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IPO (Input, Process, Output)

1. Fairy Floss
• White Sugar • Mixing • Fairy Floss
• Flavoring • Heating
• Scooping
• Collecting

In a bowl, incorporate white sugar and flavoring. While mixing, prepare the cotton candy
machine. Heat the cotton candy machine until it is ready. Then, using a scoop, put the mixture
onto the floss head. Wait for a few minutes for the cotton candy to release. While waiting, get
a stick to collect the cotton candy from the cotton candy machine. After getting all the cotton
candy, turn off the cotton candy machine. Then, transfer the cotton candy into the plastic and

2. Crazy Floss
• White Sugar • Mixing • Crazy Floss
• Flavoring • Heating
• Scooping
• Collecting

Combine white sugar and flavoring in a mixing bowl. While mixing, prepare the cotton
candy machine. The cotton candy machine should be heated until it is ready. The mixture is
then scooped onto the floss head using a scoop. Let a few minutes for the cotton candy to
dissolve. Get a stick to collect cotton candy from the cotton candy machine while you wait.
After getting all the cotton candy, turn off the cotton candy machine. Next, place the cotton
candy in the plastic and serve.
B. Manpower

• Job Description
a. General Manager
Work needs to be organized consistently by the general manager. While planning the
workload, they must take into account the demands made on the workers. When making
decisions about the workplace and the organization, they should also know the demands of the
employees and pay attention to feedback.

b. Cashier
The cashier is the one who receives payments from consumers. They manage the
finances of the raw materials until the finished product. Also, they will monitor if the business
is gaining or losing from its capital.

c. Product Manager
The product manager is the one who is in charge of buying the ingredients and creating
the product that satisfies consumer demands and desires. They will be responsible for making
the product at its best taste and appearance.

d. Marketing Expert
The marketing expert is the one who is responsible for persuading customers to
purchase from the business. Also, they will provide information on the products. They have
the responsibility of explaining a product's potential to customers and giving the products
ordered to the customers.

e. Maintenance
Maintenance, also known as technical maintenance, is responsible for checking if all
the machines are working perfectly. Especially the cotton candy maker, which is the main
machine for making the product.

Manager Cashier


• Employee Qualification

Each employee is required to have the necessary skills for their position, as well as
knowledge of making our product Cotton Candy. Also, they need to be pleasant, helpful, and
aware of executing the correct manners. It is essential that they can offer their clients a good
and excellent service. Also, the staff members need to be diligent, dependable, and patient
which can also be our way to achieve our business goals.

• Selection of Job Applicants

The evaluation and selection of the applicants will be based on their qualifications,
attitudes, personalities, and communication abilities. The marketing expertise or experience of
the applicants in running a business will be taken into consideration.

• Job Offer

The job offers of the business are the position for the general manager, cashier, product
manager, marketing expert, and maintenance.

• Employment Development

The employees will go through orientation and training before the business opens and
before they begin working. During the orientation, they will learn the company's mission and
vision statements, as well as its history and line of products. They will also be taught how to
make cotton candy properly and how to offer the best customer service.
C. Machines


➢ Cotton candy machine will be used to make the cotton candy. The mixture will be
placed in the floss head and taken with a stick while spinning until it turns into cotton
➢ Bowl is where we put the mixture of white sugar and a flavoring for the cotton candy.
➢ Scoop will be used to scoop the cotton candy mixture into the bowl.
➢ Stick will be used to get the cotton candy from the pan.

Physical Facilities

➢ Plastic is where we will put the finished product. It will help the cotton candy to remain
its fluffiness and freshness.

• Telecommunications / Information

The telecommunication/information that the entrepreneurs will use is through face-to-

face selling or personal selling. The entrepreneurs will get orders through the eat my floss food

D. Materials
The cotton candy machine and the scoop were brought to an online store. While the
ingredients and other materials will be bought in the wet market.

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