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Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700

In vivo measurements of subacromial impingement:

Substantial compression develops in abduction
with large internal rotation
Toshimasa Yanai , Franz K. Fuss c, Tetsuo Fukunaga d

School of Life System Science and Technology, Chukyo University, 101 Tokodachi, Kaizu-cho, Toyota 470-0393, Japan
School of Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Division of BioEngineering, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
School of Sport Science, Waseda University, Tokorozawa 359-1192, Japan

Received 20 September 2005; accepted 1 March 2006


Background. Subacromial impingement is a widely recognized mechanism of chronic shoulder pain. The magnitudes of the compres-
sive forces that impinge the subacromial structures were often measured from cadaveric specimens, but it is questionable to use this data
as a sole basis to determine the shoulder motions and/or shoulder configurations that induce impingement in live subjects performing
active motion. The purpose of the present study was to determine in vivo the magnitude of the compressive force at selected shoulder
Methods. The subacromial structures may be impinged by the downward-directed forces exerted by the coraco-acromial ligament. The
reactions of these forces push the ligament upwards and deform it into a curved shape. A single resultant of these reaction forces was
determined with an inverse approach to quantify the magnitude of the impingement force. An ultrasound unit was used to visualize the
deformed shape of the coraco-acromial ligament for thirteen subjects with no symptomatic shoulder problem actively holding their
shoulders in five configurations.
Findings. The impingement force in 90° abduction + maximum internal rotation (mean = 21.3 N) and that in the Hawkins test posi-
tion (mean = 18.3 N) were significantly greater than those in 90° abduction + neutral and external rotation (means 63 N).
Interpretation. For young asymptomatic shoulders, the motions that induce impingement are not any arm abduction, but the arm
abduction with a large internal rotation. Further study is indicated to examine the impingement force among various age groups.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Compression; Injury; Range of motion; Rotator cuff; Shoulder

1. Introduction impingement, or compression, of the subacromial struc-

tures between the greater tubercle of the humerus and the
After introduced by Neer (1972), subacromial impinge- coraco-acromial arch. The tendons of the supraspinatus,
ment has been the most widely recognized mechanism of the infraspinatus and the long head of the biceps brachii
chronic shoulder pain. With this mechanism, the rotator are often damaged by the repeated impingement, leading
cuff pathology is explained as the consequence of repeated to degenerative tendonitis and ultimately tendon rupture.
Neer (1972) coined the term ‘‘impingement syndrome’’
for such shoulder problem.
Corresponding author. Address: School of Life System Science and
Technology, Chukyo University, 101 Tokodachi, Kaizu-cho, Toyota 470-
The magnitude of the compressive force that impinges
0393, Japan. the subacromial structures under the coraco-acromial arch
E-mail address: (T. Yanai). has been measured on cadaveric specimens (Payne et al.,

