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A Comparison Between Rochelle Salt and Quartz Used in Piezoelectric

Stress Balls

In Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research IV

Digos City National High School

SY 2020-2021


Lorrhaine Mae B. Baintin

Kristina Clarence J. Baring
Maria Danielle Lynnmae A. Gonzales
Kamea Kissa P. Reyes
Roni May H. Villarta

Research Adviser: Maricel A. Manceras

April 2021

In partial fulfillment for the subject RESEARCH IV, a Science Investigatory

Project of Grade 10-STE entitled, “A Comparison Between Rochelle Salt and Quartz

Used in Piezoelectric Stress Balls" will be conducted and submitted by Lorrhaine

Baintin, Kristina Baring, Maria Gonzales, Kamea Reyes, and Roni Villarta is hereby

recommended for approval.

Research IV Adviser

APPROVED by the Oral Examination Committee:

------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Panel Member Panel Member

Panel Member


Accepted as Science Investigatory Project as partial fulfillment in the subject,

Research IV


Head of Science Department


The researchers would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to Mrs.

Maricel Almacin Manceras for giving exemplary guidance, endless support, constant

encouragement, and careful monitoring throughout the process. The completion of this

undertaking could not have been possible without your assistance.

The researchers wish to extend their heartfelt and profound gratitude to their parents

who gave unconditional and continuous love, help, support and guidance either morally and

physically during the process.

Above anything else, the researchers would also want to extend their gratitude to the

Heavenly Father for the spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and knowledge which helped a great

deal in lighting up the minds and hearts of the researchers with hope, courage, and patience to

finish the proposal.








TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................................ i

Approval Sheet ......................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................................ iii

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... iv

INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 6

Background of the Study ..................................................................................................... 6

Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................... 7

Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................. 8

Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................................... 9

Significance of the Study...................................................................................................... 9

Scope and Delimitations..................................................................................................... 10

Definition of Terms ............................................................................................................ 10

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE........................................................................... 12

Piezoelectricity .................................................................................................................... 12

Rochelle Salt........................................................................................................................ 16

Quartz .................................................................................................................................. 18

Standard Prcoedures.......................................................................................................... 21

Figure 1. Diagram used to harvest electricity from raindrops .............................. 22

Figure 2. Block diagram using the open circuit voltage method in PEH circuits

...................................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a piezoelectric transducer with resistors ........... 23

Figure 4. Reaction of the formation of sodium silicate .......................................... 26

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 28

Experimental Research Design ......................................................................................... 28

Preparation of Materials.................................................................................................... 28

Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 29

Figure 5. Schematic Diagram.................................................................................... 30

Figure 6. PCB Etching Guide ................................................................................... 31

Figure 7. Diagram of the Piezoelectric Stress Balls ................................................ 33

Data Gathering Procedure ................................................................................................ 33

Statistical Treatment .......................................................................................................... 34

Proper Waste Disposal ....................................................................................................... 34

Experimental Flowchart .................................................................................................... 35

Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 36

Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 44



Background of the Study

As the global economy prospers, the rate for energy consumption rises enough to

surpass the overall energy supply (Li & Alan, 2013) . Over the years, the shift to renewable

energy sources have been made more apparent through various international policies that aim

to discourage the use of non-renewable energy sources for the detriment that they bring to the

environment. Thus, the challenge these days, is to provide a reliable source of electricity by

harnessing renewable energy sources (Balcioglu, Soyer, & EL-Shimy, 2017).

About 1 billion people lack reliable access to electricity due to different forms of power

outages that are often caused by a gross shortage of energy. Aside from forms of interruption

to leisure activities, power outages also have a huge impact on education because its absence

may curtail opportunities for learning (Amadi, 2015). Furthermore, data collected by World

Bank Enterprise Surveys show that electricity is cut 6.3 times a month on average and a usual

outage lasts 4.7 hours. Firms report that electricity is cut 25 times in a month wherein a typical

outage lasts 5.3 hours in South Asia, making it one of the regions with the highest power outage

incidences. (Ali, 2016)

Meanwhile, the Philippine economy has been expanding at a more than 5% annual clip.

Demand for power is expected to reach 30 million kilowatts in 2030. Power interruptions are

recurring issues in the country (Satake, 2015). Whether or not it is intentional, these outages

have wide-ranging effects on the economy: not having electricity would be an inconvenience

even if only for a few minutes or hours (Amoguis, 2019). With continuing yellow and red

alerts and the population increase, this may eventually lead to more frequent power

interruptions in the next few years (Domingo, 2019).

Furthermore, power outages continue in many parts of Davao Region at this time. Some

outages are scheduled, while others are not, and they can last for several hours (Sunio, 2014) .

The region's warmer-than-normal temperatures have put a greater strain on the Mindanao Grid

system; owing to increased air conditioning demands to compensate for the extra heat (Clenuar,

2014) . In fact, according to Davao citizens, energy is considered as one of the most alarming

environmental problems (Cozo, 2014). However, the rotating power interruptions help prevent

the entire Mindanao transmission system from collapsing, which occurs when power demand

exceeds the available supply (Davao Light and Power Co., 2014).

