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Branch Name and Code : Computer Engineering (CO)

Course Name and Code : DCC (22414)
Academic Year : 2022-23
Semester : Fourth

“Prepare report on recent and widely used unguided media in industries depending on
cost, speed, efficiency, reliability.”


Sr. Roll Name of Student Enrollment Seat No.

No. No. No.
1. 10 Kir Kailas Mahajan 2100610014 379965
2. 09 Pra ksha Jijabrao Mali 2100610013 379964
3. 04 Janhavi Rajendra Mahajan 2100610008 379959

Mrs. M. Y. Varule Mam



“Prepare report on recent and widely used unguided media in industries
depending on cost, speed, efficiency, reliability.

We are really thankful to our course the Principal Prof. V. N. Borse Sir and
the HOD Prof. D. M. Fegade Sir Polytechnic, without which the accomplishment of
the task would have never been possible. We also thank Mrs. M. Y. Varule for
giving this opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the interrela on
without which a Project can never progress. In our present project we have
chosen the topic-

“Prepare report on recent and widely used unguided media in industries

depending on cost, speed, efficiency, reliability.”

We are also thankful to parents, friend and all staff of Computer engineering
department, for providing us relevant informa on and necessary clarifica ons,
and great support.


1. Abstract
2. Introduc on
3. Working of unguided
Transmission media
4. Example of unguided
5. Features of unguided
6. Guided media VS Unguided
7. Unguided Transmission
media Security
8. Reference
9. Conclusion


A wireless medium that doesn’t have any physical path in between is also
meant to be an unguided transmission media, where the transmission doesn’t
need to be guided. This can also be called wireless transmission media. Generally,
the waves get guided while transmission but that is not acceptable in this so there
are several techniques or procedures to follow for transmi ng them. unguided
media sort includes air because the media wherever magne sm energy may be
flown simply with no intrusion or hindrance.

Unguided media is wireless communication that uses signals such as
radio waves, microwaves, infrared and satellite communication. It provides
flexible and mobile communication but can suffer from interference and
limited bandwidth.
As we all know, a communication channel that transports information
from the sender to the receiver is referred to as transmission media.
Moreover, electromagnetic signals are used to transmit data.


Working of Unguided Transmission Media

The transmission is done between the des na on and source. For making
possible transmissions to unguided media, the electromagne c spectrum is
u lized.

The propaga on of signals is done in several ways in wireless media through,

1)ground wave propaga on
2)line of sight propaga on
3)skywave propaga on.
When coming to propaga on through the ground, the transmission is possible
even over a distance, and the signals which are propagated from the ground
travels through an air vacuum.
Referring to the strength of signal, the distance will be covered. It means distance
is dependable on the signal strength where the frequency of it is very low.


Propaga on through a line of sight, where the antennas are interconnected with
one another with extreme frequency. The signal is transmi ed from point to point
directly between them.

The propaga on of waves is even possible through sky waves where the signals
get transmi ed to the upward direc on that is into the ionosphere layer and
returns to the ground. These types of propaga ons are having a higher frequency.
And the frequency in this is measurable into two types.

one is the uplink frequency and another one is the downlink frequency.

The transmission of the signal from the ground to the ionosphere and the
frequency that is used in it is uplink frequency.

The transmission of the signal that gets back a er the uplink frequency that
reaches the ground from the ionosphere is the downlink frequency.

Examples of Unguided Media

 Radio wave
This type of wave will be making use of omnidirec onal antennas that sends
out the signals in all direc ons and provides the frequency of electromagne c
waves that are ranging between 3KHz and 1GHz.
Most of these waves are omnidirec onal which means, the sending and receiving
antennas do not have to be aligned. The sending antenna sends waves that can be
received by any receiving antenna. When the antenna transmits radio waves, they
are distributed in every single direc on.


The omnidirec onal characteris cs of radio waves make them useful for
mul cas ng in which there is only one sender but many receivers. The examples
of mul cas ng in the radio waves are television FM radios, paging and calls with
cord less.


Advantages are,
the large wavelength in radio waves.
Bouncing back from the ionosphere.
We can generate the radio waves in a easy manner and can also traverse long
distances. And also penetrates the building.

The disadvantages of these radio waves are they are not easily absorbed by
the atmosphere.

