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Organic Spirulina Powder

Spirulina is the best alkaline food and the most nutrient dense food on the planet. A
remarkable superfood to boost immunity and restore energy from daily stress and chronic
fatigue. We are very proud to introduce the world’s cleanest spirulina with the highest
quality, safety and most strict certifications.
€36.97 (170g – €61.97 (340g)

Product info
QuantaCell67 Spirulina it is the most nutritious, concentrated whole food known to
humankind. It is a spiral-shaped, blue-green microalgae that grows naturally in the wild in
freshwater lakes, natural springs, and saltwater. Its deep bluegreen color is what gives the
water its greenish hue.
Spirulina is one of many species of microalgae, the super water – plant that has many
health benefits. Most people don’t get the essential nutrients they need from food, so
spirulina may solve a problem in many people’s diets.
Spirulina is a super-healthy food and not a supplement. It was the first food that has been
referred to as a “superfood” for many years. Just one teaspoon of spirulina equals 5
servings of fruit and vegetables per day.
More than 2.000 medical research studies from around the world have been reported (as
of April 2020), about safety and its health benefits, from supporting human health to
simply boosting people’s everyday energy levels.
Spirulina is a wonderful food for people of all ages who need to eat what Mother Nature
prescribes: Blue – Green superfood for super health.
Spirulina is easily digested due to its lack of cellulose cell walls, which means its nutrients
are more bio-available.

Health benefits
Spirulina strenghtens the immune system and boosts energy levels.
Spirulina contains the Synergy of Potent Nutrients…
• Phycocyanin: The Power of “Blue” in Blue-Green Microalgae.
• Chlorophyll: The Great Detoxifier and blood Purifier.
• Complete Plant Protein: It contains 18 types of amino acids that our body needs (all
9 essentials amino acids).
• Sulfated Polysaccharides: Can Effectively Inhibit Viruses.
• Essential Fatty Acids: Enhances the Metabolic Rate of Our Bodies.
• GLA: Essential Fatty Acid for the Brain.
• Dietary Fibers: The Guardians of Intestinal Health.
• Alkaline Minerals: The Firewalls for The Human Body.
• Iron: For Richer Blood and Energy.

• Vital Vitamins: The Harmony & Balance of human Biochemistry.
• Vitamin B12: For Vegetarians and Vegans (analogue).
• Vitamin K: For Arterial and Bone Health.
• Trace Minerals: Pure Mountain Spring Water source.
• Phytochromes: Stimulators of our metabolism.
• Beta Carotene: Vital Antioxidant for Skin, Eyes, and Immune System.
• Zeaxanthin: The Antioxidant for the Retina, Lens, and Brain Tissue.
• S.O.D.: The Antioxidant Catalyst.

100% Organic Spirulina powder (Spirulina Platensis)
• Pure spirulina powder rich in biophotons.
• Grown from strong, healthy Spirulina microalgae strains.
• Fresh smell and taste (no nasty smell or taste, like fish-rancid oil).
• Cultivated outdoors under intense sunlight.
• Cultivated in osmosis or pure mountain spring water.
• Nourished with organic nutrients of plant origin.
• Harvested at the time of the highest nutrient density.
• Dried below 40° – raw food quality.
• Natural and processed without any additives.
• Stored and processed in geopathically and electromagnetically sanitized rooms.
• Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO.
• Suitable for: Vegan, Paleo, Keto diets.
• Naturally iodine-free.
Packed in dark amber glass jar to protect the raw spirulina powder from UV light.
Product origin: Taiwan

How to use
1 teaspoon (3g) daily
The suggested serving for Spirulina powder is three grams (3g) a day, at once or separately.
Take organic Spirulina powder at least one hour before meals (on empty stomach for better
digestion and assimilation).
Enjoy mixed in juice, smoothies, salad dressings. Add to your favorite raw food recipes to
boost your healthy diet.
Must be dissolved in cold drinks or foods at room temperature, so the high nutrients &
enzymes will not be lost by the heat.
More effective when sipped, rather than gulped down.
Spirulina is the perfect way to start your day, every day!

Nutritional data


What are the health benefits of Spirulina?

• Spirulina contains all the nutrients that the human body needs
• Spirulina has the ability to inhibit viral reproduction
• Spirulina may reduce the risk of cancer and increases the antioxidant capacity.
• Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system
• Spirulina  actually enhances the body’s ability to generate new blood cells
• Spirulina has cholesterol lowering benefits
• Spirulina can cause improvement in heart artery function for lower blood pressure
• Spirulina has a profound effect weight reduction
• Spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering

• Spirulina offers an excellent natural support in the struggle against putting on
• Spirulina will keep you healthier and make you feel less hungry.
• Spirulina  also acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal bacteria,
especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus.
• Spirulina reduces digestion and constipation problems caused by pathogens like
E.coli and Candida.
• Spirulina is considered an alkaline food, and will help your body toward more
• Spirulina  may support  the detoxification process.

Does Spirulina have a fishy smell or bad flavor?

Unfortunately, spirulina is associated with an offensive fishy smell and an unpleasant bitter
taste, that cannot be consumed with pleasure. This is attributed to the low quality of
spirulina, that has flooded the market and comes mainly from countries such as India and
China. Spirulina Quantacell 67 is sourced from the most reliable producer in the world,
grown to the highest specifications and controlled by the world’s most trusted
organizations. We guarantee a delightful smell and sweet irresistible taste, that is addictive
when combined with apple juice, grape juice or even with your favorite smoothie.

How much Spirulina should I take each day?

Spirulina powder is considered a whole green food, not medicine or a drug and should be
treated like that. whilst the maintenance intake is 3-5 grams daily for a healthy individual,
for more energy this can increase to 6-10 grams per day. Many athletes and fit people who
practice a lot of sports, take about 20g – 40g every single day. For better digestion and
assimilation, you must always gradually increase the dose ( 3-5g every other week),which
promotes and speeds up recovery (especially during some illness). Please don’t forget to
consume your Spirulina powder with plenty of water (at least a cup/250ml per single

How should Spirulina be taken?