For this reason, methods of harvesting ambient energy are utilized in harnessing solar,

wind, thermal, pyroelectric, and piezoelectric energy (Gosavi & Balpande, 2018). The study

will then be focusing on the expansion of available applications of piezoelectricity to alleviate

the inconvenience caused by power interruptions. Hence, the researchers will create

piezoelectric stress balls from quartz and Rochelle salt to serve as an alternative power back-

up. Specifically, the study aims to test and compare the effectivity of the devices.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to discover the amount of potential energy the piezoelectric stress balls

can generate. Moreover, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How much battery percentage can the Rochelle salt–induced piezoelectric stress ball

(PSB-R) increase within 5 minutes,10 minutes, or 15 minutes??


2. How much battery percentage can the quartz–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-Q)

increase within 5 minutes,10 minutes, or 15 minutes?

3. How much electric potential can the Rochelle salt–induced piezoelectric stress ball

(PSB-R) generate when applied with 4 Pa, 6 Pa, or 7 Pa?

4. How much electric potential can the quartz–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-Q)

generate when applied with 4 Pa, 6 Pa, or 7 Pa?

5. Is there a significant difference between the average electric potential produced by the

PSB-R and the PSB-Q?

6. Is there a significant difference between the increase of battery percentage by the PSB-

R and the PSB-Q in 10 minutes?


1. The Rochelle salt–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-R) is not capable of prompting

any increase in the phone’s battery percentage within 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15

minutes of charging.

2. The quartz–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-Q) is not capable of prompting any

increase in the phone’s battery percentage within 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes

of charging.

3. The Rochelle salt–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-R) is not capable of generating

any electric potential when applied with 4 Pa, 6 Pa, or 7 Pa.

4. The quartz–induced piezoelectric stress ball (PSB-Q) is not capable of generating any

electric potential when applied with 4 Pa, 6 Pa, or 7 Pa.

5. There is no significant difference between the average electric potential produced by

the PSB-R and the PSB-Q.


6. There is no significant difference between the increase of battery percentage by the

PSB-R and the PSB-Q in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes.

Conceptual Framework

Amount of Rochelle salt and α-

quartz in each of the
piezoelectric stress balls

Block 1 - 7g of Rochelle salt

Block 2 - 7g of quartz

Significance of the Study

This study will provide convenience for travelers, especially those who travel to

locations where electricity is not easily accessed like hikers and tourists. Hence, it is very

important to find new ways to produce electricity. This study will also be beneficial to the

following beneficiaries:

Tourists – This study will be beneficial to travelers because this will allow them to have their

own source of energy while they find another. The need to be stationary to connect their

devices to charging ports will be reduced with the presence of this device.

Hikers – This study will be advantageous to them because hikers usually go to places where

electricity is not easily accessible so this study can provide them with an independent source

of energy.

Students – This study will be favorable to students because its duality helps them cope with

anxiety and stress and all the while generating electricity for their devices to charge.

Future researchers - This study will benefit future researchers who are interested in expanding

the applications of piezoelectricity by conducting a similar study.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus on developing a portable energy source that is independent and

does not need electricity generated by power plants. This device will incorporate piezoelectric

technology through Rochelle salts and quartz to generate electricity and does not cover any

other piezoelectric materials. This study involves a small-scale experiment thus, the materials

will only be acquired within the province of Davao del Sur or through digital means.

The researchers aim to complete this within a week in the months of April to June 2021.

The researchers plan to conduct this study within the school grounds.

Definition of Terms

Piezoelectricity – the inherent property of specific materials to generate electric potential when

they are exposed to mechanical stress.

Ambient energy – refers to the largest classification of renewable energy which can be

produced naturally.

Electric dipole – the separation of opposite electrical charges which is liable for the production

of potential difference or electrical output the moment the material gets connected to a circuit.

Coupling factor –measures the effectivity of electromechanical conversion and signifies the

overall quality of a piezoelectric substance.

Quartz – piezoelectric material commonly used in devices such as cell phones, televisions, and


Crystal lattice- consists of atoms or groups of atoms in ordered and symmetrical arrangements

which are repeated at regular intervals, keeping the same orientation to one another.

Crystalline - consists or composed of crystals.

Quartz crystal oscillators - uses mechanical resonance of a crystal to send an electric signal

with constant frequency.

Alpha quartz – also known as low quartz, stable at room temperature and most common form

of quartz polymorph.

Piezoelectric transducer – sensor device that converts the electrical charges produced by

changes in force or pressure.

Orthorhombic - a rectangular prism with three unequal axes at right angles

Rochelle salt - piezoelectric material widely useful in sensitive vibrational and acoustic devices

Monoclinic - a rectangular prism with axes that have two inclined oblique angles and a

perpendicular one, all with unequal lengths.

Transition point – point at which different phases of matter can be in equilibrium.

Paraelectric –ability of many materials to become polarized under an applied electric field.

Ferroelectric – property of a certain material that exhibits spontaneous polarization reversible

by an electrical field.

Dielectric permittivity - determines the magnitude of the electric field created by electric


Chiral molecule – cannot be superposed on its mirror image so it is not possible to put the

molecules on top of each other and deliver the same molecule.




Since the introduction of portable electronic appliances, the demand for efficient

portable energy harvesting methods have also increased (Hemalatha, 2014). Although

traditional batteries are used to power such portable devices, its limited lifespan and energy

storage capacity put them at a disadvantage because they still need to be recharged frequently

and, in some instances, doing so is impossible (He, Wang, Zhong, & Guan, 2019).

Due to this, the production of sustainable and clean energy with good quality is crucial

not only because they are cheaper than the traditional sources, but also because they are one of

the favorable options to combat energy crisis (Gosavi & Balpande, 2018).