0268-0033/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700 693

1997; Wuelker et al., 1994, 1995). In these studies, the uted downward-directed forces exerted by the undersurface
humerus was moved relative to the stabilized scapula by of the coraco-acromial ligament and the distributed
means of computer-operated actuators that simulated the upward-directed forces exerted by the upper surface of
muscle activities of the rotator cuff and the Deltoid, and the humeral head. In reaction, the subacromial structures
the compressive force developed under the coraco-acromial push the coraco-acromial ligament upwards by the distrib-
arch was measured directly with pressure transducers. uted upward-directed forces and deform the ligament into
These studies demonstrated direct evidence to support that a curved shape (Fig. 1). In the present study, a single resul-
the compressive force under the coraco-acromial arch tant of the distributed reaction forces exerted on the cor-
increased as the arm was elevated and that the compressive aco-acromial ligament by the subacromial structures was
forces were distributed over the undersurface of coracoid, determined with an inverse approach to quantify the mag-
coraco-acromial ligament and acromion. There are, how- nitude of the impingement force.
ever, some concerns about the possible overestimation of Thirteen male graduate students with no symptomatic
the compressive force measured with this approach because shoulder problem volunteered to participate in this study.
the limited number of muscles running across the glenohu- After having provided written informed consent, each sub-
meral joint were used to simulate the arm motion and the ject was asked to actively maintain his arm in specified
artificial activation pattern of muscles might not be an accu- positions for 15–30 s each in the following order: (1) ana-
rate representation of the human movement. In fact, Shar- tomical (neutral) position, (2) 90° abduction + maximum
key and Marder (1995) demonstrated that the superior internal rotation, (3) 90° abduction + neutral rotation, (4)
migration of the humeral head was significantly greater in 90° abduction + maximum external rotation, and (5) the
the cadaver model simulating the humerus movements Hawkins impingement test position. Named after the
mechanically than in live subjects elevating their arms orthopedic surgeon who introduced this clinical test (Haw-
actively. The increased superior migration of the humeral kins and Kennedy, 1980), the Hawkins test is widely used
head might be due to the absence of the humeral head to diagnose the pathological condition of subacromial
depressors such as teres major and latissimus dorsi (Hadler structures. In this test, the patient’s arm is elevated to 90°
et al., 2001). A study to examine the compressive force in the sagittal plane and the humerus is internally rotated
under the coraco-acromial arch of live human subjects passively and forcibly beyond the normal active range so
actively elevating their arms is, therefore, needed to confirm as to induce compression under the coraco-acromial arch
the evidence demonstrated by the cadaveric studies. The (Hawkins and Kennedy, 1980). If the patient has a patho-
purpose of this study was to determine in vivo the magni- logical condition of the subacromial structures, localized
tude of the compressive force developed under the coraco- pain is elicited at the subacromial region. As the Hawkins
acromial ligament at selected shoulder configurations. impingement test was reported to be more sensitive to the
impingement of the rotator cuff under the coraco-acromial
2. Methods ligament than the other clinical test used commonly for
evaluating impingement syndrome (Valadie et al., 2000),
The subacromial structures being impinged under the this provocative clinical test was included in the present
coraco-acromial ligament are compressed by the distrib- study to estimate the impingement force that is large

Fig. 1. The ultrasound images of the coraco-acromial ligament recorded from the same subject. The occurrence of impingement is observable from the
shape of the coraco-acromial ligament. When the subacromial structures are not impinged under the coraco-acromial ligament, no force develops between
the upper surface of the subacromial structures and the undersurface of the ligament, and thus the ligament remains flat (as illustrated in the left figure).
When impinged, the subacromial structures are compressed by the distributed downward-directed forces exerted by the undersurface of the coraco-
acromial ligament and the distributed upward-directed forces exerted by the upper surface of the humeral head (as illustrated in the right figure). In
reaction, the subacromial structures push the coraco-acromial ligament upwards by the distributed upward-directed forces (indicated by the arrows in the
figure on the right) and deform the ligament into a curved shape.
694 T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700

