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Orejudos, Ruby Mae, Obaña


Thoughts to Ponder:
As a student, do I have habits and vices that may lead me to destroy my own body which is
considered as God’s temple? Do I treat other people well give them the worth and dignity
due to them a human being?

 As a student, I don’t have any habits or vices that may lead me to destroy my own body
which is considered as God’s temple. Of course, as a human being, I treat people with
kindness, as well as I treat myself. Because I don’t have the rights to hurt anybody. And
all of us are worth to live with the life we want, with dignity and pride.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Do I recognize the benefits of living an orderly? Have I sorted out my priorities in life?

 Yes, I recognize the benefits of living an orderly life. Because when we keep things
“organize”, our life would be at ease. In addition, this instills discipline and a very deep
responsibility to us. Furthermore, as a human being and as a student, I have sorted out
my priorities in life, which is to accomplished and achieve my goals in life.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Am I a committed student who gives my best in school and in other endeavors? Do I use my
God given talents wisely?

 Yes, I am a committed student who gives my best in school and in other endeavors.
Because, studying is not for curiosity but for a good foundation of life. Also, I use my
God given talents wisely because this is a gift from God. To showcase my talents is to
inspires other people.

Thoughts to Ponder:
What are the most pressing issues my family faces today? Have I developed a strong personal
conviction and resolve to value and unity of my family in the midst of growing threats against

 Poverty is one of the most pressing issues my family faces today. Despite the pandemic
we are experiencing right now, honestly, we are not that well-off. But as a daughter to
my parents, giving them assurance that no matter how hard life is, we surrender
everything to God.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Am I a loving students, citizen and person? How can I demonstrate the value of love to my
family, friends, and community? How can I be more loving person to others? What benefits
can I possibly reap from being a loving person?

 Yes, I consider myself as a loving student, citizen, and person. Because that’s how my
parents raised me. I demonstrate the value of love to my family, friends, and community
by treating them with kindness and compassion. I can be more loving person to others
by giving them the love they deserved. I can be their shoulder to lean on, listener, and
ranting buddy when the world gives up on them.

Thoughts to Ponder:
As a student, in what ways can I demonstrate my commitment to freedom?

 As a student, when I am exercising my freedom in making choices, I am taking control

and assuming full responsibility for the choices that I am making. I have the freedom to
live, to do things I want to do but with limitations, and of course, to be happy. Being free
means being able to be ourselves. To sum it up, to demonstrate my commitment to
freedom is to be moral.

Thoughts to Ponder:
What do I need to have peace and be able to shun violence?

 For me, to be able to have peace is to live in harmony to avoid violence, we should have
a serene state of mind, because in that, we think more clearly and we can control
unpleasant emotions that can ruin our life.

Thoughts to Ponder:
Am I a truthful person? Do I recognize the importance of the value of truth in my life, family,
work, and country?
 Yes, I am a truthful person, and I recognize the importance of the value of truth in my life,
family, work, and country. We should uphold being an honest person for the reason that, it is
the most important values in our lives.
Reflect on this question:
As a citizen, have I done my share in giving my fellow men their basic share of justice by at
least treating them with dignity and being mindful of their rights as much as I value my own?
 Yes, as a citizen, I have done my share in giving my fellow men their basic share of justice by at
least treating them with dignity and being mindful of their rights as much as I value my own.
Because we don’t have the right to treat individuals like slaves, regardless of their status, no
matter what position we hold.

Thoughts to Ponder:
What does the value of equality means to me? How important is it to me? Do I treat others
with a strong sense of equality? Am I aware of issues that threaten the value of equality in
my community/society? How do these issues affect me as a person/citizen? As a concerned
citizen, what can I do to ensure that the value of equality is safe guarded and promoted?

 In my perspective, equality entails treating others unbiased regardless of their religion,

social status, and sexual orientation. Of course, it is significant to me. Also, I treat others
with a strong sense of equality because we are all humans, created by God. Moreover, I
am also aware of issues that threaten the value of equality in my community/society.
For instance, the gender equality. I am conscious that this issue is somehow prevalent in
the entire world. These issues affect me, as a person/citizen because gender equality
refers to giving men and women with equal chances in terms of politics, economics,
education, and health. All in all, as a concerned citizen, to ensure that the value of
equality is safe guarded and promoted, I will use my voice to speak up for human rights.

Thoughts to Ponder:
As a student, what are some ways in which I can perform simple acts of patriotism? Do I love
my country enough that I am inspired to serve her in any way I can?

 As a student, I can demonstrate simple act of patriotism by honoring our national

anthem which reminds us that we are a nation, united by a single breath. In addition, I
love my country enough that I am inspired to serve in any little way that I can. Even in
just a simple act.
Thoughts to Ponder:
Now are you ready to do your share in promoting the common good? Have I developed the
habit of sharing my blessings with others specially those who are less fortunate?

 Certainly, I am willing to contribute in promoting the common good. Because in that

way, I can inspire others to do the same. Moreover, I have the habit of sharing my
blessings with others specially those who are less fortunate. Because even a simple act
of compassion can spread to others.

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