Understanding The Causes and Geomechanics of Longwall Face Instability

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Understanding the causes and geo-mechanics of longwall face instability

Sunny Murmu1 *, G. Budi2

1. Research Scholar, Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian
School of Mines), Dhanbad-826004, Email: sunny.murmu1@gmail.com, Ph. No.-+91-7562968500
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian
School of Mines), Dhanbad-826004, Email: anandbudi@gmail.com
*Corresponding author
Longwall method of mining renders for full face mechanization, utilizing high rated coal cutting
machines and large capacity powered supports to provide safety in the working face area. The
percentage of extraction of ore is greater than any other form of mining method. However, this
innovative technique is yet to take its full acceptability in the Indian coal mining industry. The prime
reason being the experiences of several catastrophic failures at the working face in some coalmines.
This article aims to identify, enumerate and elucidate the geomechanics of the causes responsible for
the aforementioned face failures. As a result, it will lead to a better understanding of the role of these
prominent factors impetus to longwall face instability
1. Introduction
In the context of extraction of thick coal seam
utilizing powered support longwall (PSLW) in
Indian mining industry, it is still at an
embryonic state. Four decades have passed
since the introduction of first PSLW panel at
Moonidih Colliery, Dhanbad in 1978. In
contrast, this innovative and mass production
technology has been accepted with open arms
worldwide. In China, more than 90% of the coal
mines have adopted this technology (1). In
countries like USA, Australia, and Poland, etc.,
PSLW has reached its full potential. The trend
now is to use its variant for difficult geo-mining
Fig. 1 Typical panel of PSLW
conditions. However, as far as the adoption of
PSLW in Indian condition is concerned it is far Mine (2). It has created many constraints in
below the global best standard. Even in decision making when thought of PSLW
conditions free or less in geological implementation. This, along with the direction
discontinuities, the struggle to gain confidence of mining towards deep deposits have led to the
to successfully extract the whole longwall panel study of longwall face instability conditions and
still persists. failures that have been in the past and can be
encountered in the future.
In terms of productivity and safety,
PSLW, without doubt, is the best method, Longwall mining is the most viable
owing to the long working face and high method when treading higher depths, (>300 m),
capacity powered supports (Fig. 1). Currently, owing to the consistently moving working area
only three mines employing PSLW are working of the panel front with temporary supports
in India namely, Jhanjra Project Colliery (JPC), known as longwall face. The gate roads are the
Moonidih Colliery and Adriyala Longwall only area of the panel that needs to be supported
Project (ALP). Due to few mines that have permanently. In contrary, the pillars in the room
undergone catastrophic face failures namely, and pillar method of mining are likely to
Panel 3 of Khottadih Colliery, Jawahar Khani 5 undergo heavy crushing and skin spalling.
project and Panel 10 of Godavari Khani 10A
2. Longwall Face Failures face namely, floor, roof and coal wall. The
failures pertaining to each portion of the
The longwall face is the heart of the longwall
working face as shown in Fig. 2 (3–6). After
panel. It is that portion of the panel on which
critical evaluation of literature, numerous
the whole mine is dependent upon. The safety
factors have been identified that critically
of the face is of prime concern to the strata
influence the stability of the working face (Fig.
control Engineers. If the face undergoes failure,
3) (7–11). Subsequently, the working face
the mine incurs heavy loss.
instability assessment indices have also been
Face failures can typically be identified and enlisted in Fig. 3.
characterized under three broad categories
based upon the various section of the working