enough for impingement patients to elicit pain. An ade- values when the ultrasound waves were echoed perpendi-
quate time interval was taken between the successive mea- cularly from the reflecting surface, i.e., the ligament’s sur-
surements to minimize the influences that the viscoelastic faces (Ito and Mochizuki, 2002).
effect and the muscle fatigue might make on the measure- The recorded ultrasound images were manually digitized
ments. In addition, the order of the measurements was with a motion analysis software (Frame-DIASII, DKH,
arranged to maximize the time interval between the mea- Tokyo, Japan). The insertions of the ligament were visually
surements of the positions in which large ligamentus defor- identified, and thirty approximately equally spaced points
mations were expected. An unpublished pilot study showed were digitized along each contour of the upper and lower
that the deformation of the ligament was maximal in the surfaces of the coraco-acromial ligament. The digitized
Hawkins test position and the abduction + internally rota- data were scaled from digitizing unit to the real world
tion, and was minimal (near zero) in the other positions. dimension [mm] and transformed into a coordinate system
The order of the measurements was, therefore, arranged that had the origin at the lowest left corner of the digitized
to separate the abduction + internal rotation from the landmarks and the abscissa directed from the origin to the
Hawkins test position, and to place between them two posi- lowest right corner of the digitized landmarks. The multiple
tions in which the deformations were minimal. regression was applied to fitting and testing higher-order
While the subject was maintaining each arm position, polynomial models, and the order and the coefficients of
the shape of the coraco-acromial ligament was visualized the best-fit polynomial equation were determined to
and recorded with an ultrasound unit. An ultrasound unit express the shape of the upper and lower surfaces of the lig-
(EUB-6500, Hitachi Medico, Tokyo, Japan) with an elec- ament mathematically. The shape of the ligament as a
tronic linear array probe of 10 MHz wave frequency was whole was determined by averaging the two best-fit polyno-
used for the first five subjects and another ultrasound unit mial equations for each shoulder configuration. Each coef-
(ProSound 5500, ALOCA, Tokyo, Japan) with an elec- ficient of the determined average polynomial equation was
tronic linear array probe of 13 MHz wave frequency was computed as the mean value of the two coefficients of the
used for the rest of the subjects to visualize and record corresponding order determined for the two surfaces. The
the shape of the coraco-acromial ligament at each shoulder length of the ligament for the given shoulder configuration
configuration. The ultrasound unit with a higher frequency was determined from the averaged best-fit equation, as fol-
was used to improve the clarity of the recorded images of lows (Anton, 1988):
the coraco-acromial ligament. The increase in the resolu- Z xa qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tion, however, did not result in a substantial improvement L¼ 1 þ ½f 0 ðxÞ dx
on the clarity of the recorded images of the approximately
30 mm long and 1 mm thick ligament. The measurements L is the length of the ligament at given shoulder configura-
from all subjects were, therefore, included in the present tion; f 0 (x), the first derivative of the averaged best-fit
study. polynomial equation f(x); xa, the domain of the best-fit
The probe was positioned approximately perpendicular polynomial at the acromial attachment and xc is the do-
to the plane of the ligament, so that the technique of 2D main of the best-fit polynomial at the coracoid attachment.
videography could be used to determine the shape of the Strictly speaking, the shape and the length of the coraco-
ligament at rest and in the positions described above. To acromial ligament determined with the present method did
standardize the positioning of the probe, the following not measure those of the ligamentus portion of the coraco-
steps were taken: (1) The probe was moved over the acro- acromial ligament alone, but they are rather the shape and
mial area to visualize the coracoid and the acromion simul- the length of the entire structure of the coraco-acromial lig-
taneously on the monitor, and identified the coraco- ament including the bone-ligament junctions at the two
acromial ligament that spanned between the two bony attachment sites. The material and structural properties
prominences. (2) The probe was translated laterally and of the coraco-acromial ligament inclusive of the two
rotated adequately to visualize the lateral edge of the cor- attachment sites, therefore, were adopted for modeling
aco-acromial ligament on the monitor. (3) The probe was the ligament for the present study. Such properties were
translated medially by a few millimeters to visualize the found in the study of Soslowsky et al. (1994) in which they
axial deformation of the coraco-acromial ligament at the measured the material and structural properties of the
middle of the ligament’s width. (4) The probe was slowly specimens of the coraco-acromial ligament as a whole
tilted in the medio-lateral direction to find the optimum (inclusive of the two attachments) and in another study
angle at which the image of the upper and lower surfaces of Soslowsky et al. (1996) in which they measured the stress
of the coraco-acromial ligament was most intense and dis- and strain naturally imposed on the ligament in situ. The
tinct. The visualized image was then recorded. The step (4) properties adopted for the present study are summarized
ensured that the probe was positioned approximately per- in Table 1.
pendicular to the plane of the ligament, because the inten- A two-dimensional static analysis was conducted to
sity and distinctness of the ultrasound image had positive determine the forces acting on the coraco-acromial liga-
relation to the amplitudes of the echoed ultrasound waves ment. First, a single resultant of the distributed tensile
received by the probe, which, in turn, attained the largest forces acting across the cross-sectional area of the ligament
T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700 695