One level teaspoon contains approximately 3-5grams. Do not swallow powder on its own.
Consume Spirulina always with at least a cup of juice or smoothie and follow 1-2 hours
later with a glass of water (250-400 ml).If you prefer the suggested daily dose in one go, we
recommend that this should be taken at breakfast or before noon. Alternatively, it can be
taken at several intervals throughout the day, but best times are around meal times and
preferably half hour to one hour prior to any heavy – cooked meal. Light sleepers, may
avoid taking spirulina too late in the evening, due to energizing effects. Avoid taking
Spirulina with warm water or hot drinks (tea, coffee) as heat can destroy some of the
Spirulina nutrients and enzymes.

Is the vitamin B12 found in Spirulina useable?

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the

vitamin complex B12 is found in spirulina and is available for humans for absorption. On
the contrary, the United States government’s department of agriculture, argues that the
vitamin B12 found in Spirulina is a pseudo-element and therefore not usable for the human
body. Our many years of experience with patients, athletes and especially strict vegans,
fruitarians and raw foodiests, has proved that Spirulina  B12 is not absorbable and
therefore not reliable. For this reason we always recommend the intake of B12
supplementation in inject able form, in the form of chewable tablets (as a sublingual) or
even better the consumption of Quantacell67 Chlorella powder.

Are there any side effects when taking Spirulina?

• Patients with Phenylketonuria are forbidden from taking Spirulina. The product may
contain Phenylalanine
• Pregnant women, children and those taking prescription medications, must consult
a physician or qualified therapist before taking Spirulina
Allergic reactions to Spirulina are extremely rare, but if you are sensitive to any Algae or
you have an intolerance, always consult your physician before any consumption. Some
people may experience a strong cleansing action when they are first take spirulina.
Therefore, it is generally recommended to introduce Spirulina powder  gradually into your
diet. Your  body will adapt over a period of 10-30 days, allowing you to take more. In the
very rare case that you sense any negative effects during or after taking Spirulina, please
discontinue its use immediately and consult your physician.

Can I take Spirulina along with other medication?

Spirulina is 100% natural whole food and should not affect any medicines taken. If any
medication is taken for the following two conditions, take not that all green foods (green
leafy vegetables, micro greens, algae) may interact with their effectiveness:
Spirulina may increase the function of the immune system. By increasing the immune
system, this algae might decrease the effectiveness of medications, that are used to
decrease the immune system (immunosuppressant’s) or to control other autoimmune
Spirulina is rich in Vitamin K. Vitamin K is used by the body to help blood clot. Warfarin
(Coumadin) medication is used to slow blood clotting. By helping the blood clot, this algae
might reduce the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin).
There are no reports in the scientific literature to suggest that Spirulina interacts with any
conventional medications. However, it is possible that Spirulina might interfere with drugs
given to suppress the immune system. We strongly advise always, to consult your doctor
before taking any supplements

Can I take Spirulina when pregnant or nursing?

Spirulina can be included in the daily diet before, during and after pregnancy. While
women are pregnant, the baby in their body will rapidly absorb nutrients. Spirulina has a
high nutritional value for both the mother and her unborn child. In addition, it provides a
complete and balanced nutrient profile – including folic acid, selenium, Gamma Linolenic
Acid (GLA), iron and complete protein – which are often taken as synthetic  supplements.

Spirulina is considered a safe whole food for a lactating mother, who pass exceptional
nutrition to her baby through her breast milk. However, we always advice, to check with
your physician before beginning any new supplementation.

Is it safe for children to consume Spirulina?

Spirulina is safe and beneficial for children of all ages. This  green superfood  supplement
has all the essential nutrients the children need. They stimulate cell growth, they
strengthen their immune system and they have a high omega oil content, which is valuable
for the concentration and brain power of children. The daily dose for children must  always
be between 1/4 or ½ of the adult daily allowance (500mg – 2g).We suggest that you consult
with a pediatrician before gining spirulina to your child. Spirulina is a remarkable green
whole food, especially for children, who don’t like or do not get enough vegetables in their

What is the difference between Spirulina and Chlorella?

Spirulina is a blue-green algae with a dark green – blue color, whereas Chlorella is a green
algae, with a light green colour. The nutritional profiles are very similar. In general, Spirulina
tends to have a slightly higher percentage of protein, iron, zinc, plus a number of essential
fatty acids, including gamma-linoleic acid. It also contains phycocyanin (the blue colour).
Chlorella likewise, includes many of these nutrients, but the difference is that chlorella also
contains vitamin B-12, which your body can absorb and utilize properly. Chlorella is richer
in chlorophyll than Spirulina and contains a unique complex called Chlorella Growth Factor.
Chlorella is better known for detoxifying and Spirulina  for boosting our immune health.
Most people  often try to decide which is better. We always advise to take both. Take these
two green super foods together or take them alternately. Taking either Spirulina or
Chlorella will benefit you tremendously.

Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder

Getting your daily greens has never been so easy and tasty. A superior green juice powder
to supercharge every cell of your body. Rich in biophotons with the most balanced nutrient
profile of all green plants. Barley grass juice powder can be an antidote to the deteriorated
nutrition of the fast-food culture. Organically grown in a mineral-rich, volcanic soil of UTAH
€36.97 (170g) – €61.97 (340g)

Product info
Fuel for health and vitality
QuantaCell67 Barley Grass Juice powder can be an antidote to the deteriorated nutrition of
the fast-food culture. It is a green superfood totally natural and yet higher than any other
natural food in the essential five ingredients for our health. The answer to our nutritional
problems may well be in this powerful concentration of protein (amino acids), vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll – the powered essence of young barley leaves. With its
living enzymes and countless micronutrients, Barley Grass Juice offers one of the widest
spectrums of naturally occurring nutrients in a single source! A practical way to drink your
fresh green juice every morning, without a juicer!