Over the years, studies on piezoelectricity, along with solar power, wind energy,

vibrational energy, pyroelectric energy, and sound energy have been conducted to expand the

applications of ambient energy sources (Gosavi & Balpande, 2018). Ambient energy refers to

the largest classification of renewable energy which can be produced naturally such as those

that make use of river or ocean waves through hydroelectricity or non-naturally such as the use

of the motion of objects or humans. In fact, piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity have received

particular attention for their ability to provide sufficient energy for low-power electronic

devices (Y.K. Tan, 2011).

Among other methods of ambient energy harvesting, piezoelectricity has been found to

be the most effective as it only relies on mechanical pressure or external strain to function, as

compared to the other alternatives which may not be present at all times (Hemalatha, 2014).

Piezoelectric converters, the material that generates the electricity, also have a simple structure

and are highly efficient in terms of energy conversion in response to thermal, electrical,

mechanical, and electromagnetic input (He et al., 2019). In addition to this, their multi-

functionality, non-intrusiveness, light weight, low cost, quick response time, and high

repeatability also make them highly desirable for structural health monitoring applications (An,

Kim, & Sohn, 2014).

The use of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters (PEHs) can then cut down the demand for

batteries to optimize the weight of structures and contribute to the overall portability of a device

(Elahi, Eugeni, & Gaudenzi, 2018).

The piezoelectric effect was discovered in 1880 by the brothers Pierre and Jacques

Curie. The effect was demonstrated through the application of mechanical force on the crystals

of tourmaline, quartz, topaz, cane sugar, and Rochelle salt (KNaC4H4O6·4H2O). Among all

the crystals tested, quartz and Rochelle salt exhibited the most piezoelectricity (Hayes, 2011).

Dakua and Afzulpukar (2013) defines piezoelectricity, also known as pressure

electricity, as the inherent property of specific materials to generate electric potential when

they are exposed to mechanical stress. In turn, high energy conversion can be observed

especially if the source of the stress is a mechanical vibration. During this instance, a positive

charge will be present on one side while a negative charge will be on the opposite side.

Consequently, current flows once the two faces are connected to create a circuit. (Kim, Kim,

& Kim, 2011).

The piezoelectric effect classifies into the direct piezoelectric effect (DPE) and inverse

piezoelectric effect (IPE) (Mayeen & Kalarikkal, 2018). DPE occurs when mechanical strain

is applied which leads to the production of electric potential (Yang, 2018). On the other hand,

IPE refers to the application of electric potential to the piezoelectric material which leads to

the physical deformation of the material. Examples of DPE are force, pressure, vibration, and

acceleration sensors while examples of IPE are actuators and displacement devices (Gosavi &

Balpande, 2018).

Furthermore, a common factor among piezoelectric materials is the inherent

asymmetric orientation of their crystals. This asymmetry in their axis makes it possible to

produce a separation of surface charges, and therefore, high dielectric constant, once

mechanical stress is applied (Dakua & Afzulpukar, 2013).

For this reason, piezoelectricity is only possible for ionic crystalline solids that can

crystallize in structures without a center of inversion. When in symmetry, the net dipole

moment of piezoelectric materials vanishes because they are arranged in a way that the

presence of one charge cancels out a nearby opposite charge. However, once the molecule is

stretched or compressed, the net dipole moment will be established; provided, that the stress is

applied parallel or perpendicular to one of the three vertices present in piezoelectric materials

(Kim et al., 2011).

To explain it further, Dakua and Afzulpukar (2013) pointed out that in the case of zinc

oxide, the relative displacement of zinc ions with reference to oxygen ions generates a voltage,

because under mechanical strain, the negative ions’ center of gravity is bended, with its position

shifting towards a certain side. In turn, the side within which the negative ion is now closer to

will obtain a negative charge while the opposite side will take on a positive charge. This

process creates an electric dipole.

Electrical dipoles in piezoelectric substances are liable for the production of potential

difference or electrical output the moment the material gets connected to a circuit. Hence, the

change in dipole moment due to the polarization of the material is vital for the facilitation of

the flow of charges in a circuit which results in electricity (Mayeen & Kalarikkal, 2018).

The same process remains true among all such tetrahedrons with the same orientation

whereby mutual cancellation of opposite charges is possible once the material is stationary. In

this way, the electric dipole moment or the electric charge separation will be amplified at the

macroscopic level which allows its application on low-powered devices (Dakua & Afzulpukar,


Piezoelectric substances can be classified under natural such as DNA, enamel, and silk;

single crystals like quartz, zinc oxide, and synthetic crystalline materials; ceramics namely

barium titanate, lead titanate, lead zirconate titanate, sodium potassium niobate, and bismuth

titanate; and polymers like polyvinylidene fluoride (Dakua & Afzulpukar, 2013).

PEHs perform efficiently at low frequency. For this reason, they are convenient for

applications that require low operation frequency or microsystems whose demands range from

nanowatts to a few megawatts of power. Because of its nature of directly using energy, PEHs

have high-energy transformation efficiency. In fact, electric potential and power density of

piezoelectric transduction inhabit the range of 0.02 V to 30 V and 0.001 to 90 mW /cm 3

respectively (Gosavi & Balpande, 2018). Due to this, it has been widely applied on various

fields and devices such as but not limited to microbalances (Lu & Czanderna, 1984), shoes

(Hemalatha, 2014), backpacks (Granstrom et. al, 2007) pavements (Hayes, 2011), floor

structures (Ming He, 2019), gloves (Elahi et al., 2018), and bicycles (Minazara et al., 2013).

