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Mid semester test

- 20% of grade
- Online take home test
week 6 module
- 9am Tuesday 31st aug – 9am Thursday 2nd sept
- 2 short answer 400 words
- 1 long answer 800 words
- References (minimum textbook and lecture slides)
- Topics 1-5
- If issues email answer to Nigel and Harriet
- Study guide on MyUni

Academic referencing

- Academic sources: journal articles, industry reports, marketing magazine or newspaper,

books (aim for at least 4 in each assignment)
- Google scholar/ uni library for journal articles
- Definitions from journals over textbook
- Explanation/ examples magazine and reports
- Application is own ideas
- ‘demographic segmentation’
- Journal articles to talk about definitions and theories in a more comprehensive and
impressive manner
- APA or Harvard
- Only capitalise first word of title of reference
- Journal type is always capitals
- First citation for multiple authors list all, every other time use et al.,
- Volume is first, issue is always second
- Don’t need full written first name, can do initials
- Don’t stress if can’t find city (book reference)
- Assignments should specify bibliography or references
- *Marketing mag – industry perspective, examples, theoretical side, analysis
- *Social media report yellow pages

When to reference

Are the words your own or someone else’s idea?

- Someone else’s words: provide in-text citation and add full details of the work to your
reference list
- Your own words: see Q2

Is this idea common knowledge?

- Common knowledge: do not need to reference it (usually not)

- Not common knowledge: see Q3

Did you think of this yourself or are you paraphrasing someone else’s idea?

- You thought of it: don’t need to reference

- Someone else’s idea: provide in-text citation and add full details of the work to your
reference list






- For test will mostly reference textbook, slides, journal articles, credible online articles

Marketing definition (Lamb, et al., 2018)

Segmentation steps (Barker, 2021)

Barker, N 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing: session 3 consumer behaviour’, PowerPoint
presentation, viewed 25 August 2021

Lamb, C., Hair, J. & McDaniel, C., 2018. MKTG4. 4th ed. South Melbourne: Cengage.

Week 1

Barker, N 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing: session 1 what is marketing?’, PowerPoint presentation,

viewed 25 August 2021

Week 2

Dolan, R 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing week 2 marketing strategy’, PowerPoint presentation,

viewed 25 August 2021

Week 3

Barker, N 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing: session 3 consumer behaviour’, PowerPoint

presentation, viewed 25 August 2021

Week 4

Barker, N 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing: session 4 segmentation and positioning’, PowerPoint

presentation, viewed 25 August 2021

Week 5

Barker, N 2021, ‘Introduction to marketing: session 5 products and services’, PowerPoint

presentation, viewed 25 August 2021

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