Why QuantaCell67 Barley Grass Juice

Commercial barley grass powders and our barley grass cold-pressed juice powder, are not
the same! The difference is the manufacturing process… While the nutrients remain the
same in each type of powder, the dehydrated barley grass powder also contains cellulose
that cannot be digested by humans. Barley grass juice powder has a dark green colour and
a higher concentration of the beneficial nutrients. The indigestible cellulose is not present.
Thereafter, Barley Grass Juice Powder is gluten free and is fine for anyone with celiac
disease or gluten intolerance. Our young barley grass is grown in pristine, fertile ancient
volcanic soil and harvested when its abundant nutrients are at their peak.

Health benefits
Barley Grass juice has been shown to protect human cells from DNA damage.
• A study involving extract of barley leaf has shown to decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol.
• An energizing chlorophyll-rich health tonic.
• Helps increase energy, eliminate harmful toxins and supports a healthy immune
• Improved mental clarity, digestion and regularity, skin, hair and nails, and healthy
cardiovascular support
• Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara’s research on more than 200 green plants, found that barley
grass had a unique nutrient profile and nutrient density.
• In 10g of barley grass powder, with almost 4mg of iron, it contains almost half of the
daily bodily needs of 10mg.
• With 10g of barley grass powder you also cover the daily requirement of beta-

carotene and vitamin K and 50% of the body’s vitamin B2 (riboflavin) requirement.
• Extremely high in super-oxide dismutase (SOD), an anti-aging longevity enzyme.
• A study by the University of California, in barley grass powder, found the flavonoid 2
“-O-glycosylisovitexin, short 2” -O-GIV, to has greater antioxidant activity than
vitamin E.
• Barley grass juice promotes healthy cell growth and protects your body against DNA
damage that causes aging and disease.
• Enjoy the benefits of increased energy, mental clarity, focus, bright eyes, clear skin,
optimal health and emotional well-being.
• Barley Grass Juice has been shown to help regulate blood-sugar levels, promote
deep sleep, repair memory.
• It is a very powerful anti-ageing and immune-boosting agent.

100% Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder (Hordeum vulgare)
• Pure barley grass juice powder rich in biophotons with no indigestible grass fiber.
• Bioactive Dehydration below 40˚C.
• Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO.
• Suitable for: Vegan, Paleo, Keto diets.
Packed in dark amber glass jars to protect the juice powder from UV light.
Product origin: USA

How to use
1-2 teaspoons (3-6g) daily
Enjoy mixed in juice, smoothies, salad dressings. Add to your favorite raw food recipes to
boost your healthy diet.
Can be dissolved in cold water or water at room temperature, so the high nutrients &
enzymes will not be lost by the heat.
More effective when sipped, rather than gulped down.
Best to drink 3 glasses every day
• Drink it in the morning for quick boost of your mind & energy.
• Drink it in the afternoon helps drive off afternoon drowsiness.
• Before retiring to bed lowers acidity in the blood and aids sleep.
Upon drinking it, a part of the barley green juice is immediately absorbed from the mucous
membrane of the oral cavity.

Nutritional data


Why QuantaCell 67 barley Grass Juice Powder?

QuantaCell 67 raw organic Barley Grass Juice Powder, is grown in the rich  mineral soils of
an ancient seabed in Utah’s west desert (USA). Harvested at their nutritional peak, Barley
Grass young shoots are cold-pressed to remove non-digestible cellulose. Then the Juice is
dried to a powder, using a proprietary technology called Bioactive dehydration™,   where
product temperatures remain below 41°C throughout the entire process.

What’s the difference between Barley Grass Juice Powder and Barley Grass Powder?
There is a substantial difference. While the nutrients remain the same in each type of
powder, the dehydrated barley grass powders contain cellulose that cannot be digested by
humans. It is usually lighter in color  and a lot cheaper. The raw Barley grass juice powder,
has a characteristic and easy to recognize darker green color, higher nutrient content, and a
sweeter. The indigestible cellulose is not present. You should, therefore, pay attention
when choosing the powder, to make sure you buy only raw Barley grass juice powder.

How is barley grass juice powder prepared?

Barley grass juice powder is produced from the tender – young barley shoots growing
outdoor. At their nutritional peak, the young stalks which hold the bulk of nutrients, are
first harvested and then immediately  processed into cold-pressed juice. The juice is cooled
to 1-2 degrees (to preserve the enzymes and diminish microbial activity). Next, filtration is
performed, removing the fibers and the juice is dried below 41 celsious degrees. Finally,
the barley grass juice powder is collected and stored carefully in safe and protected 
environment. It takes 22 kg of fresh field grown barley grass, to make 1 kg of juice powder!

What is Bioactive dehydration?

BioActive Dehydration™, is an ambient temperature spray drying process, that dries our
juice products to a powder, at less than 41°C (106°F). This gentle drying process preserves
the color, flavor, aroma, and nutrients of fresh juice, creating the industry setting standards
of truly raw – live foods.

What are the benefits of barley grass juice powder?

• A Powerful Source of Nutrition
• May assist in managing chronic disease symptoms
• May support bone health
• May promote weight loss and weight control
• May enhance heart health
• May support better blood sugar control
• May stimulate cell regeneration
• May assist in lowering high cholesterol levels
• May support cancer prevention (especially breast cancer)
• May solve digestive problems ( stomach, pancreas)

• May support acid /alkaline homeostasis (balance)
• May help with skin problems (acne)
• May resolve chronic headaches and migraines
• May support cellular and liver detoxification
*Although more human studies are needed to confirm these benefits.
*These statements have not been evaluated by FDA.

How often should I drink barley grass juice powder?

For optimal health and better prevention, drink Barley grass juice at least once a day (3-5g).
For sick or recovering people, 2-3 times a day (10-20g). Make sure you use room
temperature liquids (water, juice, smoothie), as hot liquids will break down the living
enzymes. For best results, take the juice on empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before
meals or 3 hours after your cooked meal.