Table 1 F ¼ F Deltoid þ F Impinge þ F Coracoid þ F Acromion ¼ 0

Model ligament
F is the resultant external force acting on the ligament;
Elastic Cross-sectional Resting Resting stress
modulus (E) area (A) length (L0) (r0) FDeltoid, the single resultant of the distributed forces acting
on the upper surface of the ligament; FImpinge, the reaction
290 MPa 0.000008 m2 D/1.049a 1.9 MPa
force to the single resultant of the distributed forces that
The adopted elastic modulus was determined as the overall property of the
impinge the subacromial structures; FCoracoid, the resultant
specimens of coraco-acromial ligaments which included the two attach-
ments (bones and bone-ligament junctions) at coracoid and acromion. force exerted on the ligament by the coracoid and FAcromion
D = distance between the two insertions of the ligament. is the resultant force exerted on the ligament by the
was determined. In their 1994 study, Soslowsky et al. pre- The distributed forces acting on the upper surface of the
sented a stress–strain curve for the coraco-acromial liga- ligament (FDeltoid) were assumed zero in the present study.
ment which illustrated the existence of the ‘‘toe region’’ This assumption is believed to be reasonable because the
in the range of strain from 0% to approximately 2.4%. ligament was flat in the anatomical position for all subjects
The in situ strain of 4.9% was assumed to be in the linear who participated in the present study although the evidence
region of the stress–strain relationship, the stress was deter- demonstrated that the subacromial structure was not in
mined using the following formula: contact with the undersurface of the ligament to push it
upwards in this position (Burns and Whipple, 1993).
ExtraStrain ¼ ðL  L0 Þ=L0  1:049 The directions of the constraint forces (FCoracoid and
Stress ¼ E  ExtraStrain þ r0 FAcromion) were computed as the first derivatives of the
Tensile force ¼ Stress  A best-fit polynomial equation at the respective insertions,
and the magnitudes of these constraint forces equaled the
The single resultant of the distributed tensile forces acting magnitude of the tensile force. With the modeling informa-
across a given cross-sectional area of the coraco-acromial tion, the single resultant of the distributed reaction forces
ligament was considered to be directed normal to the that impinge the subacromial structures (FImpinge) was
cross-sectional area, and the magnitude was considered to determined.
be uniform at every cross-sectional area along the entire A repeated-measures single-factor ANOVA was used to
length of the ligament. At the insertions of the ligament, test the effect of different shoulder configurations on the
the tensile force was exerted by the coracoid and the acro- magnitudes of the impingement force (FImpinge) at a signif-
mion (Fig. 2, FCoracoid and FAcromion), which acted as the icant level of 0.05. Post hoc tests were conducted to com-
constraint forces to maintain the constant distance between pare the mean magnitudes of the impingement force
the attachment sites. At a given shoulder configuration, the recorded for the five shoulder configurations.
coraco-acromial ligament deformed into a certain shape
due to the distributed external forces acting over the upper
and lower surfaces of the ligament. The sum of these con- 3. Results
straint forces and the distributed external forces acting on
the coraco-acromial ligament (Fig. 2) equaled zero because The ultrasound images showed that the coraco-acromial
the shoulder structures were not in motion in the present ligament that was flat initially at the anatomical position
experiments. The equation of the motion could, therefore, was pushed upward by the subacromial structures and
be expressed as follows: deflected to form a curved shape when the arm was ele-
vated and internally rotated (Fig. 3). The extent of the
deformation exhibited at the maximally internally rotated
position was similar to that provoked at the Hawkins test
position. These observations reflected well in the deter-
mined impingement forces (Fig. 4). The mean magnitude
of the impingement force recorded in the abduction + max-
imum internal rotation (21.3 N, SD 13.2 N) and that in the
Hawkins test position (18.3 N, SD 12.0 N) were not signif-
icantly different from each other, but they were signifi-
cantly greater (p < 0.01) than those determined in other
positions (53 N).

4. Discussion

The present study demonstrated that (a) the impinge-

ment force developed under the coraco-acromial liga-
ment was negligibly small when the abducted humerus
Fig. 2. Free-body diagram of the coraco-acromial ligament. was held in neutral or externally-rotated position, (b) the
696 T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700

Fig. 3. Ultrasound images of the coraco-acromial ligament recorded from the same subject positioning his shoulder in the five configurations. The
ligament appears as a white line connecting the coracoid and acromion. The ligament is flat in the anatomical position and in the abducted position with
neutral rotation and the maximum external rotation. The flat shaped ligament indicates that the subacromial structures are not impinged under the coraco-
acromial ligament. The ligament was pushed upward by the subacromial structures and deflected to form a curved shape when the abducted arm was
rotated internally to the maximum, indicating that the subacromial structures are impinged under the coraco-acromial ligament. The sharpness of the
curvature in this position was similar to that exhibited in the Hawkins test position, indicating that the intensity of impingement is similar in these two
shoulder configurations.

