner et al 321
Volume 15, Number 3

pecially after application of Bonferroni-Dunn correc-

tion (P ⫽ .278 after first paralysis and P ⫽ .105 after
second paralysis). There was, however, a trend to-
ward a decrease in pressure for the neutral position (P
⫽ .53 and P ⫽ .23, respectively) and flexion at 90°
(P ⫽ .016 and P ⫽ .08, respectively) after the two

In 2 of 11 volunteers, the proximal nerve blocks
were not fully successful, leading to their exclusion
from further evaluations. This problem was encoun-
tered by previous investigators.28 Repeated identifi-
Figure 1 Left shoulder after placement of second subacromial cation of the incompletely paralyzed nerve was not
catheter because of inappropriate positioning of first catheter. performed in this investigation to avoid nerve dam-
Electrostimulated identification of distal branch of suprascapular age.
nerve and EMG control.
The risk of occlusion of the arterial catheter during
active motion, as reported by other investigators us-
supraspinatus muscle, however, was electromyo- ing a lateral approach,25 was not encountered in this
graphically incomplete in 2 patients. These 2 patients experiment. This is probably because we used a
were excluded for evaluation of the combined paral- strictly posterior approach instead of a lateral ap-
ysis (both infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles). proach to the subacromial bursa for catheter place-
The catheter was placed successfully in all volunteers ment, and the catheter thus could not be snapped off
(Figure 1), although a second attempt was necessary during abduction.
in 5 to ensure recording of appropriate data. The variability of values obtained from different
Pressures found for the nonparalyzed shoulder in individuals was wide and has been observed previ-
different positions are summarized in Table 1. A box ously as well.19 The patterns (increase or decrease)
plot of the pressure patterns found after experimental produced by the different arm positions, however,
paralyses is given in (Figure 2). Pressures within the were always the same in all individuals in this series.
subacromial bursa were found to be altered signifi- This corresponds to previous findings for abduc-
cantly by the position in which the arm was held tion.7,9,10,12,19,25,32 The peak mean amounts of pres-
(Greenhouse- Geisser test, P ⫽ .001). The amount of sure encountered with abduction from 60° in the
pressure registered varied among individuals.25 scapular plane or flexion (sagittal plane) at 90° (Ta-
However, the reactions caused by the respective po- ble I) are comparable to pump pressures used during
sitions of the arm reproducibly led to the same pattern shoulder arthroscopies. In analogy to these intraoper-
of pressure changes in all individuals. There was a ative pressures, which meet the demands of providing
significant increase in pressure from 17.5 mm Hg at good arthroscopic visualization by suppressing
rest up to more than 60 mm Hg during abduction and bleeding, the same amount of pressure could also
flexion. Subacromial pressure always decreased dur- lead to an impaired blood supply to a tendon sup-
ing external rotation and always increased during posed to heal.
internal rotation. Interestingly, the actual amount of pressure was
A strong and significant negative correlation be- strongly correlated with the external rotation force (ie,
tween the amount of pressure measured in the neutral probably the force of the infraspinatus muscle). Patients
and abducted positions and the force measured dur- with a higher strength for external rotation had signifi-
ing external rotation with the adducted arm was cantly lower ranges of rise in pressure in the neutral
found (r ⫽ – 0.78, P ⫽ .005). Patients with a strong position and during abduction, whereas patients with
external rotation force (arm at the side) had low weaker external rotation had significantly higher pres-
subacromial pressures not only in the resting but also sures both in the neutral position and during active
in the abducted positions of the arm and vice versa. abduction. This could be explained by the action of the
Other forces measured did not correlate with the infraspinatus muscle, which is supposed to prevent up-
amount of pressure measured with the arm at the side ward migration of the humeral head.3,29 The stronger
or other positions tested (flexion and external or inter- the muscle, the more the head is kept centered and,
nal rotation). therefore, does not lead to compression of the superior
The changes found in subacromial pressures after cuff and surrounding structures. This finding, however, is
each of the two experimental paralyses did not reach somewhat difficult to interpret, because full paralysis of
statistical significance (Greenhouse-Geisser test), es- the infraspinatus muscle did not influence pressure pat-
322 Werner et al J Shoulder Elbow Surg
May/June 2006