Is it OK to drink barley grass juice powder every day?

Barley Grass juice is one of the best healthy drinks you can opt for, as it contains a lot of
health benefits, aimed at boosting your health, fitness and vitality. Do not be afraid of it!
It’s a concentrated  form of nutrition, a remarkable green superfood. You can prepare your
barley juice shot in seconds and drink it every day, when you feel like having a glass.

What are the side effects of barley grass juice powder?

At first you may experience mild digestive discomfort like gas, bloating, or feelings of
fullness (in very sensitive people). These symptoms usually lessens with continued use.
Please start slowly with the minimum suggested daily dose (3g). Barley grass powders can
also cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you have an allergic history of similar
grasses, please do not use this product. Quantacell67 Barley grass juice powder is gluten
free and suitable for people with Celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Does barley grass juice powder detox the body?

If you want to detox, make sure you stop your toxic diet first and second, your toxic
thoughts and feelings! Barley grass juice powder contains phytonutrients, that feed an
undernourished liver, while assist it to detoxify toxins and heavy metals which are all
exposed daily in our era.

Which is better, barley grass juice or wheatgrass juice?

Both green juice powders are  high in chlorophyll and are similar or maybe more nutritious,
to eating dark green leafy vegetables. However, barley grass juice has a higher nutritional
density than wheatgrass – according to Japanese Dr Hagiwara. It is well documented, to be
very higher in protein, vitamin C and natural minerals such as iron and calcium. It is also the
best source of S.O.D (free radicals scavenger).
For optimal health, we always suggest to take both or alternate between them (every 1-3

Can I take barley grass juice and spirulina together?
You are already familiar with the health benefits of Barley grass juice powder. Spirulina is
an ancient superfood with a massive vitamin, mineral and amino acid profile. Back up by
remarkable scientific evidence, defines Spirulina as another essential green food to add to
your healthy diet. Do not hesitate which one to choose. Combine both green powders,
making it a perfect companion with your favorite fruit juice, smoothie or oatmeal

Organic Chlorella Powder

Chlorella is characterized as a toxin eliminator as it has the ability to detoxify the human
body at cellular level. Our chlorella is produced according to the strictest criteria and is
characterized as the cleanest and highest quality on the planet. Certified by the most
reputable organizations worldwide, you can be confident of your own safety and that of
your loved ones.
€42.97 (170g) – €72.97 (340g)

Product info
QuantaCell67 Chlorella is a microscopic green algae, not much larger than a red blood cell.
The microalgae is spherical in shape and one of the oldest species of algae in the entire
In Japan is considered as a food of national interest for health. It has the highest
chlorophyll content of any known plant and this gives chlorella its deep green color.
Chlorella is today the most efficient natural detoxifier known, thanks to its high chlorophyll
content and the chelating membrane which absorbs certain heavy metals and chemical
pollutants such as dioxins, PCBs.
More than 5.000 medical research studies from around the world have been reported (as
of March 2021), about safety and its health benefits, from supporting human health to
simply boosting people’s everyday energy levels.
Bring the goodness of Chlorella algae into your daily life!

Health benefits
Chlorella detoxifies and alkalize the human body.
Chlorella contains the synergy of Potent Nutrients…
• Chlorophyll: Eliminates heavy metals, lead, mercury, PCBs, purifies the bowels and
the entire body.
• Growth factor (CGF): Contains the exceptional Growth Factor for stimulating cell
regeneration or reconstruction of tissues.
• Complete Plant Protein: It contains all the 9 essential amino acids.
• Essential Fatty Acids: Rich in Alpha-linolenic acid.
• Dietary Fibers: The vehicle for the elimination of heavy metals that makes chlorella a
natural detoxifier.
• Alkaline Minerals: The Firewalls for The Human Body (Calcium, Potassium,
• Iron: Contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and energy-yielding
• Vital Vitamins: Exceptional spectrum with vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid), B12 and
vitamin K, C and E.
• Antioxidants: Contains the highest rate of chlorophyll, plus phytosterols,
tocopherols, tocotrienols and carotenoids (lutein, beta carotene).

Chlorella & vitamin B12
The recommended daily dose of Chlorella powder (3g), covers the necessary daily amount
for B12 in absorbable form.

100% Organic Chlorella powder (Chlorella Pyrenoidosa)
• Pure chlorella powder rich in biophotons.
• The cell wall of Chlorella is gently broken down.
• Grown from strong, healthy Chlorella microalgae strains.
• Fresh smell and taste (no nasty smell or taste, like fish-rancid oil).
• Cultivated outdoors under intense sunlight.
• Cultivated in osmosis or pure mountain spring water.
• Nourished with organic nutrients of plant origin.
• Harvested at the time of the highest nutrient density.
• Dried below 40° – raw food quality.
• Natural and processed without any additives.
• Stored and processed in geopathically and electromagnetically sanitized rooms.
• Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO.
• Suitable for: Vegan, Paleo, Keto diets.
• Naturally iodine-free.
Packed in dark amber glass jars to protect Chlorella powder from UV light.
Product origin: Taiwan

How to use
1 teaspoon (3g) daily
The suggested serving for QuantaCell67 Chlorella powder is three grams (3g) a day, at once
or separately. Take organic Chlorella powder at least one hour before meals (on empty
stomach for better digestion and assimilation).
Enjoy mixed in juice, smoothies, salad dressings. Add to your favorite raw food recipes to
boost your healthy diet.
Must be dissolved in cold drinks or foods at room temperature, so the high nutrients &
enzymes will not be lost by the heat.
More effective when sipped, rather than gulped down.
It’s the perfect way to start the day (alone or with spirulina)!

Nutritional data


What country is  Quantacell67 Chlorella sourced from?

Our Organic Chlorella is grown in Taiwan. Taiwan is recognized for having the best Chlorella
and Spirulina in the world. The company that grows our algae has been growing algae for
almost 50 years , winning prestigious awards for its quality and commitment to education
and research.