60 tures at an intensity similar to that provoked with the Haw-

kins impingement test.
The major limitation of the present approach is that the
modeling parameters for the structural property (dimen-
Impingement force [N]

sion) and material property (elastic modulus) of the
ligament were adopted from the literature, and the magni-
tudes of the compressive force for the given deformation of
20 the subject’s ligament were determined mathematically.
The validity of the present methodology used for determin-
10 ing the impingement force was tested with a cadaveric
study. Ten shoulder specimens were dissected from ten
Anatomical position External rotation Neutral rotation Internal rotation Hawkins test
fresh bodies within 48 h after the death. Each shoulder
specimen was fixed to a wooden frame, which provided a
Fig. 4. The impingement forces recorded from all 13 subjects positioned in firm support for the measurements. The known magnitudes
the five shoulder configurations.
of forces in the range from 10 to 70 N were applied in the
normal direction to the undersurface of the coraco-acro-
impingement force developed under the coraco-acromial mial ligament, and the axial deformation and the shape
ligament increased when the abducted humerus was inter- of the ligament were recorded using an electromagnetic
nally rotated actively, and (c) the magnitudes of the digitizer/tracker (Polhemus 3Space, Isotrak M100, Col-
impingement force recorded from the abducted shoulders chester, VT, USA). The axial deformation and the shape
with the maximum internal rotation attained similar values of the ligament were used as input for the mathematical
to those recorded with the Hawkins impingement test. The model, and the magnitude of the force applied to the liga-
results indicate that the shoulder motions that induce ment was estimated. For each specimen, there was a signif-
impingement are not any arm abduction, but rather the icant correlation between the applied and estimated forces
arm abduction with a large internal rotation. The results (mean = 0.96, 95% confidence interval ranged from 0.93 to
also indicate that the shoulder motions beyond the active 0.99). The specimen-to-specimen variability in the slope of
range are not necessary to impinge the subacromial struc- the regression line (Fig. 5) was found high (mean = 1.06
T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700 697

80 to have 1.035 [= 1/cos 15°] times greater length between

the attachments (L) and the same height of bending (H)
when compared with the correctly scanned image of the lig-
ament. This misalignment should, thus, cause an underesti-
60 mation in the determined impingement force. The
magnitude of the underestimation was estimated for the
Estimated Force [N]