A material’s piezoelectric capabilities can be measured by its piezoelectric coefficient

or the piezoelectric modulus, D. This refers to the change in volume or the change in

polarization that the piezoelectric material undergoes when, in the case of the IPE, electric field

is applied or in the case of the DPE, mechanical stress is applied, respectively. A piezoelectric

material may have multiple piezoelectric coefficients depending on its crystal orientation

(Dakua & Afzulpukar, 2013).


In line with this, piezoelectricity occurs mainly based on three modes of operation

namely d33, d31, and d15. Among these three, d33 and d31 are the most favored because of

its high electromechanical coupling and feasibility when the volume of piezoelectric materials

involved is large and because of its advantage in the conversion of energy respectively. To

emphasize, d33’s electrical or mechanical coupling factor is 2 to 3 times greater than d31’s.

This is important because in piezoelectricity, the coupling factor is known to be the prime

parameter as it measures the effectivity of electromechanical conversion and signifies the

overall quality of a piezoelectric substance (Gosavi & Balpande, 2018). Accordingly, the use

of piezoelectric materials with high coupling coefficient is recommended to harvest higher

energy from PEHs (Elahi et al., 2018)

Rochelle salt

Rochelle salt (RS), also known as Seignette salt, was discovered by an

apothecary of La Rochelle, France named Pierre Seignette in 1675. It is chemically known as

potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (NaKC 4H4O6•4H2O) whose crystal has been the only

known ferroelectric for a long time (Andrusyk, 2011). As ferroelectricity is a subset of

piezoelectricity, materials that have this have a potential for energy-harvesting fields (Kim,

Kim, & Kim, 2018)

Crystalline materials, such as Rochelle salt, exhibit piezoelectric behavior because of

their unique crystal structure (Safari, Jadidian, & Akdogan, 2000). The arrangement or

positions of a group of atoms in a crystal is referred to as a crystal lattice. Points are the

common reference to these groups of atoms within the site of the crystal lattice. Those points

are arranged in a specific pattern with high symmetry and are all contained in the crystal lattice

site. These sites are impossible to see by the naked eye alone and are only viewed

microscopically. To view these structures, you must place a crystal under a microscope and

see the crystal lattice sites (Reid, n.d.)

A Rochelle salt contains a ferroelectric phase and a paraelectric phase (Wissel, 1973).

Paraelectric materials have the ability of becoming polarized under an electric field (Chem

Europe, n.d.). It can be dissolved in water but is only slightly dissolvable in alcohol, and can

melt on 75°C. On the other hand, its crystals are easy to grow and are used in piezoelectric

instruments, such as crystal microphones. Furthermore, a Rochelle salt is orthorhombic in the

paraelectric phases and monoclinic in the ferroelectric phase. Spontaneous polarization is

directed along the crystal axis and is accompanied by a spontaneous shear strain (An et al.,


Rochelle salt also shows laxative effects due to its non-toxic composition (Lemaire,

Ayela, & Atli, 2018). As tartaric acid interacts with specific bases, the Rochelle salt being an

optically active piezoelectric molecule exhibiting a non-centrosymmetric form can easily be

obtained (Muthukumaran, Ruthiramoorthy, Santhanam, & Baby, 2017). It implies that when

a beam of plane-polarized light passes through a chiral molecule, the molecule interacts in such

a way that the oscillation plane angle rotates. Chiral molecules are non-superimposable mirror

images of each other. This means that they possess the same physical features but differ in

their capacity to rotate plane polarized light.

Piezoelectric materials have a good sense of perception and create a surface charge

when they sense connected mechanical pressure. Rochelle salt is one of the old salts in

piezoelectric transducers that are usually utilized. However, due to its deliquescent nature

when exposed to relative humidity above the stable range, the crystals become brittle and

deteriorate quickly either by dehydration or by liquefaction. (Kaur, Singh, & Singh, 2018)

Exposure to a warm and dry atmosphere induces the Rochelle salt to change to a fine

powder from loss of water of crystallization. A temperature of 54.85°C will separate it into

sodium and potassium salts with the production of one molecule of water. At 99.85°C, three

molecules of water in total will be lost. Under the influence of humidity and temperature, the

mobile water molecules constitute an unbalanced structural element and causes structural

reorganization. The crystal surface will develop a white crust of dehydrated material that was

induced by the loss of water (Mo, Mathiesen, Buekes, & Vu, 2015).

In simpler terms, dielectric permittivity is the ability of a material to hold an electrical

charge (Edaphic Scientific, 2021). The dielectric permittivity of the Rochelle salt exhibits a

strong dependence to the humidity of the storage air. It is believed that the uncontrolled water

content is the cause of the dispersion of experimental data in various literature sources during

and before the measurements. The permittivity value at the transition points' dependence of

the duration of thermal annealing in high-temperature paraelectric phase shows the existence

of internal bias fields in the crystals due to point polar defects. The effects of the external

electric field, uniaxial stresses and hydrostatic pressure on the dielectric permittivity are

observed. (Slivka, et al., 2005)


Quartz (SiO2) is useful in electronic circuit designs because as an electronic component,

it has the ability to make a high-level performance as a resonant element. In particular, the

piezoelectric effect happens when electrical potential difference across the sides of the crystal

experiences pressure. Its crystal lattice is built in slightly different ways. (Electronic Notes,


Crystalline substances typically contain amounts of repetitions of basic atomic blocks

or unit cells arranged in an ordered fashion. That is why when electric potential is placed across

the crystal, a slight deformation can be observed. Most crystal lattices have symmetrical unit

cells, but it is not the same for piezoelectric materials. (Electronic Notes, n.d.)