Fig. 2 Types of failures encountered in the working face area

Fig. 3 Factors that influence the stability of longwall face and the face instability indicative indices
The objective of the research article is to Two conditions of roof falls can be identified
identify and enumerate the types of face failures based on the strength and type of the immediate
and the factors impetus to it. Also, to roof and coal wall:
understand the interaction between the same  If the immediate roof is laminated and
from the viewpoint of geo-mechanics. friable, it undergoes heavy fracturing
3. Types of Face Failures due to shifting stress concentrations
when the unsupported zone increases
3.1 Floor failure during cutting of coal.
As per the press information bureau  If the coal wall is weak in nature, it has
government of India report concerning been observed that a portion of coal
development of lignite sector in India, it has wall of about 2-5 m undergoes shear
been identified the presence of weak floor and tensile failures. In this condition
condition as one of the factors responsible for spalling is mostly observed in the coal
hindrance towards adopting underground wall which initiated the roof falls (10).
mining for lignite production in Tamil Nadu, Due to spall in a profile of coal wall, the tip-to-
India (12). From the several studies that have face distance increases, propelling roof fall due
been undertaken in the past, two kinds of floor to stress concentration at the top corner of the
failure have been identified in the working face wall and immediate roof.
area namely, floor heaving and shield base The loading at the working face can be
punching (3,13–15). These kinds of failures can attributed to the main roof that overhangs in the
be attributed to weak floor comprising of clay, form of a cantilever beam at the rear side of the
mudstone, etc. The bearing capacity of the floor powered support. The strength, thickness,
is a direct function of the presence of moisture. stiffness and the geotechnical properties of the
The moisture content inevitably reduces the main roof are the main factors in which the
stiffness and strength of the floor thereby by length of the cantilever is dependant upon. The
increasing the susceptibility to large increment in the length induces load to the
deformations. The prime reason for the floor powered supports at the face. When the load on
heave at the working face area is the the cantilever exceeds its strength, it breaks. It
superimposed stress concentration due to gob has been observed that the cantilever can grow
pressure at one side and the transfer of roof load up to a sufficient length and can break ahead of
through coal seam on the another. The base of the longwall face. This generally occurs in
the shield undergoes punch failure due to the weak and thick main roof. It has been discerned
loss in bearing capacity of the floor. from the shield pressure data that main roof can
break at a distance of about 3-6m ahead of the
3.2 Roof failure longwall coal face (16). As shown in Fig. 5 this
Roof failures can be characterized into mainly can form a dead weight that has to be borne by
two broad categories: the powered support alone. The dead weight
induces heavy load on the immediate roof
 Roof falls at the unsupported zone impelling heavy fracturing and roof collapse at
 Face collapse due to dead weight of the face.
immediate and main roof.
Roof falls generally occur at the unsupported
zone i.e. the distance between the tip of the
shield canopy to the coal wall (tip-to-face)
where it has undergone stress relaxation due to
fracture formations (Fig. 4).

Fig. 5 Formation of roof breaker line leading to

a detached rock block (dead weight) in the main
Fig. 4 Stress distribution at the longwall face roof (Source: Verma, 2006)
3.3 Coal wall failure
Coal wall failure, also known as rib spalling or functional failures such as damage to the face
face sloughage or coal wall spalling is equipment and fatal casualties (21). The
commonly observed in deep longwall faces. primary reason behind the phenomenon can be
Roof falls are strongly associated with coal wall categorized into three broad categories: (22,23):
spalling as it increase the powered support tip  Strength and stiffness of coal face
to face span. The likelihood of coal wall to fail  Abutment stress ahead of the face
first is more than the immediate roof at the  Geometrical dimensions of the panel
unsupported span as it is weaker in strength. The portion of coal face that undergoes
This implies that the tip to face distance will sloughage is under plastic zone in which
increase propelling the unsupported roof to fall irreversible change has taken place due to
as it has undergone fracturing due to shared fracture formation when confinement is
stresses (Fig. 6). In contrary, when the roof is released (Fig. 4). Small spalling are generally
softer than the coal seam, it produces a observed in soft coal whereas coal seam of hard
repetitive effect. In this case, the likelihood of type display brittle or block spalling.
roof failure is first followed by coal wall spall. There are two basic type of coal wall
As the roof falls the tip-to-face distance is failure (Fig. 7). However, the failure
increased and the load gets transferred to the encountered in working scenario are not just
shield canopy and the coal wall. If the cavity is limited to the two aforementioned but are
large and the resistance offered by the canopy variants of the same (Fig. 8).
tip is insufficient, major portion of the load gets
transferred to the coal wall. This further impels
the development of cracks in coal wall and
subsequently spalling. This, in turn, increases
the unsupported span and thus new coal wall
bears more vertical load (10). The effect is
detrimental in soft coal seams having soft
immediate roof (17–20)

Fig. 7 Basic types of coal wall failure

Fig. 8 Typical failure modes of coal wall

encountered in the longwall panels
Fig. 6 Interaction between the stress
distribution at the longwall face, roof fall and 4. Face Instability Assessment Indicators
coal wall spalling (Source: Bai et al., 2016)
Prior to the failure of the working face, distinct
The consequence of face spalling is not signs or indications can be identified which
only limited to the extrusion of large block of provides some insights about the condition of
coal leading to slower rate of advance, overload the condition of the working face.
on armoured face chain conveyor (AFC), The indicators used for the assessment of the
increased maintenance of equipment, difficulty instability condition of the longwall working
in the mobility of the shearer but also large
face can be classified based on two phase of the brief from a viewpoint of geo-mechanics.
longwall mining (Fig. 3): Several indicators that can be used for assessing
the condition of the working face has been
a. Preliminary design phase of the panel
b. Actual working phase
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