data collected in the present study and found that the mean
values across the subjects were <0.1 N for the anatomical
40 position and the abductions with neutral and external rota-
tions, 1.5 N for the abduction with internal rotation, and
1.1 N for the Hawkins test. The maximum error due to a
deviation of the probe occurs when the ultrasound waves
20 echoed obliquely from the ligament surfaces are received
only just by the edge of the probe (Fig. 6C). For the given
dimension of the alley transducers of the probe (10 mm
width) and the distance between the probe and the cor-
0 aco-acromial ligament (12 mm), the maximum deviation
of the probe was estimated to be 23° [= tan1 (5/12)]. The
0 20 40 60 80
Applied Force [N]
recorded image of the ligament with this extent of deviation
is expected to have the same length between the attachments
Fig. 5. The relation between the estimated force and the applied force for (L) and 1.086 [= 1/cos 23°] times greater height (H) when
the ten fresh cadaver specimens. compared with the correctly scanned image of the ligament.
This deviation should, thus, cause an overestimation in the
and 95% confidence interval ranged from 0.54 to 1.58) determined impingement force. The magnitude of the over-
whereas the intersection of the regression line and the ordi- estimation was determined and found that the mean values
nate was near zero for most subjects (mean = 0.57 and the across the subjects were <1.5 N for the anatomical position
95% confidence interval ranged from 2.0 to 3.1). Since the and the abductions with neutral and external rotations,
slope indicates the ratio of the modeled value of the elastic 4.5 N for the abduction with internal rotation, and 3.2 N
modulus (290 MPa) to the true value of the specimen’s for the Hawkins test. These results corresponded well with
elastic modulus, the true value could be estimated for each the results obtained from the test-retest reliability analysis
specimen from the slope. The estimated elastic modulus in which repeated measurements were taken for eight sub-
was found to have the mean value of 318 MPa with the jects. The mean value of the absolute difference between
standard deviation of 154 MPa, which matched well with the two repeated measurements for all trials for all subjects
the values (290 MPa, SD 154 MPa) reported by Soslowsky was 3.4 N. The difference in the repeated measures fell
et al. (1994). Although these values are estimated with the within the estimated range of error due to the misalignment
assumption that the specimen-to-specimen variability in and deviation of the probe, indicating that (a) the estimated
the ligament’s cross-sectional area is negligible, the close range of error predict the measurement error well and (b)
matching with the Soslowski’s data supports that the the error associated with the present two-dimensional
observed range of slope could be explained to an extent approach does not jeopardize the main finding of the pres-
by an individual variability in the elastic modulus. These ent study.
results indicate that the comparisons of the relative intensi- The main finding of the present study is that the shoul-
ties of the impingement force recorded for the given shoul- der motions inducing impingement are not any abduction,
der in different configurations yield accurate results, but the but rather the abduction plus large internal rotation. This
comparisons of the absolute intensity of the impingement result is compared with three relevant studies found in the
force between subjects may not account for actual results. literature (Table 2). These studies are unique combina-
Another limitation was associated with the data collec- tions of the study design (in vivo vs in vitro) and the type
tion procedure. Although a standardized procedure of motion used for the analysis (active vs passive motion).
described earlier was used to align the probe with the longi- The finding was consistent with the in vivo study of pas-
tudinal axis of the ligament and to position the probe per- sive motions (Nobuhara, 2003) and the in vitro study of
pendicular to the plane of the ligament (Fig. 6A), some simulated active motions (Payne et al., 1997). In the study
degree of misalignment and/or deviation might have caused of Nobuhara, the impingement force under the coraco-
an error in the determined impingement force. The maxi- acromial ligament was measured directly from 260
mum error due to misalignment occurs when the ligament patients by using a pressure sensor called the ICP catheter
is scanned diagonally (Fig. 6B). For the 30 mm long and (Nihon-Kohden, Tokyo, Japan) during open surgery.
8 mm wide ligament, the maximum misalignment angle is Nobuhara reported that (a) the subacromial pressure
approximately 15° [= tan1 (8/30)]. The recorded image of exhibited ‘‘no marked increase’’ during the arm elevation
the ligament with this extent of misalignment is expected and depression in the scapular plane, (b) the subacromial
698 T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700

(A) Correct positioning of probe

ob ce
Pr f tr
u Recorded ultrasound image

le yo


(B) Misalignment of probe (C) Deviation of probe from

perpendicular plane

H H/cos
L/cos L

Fig. 6. Possible sources of error in two-dimensional scanning for the measurement of axial deformation of the coraco-acromial ligament. (A) The axial
deformation of the coraco-acromial ligament can be scanned correctly by aligning the probe with the long-axis of the ligament and directing the
ultrasound waves straight toward the ligament so that the waves reflect on the ligament surfaces at 90°. (B) The misalignment of the probe might occur
within the range of ±15° for the given width (approx. 8 mm) and the length (approx. 30 mm) of the coraco-acromial ligament, which was estimated to
cause an underestimation error of <1.5 N for the 13 subjects. (C) The deviation of the probe from the perpendicular plane might occur within the range of
±23° for the given width of the probe transducer (10 mm) and the given distance between the probe and the ligament (approx. 12 mm), which was
estimated to cause an overestimation error of <4.5 N. The V-shaped lines indicate the ultrasound waves emitted from the probe and the echoed (reflected)
waves traveling back to the probe. If the angle / exceeds ±23°, the echoed waves do not travel back to the probe and the ligament cannot be visualized in
the recorded image.