Minable deposits of quartz are found throughout the world. In addition to this, its

crystals have the ability to vibrate at exact frequencies which explains its extensive application

among time-keeping instruments and equipment that can send radio and television signals with

precise and stable frequencies (King, n.d.).

There have been approximately 1000 crystal materials that show piezoelectric activity;

materials where piezoelectricity naturally occurs and other crystals where it can be induced by

application of high voltage or poling. Strain and stress are related to the electrical parameters

by piezoelectric constants, dij, gij, hij, and eij, in both direct and converse piezoelectric effects.

These constants have different values for different directions in the material. Additionally, the

strains and stresses are related to each other by elastic constants of the materials in different

directions. Quartz has shown to have a piezoelectric constant of d11= -2.3 and d14 = 0.7. Its

maximum input voltage is 10500volts/mm and its acoustic power is approximately

100watts/cm3. (Boston Piezo-Optics, n.d.)

A quartz crystal oscillator is used for the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of

piezoelectric materials. It creates an electric signal with a certain frequency. The frequency is

usually used to keep track of time. These oscillators are used to provide stable clock signal

and to stabilize frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. The crystal oscillator circuit

works on the concept of inverse piezoelectric effect. The applied electric field will create a

mechanical deformation across some materials. Thus, it uses the vibrating crystal’s mechanical

resonance, which is made with a piezoelectric material to generate an electrical signal of a

certain frequency. Commonly, quartz crystal oscillators are highly stable, have good quality

factor (Q), are small, and are economically related. Therefore, quartz crystal oscillator circuits

are superior to other resonators such as LC circuits, and tuning forks. Usually, microprocessors

and Micro controllers utilize n 8MHz crystal oscillator. (Elprocus, n.d.)

In fact, a quartz plate can be used as a pressure gauge because of its piezoelectric

property. Despite piezoelectric ceramics being widely used for many applications, single

crystals keep their utility, making them essential for applications like frequency stabilized

oscillators and surface acoustic devices. Quartz, lithium niobate (LiNbO3), and lithium

tantalate (LiTaO3) are the most well-known piezoelectric single crystals. The single crystals

exhibit different material properties which rely on the cut of the materials and the direction of

bulk or surface wave propagation. Alpha quartz belongs to the triclinic crystal system with

point group 32 and transitions to its beta form, which is not piezoelectric, at 527ºC. Quartz

oscillators, with an AT-cut, are used for clock sources in computers, frequency stabilized ones

in TVs and VCRs. Meanwhile, an ST-cut quartz substrate with X-propagation has a zero-

temperature coefficient for surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices with high-stabilized

frequencies. Another characteristic of quartz is its extremely high mechanical quality factor:

Qm > 105. (Uchino, 2003)

When force is applied on the quartz crystal, it produces electric charges on the crystal

surface; this is the main concept of a piezoelectric transducer. Since the charge generated is

usually small, a charge amplifier is needed to produce voltage big enough to be measured. The

transducer is also known to be mechanically stiff: if a force of 15kiloN is applied to the device,

it may only deflect a maximum of 0.002mm but the output response may be as high as

100KiloHz. Thus, the device is best for dynamic measurement. Piezoelectric transducers can

measure pressure the same way force or acceleration can be measured. Possible vibration of

the amount should be compensated for low pressure measurement. (John, 2011)

Standard Procedures

Generally, a PEH has three major components: a piezoelectric patch, a modulating

circuit, and a storage unit. The piezoelectric patch refers to the piezoelectric substance which

converts environmental inputs into alternating current. Meanwhile, the modulating circuit

converts alternating current into direct current, the type of current used by most devices. Lastly,

the storage unit stores the charge generated by the PEH. This can be a battery or a super

capacitor (Kim et al., 2011).

Kim et al illustrated its application by harnessing flexion motion in the fingers of the

hand through piezoelectric patches in a glove. They found that 50V could be generated by this

mechanism which was enough to drive a heat coil inside to provide thermal heating.

In the creation of the circuit for PEHs, a rectifier must be designed into the device for

power production. Various rectifiers have been studied such as mercury arc valves and vacuum

tube diodes; however, the use of a P-N junction diode was found to be the simplest way to

rectify the alternating current although this type of option only works in half-input waves. On

the other hand, a bridge-type diode enables a full-wave rectification of the alternating input

(Kim et al., 2011).

Although a rectifier-free piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit has been used in some

cases, the conversion efficiency this type of circuit reached was only 71% as compared to the

90% efficiency of another circuit with one active diode (Kim et al., 2011).

The same major components can also be found on a similar study that aimed to harvest

electrical energy from raindrops. Wong, Dahari, Manaf, & Miskam (2014) also used a full-

bridge rectifier to convert AC to DC. This was then connected to a filter capacitor to manage

the rectified DC voltage. Lastly, a regulator was connected to the filter capacitor before the

storage element was connected into the circuit so that the output voltage could be regulated.