How to Know if Your Chlorella is High-Quality?

Always ask for the test reports and nutritional analysis of the product. If the seller does not
provide these test reports or he doesn’t give you access to them, you can start to question
the claims that are made.

Why the Cell Wall of Chlorella must be Broken?

In order to make the contents available to us, the cell wall must be broken. The way in
which this happens is crucial for the quality of the Chlorella. If you don’t assure this, then
heavy metals and chemical compounds can no longer be bound by the cell wall and

released from your body.

How is the cell wall of  Quantacell 67 Chlorella being broken?

We use our patented unique pressure release method to break the cell wall. This is the
safest method to be sure that the contents of the cell remain 100% undamaged.

What is the difference between Chlorella powder and tablets?

There is a big difference in the digestion process. Chlorella powder is better digested and
assimilated compared to tablets and capsules.

Does Quantacell67 Chlorella contains iodine?

Quantacell67  Chlorella is a fresh water algae and therefore contains no iodine. You can see
our nutritional declaration – analysis here…

What are the health benefits of Chlorella?

• Stimulate immune function
• Offers balanced nutrition for optimal health
• Binds and removes heavy metals from the body
• Increases the energy level
• Builds red blood cells
• Promotes and supports healing.
• It has been found to reduce cholesterol along with triglycerides
• Chlorella can help reduce total body fat as well as blood glucose levels
• Improves Blood Pressure
• Offers Better Aerobic Endurance

Are there any negative  side effects or  reactions from taking  Chlorella?
There are no dangerous  side effects for most consumers.
If you have a lot of toxins in your body, you may experience mild headaches, skin problems,
mild diaroia, indigestion, constipation or flatulence. Lowering the dose ,usually brings
everything back in balance. A very few number of people, cannot tolerate chlorella at all
(just like some people can’t tolerate dairy). If you are one of them, you will know within
minutes, because you will likely feel nauseous.

Is Chlorella powder safe when taken with any medication?

If you are taking medications, please consult with your medical doctor before using
Chlorella or any other food supplement. Both Spirulina and Chlorella contain high levels of
Vitamin K, which acts as a blood coagulant. Taking Warfarin (anti-coagulant) and Spirulina
or Chlorella at the same time may, may have harmful medical consequences.

Is Chlorella powder safe for kids?

Chlorella is totally safe for everyday use, from childrens to seniors.
For children, we generally recommend a smaller dosage.

Can I take other supplements in addition to Chlorella?
Chlorella is a nutritional balanced and complete whole food product. You need to be
careful when taking a mix of other supplements, because you never  know how is going to
respond your body. Always seek the professional help of a doctor or naturopath who is
familiar with nutritional supplements.

What are the differences between Chlorella and Spirulina?

Spirulina is particularly good for energy because it has no cell wall. It takes little time to
digest, making it an instant source of vitamins and protein. Chlorella on the other hand, is a
single celled organism and the richest source of chlorophyll on earth, containing all the B
vitamins including vitamin B12 in usable form.  Spirulina is a blue green in algae and
Chlorella has a light green colour and grows only in fresh water.

Is your Chlorella tested to be toxin free?

All of our products are verified to be free of heavy metals and radiation. We are happy to
provide  extensive lab tests, ONLY to medical doctors, naturopaths , dieticians , nutritionists
and other professionals. We can assure our valuable customers about the quality, safety
and nutritional profile of all our nutritional supplements..

Do you provide test reports of nutritional analysis?

Yes we do… you can find the latest test reports for every product in their section.

Organic Wheat Grass Juice Powder

Wheatgrass juice powder is the most convenient way to get your daily green vegetables.
Organically grown in the mineral – rich volcanic soil of Utah (USA), is delivered in 100% raw
form, using bioactive dehydration. Our wheatgrass juice powder is a nutrient-dense
superfood, with a dark green color and a pleasant taste. Support your health with a
concentrated green juice, nearly identical to fresh squeezed wheatgrass shot.
€37.97 (170g) – €63.97 (340g)

Product info
Wheatgrass juice has rightly earned its reputation as one of nature’s most healing and
health – giving green vegetables.
We owe gratitude to Dr. Ann Wigmore, the woman who introduced wheatgrass juice to the
whole world about 70 years ago.
While many people still don’t know about wheatgrass juice and its health benefits,
different cheap and low quality wheatgrass powders have emerged.
Today you could even drink wheatgrass shots at your local juice bar or buy concentrated
wheatgrass powders at health shops.
What sets Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice powder apart from other brands, is the premium
– high quality and its unique patented extraction method.
Our wheatgrass juice powder is cold-pressed juice with a 20:1 concentration. We use 100
grams of fresh wheatgrass organically grown on rich volcanic soil, to produce 5g of juice
powder (serving size).
Our unique product was created to give you raw wheatgrass juice without any hassle.
With a unique BioActive Dehydration™ method (freeze-drying) that never exceeds 41° C
(106° F) and is only above body temperature 37° C (98.6° F) for less than 2 minutes, we aim
to keep the nutrients alive – raw and as close to freshly squeezed wheatgrass shot as
Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice powder is a  concentrated raw vegetable juice, that is
packed with alive enzymes, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, chlorophyll and
antioxidants to enhance your health and vitality.

Health benefits
From the famous juice bars of New York to the health spa all over Europe, wheatgrass juice
is fast becoming one of the most healthy nutritional supplement.
• Wheatgrass juice was used in ancient China as a tonic in the spring and as a blood
• Wheatgrass picks up 92 minerals from the soil and is one the finest grains for
• Wheatgrass juice and its high concentration of chlorophyll have been shown to
balance the body’s pH and protect cells naturally.
• Because of its chlorophyll content, wheatgrass juice is a great blood builder and
body rejuvenator.