pressure exhibited ‘‘no noted increase’’ during the internal tion, and (c) the subacromial pressure exhibited a ‘‘marked
and external rotation when the arm was in adducted posi- increase’’ with internal rotation and a ‘‘decrease’’ with
external rotation when the arm was abducted at 90°.
Table 2 The consistency of the present study and the Nobuhara’s
Comparisons of the main finding of the present study with three relevant study indicates that the subacromial structure of live sub-
studies in literature jects is impinged with a notable magnitude of compressive
Design Motion Impingement force only when the arm abducted to 90° was, either
Present In vivo Actively positioned IR only actively or passively, rotated internally. In the study of
study (2005) shoulder configurations Payne et al., the humerus of each cadaveric shoulder
Nobuhara In vivo Passive motions IR only was elevated in various vertical planes with respect to
(2003) maneuvered by surgeon
Payne et al. In vitro Active motions stimulated IR only
the stabilized scapula by means of computer-operated
(1997) by mechanical system actuators that simulated the muscle activities of the rota-
Burns and In vitro Passively positioned IR, N, ER tor cuff and the deltoid, and the compressive force devel-
Whipple (1993) shoulder configurations oped under the coraco-acromial arch was measured
maintained by directly with pressure transducers. The coordination of
mechanical system
the force generation pattern for the simulated muscles
T. Yanai et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 21 (2006) 692–700 699

was set on the basis of the electromyogram data reported and Marder, 1995). In the preparation for the experiment,
by Inman and Saunders (1944) so that it could represent a all the muscles were removed from the shoulder specimens
realistic activation pattern of a living human. The results except the rotator cuff muscles and deltoid. The removed
demonstrated that the impingement under the coraco- muscles included teres major and latissimus dorsi which
acromial ligament of the normal shoulder occurred only act as humeral head depressors (Hadler et al., 2001). The
when the abducted arm was internally rotated, but that removal of these humeral head depressors could result in
the impingement force under the coraco-acromial liga- an increased superior migration of the humeral head to
ment of the shoulders with the type III acromion was narrow the subacromial space, which, in turn, predisposes
increased even when the abducted arm was not internally the subacromial structure to impingement. The contact
rotated. The results are generally in a good agreement between the supraspinatus tendon and the coraco-acromial
with the present study, but the additional result has indi- ligament observed in the cadaveric arms elevated below the
cated that the acromial morphology may influence the painful arc and in those held in neutral and externally-
magnitude of impingement force developed not only rotated positions might have affected by this mechanism.
under the acromion, but also under the coraco-acromial The different results might also be partially due to the dif-
ligament. This indication leads to a delimitation of the ference in the acromial morphology as mentioned earlier.
present study: The main finding is delimited to the rele- As neither the present study nor Burns and Whipple
vant age groups. According to the recent morphological (1993) reported the type of acromion, however, the latter
studies of symptomatic and asymptomatic shoulders of speculation could not be evaluated.
live subjects (MacGillivray et al., 1998; Wang and Shap-
iro, 1997; Worland et al., 2003), the incidence of type 5. Conclusion
III acromions increases with age. The present finding that
the impingement force was near zero in the arm abduc- The present study demonstrated (a) that the shoulder
tion with external and neutral rotations might be a unique motions that induce impingement are not any arm abduc-
result for the present age group (graduate students of tion, but rather the arm abduction with a large internal
mostly 20s) in which type III acromions are not prevalent. rotation, and (b) that the shoulder motions beyond the
This speculation is further supported by a study reporting active range are not necessary to impinge the subacromial
that only 2% of the 200 asymptomatic shoulders of col- structures at an intensity similar to that provoked with
lege athletes had a type III acromion (Speer et al., the Hawkins impingement test. These findings are delim-
2001). On the basis of this ratio, the chance of having a ited to young asymptomatic adults (20s and 30s of age).
shoulder with type III acromion in the thirteen shoulders Further study is indicated to examine the impingement
evaluated in the present study is so slim. The different force and its relation to the acromial morphology for a
results found in the present study might, thus, be greater number of subjects of various age groups.
accounted for by the difference in the acromial morphol-
ogy associated with the subjects’ age. Further study is Acknowledgements
indicated to evaluate this speculation by examining the
acromial morphology and its relation to the impingement This study was partially funded by the Royal Society
force for a greater number of subjects of various age of New Zealand, ISAT Linkages Fund (99-BRAP-09-
groups. YANA).
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