Figure 1 shows the diagram used in the study.


Figure 1. Diagram used to harvest electricity from raindrops (Wong, Dahari, Manaf, &

Miskam, 2014).

Another study followed the same primary components and their order of connection

from the piezoelectric element, rectifier, and the filter capacitor as shown in Figure 2 (Kawai,

Kushino, & Koizumi, 2015).

Figure 2. Block diagram using the open circuit voltage method in PEH circuits (Kawai,

Kushino, & Koizumi, 2015).


However, not all circuit representations of piezoelectric transducers use resistors, but

they are still used in some studies to regulate the amount of current that flows in the circuit as

shown in Figure 3 (Kim, Priya, & Kenji, 2006).

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a piezoelectric transducer with resistors (Kim, Priya, & Kenji,


Storage elements used in PEHs can either be Li-ion batteries or supercapacitors because

both are rechargeable. However, both types of storage elements have their own advantages and

disadvantages. Li-ion batteries are commonly found in phones and other portable devices. Its

cycle life is less compared to supercapacitors which have approximately one million cycle

lives. Furthermore, supercapacitors are not prone to overcharging because current simply stops

flowing when it is full. Supercapacitors also have an advantage over traditional batteries when

it comes to operating temperatures. Its charge and discharge temperature ranges from -40 to

65°C as compared to the latter’s charge temperature of 0 to 45°C and discharge temperature of

-20 to 60°C. On the other hand, the self-discharge of a supercapacitor is higher than that of Li-

ion batteries (Battery University, 2010). In addition to this, the average charging time of

currently available batteries is about 3 hours (Torabi & Amahdi, 2020).


Meanwhile, the grip strength used as a basis to derive the amount of pressure that the

piezoelectric stress balls in this study will receive is shown in Table 1 and Table 2 (National

Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995).

Table 1. Grip strength for males (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995)
Population Percentiles (N)
th th
U.S. Air Force 5 50 or mean 95th

personnel, air


Right hand 467 596 729

Left hand 427 552 685

Table 2. Grip strength for females (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995)
Population Percentiles (N)
th th
5 50 or mean 95th

U.S. Navy personnel 258 325 387

mean of both hands

U.S. Industrial 254 329 405

workers with

preferred hand

Organic substrates, such as epoxy-based Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), are appealing

due to their low cost, processability, and high interconnection density (Salvado, Sabbah,

Buttay, Morel, & Pascal, 2017). The PCB can operate at a maximum temperature of 120 °C

(Stans, n.d). On the other hand, the behavior of many PCB materials over long periods of time

at temperatures ranging from 200 to 250 °C. It was discovered that securing the boards from

oxygen was critical for extending their lifespan (Salvado, Sabbah, Buttay, Morel, & Pascal,


In chemistry, precipitation is defined the formation of solid from a liquid solution.

Crystallization is known to be the most common type of precipitate. In the case of making

Rochelle salt crystals, they precipitate from a saturated solution (Schaner, n.d).

The creation of Rochelle salt can be described by the reaction: 2KC4H5O6 + NaHCO3

= 2 KNaC4H4O6 + CO2 +H2O (2 cream of tartar + washing soda = 2 Rochelle salt + carbon

dioxide + water) (Makerlan, n.d). The first step in its creation starts in an aqueous solution

where sodium carbonate from washing soda and cream of tartar are combined (Fortes, n.d).

Ninety percent of water can be removed by heating the washing soda crystals above

35°C. However, it is still necessary to increase the heat above 100°C because the last water

molecule is hard to drive out. Washing soda crystals can then be dehydrated for an hour at a

temperature of 50°C, and an additional hour at 150°C. As a result, water and carbon dioxide

will be released, consequently creating dry sodium carbonate. Since dry sodium carbonate

does not contain water of crystallization, it is considered a primary standard, which is a

soluble solid compound of high purity (AUS-e-TUTE, n.d).

Washing soda can discard the moisture in the weight when it is baked, leading it to

become purer (Makerlan, n.d). A 100ml of the solution made of cream of tartar and water

will be made. For it to form chemical reactions, it is heated with a temperature of around

90°C. As sodium carbonate is added, carbon dioxide is released, so it is then slowly added

(Fortes, n.d).

Rochelle salt needs to be stored in an airtight container in a dry and temperature-

controlled environment away from humidity. If these storage guidelines are followed, it is a

stable compound that will not change over time. However, the regulations specified that the

use-by date would be one year. The product must not store for an extended period of time as it

has a tendency to cake, especially because of the powder qualities (Tatricmed, n.d). Rochelle

salt has a shelf life of 85 months (Thomas Scientific, n.d).

On the other hand, pure silica can be obtained by utilizing natural materials such as

beach sand. The solid-liquid extraction, otherwise known as leaching, method was used in three

main steps. Bengkulu beach sand reacted with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 95˚ to form a

sodium silicate solution (Na₂SiO₃). With the addition of hydrochloric acid (HCl), it will form

tetraortosilicate acid [Si(OH)₄] and drying it will create silicon dioxide. (Ishmah, et. al., n.d.)

Soaking sand in acid reduces other compounds beside silicon dioxide that are contained

in sand since impurities dissolve easily in acid. In an alkaline solution, silica compounds

dissolve easily but they settle in an acidic solution. Stirring helps to speed up interaction

between the solute and the solvent as well as disperse the temperature, and it therefore

decreases the frequency of precipitation. (Ishmah, et. al., n.d.)