• Dr Burkholder of Yale, states that wheatgrass juice is exceptionally rich in B vitamins.
• Wheatgrass juice contains antibiotic properties active against Gram – positive
bacteria and fungi, when tested in vitro, according to Peter Ark, Professor of
Emeritus of plant pathology at University of California.
• Gargle with wheatgrass juice to prevent tooth decay, toothaches, sore throat and
pyorrhea of the mouth.
• Drink wheatgrass juice for skin troubles as eczema and psoriasis.
• Use wheatgrass juice as your trusted alive multivitamin.
• Wheatgrass juice may keep the hair from graying, according to Dr Ann Wigmore.
• Wheatgrass juice is great for blood disorders of all kinds, including anemia.
• Wheatgrass juice aids in proper digestion.
• Wheatgrass juice keeps your bowel open.
• Wheatgrass juice may reduce high blood pressure.
• Studies conducted have shown that wheatgrass juice can help in lowering high
cholesterol and triglycerides.
• According to Dr. Earp Thomas, 15 pounds of fresh wheatgrass is equivalent in
nutritional value to 350 pounds of the choicest vegetables.
• According to Dr. Elizabeth Rees, heavy metal poisons as lead, mercury, aluminum
and cadmium that damage the nervous system and affect the liver and kidneys, can
be removed by drinking daily wheatgrass juice.
• Rich in enzymes and minerals, wheatgrass juice feeds you cells and gives all day
energy to busy people, athletes and anyone who suffers from illness.
• Wheatgrass juice support your immunity and protect you from various diseases.
• Wheatgrass juice may reduce oxidative stress, thanks to its high antioxidants.
• Wheatgrass juice may help in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy.
• Wheatgrass juice may relieve stomach problems like indigestion and ulcerative
• Wheatgrass juice powder may support your daily greens requirements.
• High in antioxidants, Wheatgrass juice can counteract the complications from free
radicals and protect the mitochondria.
• Wheatgrass juice supports optimum energy levels and helps reduce tiredness and
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
*These claims about the health benefits of wheatgrass juice are based on international
literature and published scientific research.

100% Wheat grass juice powder (KAMUT® khorasan brand)
• Pure wheat grass juice powder rich in biophotons with no indigestible grass fiber.
• Bioactive Dehydration below 40˚C.
• Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO.

• Suitable for: Vegan, Paleo, Keto diets.
Packed in dark amber glass jar to protect the raw juice powder from UV light.
Product origin:USA

How to use
1-2 teaspoons (3-6g) daily
Enjoy mixed in juice, smoothies, salad dressings. Add to your favorite raw food recipes to
boost your healthy diet.
If you are a minimalist and want an easy solution, just add 1-2 teaspoons of wheatgrass
juice powder  in a lidded jar with water, shake briskly and watch the juice come back to life.
Must be dissolved in cold water or water at room temperature, so the high nutrients &
enzymes will not be lost by the heat.
More effective when sipped, rather than gulped down.
Best to drink 2 glasses every day.
Drink it in the morning for detox and a quick boost of your mind & energy.
Drink it in the afternoon to drive off afternoon drowsiness.
Upon drinking it, a part of the wheatgrass juice is immediately absorbed from the mucous
membrane of the oral cavity.
For optimal freshness, please refrigerate after opening to avoid clumping and hardening. If
some caking should occur from natural humidity, not to worry, the benefits will not be
There’s no approved recommended daily allowance for wheatgrass juice powder. If you
have a medical condition that may be impacted by drinking wheatgrass juice, talk to your
doctor to determine how much is safe for you to drink.

Legal Disclaimer /Warning

This product does not mix easily in a glass of water. It works best when you put it in a
blender with your favorite juice or smoothie. After opening, please keep the jar in the
refrigerator. To limit exposure to moisture, you must use the product within 30-60 days.
The wheatgrass juice powder may become hard otherwise.

Nutritionl data


What’s the difference between  Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice powder and the fresh
wheatgrass shots?
Wheatgrass juice powder is more convenient  and healthy than fresh wheatgrass shots.
Outdoor grown in mineral – rich volcanic soil in 2-3 months and not indoor in 7-10 days, as
homemade wheatgrass grown on trays . Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice powder has a
higher nutrient profile, a pleasant  taste and sweet aroma. With a unique bioactive
dehydration method, we provide a truly raw wheatgrass juice powder, almost identical to
fresh wheatgrass shots but without the hassle and unpleasant side effects.

What’s the difference between  Quantacell 67 wheatgrass juice powder and the cheap
wheatgrass powders sold everywhere?
We believe that you get what you pay. The main difference comes down to their
unique extraction methods. The cheap wheatgrass powders are produced from dehydrated
whole wheatgrass, that is finely ground into a powder. Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice
powder use bioactive dehydration, to deliver a truly raw juice without the indigestible
fibrous and pulpy plant materials.

What is Kamut grass and why you prefer it as a raw material for making juice powder?
KAMUT® khorasan wheat is an ancient grain, guaranteed under the KAMUT® brand, to
never be hybridized or genetically modified, always organically grown, and is prized for its
nutrition, ease of digestibility, sweet nutty-buttery taste and firm texture. Khorasan wheat
looks very similar to common wheat. However, its grains are twice the size of modern
wheat kernel and they contain more proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals
than modern wheat.

Is it OK to drink wheatgrass juice powder every day?

Yes it is, because wheatgrass juice powder is a natural -food and may support  nutritionally
your daily diet. The recommended daily intake for maintaining optimum health is at least
5g. If recovering from a major health challenge, it can be good to take up to 10g twice a
day, alongside a nutritionally balanced, whole foods plant based diet and other green
juices. Suggested use for at least 3 months continuously and thereafter change to barley
grass juice powder.

What is the best time to drink wheatgrass juice powder?

Wheatgrass juice powder should always be consumed on an empty stomach, preferably in
the morning or at least 30 minutes before any other meal. Please avoid consuming evening
hours, because it can cause overexcitement and insomnia.

Can I drink wheatgrass juice powder if I am gluten intolerant?

