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1 Worksheet 1 - Valid & Invalid Arguments

Some law textbooks are too heavy to carry into class. All things that
1 are too heavy to carry into class are impractical. Thus, some law
textbooks are impractical.
Jonathan weighs 200 lbs.
2 Doris weighs 25 percent less than Jonathan.
So, Doris weighs 150lbs.
Either Colonel Mustard or Miss Scarlet is the culprit.
3 Miss Scarlet is not the culprit.
Hence, Colonel Mustard is the culprit.
If the patient has malaria, then a blood test will indicate that his blood
harbors at least one of these parasites: P. ovale and P. malaria.
Blood test indicates that the patient harbors none of these parasites.
Therefore the patient does not have malaria.
If I move my knight, Christian will take my knight.
5 If I move my queen, Christian will take my knight.
Therefore, if I move my knight, Christian will take my queen.
Some bodies of water are polluted with chemical waste. All North
6 American rivers are polluted with chemical waste. Hence, some bodies
of water are North American rivers.

Either Stich is an alien or Stich is a monster.

Stich is not an alien, therefore it is a monster.

All wedding invitation cards are creatively designed. All wedding

8 reception arrangements are creatively designed. So, all wedding
invitation cards are wedding reception arrangements.

No person with conscience is a thief. All convicted criminals are

thieves. Therefore, no person with a conscience is a convicted criminal.

Only people who hold stock in the company may vote, so Mr.
10 Handsome must not hold any stock in the company, because I know he
was not allowed to vote.
2 Worksheet 1 - Valid & Invalid Arguments

Gabriel is very happy today. Anyone who wins the lottery is happy.
Gabriel just won the lottery.
It's going to be harder to find a job if they raise the minimum wage.
12 But, they just decided not to raise the minimum wage. Hence, it's won't
be harder to find a job.
Jan’s dog is thirteen years old, and if it’s that old, Jan should take it to
13 the veterinarian at least twice a year. So, Jan should take her dog to the
vet at least twice a year.
When Eugene tripped on the sidewalk, it caused him to fall and break
his leg. The broken leg required extensive and expensive orthopaedic
surgery. What a shame that a stumble on the sidewalk led to extreme
medical consequences.
If Alicia, the hairdresser, cut Maria’s hair really short, it would look
15 horrible. Maria won’t allow Alicia to cut her hair short so Maria’s hair
must look really great.
If you practice enough for the competition, then you will be more
confident of winning, and if you are more confident of winning, your
16 chances of emerging ‘Champion of the Year’ are much higher. So, if
you have enough practice, you certainly increase chances of being
crowned ‘Champion of the Year’.
All herbal teas are made of medicinal flowers. All medicinal flowers
are expensive. Thus, all herbal teas contain an expensive ingredient.
If John gets a raise, then he will buy a house.
If John buys a house, he will run for a position on the neighborhood
18 council.
Therefore, if John gets a raise, Jones will run for a position on the
neighborhood council.
We know that Magda will go to Disneyland if she has saved enough
19 money, but her records show that she has not saved enough money,
which indicated that she will not go to Disneyland.

Some chairs have five legs, and all five-legged chairs are made of oak.
Hence, some chairs are made of oak.

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