Figure 4. Reaction of the formation of sodium silicate (Yusuf, Suhendar, & Hadisantoso, 2014).

Figure 4 shows that sodium hydroxide will dissociate to form sodium ions (Na+) and

hydroxyl ions (OH-). A hydroxyl ion acts as a nucleophile and attacks the silicon in silicon

dioxide which is electro positive. The electronegative oxygen (O) atom will break one double

bond and form SiO₂OH- intermediates. The intermediates will release hydrogen ions whereas

the oxygen atom will break off the double bond once more and form SiO₃2-. At this stage, the

second hydroxyl ion will bond with hydrogen ions and form a water molecule. SiO₃^2-

molecules will be balanced by sodium ions to form sodium silicate. (Ishmah, et. al., n.d.)

Hydrochloric solution acts as a precipitation agent, the aim of adding hydrochloride to

a sodium silicate solution is to allow ion exchange between sodium and hydrogen, resulting in

the formation of silicic acid (Ishmah, Permana, Firdaus, & Eddy, n.d.).

The main component in maintaining the crystal integrity and maximizing shelf

life is the storage conditions. Crystals should be stored in their original package to minimize

physical damage, dust accumulation, and contamination from foreign substances in the

environment. The crystals should be handled with tweezers and/or powder-free gloved hands.

(Phillip Technologies, n.d.). A quartz crystal’s shelf life can be indefinite depending on the

storage conditions. Its shelf life applies to any changes in their electrode chemical composition

and resonant frequency. The quartz should be stored in standard room temperature between 20

and 24°C and standard room humidity between 40% and 60%. However, another report

mentioned that crystals, regardless of type, should be stored at a temperature of 50-80°F and a

relative humidity of 30-40% (Phillip Technologies, 2017). It is not recommended to store the

crystals near volatile materials, oils, sulfur, halides, ozone, iodine, and oxidizing agents. If

laden environments cannot be avoided, containers should be sealed properly. It is advised to

store the quartz in areas without excessive mechanical vibrations. By following the said

conditions, the shelf life of a quartz crystal can be almost indefinite (Fil-Tech, n.d.).


Experimental Research Design

The researchers will be using the One-Shot Case Study Design due to its lack of need

for a control group, and to observe the experimental groups and measure post-test results. In

the case of the study, one block will contain quartz, and the other block will contain Rochelle

salts. Both blocks will hold the same amount of 7 grams.

Preparation of Materials

The researchers will be collecting the following materials: two stress balls with 10-cm

diameters, cutter, duct tape, silicone sealant, cream of tartar, washing soda, saucepan, pliers,

AWG 12 stranded copper wires, 2 3inch by 3inch aluminum foil, soldering iron, solder, eight

rectifier diodes, two filter capacitors, two USB-A ports, 2 50mm by 31mm printed circuit board

(PCB), two 5.5V supercapacitor, ferric chloride solution, plastic container, marker, handheld

PCB drill, sand, hydrochloric acid, pail, three containers, sodium hydroxide solution, distilled

water, and Whatman filter paper, which will be bought locally. Insulating gloves will be worn

by the researchers to prevent accidents in the creation of the circuit while latex gloves and

masks will be used to prevent any injuries when handling acids.



Prior to the creation of the device, the researchers will ensure that all the

materials needed are already prepared. The first phase will focus on the creation of the

Rochelle salts. First, 80g of cream of tartar will be mixed in 100ml of water and brought to a

simmering heat in a saucepan. Then, 160g of sodium carbonate will be slowly added into the

mixture. Because the liquid will fizz as carbon dioxide is given off, sodium carbonate will be

carefully added to prevent it from foaming. The liquid will be transferred into a bowl and stored

in the fridge until no more bubbles form. The liquid will solidify into a dense lump of Rochelle

salt as it cools. After that, the remaining liquid will be removed while the solid residue will be

grinded. In 100 ml of water, the researchers will dissolve 90-100 grams of the powdered

Rochelle salt made. Then, any undissolved materials will be removed from the solution and set

aside to cool. Seed crystals will appear on the solution’s surface over time.

The next phase will focus on the extraction of quartz from sand. This phase will include

handling acid solutions. Hence, the researchers will use latex gloves and masks in this process

to prevent any injuries. First, 100g of sand will be pounded in order to reduce the particle size.

Then the sand will be mixed with hydrochloric acid in a jar labeled “Container 1” and will be

soaked for 12 hours. After soaking, the sand is filtered and rinsed using distilled water in order

to get rid of excess acid. The sand is then dried at 110˚C for 2 hours to reduce water content.

In a new jar labeled “Container 2”, the sand will be immersed in the sodium hydroxide solution

while stirring and heated at 95℃ for 4 hours. While heating, the sand will be stirred to reduce

the occurrence of precipitation. The sodium silicate solution (Na 2SiO3) formed will then be

filtered into another jar labeled “Container 3” to separate the filtrate from the residue. After

that, the filtrate (Na2SiO3) obtained will be added with hydrochloric acid while stirring to form

a gel and then stored for 18 hours. Next, it will be filtered using Whatman filter paper no. 42

into “Container 1” after the jar is cleaned. It will then be rinsed with distilled water and dried

at 110˚C for 2 hours.