Wheatgrass is gluten-free when harvested from a growing wheat plant without any seeds.
Wheatgrass is the fresh sprouted leaves of the wheat plant  at its early growth stages,
before it becomes the actual grain that contains the gluten. We then juice it immediately

for optimum nutritional values.
You can safely consume Quantacell67 wheatgrass juice powder, even if you suffer from
gluten intolerance, as the allergy stems only from the gluten in normal wheat seeds and
wheat flour.

Are there any side effects after drinking wheatgrass juice powder?
Wheatgrass does detox your body as every other green powder containing chlorophyll.
During the first few days, you may experience negative reactions – like slight nausea,
appetite loss, and constipation. But this is temporary.Quantacell67 wheatgrass  juice
powder has not shown any side effects. Probably because it’s a high quality product.

Why do I feel nauseous, dizzy or sick after drinking wheatgrass juice?

These unpleasant responses are caused by mycotoxins released by mould, not the
wheatgrass itself. You may experience any of these reactions, if you drink  fresh wheatgrass
shots sold in your local juice bar. Indoor wheatgrass grown on trays, is also likely to have a
mould problem as the growing environment is unnaturally humid and warm. These
wheatgrass moulds release mycotoxins, which have a terrible sweet taste and cause side-
effects such as dizziness, nausea  headaches and vomiting. Quantacell67 wheatgrass is
organically grown in mineral – rich volcanic soil of Utah (USA), for 2-3 months the way
nature intended. This means no detectable mould, no awful taste, no negative reactions.
Just pure 100% raw juice, with none of the side-effects incorrectly characterised as

Is wheatgrass juice powder safe to consume during pregnancy?

We believe that our wheatgrass juice powder, may support your health and the health of
your baby during pregnancy and breast feeding. Assuming you are healthy and generally
feeling well, we recommend you take 1tsp juice powder per day, with your favorite juice or
smoothie. We always recommend consulting your medical doctor before trying wheatgrass
juice powder. The same applies to any of our products. Just to be 100% safe!

Can wheatgrass  juice powder be given to children?

Wheatgrass juice powder is a natural food supplement, absolutely safe and even beneficial
for children above the age of 2 years old. It should be given in small quantities (¼ tsp per
day / 1-2g per day) with their favorite fruit juice or cold cereal.

Does wheatgrass juice powder interact with any medications?

Excess amounts of wheatgrass juice powder and other green leafy vegetables, are
contraindicated while using warfarin, as wheatgrass contains high levels of vitamin K.
Please consult your physician before taking it, especially if you are on any medication or
you are receiving treatment for any health condition.

Organic Beet Root Juice Powder

Quantacell67 Beet root juice powder was inspired from the breakthrough science of Nitric
Oxide. A great-tasting drink, that helps increase Nitric Oxide production in your body and
enhanced athletic performance. Heart & blood pressure support has never been easier.
€44.97 (170g) – €75.97 (340g)

Product info
Quantacell67 Beet root juice powder was inspired from the breakthrough science of Nitric
Oxide – the best kept secret of professionals and Olympic games athletes.
Formulated only from fresh organic beet root juice and not just the powder from whole
grated beets. That means that we go first through the process of cold-press juicing the
beets and then CO2 dehydrating the juice into juice powder, maintaining its full enzymatic
Beetroot contains high levels of dietary nitrate (NO3), which the body converts into
biologically active nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO).In the human body, Nitric Oxide
relaxes and dilates blood vessels, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.
This “miracle ” purple superfood juice powder, increase performance for both professionals
and seasonal athletes.
Eating beets won’t give you the same quantity of nitrates, because cooking hampers some
of the nitrates, but it certainly is good for your health, says Marjorie Nolan, RD.
If you want to feel better and have more energy drink your beetroot juice.
Quantacell67 Beetroot juice powder is our best product for cardio nutrition and healthy

Safety Information
Each raw ingredient undergoes DNA identification testing to rule out any heavy metals,
pesticides or non organic ingredient. Every Quantacell67 product gets independent
certifications and adheres to the highest manufacturing standards to ensure integrity and

• Please use Beetroot juice powder only as directed.
• Consult a healthcare professional before use if you are pregnant or nursing, have a
medical condition or use prescription medications.
• This product contains nitrates and should not be used in combination with other
products containing nitrates, including medication for chest pain or erectile
dysfunction, such as PDE-5 inhibitors. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery.
• Please consult your doctor prior to use if you are taking: 1) Organic nitrate
medications such as nitroglycerin or isosorbide, 2) Erectile dysfunction drugs since
the combination of the two may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure or 3) Blood
thinner medications or 4) Medications related to lowering blood pressure.
• If you start drinking beetroot juice powder, you should know that it may turn red or

pinkish your urine and stools. This condition known as beeturia, is harmless.
• People with sensitive stomachs or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) should also drink
beetroot juice cautiously, as it can cause digestive discomfort (nausea, gas).
• If you have low blood pressure, drinking beetroot juice powder every day, may
increase the risk of your pressure dropping too low. Monitor your blood pressure
• Nitrates dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, so drink beetroot juice
sparingly if you take medications or other supplements for high blood pressure.
• If you’re prone to calcium oxalate kidney stones, don’t drink beetroot juice. Beets
are high in oxalates, which are naturally occurring substances that form crystals in
your urine. They may lead to stones.
• Beetroot juice is high in sugar. Drink it with caution if you have diabetes.
• Please stop immediately, if you experience any adverse reactions such as swelling,
itching, dizziness, nausea, fainting or any other negative symptom and contact your
physician (seek medical advice).
• If you decide to add beetroot juice powder to your diet, take it easy at first. Start by
taking half a teaspoon and see how your body responds. As your body adjusts, you
can drink more.