Unguided media in the microwave:

These are unidirec onal which means traverse is only in one direc on.
The electromagne c waves are having frequencies between 1 and 300 GHz are
defined as microwaves.
The microwave transmits the waves and can only be focused narrowly.
This means the sending and receiving the signals from the antennas are needed to
be aligned.
We can interfere the pair of antennas without interfering the other antennas in
Unidirec onal antennas are needed that send out signals in one direc on.
There are two types of antennas in the microwave communica on.
• The parabolic dish
• The horn
The dish antennas are parabolic structure. In this, the line parallel to parabola
reflects at the curve at the angle search then all the lines can interconnect at one
point focus.
This parabolic wave catches a wide range of waves and direc ng them to the
common point.


In a horn antenna, the outgoing transmissions are deflected outwards in a series

of the narrow parallel beam by a curved head.
And the received transmissions are collected by a scoop of the horn.
The characteris cs of this are,
microwave propaga on is the line of sight.
Repeaters are con nuously needed for long-distance communica on.
The data with the high frequency cannot penetrate the walls. These are the
disadvantage characteris cs in the inside buildings. The microwave band is
rela vely wide, almost 299GHz. Hence, the larger sub bands can be assigned with
a high data rate.
The use of certain proper es of the band requires permission from authori es.
Microwave unidirec onal communi es are need in the unicast communica on
from the sender to the receiver.

The main advantage of the microwave radio systems is, the performance of
broadcast has a large quan ty of data due of the high frequencies.

The Microwave repeaters will also have the ability to transfer the data
to the longer distance.
The Microwave construc ons are low, and cost effec ve compared to
the other data transmissions.
The wireless technologies come under the Microwave construc ons.
There is no use of the physical and expensive equipment. Similar to the
devices that has the signal strength during transmission of data.
All the roo ops, mountain hills, microwave transmission tower are
inexpensive and has an accessible basis.


Disadvantages: The Micro wave radio systems do not pass through the solid objects. This can be
a drawback in ci es with a lot of tall buildings or mountain regions if we want to send signals from one
end to another.

Microwave radio communica on can also be degraded by heavy moisture in the atmosphere like rain
and fog.

 Infrared wave
The infrared waves have a frequency from 300GHz-400THz, wavelength from
1mm to 770mm that can be used for the short-range of communica on.
This advantageous character prevents interference between one to another
system, a shortrange communica on system in one room cannot be affected by
another system in the next room.
When we use the infrared remote control, we do not interfere with the use of the
remote. Addi onally, one cannot use infrared waves outside the building because
sun rays containing the infrared can interfere with the communica on.
The infrared band of almost 400THz has the poten al for data transmission. Usage
of such wide bandwidth helps to transmit digital data with a very high data rate.
IrDA is an associa on for the use of infrared waves that have established
standards for u lizing these signals for communica on among devices such as,
keyboards and mouses.
The advantages of infrared waves are indeed in medical leading one to chronic
health issues. It is also used in most cameras for night vision.

The disadvantages are,

these waves cannot be used for longer distances.
The performance is gradually dropped when the user range is increased. SO, the
transmi er and receiver need to be closely aligned to make possible
communica on within a sight of each other.
Types of wireless transmission media
The types are as follow,
1)Satellite microwave t Types of wireless transmission media transmission.


2)Lightwave transmission
3)Infrared wave transmission
4)Radio wave Transmission
5)Terrestrial microwave transmission.
The data gets transmi ed by u lizing the electro radio waves via free space is
satellite communica on.
There are a lot of transponders in satellite communica on which are called
frequency bands where the transponders are a device that receives radio signals
and produces a different type of signals. In this also there are again two types of
a) uplink frequency
b) downlink
frequency When we heard about geosynchronous satellites, the first thing to be
no ced is these types of satellites are o en used in satellite microwave
In this type of satellite, the speed of the earth’s rota on and the speed that is
used for satellite rota on is the same. So, these are sta onary to the earth’s
This is extremely reliable and maintained with high transmission quality.
The main objec ve of this satellite is to, accep ng the signals from one of the
earth’s sta ons a er reading the signals it needs to transmit back again to another
earth sta on.
Satellites can be divided into two types,
• Ku-band
• c-band