The researchers will weigh the crystals accordingly to obtain a seven-gram Rochelle

salt and seven-gram quartz. They will then be set aside and labeled accurately after they are

obtained through weighing. However, the researchers will proceed with the third phase of the

creation of the device while waiting for the crystals to solidify.

The following schematic diagrams will be followed:

Figure 5. Schematic Diagram


Figure 6. PCB Etching Guide

The researchers will follow Figure 5 and Figure 6, given above, for the third phase.

Because the PSB-Q and the PSB-R are distinct, the proceeding steps will be done twice.

A marker will be used to mark the connections in the PCB based on Figure 6. Next,

the researchers will pour 30 mL of ferric chloride solution on a plastic container. After this,

the marked PCB will be soaked into the ferric chloride solution to erase the unnecessary copper

connections. After 10 minutes, the ferric chloride solution will be gradually poured out from

the plastic container. Next, the modified PCB will be washed with running water for one

minute and will be left to dry. After drying, the researchers will use a handheld PCB drill to

drill the holes within which the electronic pieces will be soldered into.

The researchers will then follow Figure 5 and Figure 6 in soldering the electronic

materials to the modified PCB. Since Direct Current (DC) is used by electrical appliances to

function, the Alternating Current (AC) obtained from the piezoelectric substances need to be


As shown in the Figure 5, four rectifier diodes, collectively known as a bridge

converter, will be connected to convert the AC to DC. The filter capacitor will be connected

in parallel to the bridge converter to control the resulting output voltage. The 7805 Integrated

Circuit will serve as a fixed voltage regulator to regulate the fluctuating current due to the

alternating loads. A 5.5V supercapacitor will be connected after as this will serve as the storage

element in the PEH. Lastly, it will then be connected to the USB-A port, where the user will

charge their phone.

After the creation of the circuit, the researchers will cut out four 5.5 cm by 0.9 cm

rectangles and two 5.5 cm by 3.6 cm rectangles. Then, the researchers will place the circuit

inside and will arrange the USB-A port such that its functional part protrudes on one side before

taping its corners using duct tape to create a 5.5 cm by 3.6 cm by 0.9 cm plastic box.

On the last phase, the 7-gram Rochelle salt will be wrapped using the 3 inch by 3 inch

aluminum foil. The AWG 12 copper stranded wire will be soldered into the aluminum foil

while the other end will be soldered into the circuit. The researchers will then make sure that

the Rochelle salt and quartz have piezoelectric properties by applying pressure on them and

testing the presence of electric potential using a digital multimeter.

The stress ball will be sliced in half and after this, using a cutter, an area of the interior

of the stress ball will be extracted to make way for the plastic box while the Rochelle salt will

be placed inside. The other half of the stress ball will be placed on top of the meshwork and

will be sealed using a silicone sealant.

The same process will be repeated for PSB-Q. Lastly, both devices will be left in room

temperature to cool. The following figure shows a diagram of the device:


Figure 7. Diagram of the Piezoelectric Stress Ball

Data Gathering Procedure

As stated in the conceptual framework, two experimental groups will be conducted; the

first experimental group with Rochelle salts and the second experimental group with Quartz

will be prepared. The researchers will label the ball properly to have a proper indication as to

the kind of independent variable present.

A digital multimeter will be used to measure the voltage while a manometer will be

used to specify the amount of pressure each ball receives. Both blocks will be receiving 4 Pa,

6 Pa, and 7 Pa of pressure. Moreover, the researchers will test how much battery percentage

the two piezoelectric materials can induce within 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes.

The researchers will record the amount of electricity generated per pressure applied by

a manometer to the PSB-Q and PSB-R in each test. In each test, the researchers will gather and

record data after finishing the trials in order to provide sufficient data.

The researchers will keep track of the results using their research journal, where they

will paste figures to add to their entries. The researchers will use the table below in gathering


Table 3. Data Collection

Stress Battery percentage after 10 Mean Electric potential (in voltage) Mean
ball minutes generated

5 10 15 Trial 1 (4 Trial 2 (6 Trial 3 (7

minutes minutes minutes Pa) Pa) Pa)



Statistical Treatment

The study will be analyzed using a T-Test.

Proper Waste Disposal

After executing all the procedures, the researchers will dispose of the waste that they

will leave after the experimentation. To do so, all excess materials like personal protective

equipment, plastic container, silicone sealant, and stress balls will be disposed of in a non-

biodegradable trash can, together with AWG 12 stranded copper wires and solder.

Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide solution, cream of tartar, baking soda, filter paper, and

sand will be segregated accordingly. The researchers will store the chemical wastes in

appropriate containers before disposing them in a garbage bin for hazardous waste.

Experimental Flowchart

Preparation of Materials

Creation of Rochelle Salt Creation of the Circuit Creation of Quartz

Integration of Circuit Integration of Circuit

and Rochelle Salt for and Rochelle Salt for

Testing of the Device

Recording of Data

Analysis of Data

Proper Waste Disposal

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Figure 1. Diagram Used to Harvest Electricity from Raindrops

Figure 2. Block diagram using the open circuit voltage method in PEH circuits.

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of a piezoelectric transducer with resistors.

Figure 4. Reaction of the formation of sodium silicate. (Yusuf, et. al., 2014)

Figure 5. Schematic Diagram

Figure 6. PCB Etching Guide


Figure 7. Diagram of the Piezoelectric Stress Ball

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