Health benefits
Beetroot juice increases levels of Nitric Oxide (NO), which serves multiple functions related
to increased blood flow, gas exchange, mitochondrial biogenesis and efficiency, and
strengthening of muscle contraction.
• Nitrate rich beetroot juice can enhance Nitric Oxide signaling, leading to improved
physical function in healthy and diseased populations.
• The positive effects of beetroot juice, which are induced by means of Nitric Oxide,
have been proposed as part of the therapeutic approach in people with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, heart failure and insulin resistance.
• Beetroot juice relax your blood vessels, supporting circulation, blood pressure, heart
health, and respiratory health.
• Beet juice powder promotes normal blood pressure, 2 times more effectively than a
healthy lifestyle alone.
• A daily glass of beetroot juice can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension
– even those whose high blood pressure was not controlled by drug treatment. (Dr.
Shannon Amoils, British Heart Foundation, senior research advisor).
• Beetroot juice supports gut microbiome and metabolic health.
• Beetroot juice may support your liver during detoxification.
• Beetroot juice could have ergogenic effects on cardiorespiratory endurance, that
would benefit athletic performance.
• Beetroot juice appears to be associated with an anti-fatigue effect and prolongation
of exercise performance.
• Beetroot juice is a standard pre – workout food supplement for longer workouts and
the ideal post – workout sport drink, for less soreness and faster recovery.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or
health condition.

98% Organic Beet root Juice Powder (Beta vulgaris), 2% Silica* 
• Pure Beet root juice powder rich in biophotons with no indigestible grass fiber.
• Bioactive Dehydration below 40˚C.
• Certified Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO.
• Suitable for: Vegan, Paleo, Keto diets.
Packed in dark amber glass jar to protect the raw juice powder from UV light.
*Silica is a health enriching trace mineral that naturally helps prevent clumping.
Product origin: USA

How to Use
If you are a minimalist and want an easy solution, just add 1 teaspoon (5g) of beetroot juice
powder in a lidded jar, shake briskly and watch the juice come back to life.
1 teaspoon (5g) of Quantacell67 Beetroot juice powder, gives you the functional benefit of
2-3 whole fresh beets but without the earthy beet taste.
For optimal athletic performance, consume at least 2 or 3 tsp, 90-120 minutes pre-workout
or immediately after exercise. Blend with your favorite fruit juice, smoothie or sprinkle over
porridge, yoghurt and mix in salad dressings.
For optimal freshness, please refrigerate after opening to avoid clumping and hardening. If
some caking should occur from natural humidity, not to worry, the benefits will not be
There’s no approved recommended daily allowance for beetroot juice powder. If you have
a medical condition that may be impacted by drinking beetroot juice, talk to your doctor to
determine how much is safe for you to drink.
Legal Disclaimer
Warning, this product does not mix easily. It works best when you put it in a blender with
your favorite juice or smoothie. Once opened, limit exposure to moisture and use the
product within 30 days. The juice powder may become hard otherwise.

Nutritional data


What happens if I drink beetroot juice every day?

Researchers found that people who drank 250 milliliters (about 8.4 ounces) of beet juice
daily, lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The real cause are Nitrates,
compounds in beet juice that convert into nitric oxide in the blood and help widen and
relax blood vessels.

Are there any benefits to drinking beetroot juice?

Scientific studies show, that Beet juice may boost stamina to help you exercise longer,
improve blood flow and help lower blood pressure. Why? Beets are rich in natural
chemicals called nitrates. Through a chain of reactions, your body changes nitrates into
nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure.

Who should not drink beetroot juice?

If you are suffering from a know kind of beets allergy or skin rash problem, you must avoid
including this beetroot juice powder in your diet. Diabetic patients should also avoid
drinking beetroot juice as it can increase your insulin levels even more.

What are the disadvantages of beetroot juice?

Beetroot greens and beetroots are rich in oxalates and their excessive consumption, may
lead to a person developing kidney stones. Some rare allergic reactions may occur during
consumption of beetroot juice powder, including nausea, dizziness, fainting, rashes, hives,
itchiness, and even chills and fever. In this case, please stop immediately and consult your

How long does it take for beetroot juice to work?

Beetroot juice takes 2-3 hours to work and may have an impact after 24 hours, according to
2015 research. During that period, beet juice improves blood circulation, reduces high
blood pressure, supports gut microbiome and detoxifies the liver.

What is the best time to drink beetroot juice?

Early morning is the best time to have beetroot juice, always on empty stomach.
Alternatively you may drink this raw juice powder one hour before your lunch or dinner.
Please follow the recommended instructions to reap all its benefits.

Is beetroot juice OK for kidneys?

If you are prone to kidney stones, it’s best to avoid beet juice or whole beets. If you aren’t
susceptible to this ailment, it’s fine to enjoy your daily beet juice powder.

Is beetroot juice high in iron?

Beetroot juice is loaded with the goodness of iron, minerals, vitamins, enzymes,
phytonutrients and antioxidants. This wonder veggie is highly useful for people suffering
from anemia. According to Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, “The juice of beetroot is an excellent

source of iron and vitamin C, which is considered good for anemia.

Does beetroot juice detox the liver?

Beetroot juice has traditionally been used as a powerful remedy, to activate liver enzymes
and increase bile, which helps the liver’s detox function. High in betalains and other
compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation, protects against oxidative
stress and reduce the risk of liver damage.

What is the difference between cheap beetroot powders and Quantacell67 beetroot juice
Our product is 100% cold- pressed beetroot juice powder, whereas other cheap products
are just concentrated powders from blended, dehydrated and sometimes heated whole
beets (most not even organic). Quantacell67 beetroot juice is 20:1 concentrated raw
powder. This means a 5g serving of Quantacell67 beetroot juice powder is derived from
100g of fresh organic beetroots.

Does the Beetroot juice powder need to be refrigerated?

Quantacell67 beetroot juice powder is exceptionally sensitive to humidity. If any humidity
gets into the jar once it is opened, the powder will clump and can possibly solidify. Please
refrigerate after opening and after every use.

Are the Beet roots cooked or blanched before juicing?

It is impossible to juice heated beetroots. Our product is a 100% cold-pressed extraction
process. No heat is ever applied. The beetroot juice is then Bioactive dehydrated, using an
ambient patented CO2 drying process.


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