C-band is much more reliable than Ku-band, where a C-band satellite frequency is
ranged from 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz and from 5.9 to 6.4 GHz.
When considering Ku-band satellite the frequency is ranging from 11 to 12 GHz.
The transmission acquired with the help of lasers is called lightwave transmission.
Each system must have a photodetector and also must have its laser. This type of
transmission is unidirec onal.
It is easy to install and it is economically efficient by having higher bandwidth.
As this is a laser beam it cannot proceed or reach, so this is the drawback.
The transmission which is having a wavelength longer than the visible light but the
wavelength is shorter than the radio waves and also the waves which are
considered as electromagne c waves are known to be called infrared waves.
To a ain infrared communica on the transceivers are used that are only within
the range of line of sight.
The frequency is ranging from 300 to 400 THz. As the infrared waves have an
interface with the sunrays these waves cannot be used outside of a building.
For the short-range of communica on, these types of transmissions are used So
the interfaces get prevented between two systems.
Radio wave transmission is the other type of transmission that broadcasts the
signals only in a single direc on which is dissimilar with microwave transmission
Where the microwave transmission is in both of the direc ons.
By using ground and sky waves the propaga on of radio waves is possible. There is
one advantage with the radio wave transmission that antennas are not required in
it. By u lizing the frequency that is lower than the range of visible light the
modula ons are done to the electromagne c waves.
And this was made possible by radio waves. The last transmission is microwave
transmission which makes use of microwave link for the transfer of data and
This was more suitable with the line of a sight transmission link.


To a ain a line of sight, the antennas should be fixed firmly by only focusing on
the narrow beam and these antennas are fixed at the highest point so that
ignoring or avoiding the barriers the transmission can be made possible without
obstruc ons.
The terrestrial microwave uses largely higher antennas to cover the shorter

Features of Unguided Media

1)Have no guide or direc on for transmission of signals or electromagne c waves
2)The data signals can flow freely
3)It does not bound to a specific or par cular channel.
3)This can be distributed in the flow of the air.
4)Maintains Omnidirec onal
5)Easy to install
6)Easy to maintain
7) No need to struggle with a bundle of wires and make them connected.

 Guided media VS Unguided media

Guided Transmission Media
• Guided media is a wired one that guides the signals.
• There needs to be a physical path or a physical medium for signal
• Another name for this transmission is wired communica on or bounded
transmission media.
• The signal energy which is connected with wired is within the solid media.
• An addi onal transmission level of capacity is produced by adding wires.
• The wired media is used for point-to-point communica on.
• A certain direc on is provided to signals for traveling.

• The classifica on in guided media is, a) Fiber op cs

b) Twisted pair
c)Coaxial cable.

Unguided Transmission Media

• Some mes the signals get propagated through seawater or by air.
• This is alterna vely named wireless communica on or unbounded
transmission media.
• Here, the signal energy propagates in the form of unguided electromagne c
• unguided media is used for radio broadcas ng direc ons.
• This doesn’t guide or provide the direc ons for the transmission of the
• In wireless media, it is not possible to enhance capacity. Types in this kind of
transmission are,
a) Radio wave
b) Infrared wave
e) terrestrial microwave

 Unguided Transmission Media Security

The wired networks are lacking in the flexibility and mobility of freedom so the
wireless network will be covering the drawbacks of a wired network.
This provides mobility and flexibility to travel all the way.
But the concerning issue is as it is an open network the users can enter into the
network easily.


The users may be unauthorized users can be called intruders who hack the
network. And the hackers are even able to decrypt the ciphertext.
Certain securi es are needed to be provided.
This wireless network is made possible with the help of unguided media only. So,
some of the principles or methods that are defined for providing security to the
wireless medium.
The security principle is like computer security where resources like,
confiden ality, integrity, authen ca on, non-repudia on, availability, and access
control are included.
These will be safeguarding the informa on.
The process of disclosing the informa on or preven ng the disclosure of
informa on to unauthorized individual or to the unauthorized systems is a
confiden ality.
Where, these will be holding the confiden al informa on that need to be secured
The confiden ality will be imposing a rule and specifies that there should be only
one sender and the intended receiver for whom we sending informa on or data
Only these will be accessing and are able to access the control of the message.
Example for confiden ality is credit card where it holds confiden al informa on
and the top that the user need not to be shared and kept securely.
If there is a loss of confiden ality then the type of a ack is defined as
intercep on.
Authen ca on is the basic word that defines the proof of one person iden ty.
It ensures while transi ng if the user is authen cated or not.
The authen ca on process ensures that the origin of an electronic message or
document is correctly iden fied or not.


h ps://www.codingninjas.com/codestudio/library/unguided-media
h p://www.rspa.com/spi/
h ps://google.com

To wrap up the article, we’ve discussed Unguided Media in detail.
Because of its major use when a radio or any other form of
transmission is required, an unguided transmission medium is a
recommended and most commonly used form of transmission
medium. Furthermore, unlike guided media, unguided media is
useful and in demand due to its ease of implementation in a
remote location with minimal intrusion.





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