Table I Subacromial pressures in nonparalyzed shoulders

Subacromial pressure (mm Hg)

Minimum and 25th and 75th

Position Mean maximum SD Median percentiles

0° 17.5 5/43 11.9 18 7.5/22.7

30° 41.8 5/140 48.3 22 15/48.6
60° 58.2 5/201 72.2 25.7 9.5/68.3
90° 66.9 8/231 76.3 40.3 20.7/89
Maximum 65.2 10/206 56.4 60.3 13.7/88.3
90° Anterior flexion 61.1 13/171 55.1 37.3 16/91.3
External rotation with arm at side 13.7 1/41 13.5 8 3.5/18.3
Internal rotation with arm at side 35.6 6.7/108 35.9 23.5 9/42

Subacromial pressures were measured after leveling off in defined shoulder positions. Because of high variability in the amount of pressure measured, the
median sometimes differs from the mean. The pattern of changes produced by the different positions, however, was always the same.

opposite was demonstrated in all individuals. This

might be because we measured pressure during ac-
tive motion, in contrast to other investigators, who
performed their measurements with passive motion
and the patient under general anesthesia, thus re-
laxed. Their data might absolutely be valid concern-
ing the end range of purely passive motion, where
passive stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint (capsulo-
ligamentous structures) and translations produced by
them come into play.8,31 Decreased pressure during
active external rotation, which has been determined
in our investigation, is also in agreement with external
rotation occuring during abduction, providing clear-
ance of the greater tuberosity and superior cuff ten-
dons as they pass underneath the coracoacromial
Figure 2 Box plot analysis of subacromial pressures (in millimeters The pressure recorded in the neutral position with
of mercury) measured for different shoulder position patterns before the arm hanging freely was somewhat higher in this
and after selective experimental neurolysis of suprascapular nerve. study than has been reported earlier.25 This might be
The pattern was not statistically significantly altered after paralysis. an artifact created by the local anesthesia and flush-
int rot, Internal rotation with arm at side; ext rot, external rotation
with arm at side; flex, anterior flexion; max, maximum; abd, ing of the system, which led to filling of the bursa with
abduction. liquid. However, pressure found immediately after
flushing of the bursa always decreased rapidly and
leveled off after a few seconds. It remained constant
terns significantly during these movements. It might be, afterward and was only recorded after having
though, that in individuals with weaker infraspinatus reached this constant level.
muscles, the muscle belly of the supraspinatus muscle is In conclusion, pressures within the subacromial
more developed in relation to individuals with strong bursa have been found to rise with active abduction,
infraspinatus muscles and, therefore, leads to earlier or flexion, and internal rotation. The positions described
more accentuated compression of these structures. Lack might, therefore, have to be avoided during healing
of increase in pressure after paralysis of potential hu- of a repaired tendon, whereas external rotation of the
meral head depressors could also be anticipated by arm could remain unrestricted. Preoperative muscular
decreased volume of noncontracting muscles, thus com- strengthening exercises for external rotation force
pensating for the increased upward migration of the should also be encouraged in cases with an intact
humeral head. This theory, however, has not been fur- infraspinatus muscle to decrease subacromial pres-
ther investigated and remains hypothetical. sures. The sling that is often used for postoperative
The finding that pressure rises during external ro- rehabilitation, which puts the arm into a position of
tation of the shoulder, which has been reported else- internal rotation, seems to lead to increased subacro-
where,10 could not be confirmed. In our study, the mial pressures, and its use might be questioned be-
J Shoulder Elbow Surg Werner et al 323
Volume 15, Number 3

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